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基坑桩基施工应急预案基坑桩基施工应急预案 泾阳县公安局技术用房 基坑桩基施工应急预案 编辑, 审核, 审批, 陕西建工集团第十建筑工程有限公司 泾阳县公安局项目部 2013年3月10日 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills...

基坑桩基施工应急预案 泾阳县公安局技术用房 基坑桩基施工应急预案 编辑, 审核, 审批, 陕西建工集团第十建筑 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 有限公司 泾阳县公安局项目部 2013年3月10日 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 基坑桩基施工应急预案 一、工程概况 本工程为工程结构形式为框架结构。该工程拟建场地为自重湿陷黄土场地,桩基工程采用CFG桩处理地基,桩顶 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 标高为-6.880米,桩成孔径为400mm,桩长10米,排桩间距1300mm,桩身回填采用素土回填,桩身回填采用素土回填,桩身土压实系数?0.97,复合地基承载力?250KPa。 二、编制依据 根据国务院颁发的《中华人名共和国 安全生产 安全生产管理档案一煤矿调度员先进事迹安全生产副经理安全生产责任最近电力安全生产事故安全生产费用投入台账 法》、《中华人名共和国管理条例》、《中华人名共和国消防法》、《建设工程安全生论证审查办法》(建质[2004 ]213 号)要求,及施工现场具体情况,在突发安全事故后,能及时的组织抢救,把人名群众的损失降低的最低,我项目部特制订北救援预案。 三、应急组织 组长:(项目经理):王怀灵 副组长:(安全员):韩参库 组元: 韩建库、王炜、姬新民、王建辉 应急联系电话 现场应急领导小组组长:王怀灵 急救中心:120 火警:119 当地派出所:110 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 四、应急救援原则 按照“安全第一,以人为本;预防为主,常备不懈;资源共享,应急迅速”的基本方针,实行先近后远、现重后轻、先抢救后治疗基本原则。 五、事故应急救援 1、基坑坍塌事故的指挥控制 发生坍塌事故后,由项目经理负责现场指挥,发生事故发生人员首先高声呼喊,通知现场安全员,由安全员打事故抢救电话“120”,向上级有关部门或医院打电话抢救,工长组织有关人员进行清理土方或杂物,如有人员被埋,应首先按部位进行抢救人员,其它组元采取有效 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,防止事故发展扩大,让现场安全负责人随时监护边坡状况,及时清理边坡上堆放的材料,防止造成再次事故的发生。在想有关部门通知抢救电话的同时,对轻伤人员在现场采取可行的营救抢救,如现场包扎止血等措施。防止受伤人员流血过多造成死亡事故发生。预先成立的应急小组人员分工,各负其责,重伤人员由水、电工协助送外抢救工作门卫在大门迎接救护的车辆,由程序的处理事故、事件,最大限度的减少,人员和财产损失。 急救知识与技术 鉴于深基坑坍塌事故所造成的伤害主要时机械性窒息引起呼吸功能衰竭和颅脑损伤所致中驱神经系统功能衰歇,因此紧急工作组成员必须熟练掌握止血包扎、骨折固定、上院搬运及心肺复苏pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 等急救知识与技术等。 2、“高出坠落”、“物体打击”、“起重伤害‘应急救援 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 A、事故发生后,机械立即停止工作。 B、事故现场有关人员立即对伤员进行止血包扎,立即拨打电话“120”,说事故地点,伤情、人数等情况,派专人迎接救护车辆。 C、事故现场有关人员立即报告项目部应急领导小组,立即赶赴事故现场、医院。 D、发生事故后,保护好事故现场,积极配合有关部门进行调查。 3、触电事故应急救援方案 A、发生事故后,现场有关人员立即切断电源,如不能立即切断电源,可勇干木或其他绝缘物使伤者脱离电源。 B、视伤情可报告“120”,同时对伤者进行人工呼吸,心脏按摩,派专人迎接救护车辆,报告伤情时,说清地点、人数、伤害程度等情况,抬运时,注意保护受伤部位,避免加重伤情。 C、事故现场有关人员立即报应急领导小组,应急领导小组接报告后,立即赶赴事故现场、医院。 D、现场有关人员注意保护事故现场,积极配合有关部门进行事故调查。 4、火灾应急救援方案 A、事故发生后,立即切断电源,分清事故种类,如电气火灾必须用“干粉灭火器”进行扑救,现场有关人员立即进行配合扑救。 B、火势如不能控制,立即报告“119”,说清火灾地点、火灾种pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 类、受灾情况。派专人迎接消防车。 C、保护好事故现场,配合有关部门进行事故调查。 陕西建工集团第十建筑工程有限公司 泾阳县公安局项目部 2013年3月10日 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic
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