首页 高效课堂教学案例及反思



高效课堂教学案例及反思高效课堂教学案例及反思 义马市二中 姚丽娜 我校属于偏远农村学校,小学英语的不重视使得初中学生英语基础薄弱,对 英语缺乏积极性和热情,我校的英语教学始终很难得到提高和改善。作为英语教 师的我心里很是着急,也采取了一些改进措施,但都收效甚微。而三门峡高效课 堂的提出来的恰到好处,给我指明了方向。我及其渴望地主动加入到高校课堂的 实施中,从中得到很多益处和收获。下面就仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 4 Topic1 Section D 为例来谈一下我的高校课堂教学过程。 Step 1: 课堂导入 A:播放迈克尔?杰...

高效课堂教学案例及反思 义马市二中 姚丽娜 我校属于偏远农村学校,小学英语的不重视使得初中学生英语基础薄弱,对 英语缺乏积极性和热情,我校的英语教学始终很难得到提高和改善。作为英语教 师的我心里很是着急,也采取了一些改进措施,但都收效甚微。而三门峡高效课 堂的提出来的恰到好处,给我指明了方向。我及其渴望地主动加入到高校课堂的 实施中,从中得到很多益处和收获。下面就仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 4 Topic1 Section D 为例来谈一下我的高校课堂教学过程。 Step 1: 课堂导入 A:播放迈克尔?杰克逊的《Heal the world》,同时播放精心准备的包括许多动 物图片的电子相册。 教师提问题,学生回答:What can you learn from the pictures? (学生很容易想到:Protect the animals in danger. 自然导入新课。) B: 展示预习:请一位小组代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 向全班做“保护濒危动物”的报告。 C: 展示三维目标:1.知 识目 标: 新单词 & 常用短语: 2.能力目标: a.总结形容词的比较级和最高级。 b.提高写作能力。 3.情 感 目 标: 让学生更加热爱大自然并增加学生保护动 物的意识。 Step 2: 自主学习,合作探究 A(猜词游戏。师生互动,进行猜谜语游戏,猜出以下濒临灭绝的动物的名字。 如:pandas, blue whales, Chinese tiger.帮助学生理解并掌握新单词。 B. 自主学习 1.老师提出pre-reading questions: 1) Can you think of more wild animals? professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 2)What should we do to protect them? ( 让学生自由发挥,允许学生出错,只要敢开口就行。) 2. 听录音,回答老师问题:Which animal is the largest and heaviest animal in the world.学生初步了解文章内容。 3. 老师提出问题:Why is the number of pandas getting smaller and smaller? What are the serious problems to the blue whales? And why? Why are Chinese tiger in danger now? 学生带着问题泛读文章,掌握其大意, 并能准确地找到问题 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。 4. 让学生找出1中含有形容词比较级和最高级的句子。根据这些句子,由学生 限时记忆:限时两分钟,进行男女对自己总结出形容词比较级和最高级的用法。 抗赛,看谁能背出最多、最准确的句子。以此一起回顾本话题的功能用语,完成 2b. C. 合作探究: 1.老师分发提前写好的知识重点,让学生自由结合。针对这些知 识点进行交流与合作,尽可能多地了解、掌握他们的用法。并带着知识点细读课 文。 2. 老师呈现一组农村和城市的对比图片,要求各用4个形容词来形容农村和城 市。利用这些词,写一篇相关的短文。通过学生互改的方式来纠正错误。 Step 3: 精讲专练,点拨提升 A. 让学生自己讲解知识重点,教师板书并作出适当的补充与总结。 B. 突破难点专练。学生讨论考点与难点,老师加以解释。 Step 4: 达标训练 A. 完成提前准备的知识点考核题目。 B. 老师给出提示问题:1)Which do you like better, plants or animals? Why? 2)What kind of animal do you think is the strongest/ largest/ tention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2eratures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retemp turned green before the rainy season. High?igation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irr . (1)of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for referencegrowth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate g thefertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn durin wn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawnmanagement, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. La 2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and-and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1sident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Re2eater, to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is gr?e needs of lawn growth. midity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet th largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air hu?4. - smallest? 3)Where do you like best to live, in the city, the country or the suburbs? Why? 4)Why must we save every drop of water? 要求根据提示问题写一篇短文:The world in my eyes C. 读一篇课外阅读,并做相关题目。 评析:英语教学应创设一种自主的互动的开放创新的教学关系。教师不仅仅是语言知识的传授者,还应该是学生语言技能的培养者,学生个性发展的辅助者,学生学习 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 的指导者。教师应在教学过程中有意识地加以引导,让学生自始至终掌握主动权,而老师只是充当组织者、促进者、合作者、参与者、引导者或顾问等多重角色最大限度递给学生提供参与的机会,学生的主体性得到了体现,自然就产生了求知和探究的欲望,也就把学习当成一件乐事,并使学生能体验到一种被他人接受、信任和认同的情感,培养合作能力和团队精神。 学生在这节课的教学过程中始终处于主体地位,成为学习的主体,通过感知、体验、实践、参与与合作实现任务目标。教师则是协助者、调控者。同时,小组合作贯穿始终。小组合作调动了学生学习的积极性,通过小组学习可以提高单位时间内学生学习、交往、表达的频度与效率,优势互补,有利于学生解决能力的提高。首先,本课的教学内容非常适合学生自主学习,学生或多或少地了解一些有关濒危动物的情况,学生通过自己积累资料或网上查阅资料,培养了自主学习的意识,激发了学习的兴趣。课前展示预习满足了学生展现自我能力的欲望。本课设计主线以Animals in danger为中心,课堂上通过师生共同活动,学生自主探究和生生讨论互动,针对课文不同层次需要的问题设置,使学生对课文有了更近一步的了解。学生小组讨论问题及难点,形成自主学习的课堂教学环境,增加了口语的练习机会。