首页 预埋环悬挑架施工方案



预埋环悬挑架施工方案预埋环悬挑架施工方案 宁强县筒车河悬挑外架 9号楼至15号楼 施工组织设计 编制人: 审核人: 批准人: 陕西第五建筑有限公司宁强县移民安置项目部 二0一四年五 月十日 other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan re...

预埋环悬挑架 施工方案 围墙砌筑施工方案免费下载道路清表施工方案下载双排脚手架施工方案脚手架专项施工方案专项施工方案脚手架 宁强县筒车河悬挑外架 9号楼至15号楼 施工组织 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 编制人: 审核人: 批准人: 陕西第五建筑有限公司宁强县移民安置项目部 二0一四年五 月十日 other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, according 目 录 第一章 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 概况 第二章 设计依据 第三章 脚手架特点 第四章 方案准备 第五章 施工工艺 第六章 检查与验收 第七章 安全技术要求 第八章 记录要求 附页:悬挑脚手架计算书 1. 工程概况 宁强县筒车河陕南移民安置点(以下简称本工程)由陕西东辰建筑设计有限公司设计。该工程位于宁強县筒车河,本工程经上级有关文件批准建设,其规划审批建设已办理完毕。现场“三通一平”已经完成。本工程建设资金来源为移民搬迁及统筹,现已基本到位,可满足施工需要,基本具备开工条件。工程质量等级要求达到二级。本工程由西安五建承建9,、10,、11,、12,、13,、14,、15,楼。其中9号楼至14号楼均为11层,15号楼17层。本工程9号楼至15号楼搭设落地式外架至7层,7层上面采取悬挑式外架。特制定以下悬挑式外架方案。 2.编制依据:1.1设计蓝图; nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 1 - 1.2《建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范》JGJ130-2013 1.3《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB50009-2011) 1.4《建筑施工安全检查 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》(JGJ59-59) 1.5《钢结构设计规范》(GB50017-2003) 1.6《建筑结构静力计算手册》 3.脚手架特点: 本工程脚手架搭设及拆除工程量大,整个架体需布设大量工字钢,预埋大量钢筋拉环,标准层层高2900mm,脚手架布距0.9m。 4.方案准备 4.1劳动力准备:外架操作工人必须经过培训教育、考试、体检合格,并且持证上岗,劳动力需求见下表: 工 种 人数 任 务 架子工 负责脚手架的搭设和拆除 测量放线工 负责脚手架立杆定位、垂直度控制 电焊工 预埋钢筋定位焊接 其它 材料运输、现场清理、安全警戒 4.2材料和机具的准备: 材料:脚手板、φ48×3.5对接扣件、旋转扣件、小眼密目网(1.8*6)、平网(0.5*6); 机具:架子扳手、力矩扳手。 钢管扣件和质量应符合建设部《钢管脚手架扣件标准》要求,并且扣件与钢管贴面接触良好。扣件抗滑系数以扣件进场后实际测试结果为准。斜拉钢丝绳选用6×19绳芯的φ17钢丝绳。所用材料均有出厂证明 rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 2 - 和合格证。搭接前对架子工的操作证确认,保证证件真实有效。 5.施工工艺: 5.1脚手架搭设顺序:画工字钢预埋点—预埋工字钢锚固钢筋—布置工字钢并固定—搭设底层大横杆—搭设内外立杆—依次按步距搭设大小横杆—搭设剪刀撑—设连墙件—铺脚手板—挂安全网—钢丝绳拉结。 ?搭设要点:按工字钢位置图,画出各工字钢预埋点位置, ?预埋钢筋位置以3米工字钢为准,挑出1.3米,1.7米在楼层砼上,φ18作为拉结筋,φ12作为定位筋。 具体φ18、φ12预埋尺寸下图所示: ?布置工字钢:将工字钢插入预埋钢筋环,调整好工字钢位置后用木楔加固工字钢,使工字钢不得移位。 ?脚手架的基础:脚手架立杆落在16号工字钢上,工字钢顶头焊φ25的钢筋头,立杆套住钢筋头防止立杆移动,钢筋头焊在工字钢上的焊缝高度不小于6 mm。 ?脚手架扫地杆:纵向扫地杆距离工字钢200 mm,横向扫地杆在纵向扫地杆下,横向扫地杆长1.2M,纵向扫地杆采用对接扣件接长。 nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 3 - 搭设内外立杆和大小横杆:每立面和每悬挑段的立杆和大横杆长度组合见外架立面图,立杆和大横杆接头位置见下图所示 ?