首页 动物分类及特征-无脊椎动物



动物分类及特征-无脊椎动物动物分类及特征-无脊椎动物 第一章 动物分类及特征(上)——无脊椎动物 (一)选择题(1-47为单项选择;48-54为不定项选择) 1(扁形动物的肌肉层来源于 A 外胚层 B 中胚层 C 内胚层 D 中胶层 2(具有辐射对称体型的动物是 A 草履虫 B 涡虫 C 蚯蚓 D 水母 3(原生动物伸缩泡的主要功能是 A 排除代谢废物 B 调节水分 C 气体交换 D 吸收营养 4(日本血吸虫的中间宿主是 A 沼螺 B 钉螺 C 隔扁螺 D 椎实螺 5(腔肠动物的刺细胞产生于 A 内胚层 B 外胚层 C ...

动物分类及特征-无脊椎动物 第一章 动物分类及特征(上)——无脊椎动物 (一)选择题(1-47为单项选择;48-54为不定项选择) 1(扁形动物的肌肉层来源于 A 外胚层 B 中胚层 C 内胚层 D 中胶层 2(具有辐射对称体型的动物是 A 草履虫 B 涡虫 C 蚯蚓 D 水母 3(原生动物伸缩泡的主要功能是 A 排除代谢废物 B 调节水分 C 气体交换 D 吸收营养 4(日本血吸虫的中间宿主是 A 沼螺 B 钉螺 C 隔扁螺 D 椎实螺 5(腔肠动物的刺细胞产生于 A 内胚层 B 外胚层 C 外和内胚层 D 中胶层 6(下列属于血液传染病的是 A 血吸虫病 B 丝虫病 C 绦虫病 D 钩虫病 7(人体感染血吸虫的虫态是 A 受精卵 B 子孢蚴 C 尾蚴 D 囊蚴 8(人体往往是通过哪种途径感染钩虫病的, A 皮肤接触疫水 B 蚊子吸血传播 C 随饮食吃进了钩虫的虫卵 D 赤手赤脚下地干活 9(下列动物通常以孤雌生殖繁殖后代的是 A 水螅 B 绦虫 C 轮虫 D 蚯蚓 10(雌体不以交配、受精即可繁殖后代的生殖方式称为 A 幼体生殖 B 孤雌生殖 C 有性生殖 D 无性生殖 11(海葵和寄居虾(蟹)的生活关系属于 A 互惠共生 B 共栖 C 寄生 D 寄居 12(线形动物 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现出比扁形动物高等的特征是 A 具角质膜、有原体腔、出现了肛门 B 有原体腔、雌雄异体、出现了肛门 C 具角质层、厌氧呼吸、雌雄异体 D 有原体腔、厌氧呼吸、雌雄异体 13(扁形动物比腔肠动物高级的特征是 A 两侧对称,三胚层,出现细胞外消化 B 有皮肌囊结构,出现中胚层,有完全消化管 C 两侧对称,出现中胚层,有器官系统分化 D 有皮肌囊结构,三胚体内充满间质 14(下列动物不属于瓣鳃纲的是 A 酸酱贝 B 竹蛏 C 江瑶 D 贻贝 15(节肢动物和环节动物的共同点是 A 有分节的附肢 B 身体异律分节明显 C 具有外骨骼 D 链状神经系统 16(中药中的蝉蜕是 A 蝉的僵死的幼虫 B 蝉的僵死的蛹 C 蝉的幼虫壳 D 蝉的蛹壳 17(菜粉蝶、蝇类的幼虫分别叫做 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate A 稚虫、蛆 B 菜青虫、孑孓 C 若虫、蛴螬 D 菜青虫、蛆 18(如果把草履虫和绿眼虫都放在蒸馏水中,会出现什么结果, A 两种虫都会死亡 B 两种虫都会继续生存 C 草履虫会死亡,而绿眼虫继续生存 D 草履虫生存,绿眼虫死亡 19(丝状触角的鞭节为 A 一节 B 二节 C 若干小节 D 呈丝状 20(在蛔虫的体壁和消化管之间有 A 消化系统 B 真体腔 C 消化腔 D 原体腔 21(人虱足的特征,下列正确的是 A 前足为攀缘足 B 后足为攀缘足 C 三对足都为攀缘足 D 三对足都为抱握足 22(属于双翅目的一组昆虫是 A 家蝇、库蚊、飞虱 B 按蚊、白蛉、摇蚊 C 麻蝇、牛虹、粘虫 D 果蝇、白蛉、臭虫 23(家蝇和胡蜂的触角分别为 A 具芒、刚毛状 B 环毛状、丝状 C 具芒状、膝状 D 环毛状、膝状 24(蚊和蝽蟓的发育(变态)分别属于 A 渐变态、完全变态 B 半变态、渐变态 C 完全变态、无变态 D 完全变态、渐变态 25(环节动物和节肢动物的共同特征是 A具外骨骼 B具有闭管式血液循环系统 C有附肢 D身体分部 E 链状神经 26(区别蚯蚓身体的前端和后端可以依据下列哪一项 A 体色 B 刚毛 C 环带 D 体节 27(将蟑螂罩在纱罩内,再放上一堆糖粒和一堆木屑,可以看到它用触角碰一碰糖,又去碰一碰木屑,然后爬上糖堆偷吃。