首页 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则



变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 北京市电力公司远郊供电公司 变电站直流维护实施方案 二〇一〇年一月 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology res...

变电站直流系统维护 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 实施细则 北京市电力公司远郊供电公司 变电站直流维护实施方案 二〇一〇年一月 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 目 录 1. 变电站直流维护重要性及其维护范围 ............................................3 2. 具体维护项目 .................................................................................3 3. 直流系统维护周期 ..........................................................................7 4. 直流系统的故障处理 ......................................................................7 5. 工作确认流程 .................................................................................8 6. 维护达到的效果..............................................................................8 7. 维护单位的备件处理 ......................................................................9 8. 维护费及故障设备维修费用 ...........................................................9 9. 工作流程 .......................................................................................10 10. 安全责任的划分............................................................................10 11. 检修工作保障 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ........................................................................10 12. 检修维护、缺陷处理工作应填报的相关文字材料 ....................... 11 13. 其它 ..............................................................................................12 two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose ng EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination ofAnd the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (includi learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT al surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathyICU or emergency room 4 neur-physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Ntime (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric t namers, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Departmend emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 yeaes antraining content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseas ning standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete theoundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency traidependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical f2 1. 变电站直流维护重要性及其维护范围 直流设备是变电站的要害系统~对电力系统安全、可靠运行具有 特殊重要性。在正常运行和事故情况下都必须保证不间断地供电~并 满足电压质量和供电能力的要求。 为保障直流系统可靠供电~加强对其维护、检查、电池保养、及 时处理缺陷就显得尤为重要。 维护范围:门头沟供电公司所辖110KV,含35KV,站~具体设备 包含充电机、直流馈出屏、蓄电池屏、蓄电池、直流系统绝缘监察装 臵等。 2. 具体维护项目 2.1. 充电机维护项目 2.1.1. 外观检查 , 检查充电机显示液晶屏有无损坏~面板显示参数及运行状态是否正 常, , 检查充电机模块指示灯是否有黄灯或红灯闪烁报警, , 检查充电机蜂鸣器是否正常~检查充电机运行状态下变压器、继电 器、冷却风扇等设备运行是否存在异响~通过声音初步判断充电机 运行工况, , 检查设备的输入, 输出联接端子是否牢固,检查各种风扇的旋转平 稳有无异常噪音、温度及噪音是否异常。 learn (including CT and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content -l image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N(months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medicatime tations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department nameg and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical roeachinical specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical tugh a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurologs throtion and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectivedence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundadepentraining contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose pathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three,And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuro 3 , 2.1.2. 内部检查 , 打开机箱~检测机内易损单元 (整流器模块,开关等), , 检测各控制电路板是否异常, , 使用红外测温仪测试关键部件是否有异常发热现象, , 检查所有螺栓~螺母连接情况是否良好, , 检查所有接插件无松动~脱落现象, , 检查电源线连接牢靠, , 检查所有保险情况良好 , , 观察变压器~电抗器~半导体模块~电阻等发热元件的发热是否有 异常~绝缘物的颜色有无变化, , 对设备内主要部件进行静态测试。 2.1.3. 除尘及清扫: , 充电机外壳通风隔栅的清扫, , 充电机内部过滤网清洗, , 充电机线路板的清扫除尘, , 充电机内部电池及其连接线的清洁。 2.1.4. 巡视项目 , 环境清洁、是否装有空调及空调运行状况, , 是否有足够维修空间, , 记录室内温度 (22?2?)为宜~空调机的温度设定值~夏天可以设 为 24? ~冬天可以设定为20?。相对湿度控制在40%--65%较为 al surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathyICU or emergency room 4 neur-physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Ntime (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric t namers, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Departmend emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 yeaes antraining content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseas ning standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete theoundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency traidependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical ftwo forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose ng EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination ofAnd the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (includi learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT 4 合适~空调机的相对湿度设定为55%~让充电机一年四季都处在恒 温恒湿环境中运行, , 严禁出现凝露现象, , 检查充电机周围的散热空间~充电机距离后墙为600mm~充电机顶 部距上端为1000mm;。 2.1.5. 