立杆和大横杆采用对接扣件,大横杆步距900 mm,在立杆和大横杆相交处设小横杆,小横杆位于大横杆上。小横杆位于大横杆上,小横杆根据支撑脚手板的需要等间距设置时,最大间距不应大于纵距的1/2。 支撑体系:脚手架的支撑体系包括,纵向支撑(剪刀撑)、横向支撑。本工程外挑架高度为15米,每立面剪刀撑搭接见外架立面图。 ?剪刀撑采用搭接,搭接长度1m,需设置3个旋转扣件固定,搭接 rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 4 - 见图示。 剪刀撑斜杆用旋转扣件固定在于之的相交小横杆或立杆上,旋转扣件中心线至主节点的距离150 mm。 建筑物与架体的拉结:在外圈每跨梁中部位置预埋短钢管,用扣件将短钢管和外架内外立杆水平拉结,短钢管伸出砼面不小于200 mm,短钢管埋入梁内不小于300 mm,在外侧每框架柱中部用钢管扣件和外架大横杆水平连接。架体拉结见下图所示: ?铺设脚手板:底层外架用木枋将废模板拼的板块钉起,木枋上铺铺脚手板。模板要封到建筑物外边缘,模板到建筑物外边沿不得留有大于14 mm的空隙。竹脚手板为2800*300*50 mm,沿外架纵向布置4块脚 #手板,在操作层铺设4块脚手板,脚手板用14铁丝和小横杆捆牢,脚手板具体布置见下图: nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 5 - ?挂安全网:立面安全网采用1800*6000 mm密目安全网,用安全绳和大横杆绑牢,立网底部要压在作业面脚手板下,支设安全网要外高内地,两网搭接严密,受力均匀。安全网要平整张紧,操作层靠近建筑物500 mm,内脚手板下挂500*600 mm水平网。 钢丝绳拉结:悬挑外架5层一挑,在相应楼层预埋钢筋拉环,拉环和悬挑工字钢拉结钢丝绳连接。钢筋拉环采用梁中预埋φ12钢筋,钢丝绳采用6*1909.3钢丝绳,钢丝绳夹采用Y-10,索具螺旋扣采用M22。用1M长钢丝绳做成钢丝绳环套在工字钢端头,工字钢底焊100 mm高φ25的钢筋头,防止钢丝绳滑动。钢丝绳拉结见下图: rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 6 - 钢丝绳套环上钢丝绳夹60mm,钢丝绳末端距第一个钢丝绳夹140~160 mm,钢丝绳夹U形部分卡在短绳头(即活头)一边。 ?特殊部位处理:外架在卸料平台处的处理。 卸料平台平面位置图见工字钢平面布置图,立面位置见外架南立面图。卸料平台宽2000 mm,长6000 mm,伸出外架2500 mm。卸料平台所占位置按2跨(3米)考虑。4.5米钢管和卸料平台两侧纵向水平杆用旋转扣件搭接,每侧搭接长度750 mm。卸料平台安装时,拆除4.5米钢管,卸料平台拆除后,恢复4.5米钢管、安全网、剪刀撑。卸料平台使用时,加固见下图: nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 7 - 5.2脚手架的使用: 脚手架验收合格方可使用。在架子上作业人员不得随意拆除脚手架的拉结点和脚手板,以及扣件等脚手架部件;进行外装修时,外装修工人不得随意拆除装修部位的拉结点,因施工需要必须拆除时,报工长采取相应措施后在进行拆除。; 架子上作业人员发现架子防护不完善、作业不方便时,要及时找工长反应,处理架子问题。 工程外脚手架使用时间过长(约8个月),继续使用时应进行检查,发现杆件变形严重、防护不全、拉结松动要及时解决问题。 严禁在外架上搁置木枋、钢筋、钢管等零星材料,且垃圾及时处理。 5.3脚手架的拆除: 拆除脚手架准备工作,应全面检查脚手架的扣件连接、连墙件、支撑体系是否符合构造要求,并进行拆除安全技术交底。 应清除架子上的杂物及地面障碍物; 拆除脚手架时,应符合下列 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 :拆除范围应设警戒线,并专人巡视。拆除作业必须由上而下逐层进行,严禁上、下同时作业。脚手架拆除顺序按搭设顺序的逆向进行,所有杆件拆除完后,方可拆除拉结钢丝绳,最后抽出悬挑工字钢。 连墙件必须随脚手架逐层拆除,严禁先将连墙件整层或数层拆除后再拆除脚手架;分段拆除高差不应大于2步,如高差大于2步,应先增设连墙杆件加固。 当脚手架拆至下部最后一根长立杆的高度(约6米)时,应先在适当位置搭设临时抛撑加固后,再拆除连墙件。 rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 8 - 当脚手架采取分段、分立面拆除时,对不拆除的脚手架两端,应先加固后拆除。 拆除时,各构配件严禁从高空抛落,各构配件从洞口传至楼面,用施工电梯进行垂直运输。 运至地面的构配件应按规格、品种堆码整齐。 6.