首页 零起点:英语阅读突破



零起点:英语阅读突破在线学英语 体验请申请:www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm 洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 综合题,请根据题目给出的内容,来回答下面给出的试题。It is a favorable thing to look back at some of the reforms which have long been an accepted part of our life, and to examine the opposition, usually bitter and very strang...

在线学英语 体验请申请:www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm 洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 综合题,请根据题目给出的内容,来回答下面给出的 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 。It is a favorable thing to look back at some of the reforms which have long been an accepted part of our life, and to examine the opposition, usually bitter and very strange, sometimes dishonest but all too often honest, which had to be countered by the restless advocates of "grandmotherly" law.   The reforms treated in this book are not the well-known measures—like the abolition of slavery, the reform of Parliament, the vote of women—which are recorded in the standard history books. Here are some of the less familiar struggles which, with one or two exceptions, social historians have tended to dismiss briefly. Yet these old controversies give no less revealing an insight into the minds of our grandfathers than do the major issues of the last century. The pulse of a generation can be taken just as effectively by considering its attitudes to dead wives' sisters, to the fetching of father's beer or even to the sweeping of chimneys. Some of the reforms dealt with were carried out within living memory; none is older than the nineteenth century. They have been selected for the variety of their background and for the fertility (state of being fertile) and stimulus of the opposition against them.   Misguided and complete unreasonable though some of this opposition now appears, it is doubtful whether it will seem any more peculiar, one hundred years hence, than some of the reasons we produce today for continual hardship and injustice. Our ancestors thought it strange that wives should wish to keep their own earnings; our descendants may be astonished at our system which forces a man to maintain a woman, sometimes for life, after a hopeless marriage has been disrupted. It is likely that our descendants will derive as much heartless fun from thought of our divorce laws, and the reasons we use to defend them. They may also think that the indifference of the nineteenth century to death and suffering in the mills was fully matched by that of the twentieth century to death and suffering on the highways. 请根据上面给出的内容,来回答下面的单项选择题(下列每小题备选 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案。每小题0分,共5题。)6. The author says of the reforms that we take for granted that _____. A :it is good to look at the arguments agsinst them B :it is good that they have been accepted C :they were healthier than we now appreciate D :we should study the alternative 请选择答案: A:B:C:D:7. The trouble with the people who were against reforms in the past was that _____. A :they were well-meaning in too many cases B :all of them were too frequently sincere C :they could only be successfully opposed by lawyers D :they were nervous 请选择答案: A:B:C:D:8. The argument over the reforms _____. A :were about reforms with more important results than other reforms B :concerned reforms equally as important as any other reforms C :are more instructive than other arguments D :are instructive as regards the nineteenth century 请选择答案: A:B:C:D:9. As regards different generations' attitudes,perheps _____. A :our descendants' opposition to reform will be as absurd as ours B :our ancestors' objections to reform will seem justified to our descendants C :our case against reforms is even more blind than our ancestors' D :our arguments against reform are as unreasonable as our ancestors' 请选择答案: A:B:C:D:10. The author believes that in the future people will be surprised that in our present society _____. A :men are expected to keep their wives with the even after a marriage has broken down B :men have to pay money to their wives even after separation C :women do not share their husbands' earnings D :women expect to be supported by their men 请选择答案: A:B:C:D: “成千上万人疯狂下载。。。。。。 更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料, 洛基内部秘密英语,技巧,策略 请在 网上 申请报名”
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