学生主动参与,大脑处于积极活跃的状态,对于接受新知识 time cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, waterlawn ts can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season,ment including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environmenmanagement, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance manage 2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and-planting is completed, often with a 1 sident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance,professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Re3 to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater,?h. riod, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growt largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this pe?4. -strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2 period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties ofthis turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during ?grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different 大有好处。知识点、难点讲解之后,配以知识点练习,使教师与学生得以及时了解自己的教与学的情况,为教师及时调控和引导学生自主学习提供了依据。最后,一篇书面表达为学生提供了巩固所学知识、发展语言技能的平台,使所学语言活起来。学生从书本走进现实生活中,在日常交往中有效地进行表达,使学生在真实的交际中享受了自主学习的成果。另外,补充材料也使学生增加了阅读兴趣,拓宽了知识面,增强了保护濒危动物的意识。 反思:1. 良好的开端是成功的一半,新课开始,教师能否在较短的时间里调动起学生的积极性,吸引学生的注意力,是教学成功与否的关键.在以前这方面我做的很不够,因为教学时间长了以后,课堂上少了很多花样,更注重课堂实效,一上课直接进入正题,常常忽视导入的作用。其实英语课前的热身活动如果做得好,不仅可以使学生情绪调到最高点而且还能巩固旧知识引出新课题。例如本课用直观的图片与经典歌曲结合,即激发了学生的兴趣,更提醒了学生对濒危动物的关注。然后由学生自己做预习报告,学生对濒危动物的认识又进一步加深,更加明白保护濒危动物是每个公民的职责,注重保护动物从我做起。这比老师单纯的说教作用和效果要好得多。 2. 老师要先相信学生的学习能力,让学生课前去收集相关资料,并转变成自己的语言表达出来。学生在课前预习活动中的出色表现使我认识到每个学生蕴藏着充分的发展潜能,关键是教师如何开发它们。 3. 将本课的教法与以前的教法相比,就可以看出运用自主式学习方式更能充分发挥学生的主体性,学生思维的广度、深度、密度更大,更易形成良好的学习方法和策略。本课大部分时间是学生活动,“以学生为主体”的教学理念得到了发挥。 4. 小组合作学习的形式增强了学生的合作意识。与以往教学相比,最大的不同是学生的情感体验。学生体验到了探究学习和任务型学习的快乐,而这种体验,又促进了学生学习英语的积极性,达到了英语教学“激励”的目标。 5. 学生之间互相批改。学生作文总会有这样那样的错误,这就需要改错。学生对自己的错 igation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irr . (1)of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for referencegrowth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate g thefertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn durin wn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawnmanagement, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. La 2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and-and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1sident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Re4eater, to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is gr?e needs of lawn growth. midity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet th largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air hu?4. -tention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2eratures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retemp turned green before the rainy season. High? 误往往不太敏锐,常常视而不见;而对他人的错误却相当敏感。这样同桌交换或同组交换,即可满足学生的好奇心,激发其修改兴趣,又可营造学生互相帮助、互相竞争的良好气氛。 6. 这节课也存在一些问题。例如,在问题的设置上,还是不能兼顾到所有学生。所以,还有很多改进和有待提高的地方。例如,如何让学生的自主和探究学习更加深入,如何照顾到学生的个别差异,如何使那些对学习不感兴趣、基础差、注意力不集中的学生也自始至终较积极地参加小组活动, 从高效课堂的实施过程中,我收获了很多。总结成几句话就是:给学生一些权利,让他们自己去选择;给学生一些机会,让他们自己去体验;给学生一些困难,让他们自己去解决;给学生一些问题,让他们自己去思考;给学生一些条件,让他们自己去创造;给学生一些空间,让他们自己去探索;给学生一些时间,让他们自己去享受。 period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties ofthis turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during ?grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of differenttime cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, waterlawn ts can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season,ment including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environmenmanagement, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance manage 2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and-planting is completed, often with a 1 sident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance,professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Re5 to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater,?h. riod, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growt largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this pe?4. -strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2
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