首页 心肺复苏应急救护知识培训计划,信息,小结



心肺复苏应急救护知识培训计划,信息,小结心肺复苏应急救护知识培训计划,信息,小结 心肺复苏知识技能培训计划 为深入推进平安和谐校园建设,增强全校师生安全意识,促进广大师生了解掌握应急救护基本知识和技能,提高应对突发灾难和意外伤害的能力,根据中国红十字总会、教育部等十五部门联合印发的《中国红十字会关于广泛深入开展救护工作的意见》县教育体育局等文件精神。根据本园的实际情况,特制订救护培训计划。现将本园心肺复苏应急救护培训活动安排制定如下: 一、应急救护工作的指导思想 我园要以科学发展观为指导,弘扬保护人的生命和健康的人道主义精神,促进校园文明和谐,保...

心肺复苏应急救护知识 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 计划,信息,小结 心肺复苏知识技能培训计划 为深入推进平安和谐校园建设,增强全校师生安全意识,促进广大师生了解掌握应急救护基本知识和技能,提高应对突发灾难和意外伤害的能力,根据中国红十字总会、教育部等十五部门联合印发的《中国红十字会关于广泛深入开展救护工作的意见》县教育体育局等文件精神。根据本园的实际情况,特制订救护培训计划。现将本园心肺复苏应急救护培训活动安排制定如下: 一、应急救护工作的指导思想 我园要以科学发展观为指导,弘扬保护人的生命和健康的人道主义精神,促进校园文明和谐,保护师生生命和财产安全,营造良好的育人环境,维护学校正常教学秩序。 二、应急救护工作的目标 在全园范围内对师生开展应急救护知识的培训,成立专项工作领导小组,结合本校实际,建立应急救护小组,对应急救护小组进行心肺复苏和常见救护技术常识的培训。 组织机构: 组 长:康璐(园长) 副组长:郭芳(教务主任) 肖艳(后勤主任) 成 员: 李文静 (中一班班主任) 姜燕茹 (中二班班主任) containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 巴丽努尔(大一班班主任) 马书婷 (大二班班主任) 布力布力(食堂组长) 阿吾恩 (保安组长) 三、培训时间: 2014年5月9日下午—5月10日下午全园教师们分两批进行学习。 四、培训内容: ?应急救护概念。?心肺复苏术。?创伤后的现场止血、包扎、骨折固定及搬运的基本技能。?常见意外伤害的急救处理和突发事件紧急逃生常识。 五、培训要求: 1、组织教师们分两组进行学习,按时参加培训,不得缺席。 2、并保持室内清洁。 3、严格遵守纪律,活动中不大声喧哗,认真学习救护知识,完成老师布置的救护操作练习。 六、具体安排 1.培训对象 培训对象为全体教师 2014年5月9日下午6:30-7:30培训班主任; 2014年5月10日下午6:30-7:30培训后勤教师; containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 3.培训主要内容及目标。 让参训教师了解掌握:?应急救护概念。?心肺复苏术。?创伤后的现场止血、包扎、骨折固定及搬运的基本技能。?常见意外伤害的急救处理和突发事件紧急逃生常识。通过培训,逐步建设一支以教师为主体的学校应急救护员队伍。 七、工作要求 (一)提高认识,加强领导。应急救护培训工作是一项以人为本的民心工程,关乎广大人民群众的生命安全以及社会的和谐稳定。各班要高度重视,进一步提高思想认识,切实加强组织领导;要按照本计划,广泛发动,积极推进,确保应急救护培训工作落到实处。 (二)精心组织,落实责任。各班要将此项工作落到实处;精心组织安排教师们进行观看学习,学习后教师们说出观后感,互相交流,避免安全事故发生 库勒拜乡双语幼儿园 2014年5月8日 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 教 育 信 息 第 十五期 库勒拜乡双语幼儿园 2014年5月10日 早呼救,早复苏 (通讯员:巴丽努尔)2014年5月9日下午及5月10日下午我园组织全园教师学习心肺复苏安全知识。这次培训分两组进行,第一组是后勤教师们,第二组是一线教师们。 为使我园安全责任制得到全面落实,我园为全园教师开展了此次安全学习。本次培训中巴老师在县红十字会学到的心肺复苏知识及救护步骤细心的讲解给教职工们。 通过此次培训心肺复苏术增强了后勤教师及一线教师们的急救意识及提高急救现场的判断与处置能力,提高了教师们的心肺复苏技能,同时提高了真正有效救治急危重症伤员的能力。 教师们在细心地做笔记 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 教师们专注的在学习应急救护安全知识 巴老师在给教师们讲解安全知识 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 后勤教师们认真做笔记 教师们在认真地学习当中 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 教师们在讨论学习心肺复苏知识中出现的问题 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 心肺复苏术培训小结 当各种原因引起心跳、呼吸骤停时,“心肺复苏术”是最有效的紧急救护技术。为了让后勤教师及一线教师能正确的掌握心肺复苏术我园开展心肺复苏术的培训,在活动室给我园全体教师上了一堂生动有趣而实用的培训课培训分两次进行学习。 这堂课不仅让教师们加强了医疗工作中学不到的知识和技能,更重要的是建立了“生命第一、健康第一”的全新理念,懂得了生命安全比什么都重要的道理。在学习过程中,教师们听课仔细,操作认真,表现了高度热情的学习积极性 。 库勒拜乡双语幼儿园 2014.5.10 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the
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