脚手架的检查和验收: 6.1钢管 钢管检查应符合下列规定:应有产品质量合格证;应有质量检验报告,钢管材质检验方法应符合现行国家标准,质量应符合现行有关规定。钢管表面应平整、光滑,不应有裂缝、结疤、分层、错位、硬弯、毛刺、压痕和深的划道。 钢管外径、壁厚、端面等的偏差,应符合下表6.1.1的规定。 nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 9 - 钢管必须涂有防锈漆,剪刀撑涂刷黄黑间隔的油漆(间隔500mm),外侧立杆刷黄油漆。 旧钢管的检查必须符合下列规定,表面锈蚀深度应符合表6.1.1第3点的规定,锈蚀检查时,应在表面锈蚀严重的钢管中抽取3根,在每根锈蚀严重的部位横向截断取样检查,当锈蚀深度超过规定值不得使用。 钢管变形应符合本方案表6.1.1第4点的规定。 6.2扣件的验收应符合下列规定: 新扣件应有生产许可证、法定检测单位的检测报告和产品质量合格证,并应按现行国家标准《钢管脚手架扣件》(GB15831)规定抽样检测。 旧扣件使用前应进行质量检查,有裂缝、变形缝的严禁使用,出现滑丝的螺栓必须更换。 新、旧扣件均应进行防锈处理。 6.3脚手板:每块脚手板的质量不宜大于30kg,竹脚手板采用毛竹或楠竹制作的竹窜片板,作业层脚手板在拐角要交圈(即纵放脚手板与横放脚手板压接到位。 rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 10 - 6.4安全网:出厂合格证和劳动保护检测所的检测证; 6.5钢丝绳:出厂合格证并且不得有接头; 6.6钢丝绳夹:满足GB5725-1997相关质量要求; 6.7索具螺旋扣:出厂合格证和检验报告; 6.8工字钢:必须是正规厂家的钢材,并应有出厂合格证。 脚手架搭设的检查和验收注意以下几点:预埋钢筋完工后及脚手架搭设前;作业层上施加荷载前;每搭设完10~13米高度后;达到设计高度后;每挑段开始搭设前及搭设完成后;遇到6级大风与大雨后;停用超过一个月。 进行脚手架检查、验收时根据下列技术文件;本方案上条规定;外架方案;技术交底文件。 脚手架使用中应每月检查以下项目;杆件的设置和连接、连墙件、支撑的构造是否符合要求;扣件是否松动;钢丝绳是否松动、工字钢锚固钢筋是否松动;安全措施是否符合要求;是否超载。 脚手架的搭设允许偏差、检查办法应符合下表规定: 序号 项 目 技术要求 允许偏差 检查方法与工具 1 地基 表面 坚实平整 与基础 观察 底座 不沉降 -10 最后验收垂直度 20~80米 ?100 下列脚手架允许偏差(mm) 2 立杆垂 用经纬仪 搭设检查偏差的高度 总高度 直度 或吊线和卷尺 50m 40m 20m H=2 ?7 ?7 ?7 H=2 ?20 ?25 ?50 H=2 ?40 ?50 ?100 间距 步距 ?20 3 钢板尺 纵距 ?50 横距 ?20 4 纵向水平一根杆两端 ?20 、 nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 11 - 杆高差 两跨内两根纵向水平 ?10 水平仪或水平尺 杆高差 5 双排脚手架纵向水平杆外伸长度 外伸500mm -50 钢板尺 主节点各扣件相互距a?150 mm 钢板尺 6 扣件安装 离 同步立杆上相隔对接a?500 mm 钢卷尺 扣件的高度 立杆的对接扣件 a?步距/3 钢卷尺 扣件螺栓拧紧扭力矩 40~65N.m 扭力扳手 7 剪刀撑斜杆与地面的倾角 45~60 角尺 8 脚手板外对接 见5.2条 卷尺 伸长度 搭接 安装后的扣件螺栓拧紧扭力矩采用扭力矩扳手检查,抽样的方法应按随机分布的原则进行。不合格的必须重新拧紧,直至合格为止。抽样的检查数目与质量判定标准按下表规定: 扣件抽样拧紧检查数目及质量判定标准 检查数目 安装扣件数量(个) 抽检数量(个) 允许的不合格数 51~90 5 0 连接立杆与纵横向水平杆91~150 8 1 或剪刀撑的扣件;接长力杆 150~280 13 1 281~500 20 2 7、安全技术要求 7.1操作者应有特种作业上岗证,身体健康,并在接受本工程项目部的安全交底后方可上岗。 7.2二步架以上施工时应佩带安全带,严禁向下抛扣件等物品,上部施工时,地面应有专人警戒守护。 7.3作业人员应衣着灵便,但不准赤膊裸身,并应戴安全帽、 系安全带,脚穿软底防滑鞋。 7.4高处作业材料堆放平稳,不可放置在临边或洞口附近,以防坠落,凡有坠落可能的任何物体,都要一律撤除或加以固定。 7.5施工过程中应边搭边铺脚手片,并将脚手片用铁丝绑扎稳固,以防滑脱,安全有效的围护设施应同步跟上。连墙杆设置也同步跟上。 rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 12 - 7.6施工中若发生安全设施隐患或缺陷,务必及时处理或停工,并向上级汇报,班前、班后均应检查已施工部分的质量,安全情况,并按查验情况逐次以记录。 7.7脚手架的搭设还是拆除,均不得上、下步同时作业。 