首页 10.18停电停风瓦斯排放安全技术措施



10.18停电停风瓦斯排放安全技术措施10.18停电停风瓦斯排放安全技术措施 瓦 斯 排 放 安 全 技 术 措 施 编制单位:通 风 区 编 制 人:雷 安 思 编制时间:2012年10月18日 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety produ...

10.18停电停风瓦斯排放安全技术 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 瓦 斯 排 放 安 全 技 术 措 施 编制单位:通 风 区 编 制 人:雷 安 思 编制时间:2012年10月18日 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 会审单位 会审人员 会审意见 通风区 通风科 机电科 救护队 安全科 调度室 通风副总 总 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 10.18停电矿井瓦斯排放安全技术措施 一、排放时间:2012年10月18日早班 二、排放地点:12011回风顺槽、12011运输顺槽、1250瓦斯抽放巷、12014运输顺槽、12013运输顺槽、11153回风巷、11013回风顺槽、11013运输顺槽、1240溜煤上山、1240轨道上山、1190沉淀池、11012采面、11011采面、12012采面。 三、排放原因:10.18供电部门要对供电系统进行检修需对全矿 井进行停电。 四、断电范围: 断电范围:停主扇后,地面变电所必须切断井下所有非本质安全型电源。 五、应撤人设警戒位置: 排放瓦斯前,安全科在中央风井行人通道巷道口、副井井口、主井口、东安全出口和东风井井口等地点设置警戒。 六、瓦斯排放顺序及路线: 11采区: (1)、11153回风顺槽:1285运输石门局扇?1285运输石门?11163回风顺槽?11153回风顺槽联络巷?11153回风顺槽?垱头?11153回风顺槽?11153回风措施巷?1275回风石门?中央回风上山?中央风井-地面; the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were (2)、11012采面溜煤小眼:11012运输顺槽局扇?11012运输顺槽?11012采面溜煤小眼?11012运输顺槽?11012采面?11012回风巷流水平硐?中央风井?地面; (3)、11013回风顺槽:1285运输石门局扇?11011运输顺槽?11013回风顺槽?垱头?11013回风顺槽?11011运输顺槽?11011回风顺槽?流水平硐?中央风井?地面; (4)、11013运输顺槽:1200运输石门局扇?11013运输顺槽?垱头?11013运输顺槽?1200运输石门?中央回风上山?中央风井?地面; (5)、1240溜煤上山:1200运输石门局扇?1200运输石门?1240溜煤上山?垱头?1240溜煤上山?1200运输石门?中央回风上山?中央风井?地面; (6)、1240轨道上山:11190运输大巷局扇?1190运输石门?1240轨道上山?垱头?1240轨道上山?1190运输石门?1190联络上山?1200运输石门?中央回风上山?中央风井?地面; 12采区: (1)、12011回风顺槽:12011回风顺槽局扇?12011回风顺槽?垱头?12011回风顺槽?12012回风顺槽?1334回风石门?东风井井筒?地面; (2)、12011运输顺槽:12011运输顺槽局扇?12011运输顺槽?垱头?12011运输顺槽?1277回风联络巷?1277回风石门?东风井井筒?地面; the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were (3)、12012采面溜煤小眼:12012运输顺槽局扇?12012运输顺槽?12012采面溜煤小眼?垱头?12012采面溜煤小眼?12012运输顺槽?12012采面?12012回风巷?1334回风石门?东风井井筒?地面; (4)、1250瓦斯抽放巷:1250联络巷局扇?1250瓦斯抽放巷?垱头?1250瓦斯抽放巷?东风井井筒?地面; (5)、12013运输顺槽:东1200运输石门局扇?东1200运输石门?12013运输顺槽?垱头?12013运输顺槽?东1200运输石门?东风井井筒?地面。 (6)、12014运输顺槽:东1200运输石门局扇?东1200运输石门?12014运输顺槽?垱头?12014运输顺槽?东1200运输石门?东风井井筒?地面。 七、安全技术措施: (1)、成立瓦斯排放小组,由矿总工程师担任排放总指挥,通风副总担任副指挥,由通风科负责按本措施组织通风区、救护队、安全科、机电部门进行排放。由通风区带队,安全科、机电部门、救护队各派一名管理人员分别在东风井任现场指挥、派一名管理人员在11采区+1285水平任现场指挥、派一名管理人员在+1190水平任现场指挥。机电部门分别对三个排放区域各派一位电工坚持在现场负责处理机电事宜,并听从现场指挥的安排。 (2)、警戒设置地点及撤人、执行情况,由现场指挥向矿调度汇报。 (3)、排放时间根据具体情况而定,排放期间的警戒由现场排放指挥the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 安排。 (4)、主扇开启后稳定20分钟,通风区管理人员、瓦检员和电工下井,瓦检员检查11采区1285变电所、1190变电所、12采区变电所内的瓦斯浓度,瓦斯浓度在0.5%以下正常时汇报调度室,调度室通知地面变电所送井下三专高压电源,瓦检员检查各盲巷口瓦斯浓度,局扇附近20m范围内的瓦斯浓度在0.5%以下,通知井下变电所电工送三专电源,电工将井下变电所三专电源送起后,汇报调度室,调度室通知通风区管理人员和瓦检员可以排放瓦斯,瓦检员再次检查局扇附近的瓦斯浓度,瓦斯浓度在0.5%以下方可专职人员启动局扇。 (5)、排放前,现场指挥派人员检查排放影响区和瓦斯超限区内的撤人、停电情况,并合理分派控制风量、设岗、瓦斯检查和风机操作人员,并将排放准备以及通风系统、瓦斯、风流等情况,向总指挥报告,请求排放指令。 (6)、排放人员入井必须做到: ?、入井前所有参加排放瓦斯人员必须学习本措施,并签名。 ?、入井前所有参加排放瓦斯人员对自己的自救器、矿灯、瓦检仪进行严格检查,发现问题立刻处理,确保仪器完好。 ?、准备完毕后,通风区负责人对所有参加排放瓦斯人员的仪器,必须进行详细检查,发现问题及时处理,确认合格后做好 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 并签字。?、排放瓦斯要有足够的排放和警戒人员,必须检查自救器是否完好,并应熟悉佩带和使用的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 ?、入井排放瓦斯人员的着装和使用的仪器、矿灯等必须整齐完好。the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were (7)、排放瓦斯前,首先检查局扇及其开关附近10m范围内风流中的瓦斯浓度,均不得超过0.5%,按规定区域设置好警戒后,方可人工开动局扇,向被排放巷道送入有限的风量,逐步排放瓦斯。 (8)、控制风量的方法: 把风筒接头断开,通过改变风筒三通口的大小调节送入风量,逐节排放。 (9)、排放瓦斯时,严禁“一风吹”且必须使排出的风流同全风压风流混合处的瓦斯浓度、二氧化碳浓度都不得超过1.5%,排放瓦斯回风系统内必须停电撤人。 (10)、排放瓦斯时, 瓦斯检查人员必须在全风压风流混合处,悬挂便携式瓦检仪检查瓦斯浓度,若风流中瓦斯浓度达到1.5%时,及时指令调节风量的人员减少送入风量,确保其与全风压风流中瓦斯和二氧化碳均不超限。 (11)、排放瓦斯时首先检查风机处有足够新鲜风量,严禁局扇发生循环风。 (12)、排放后,经通风区管理干部现场指挥检查、确认瓦斯积聚区和排放影响区内瓦斯浓度小于0.8%,氧气浓度不低于20%,二氧化碳浓度不超过1.5%,其他有害气体符合《煤矿安全规程》第一百条规定,且通风系统的风流正常30分钟后,井下指挥应立即将排放情况报告总指挥,接到排放完毕指令后,方可撤岗、复电、复工、宣告排放完毕。 (13)、排放瓦斯恢复通风后,调度室通知地面变电所送井下变电所the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 的高压动力电源。 (14)、排放区域恢复通风后,必须由电工对排放区域中的电气设备进行检查,证实完好后,方可人工恢复局部通风机供风的巷道中的一切电气设备的电源。 (15)、恢复供电后,监控中心必须及时将各个地点的瓦斯探头安设到位并调校准确,并确保每个瓦斯探头能精确的监控各个地点的瓦斯情况。 七、瓦斯排放相关部门及人员 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx : 通风科、安全部门、通风区、救护队干部职责:现场安排、指挥启封密闭及瓦斯排放工作; 瓦检员:具体负责启封密闭及瓦斯排放作业过程中的瓦斯检查工作; 救护队员:负责启封密闭过程中对巷道内的情况进行侦查以及在瓦斯排放过程中的各项侦查工作; 安全员:负责启封密闭及瓦斯排放工作中的警戒工作; 电工:负责启封密闭及瓦斯排放工作中的断电、复电工作和恢复掘进工作面相关电气设备的检查工作。 监控中心:恢复供电后监控中心对井下各地点的瓦斯探头进行检查,以及各地点的瓦斯电闭锁以及风电闭锁设备进行检查,发现问题及时处理。 八、附图: 11采区、12采区通风系统图及瓦斯排放警戒图 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 学习和考试记录 贯彻人: 贯彻时间: 贯彻地点: 参加人员 参加人员 序号 姓名 工种 成绩 签字 序号 姓名 工种 成绩 签字 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were
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