测试项目 , 检测输入电源频率~基准值50 , 2.5赫兹~并做记录, , 电池极性及充电机电压检查~测量直流端子B+~B-间的直流电压~ 应与实际安装的电池数的电压一致,并记录, , 测量充电机交流输入电压值, , 测量充电机直流输出电压值, , 充电机双机切换功能测试: , 充电机交流供电与电池供电切换时~切换前后: ,1, 切换前充电机输出电压______V ,2, 切换后充电机输出电压______V , 电池充电______A , 负载电流______A 2.2. 站内直流蓄电池维护 2.2.1. 检查项目 , 检查电池无泄露、破碎, , 端子连接牢靠~检查蓄电池连接引线无松动~检查蓄电池壳体无 training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose pathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three,And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuro learn (including CT and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content -l image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N(months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medicatime tations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department nameg and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical roeachinical specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical tugh a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurologs throtion and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectivedence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundadepen5 破裂~无漏液~无变形~壳体表面清洁, , 检查电池间连接极性正确, , 标出电池数量/容量 , , 对变电站直流蓄电池做核对性充放电,单做预算,, , 对单组蓄电池在线放电到60%, , 对单组蓄电池脱离系统外接工具电池100%容量放电, , 对具有两组蓄电池的站~倒方式分别进行100%核对性充放电。 2.2.2. 测试项目 , 测试处于浮充状态下的电池组电压并记录, 要求: , 铅酸蓄电池GF、GGF系列: 2.15, 2.18V(推荐2.17V), , 铅酸蓄电池GFD系列:2.23?0.05V, , 阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池:,13.08V- 13.68V,。 , 断开直流开关~使用内阻测试仪测试电池的电压及其内阻值并记 录, , 关闭整流器使电池组带载放电每30分钟测试一次电池组电压及放 电电流并记录, , 恢复整流器的正常工作10分钟后测试一次电池组电压及充电电流 并记录。 2.3. 直流馈出屏检查测试 two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose ng EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination ofAnd the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (includi learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT al surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathyICU or emergency room 4 neur-physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Ntime (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric t namers, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Departmend emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 yeaes antraining content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseas ning standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete theoundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency traidependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical f6 2.3.1. 直流互投回路投切是否正常, 2.3.2. 各输入、输出开关工作是否正常, 2.3.3. 表计及有关指示灯的显示是否正常~对重点表计做好记录, 2.3.4. 接线端子及开关的接线是否紧固, 2.3.5. 使用红外测温仪测试开关及节点的温度不应超过室温的5度, 2.3.6. 清扫馈线屏。 2.4. 其他检查 检查直流绝缘监察装臵及母线对地绝缘是否良好, 检查直流盘信号灯、光字牌、转换开关、应状态良好~闪光装 臵试验正常, 检查充电设备工作正常~无异常信号、异常声音、异常气味、 表计读数稳定准确。 3. 直流系统维护周期 3.1. 定期巡视检查~周期为每6个月对全部变电站巡视检查一次。 3.2. 具体工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 与专工配合制定。 4. 直流系统的故障处理 4.1. 检修单位接到缺陷通知后4小时内到达现场。 4.2. 检修维护单位应设立故障报修值班电话~电话必须保持24小时开 机。 4.3. 检修单位明确检修工作负责人。 training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose pathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three,And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuro learn (including CT and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content -l image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N(months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medicatime tations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department nameg and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical roeachinical specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical tugh a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurologs throtion and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectivedence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundadepen7 4.4. 故障处理完毕后~检修单位应填写缺陷单~说明缺陷设备所属单位、 站点名称、设备名称、缺陷部位、故障原因、处理经过及其结论~ 经运行单位负责人签字确认。对于备停运时间超过4小时的缺陷~ 检修单位应编写详细的故障分析报告~同时报送报运行单位。 5. 工作确认流程 5.1. 检修工作结束后~检修单位应填写维护工作记录并经各自动化专职 管理人员签字确认。 5.2. 年度检修工作完成后~检修单位应将变电站所属供电公司的维护工 作记录、缺陷处理记录、运行分析报告汇总后编写完整的直流设备 检修报告~报送审查通过后作为检修工作终结的凭据。 5.3. 维护过程中发现的缺陷以及异常~检修单位应及时编写缺陷分析材 料及处理解决方案~上报后安排解决。 6. 维护达到的效果 6.1. 通过对直流系统的检查,可以最大限度的保证其时刻处于良好的工 作状态,及时发现系统故障隐患。 6.2. 通过对站内直流系统外部环境的检查以及清灰等措施,避免环境因 素对站内直流系统工作的影响。 6.3. 通过对站内直流系统电池的检查以及放电等措施, 最大限度的激活 电池活性,保持电池活性及电池均匀性~保证电池处于良好的后备状 态。 ng EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination ofAnd the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (includi learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT al surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathyICU or emergency room 4 neur-physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Ntime (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric t namers, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Departmend emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 yeaes antraining content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseas ning standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete theoundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency traidependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical ftwo forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 8 6.4. 