首页 女孩子在家也可以做的美白的方法



女孩子在家也可以做的美白的方法女孩子在家也可以做的美白的方法 爱美是女人的天性,每个人都想把自己最美的一面展现给众人看。在美容方面,女人们在护肤美容方面绝不吝啬金钱,每个月需要把自己的工资预留出一大笔开支。但是对于普通的上班族来说,这一笔开支可不是小数目。然而就没有不花钱也能让爱美女人们轻松美白的方法吗?小编给大家总结一些美白方法,希望能帮助你。 1、醋盐混合液 原料:水、白醋、盐。 做法:把醋和盐用水溶解,比例是大概水:白醋:盐=9:3:1,用调好的混合液把毛巾润湿,擦在脸上,早晚各一次,(如果要多擦个一两次也没问题啦),效果不错哦,...

女孩子在家也可以做的美白的方法 爱美是女人的天性,每个人都想把自己最美的一面展现给众人看。在美容方面,女人们在护肤美容方面绝不吝啬金钱,每个月需要把自己的工资预留出一大笔开支。但是对于普通的上班族来说,这一笔开支可不是小数目。然而就没有不花钱也能让爱美女人们轻松美白的方法吗?小编给大家 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 一些美白方法,希望能帮助你。 1、醋盐混合液 原料:水、白醋、盐。 做法:把醋和盐用水溶解,比例是大概水:白醋:盐=9:3:1,用调好的混合液把毛巾润湿,擦在脸上,早晚各一次,(如果要多擦个一两次也没问题啦),效果不错哦,而且见效很快,皮肤会变白,痘痘也会不见了。 2、草莓面膜 原料:草莓、鸡蛋。 做法:用草莓炸成汁,放上蛋清,搅拌均匀。每2-3天用这个敷一次脸,不到一个月,你就会发现自己变白哦! 3、珍珠粉面膜 原料:水、蜂蜜、珍珠粉。 做法:用水和蜂蜜调配后加入珍珠粉,搅拌均匀敷面,这样用几次以后,脸就会变得又白又嫩! 4、香蕉面膜 原料:香蕉、全脂牛奶、水。 做法:将香蕉弄成糊状(一定是香蕉,不能用芭蕉代替),然后倒入全脂牛奶,再加入少量水。这些东西的比例大概是2:5:1然后往脸上抹,然后轻轻拍打脸部,最后什么都不要做,20分钟后洗掉。你发现了什么?是不是白了一圈? 5、牛奶美白 原料:牛奶。 做法:用蒸气蒸脸,将化妆棉吸满鲜奶,敷在脸上十五分钟左右,取下,用清水将脸上的牛奶洗净。长期坚持,可以使肤色白净均匀。 TIPS:夏天的时候,也可以把鲜奶到放到冰箱里,敷上凉凉的,会更舒服。 6、芦荟面膜 原料:三指宽二指长的面带斑点的芦荟叶、一块三厘米长的黄瓜、1/4鸡蛋清、2-3克 珍珠粉、适量的面粉。 做法:将芦荟去刺洗干净和黄瓜放入榨汁机榨汁后倒入小碗,然后放入蛋清、珍珠粉、 适量面粉调成糊,以不往下流淌为准。把脸洗干净,将调好的糊抹在脸上,干后洗净,拍上 柔肤水、护肤品即可,每周1-2次。 美白不是只有靠购买那些昂贵的化妆品这一种途径,而且现在市场上琳琅满目的美白化 妆品,无从去挑选。稍有不慎很可能适得其反,令肌肤出现反作用。上面所列举的这些小方 法却不会对人的肌肤有负面影响,而且无需花钱,我们何乐而不为呢? Beauty is a woman's nature, everyone wants to own the most beautiful side show to everyone. In beauty, women in skin care beauty never save money every month, you need to put your salary to set aside a large sum of money. But for ordinary office workers, the expense is not a small number. However, there is no method can not spend money to let love beautiful people easily whitening? Xiaobian to summarize some methods, hope to help you. 1, vinegar and salt mixture Ingredients: water, white vinegar, salt. Practice: the vinegar and salt dissolved in water, the proportion is about: vinegar: salt water =9:3:1, with a good tune mixed liquid wetting the towel, wipe on the face, sooner or later each time, (if you want to wipe one or two times is no problem), oh good results, and the quick success of the skin white, acne will be gone. 2, strawberry mask Material: strawberry, egg. Methods: with the strawberry juice into pieces, put on white, uniform mixing. Every 2-3 days with the deposition time face, less than a month, you will find that you become white! 3, pearl powder mask Ingredients: water, honey, Pearl powder. www.cofitdz.cn www.croclub.com.cn www.szkingdie.cn www.veryword.cn www.dadaoziran.cn www.cqwangding.cn www.nmgmlq.cn www.fulihong.cn www.fangqinyuan.cn www.rubberroll.cn www.zzltz.com.cn Methods: water and honey after the deployment of pearl powder, mixing evenly apply on the face, with a few times after that, the face will become white and tender! 4, banana mask Raw material: banana, milk, water. Practice: the banana paste (must be a banana, plantain can not be used to replace), and then pour the milk, then add a small amount of water. 2:5:1 and then wiped his face is probably the ratio of these things, and then gently tapping the face, finally do nothing, 20 minutes after the wash. What did you find? Is it right? White circle? 5, milk white Raw materials: milk. Methods: steaming the face with steam, smoke filled the cotton milk, deposited in the face about fifteen minutes, remove and rinse face wash milk. Long term adherence, can make skin white uniform. TIPS: in the summer, also can put the milk into the refrigerator, apply cool, would be more comfortable. 6, Aloe Mask Raw material: Mi Hiroji long with spots of aloe leaf, a piece of three cm long cucumber, 1/4 egg, 2-3 grams pearl powder, proper amount of flour. Practice: the aloe vera to stab washed and cucumber juice into the juice into the bowl, then add egg white, pearl powder, proper amount of flour and water paste, with no down flow standard. Wash your face, will transfer a good paste spread on the face, dry cleaning, water film on the skin, skin care products, 1-2 times per week. Not only rely on the purchase of expensive cosmetics in this way, and now the market an array of whitening cosmetics, do not know how to choose. The slightest mistake is likely to backfire, make skin appear reaction. There are negative effects are not the methods listed above on human skin, and no need to spend money, why not us?
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