如果将它的触角全部剪掉可以看到它爬来爬去乱啃,分不出什么是能吃的食物。实验说明触角具有什么作用 A 味觉和嗅觉 B 嗅觉和触觉 C 视觉和触觉 D 触觉和听觉 28(具有触手、触角、触须、触肢、触唇的动物依次是 A 蜜蜂、蟋蟀、河蚌、圆蛛、海葵 B 海葵、蟋蟀、河蚌、蜜蜂、圆蛛 C 海葵、蜜蜂、蟋蟀、圆珠、河蚌 D 河蚌、圆蛛、海葵、蟋蟀、蜜蜂 29(触角呈鳃状的昆虫是 A 白蚁 B 蜻蜓 C 金龟子 D 莱粉蝶 30(关于棘皮动物的共同特征的叙述,错误的是 A 棘皮动物是典型的后口动物 B 棘皮动物胚胎发育的初期往往是两侧对称的 C 棘皮动物特有水沟系统 D 棘皮动物的石灰质骨骼来源于中胚层 31(具有触手、触角、触须、触肢、触唇的动物依次是 A.海葵、蟋蟀、河蚌、蜜蜂、园蚌 B.河蚌、园蚌、海葵、蟋蟀、蜜蜂 C.蜜蜂、蟋蟀、河蚌、园蚌、海葵 D.海葵、蜜蜂、蟋蟀、园蛛、河蚌 32(下列哪种动物以体腔囊法形成中胚层和体腔 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate A.箭虫 B.蚯蚓 C.鲎 D.乌贼 33(昆虫的口器类型多样,请选出下列组合哪些组正确 A. 蝉(刺吸式)、蝶(舐吸式)、蜜蜂(嚼吸式)、天牛(咀嚼式) B(蚊(刺吸式)、蝽(虹吸式)、蝇(舐吸式)、蚁(咀嚼式) C(胡蜂(刺吸式)、金色甲(咀嚼式)、蝗(嚼吸式)、蜻蜓(虹吸式) D(蝽(刺吸式)、蛾(虹吸式)、蟑螂(咀嚼式)、蜜蜂(嚼吸式) 34(下列动物中的哪一纲中所有动物生活史中至少有一个时期营寄生生活 A变形虫纲 B(孢子虫纲 C(鞭毛虫纲 D(纤毛虫纲 35(下列哪种人类疾病与蚊子有关系 A(昏睡病 B. 血吸虫病 C(痢疾 D(疟疾 36(绦虫区别于吸虫的特征为 A. 生殖系统非常发达 B. 成虫均为寄生生活C(神经系统退化消失D(幼虫均为寄生生活 37(在我国民间有“大灾之后有大疫”的说法,指在洪涝灾害之后往往会有大面积的传染病发生,你认为下列的解释中最正确的是 A(洪涝灾害后,因为有大面积积水,人们经常赤足下地,可能被血吸虫幼虫感染 B(洪涝灾害后,由于地面多沼泽,为寄生虫寄主的大量繁殖提供了很好的条件 C(洪水可以把原来分布于某处的寄生虫或其寄主扩散到更大面积 D.洪水过后,人们的抵抗力降低,变成易感人群 38(不靠血液把氧气运往全身各处的动物有 ?水螅 ?涡虫 ?蚯蚓 ?蝗虫 ?河蚌 ?鱼 A.?、?和? B(?、?和? C(?、?和? D(?、?和? 39(人蛔虫是人体的一种主要寄生虫,其寄生在人体内,给人体造成很大的危害,下列症状哪项不可能是由蛔虫引起的 A(营养不良 B(肠道阻塞 C(肺穿孔 D(象皮肿 40(下列哪一组动物不是假体腔动物 A.腹毛动物门和内肛动物门 B(腔肠动物门和扁形动物门 C.棘头动物门和内肛动物门 D(动吻动物门和轮形动物门 41(下列哪一类无脊椎动物具有最复杂的体表结构 A.节肢动物 B(海绵动物 C.原生动物 D(刺胞动物 42(观察草履虫的纤列系统(感动系统),要有5个步骤,他们是:?在显微镜下观察 ?强光照射 ?加入3—5,硝酸银染色 ?载片上涂上蛋白胶 ?放一滴草履虫液晾干 请指出观察顺序 A(?一?一?一?一? B(?一?一?一?一? C(?一?一?一?一? D(?一?一?一?一? 43(蚯蚓适应土壤穴居生活的结构特点是 ?头部退化 ?身体分节 ?体腔内有体腔液 ?背部有背孔 ?体壁有刚毛 ?形成链状神经系统 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the li第 3 nes of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than页 共 5 页 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate ,(????? ,(???? ,(???? ,(???? 44(试管中的草履虫常聚集在培养液的表层,这说明 ,(草履虫同化作用需要阳光 ,(草履虫异化作用属于需氧型 ,(草履虫所需的某种无机物比重小于水 ,(草履虫的食物浮在水面上 45(蜈蚣的排泄器官是 ,(绿腺 ,(基节腺 ,(马氏管 ,(颚腺 46(下列昆虫发声的正确组合是 ?