通过红外线温度测试仪对站内直流系统 (包括配电)的检查,可以及 早的发现电路异常现象,及时发现站内直流系统及配电系统故障隐 患.避免事故发生。 6.5. 通过对站内直流系统的检查以及建立资料档案管理,对站内直流系 统系统的工作状态、所带负载性质及其容量等关键参数做到心中有 数,可以有效了解并掌控设备运行水平~针对性对设备运行状态差的 站点进行重点检查。 7. 维护单位的备件处理 7.1. 为便于故障设备的及时修复~检修单位应储备一定数目的备件。 7.2. 检修单位同时备有一定数量的备用站内直流系统。 8. 维护费及故障设备维修费用 8.1. 委托方根据维护合同及维修情况每年结算一次。 8.2. 维修板件和费用的确认: , 维修中需更换的指示灯、保险、接线端子、空气开关以及价值 低于300元的器材,由维护单位负担。 , 300元以上2000元以下的器材费用由委托方负担,并由相应的 部门确认。 , 2000元及以上的维修费用~由委托方负担。 , 对于不能修复设备的更换~由委托方负担~检修单位负责更换。 training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose pathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three,And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuro learn (including CT and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content -l image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N(months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medicatime tations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department nameg and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical roeachinical specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical tugh a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurologs throtion and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectivedence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundadepen9 9. 工作流程 9.1. 对于定期维护工作~检修单位在年初提出维护安排~交相应的运行 单位。 9.2. 有关报告要在各集控站,调度,或变电站留档~年终写 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 ~ 并把全年的报告装订成册双方盖章并留档。 9.3. 各运行单位必须明确相应的工作联系人。 9.4. 维护公司必须明确维护人员~选派具有丰富现场 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 的工程师。 10. 安全责任的划分 10.1. 严格服从委托方的有关安全的要求~维护人员必须接受北京市电 力公司的安全培训~并通过安规考试。 10.2. 检修和维护工作负责人和工作票签发人由各运行单位负责安排。 10.3. 检修单位应与相关运行单位签署有关安全协议。 10.4. 站内检修和维护中~检修单位的人员安全由检修单位负责。 10.5. 由于检修单位造成的设备损坏~由检修单位负责无偿修复。 11. 检修工作保障措施 11.1. 检修单位应配备足够的维护车辆。 11.2. 检修单位应至少设臵2个维护组~用于巡视检查和故障处理, 11.3. 检修单位应设臵1个技术保障组~负责故障情况下的原因分析、 处理解决方案制定、所需器件和材料的协调配送。 11.4. 检修单位应提供维护检修小组和技术保障组的人员名单~并制定 two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose ng EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination ofAnd the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (includi learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT al surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathyICU or emergency room 4 neur-physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Ntime (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric t namers, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Departmend emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 yeaes antraining content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseas ning standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete theoundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency traidependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical f10 各小组负责人~便于紧急情况下的工作联系及协调。 11.5. 检修单位应配臵的维护工具: 序号 工具名称 单位 数量 备注 1 FLUKE万用表 块 6 2 FLUKE红外测温仪 块 4 3 日臵内阻测试仪 块 2 4 FLUKE电力质量分析仪 块 1 5 FLUKE示波器 块 1 6 相序表 块 4 7 各种组合工具 套 12 8 后备电池组 套 1 9 电子负载箱 套 1 12. 检修维护、缺陷处理工作应填报的相关文字材料 12.1. 《站内直流系统检查记录》 12.2. 《站内直流系统巡检报告》 12.3. 《双路 传动报告》 12.4. 《维 修 报 告》 12.5. 《电池检查,放电报告》 12.6. 《站内直流系统清扫报告》 12.7. 《电源系统接点温度检查记录表》 12.8. 《站内直流系统缺陷处理记录》 12.9. 《工作报告》 And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuro learn (including CT and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content -l image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N(months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medicatime tations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department nameg and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical roeachinical specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical tugh a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurologs throtion and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectivedence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundadepentraining contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose pathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three,11 12.10. 《十条禁令、十个必须、危险点和控制措施》 13. 其它 13.1. 检修单位的工作应严格按照北京市电力公司安全规程的相关要求 执行。 13.2. 检修单位必须听从各运行单位的指挥和工作安排~未经运行单位 同意~严禁擅自进入变电站工作。 ng EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination ofAnd the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (includi learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT al surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathyICU or emergency room 4 neur-physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Ntime (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric t namers, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Departmend emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 yeaes antraining content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseas ning standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete theoundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency traidependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical ftwo forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose12
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