7.8严禁强风、雨、雪及夜间高空搭设和拆除作业操作。 7.9外脚手架搭设后分层分段进行验收,合格后挂牌使用。 7.10各种电线不得直接在钢管脚手架上缠绕,电线和电动机具必须与脚手架接触时,应当有可靠的绝缘措施。 由于采用脚手片、尼龙安全网等易燃物,应设置足够数量的灭火器,电焊操作时,必须有专人看守,且在焊接下方放置接火装置,防止火星点燃,不得在脚手架上吸烟,或从室内向脚手架上扔烟头。 防雷措施:落地脚手架及悬拉式脚手架在其搭设过程中考虑塔吊的防雷措施及其安全范围,不再另行设布防雷措施;悬拉式脚手架搭设完成后,每幢楼单独布设防雷措施,布设高度为高出脚手架最大高度1~2m,用电缆线引下来,通过压片螺丝连接于结构钢筋上,形成防雷体系。结构钢筋电阻要求在10欧以下。 层间防护:脚手架内侧与建筑物之间的空隙处封闭,以防高空坠落物的打击。其做法是在内排立杆与墙面之间通长布置木板与支承槽钢扎牢。并且在槽钢下满挂密目安全网,全封闭。 8、记录要求: 8.1钢管质量合格证、质量检验报告、旧钢管质量检查记录; 8.2扣件质量合格证、质量检验报告、旧钢管质量检查记录; 8.3架子工上岗证; 8.4扣件螺栓拧紧程度检查记录; 8.5脚手架施工安全、技术交底记录; 8.6外脚手架检查验收记录。 nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 13 - rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 14 - nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 15 - rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 16 - nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 17 - rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 18 - nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 19 - rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 20 - nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 21 - rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 22 - nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 23 - rrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warning information. Meet the lending criteria, accordingand bostaff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approval conditions implementation, security is normal forced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending review loan review function. Lenders loan review other related procedures. The Bank strictly en- 24 - 西安五建筑有限公司 宁强县移民安置项目部 二0一四年四 月十日 nformation. Meet the lending criteria, accordinging ial conditions implementation, security is normal and borrower credit operations, such as whether there was a major early warnreview loan review function. Lenders loan review staff should be thoroughly examined whether the criteria are met, the approv other related procedures. The Bank strictly enforced lending principles, carried out by the Centre for lending or lending- 25 -
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