蝗虫 ?蝉 ?蟋蟀 ?天牛 ?后足摩擦前翅 ?腹部发音器 ?头胸部摩擦 ?前翅摩擦 A(???????? B(???????? C(???????? D(???????? 47(下列动物中,属原口动物,具有两个胚层和辐射对称特征的动物 A(放射虫 B(疟原虫 C(水螅 D(海星 48(昆虫与其它一些节肢动物类群相同的特征是 A. 发育过程有变态 B. 气管呼吸 C(有三对步足 D(适宜陆生 49(可以在土壤中生存的有哪些动物 A(腹足动物、甲壳动物、蛛形动物、环节动物、线虫动物 B(甲壳动物、线形动物、瓣鳃动物、扁形动物、半索动物 C(甲壳动物。蛛形纲动物、线形动物、软体动物、扁形动物 D(尾索动物、扁形动物、线虫动物、腕足动物、蛛形动物 50(以下哪些特征是棘皮动物与其它无脊椎动物都不同的 A(次生辐射对称 B(体腔形成的水管系统 C(骨骼均由中胚层发生 D(胚孔成为成体的口 51(原口动物与后口动物的区别为 A.有体腔膜 B(骨骼不是中胚层发育 C(螺旋卵裂 D.没有鳃裂 52(以下哪些动物不能生活在长江中下游的湖泊中 A.鞭毛虫、寡毛类 B(线虫、轮虫 C.薮枝螅、轮虫 D(柱头虫、 石鳖 53(昆虫区别于其它所有节肢动物的特征是 A.多数具翅 B(有三对胸足 C.气管系统呼吸 D(马氏管排泄 54(黑热病和昏睡病分别由下列哪2种动物引起 A(日本血吸虫 B(披发虫 C(利什曼原虫 D(锥虫 (二)填空题 55(原生动物的细胞器由 特化而成,能行使多细胞动物 相似的生理功能,故又称为 。 56(杜氏利什曼原虫属于原生动物的 纲,能引起 病,传播媒介是一种叫 的小昆虫。 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 57(间日疟原虫属于原生动物门 纲。它寄生于人体的 处,患者出现周期性的 ,其传播媒介是 。 58(血吸虫的生活史依次经过成虫、卵、 、 、 和 等阶段。 59(蚂蟥吸血以后,可使宿主的伤口流血不止,这是因为蚂蟥的咽腺分泌 ;具有 作用。 60(鲍的贝壳叫 ,为著名中药材,乌贼的石灰质内壳药名叫 。 61(性成熟的蚯蚓,在第14,16节之间无节间沟,状如指环,称为 ,在生殖时能分泌粘液形成 ,以适应不良环境。 62(高等动物的肌肉组织,可分为三大类: 、 和 ;在无脊椎动物中还有一种 。 63(来源于囊胚腔,只有体壁肌肉层,无 和 的体腔称为原体腔。 64(许多环节动物的血液呈红色,这是它们的血浆中存在有 的缘故,而血液中的细胞则是 。 65(写出下列寄生虫的寄生部位。 日本血吸虫 ;华枝睾吸虫 ;姜片虫 ;血丝虫成虫 。 66(乌贼的快速运动主要是借 而实现的,运动的方向一般是向 。 67(乌贼的消化系统发达,除了有胃盲囊和各种消化腺外,在其口中有2个角质的鹦嘴颚,用以 ;神经系统高度发达,中枢神经有 保护着。 68(写出下列动物排泄器官的名称。 吸虫 ;沙蚕 ;河蟹成体 ;蟑螂 。 69(写出下列动物循环系统名称。 沙蚕 ;河蚌 ;昆虫 。 70(棘皮动物的次生体腔宽大,一部分形成 和 ,较为特殊,由 法形成。 71(呼吸树是 向体腔突出的两枝树状管,为 所特有,具有 作用。 72(根据昆虫口器结构的变化,一般分为 、 、 、 和 等类型。 73(昆虫纲膜翅目的主要特征是:一般有 对 翅,口器为 或 ;发育为 ;触角一般为 和 。 74(昆虫纲双翅目的主要特征是:具有 或 口器;前翅 ,后翅 ,发育为 。 75(写出下列昆虫口器的类型 ;家蝇 ;蜜蜂 ;凤蝶 。 金龟子 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the li第 5 nes of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than页 共 5 页 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate
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