首页 2013春季传染病预防知识讲座



2013春季传染病预防知识讲座2013春季传染病预防知识讲座 春季传染病预防知识讲座 主讲人:张展凤 一:讲座目的 通过本次讲解让学生及家长更多的了解传染病预防知识,从而有效的降低传染病的发病率。 二:讲座的重点及难点 1、 卫生常识 2、 春季好发传染病的预防措施 三:讲座内容 春季好发的呼吸道传染病有普通感冒、流行性感冒、麻疹、风疹、水痘、单纯疱疹、流行性腮腺炎、流脑、猩红热,传染性非典型肺炎和人感染高致病性禽流感两类新病种。 这些传染病的主要传染途径是病原体通过呼吸道的排泄物(飞沫等)传播的。冬春季寒冷,学生在外边活动...

2013春季传染病预防知识讲座 春季传染病预防知识讲座 主讲人:张展凤 一:讲座目的 通过本次讲解让学生及家长更多的了解传染病预防知识,从而有效的降低传染病的发病率。 二:讲座的重点及难点 1、 卫生常识 2、 春季好发传染病的预防 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 三:讲座内容 春季好发的呼吸道传染病有普通感冒、流行性感冒、麻疹、风疹、水痘、单纯疱疹、流行性腮腺炎、流脑、猩红热,传染性非典型肺炎和人感染高致病性禽流感两类新病种。 这些传染病的主要传染途径是病原体通过呼吸道的排泄物(飞沫等)传播的。冬春季寒冷,学生在外边活动减少,多集中在教室内,这更增加了传染机会。为了御寒,习惯把门窗关得很严,室内外的空气很难交换,空气相对静止的室内,带有病菌、病毒的飞沫在空气中飘浮,学生在教室时间长,空气不新鲜,自然容易感染呼吸道传染病。另外,寒冷的空气会使鼻黏膜的血管收缩,降低呼吸道的抵抗力,这也是容易得病的一个原因。 呼吸道传染病预防措施有以下几点: 1、坚持晨检 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,发现病例,及时隔离,环境消毒,疫情上报。教室每天保证定时通风换气,保持空气清新。 2、加强体育锻炼,增强抗病能力。多到户外活动,适时增减衣服。 3、养成良好的健康行为,平时多喝开水,多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果,把住“病从口入”关。 4、尽量减少到空气不流通的场所集会,特别是不要到网吧长时间游戏。 5、对流感、流脑、麻疹等,在流行期间还可注射相应疫苗预防。 流脑的预防: 流脑是由脑膜炎双球菌感染引起的经呼吸道传播的一种化脓性脑膜炎,多在春季流行。 该病的一般 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现症状是:突然高热,剧烈头痛,频繁呕吐,精神不振,颈项强直,重者可出现昏迷、抽搐。流脑根据病情轻重分为普通型和暴发型。暴发型起病急骤,常在24小时内出现严重休克和呼吸衰竭,危及生命。因此,在流脑Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 高发期,若出现类似上呼吸道感染的症状,或者突发高热、身上有出血点、头痛、喷射状呕吐、嗜睡、烦躁不安等症状,要立即到正规医院抢救治疗,以免延误病情。 流脑有以下并发症:脑及其周围组织因炎症或粘连可引起第?、?、?及?对颅神经损害、肢体运动障碍,失语、大脑功能不全、癫痫等。脑室间孔或蛛网膜下腔粘连可发生脑积水,后者又导致智能障碍、癫痫等。经脑膜间的桥静脉发生栓塞性静脉炎后可形成硬膜下积水,多见于1-2岁的幼儿。当及时和适当的治疗效果不满意,恢复期出现抽搐,喷射性呕吐,特别伴有定位体征,颅内压持续升高,以及发热等即应想到硬膜下积水的可能。化脓性迁延性病变有结合膜炎、全眼炎、中耳炎、关节炎、肺炎、脓胸、心内膜炎、心包炎、睾丸炎等. 流脑虽来势凶猛,发病急剧,但只要掌握发病规律,采取综合措施是可以预防的,生活中,要注意以下几点: 常晒衣服、晒被褥、晒太阳。脑膜炎双球菌具有怕热、怕冷、厌氧的弱点,1. 因此要经常晒衣服、晒被褥、晒太阳。居室内的温度要在18?-20?,湿度在50,—60%最为合适,每天开窗3—4次,每次约15分钟左右,每天用湿布擦桌子和地面,使室内空气新鲜而湿润。让孩子多增加户外活动,上午10点到下午4点最为适宜,以提高小儿对周围环境冷热变化的适应力和对疾病的抵抗力。同时,在流脑好发季节,室内还可用食醋、艾叶等熏蒸消毒,杀灭病菌。 保护易感人群,提高免疫能力。注意在流行期内,与流脑病例密切接触的2. 人员均应接种疫苗。目前我国市场上供应的a,c群双价多糖疫苗,能有效诱导出抗体,免疫年龄在两岁以上的人群,次年不需要加强,3-5年后需加强接种。 3.及时发现病人,早期隔离、治疗。在流脑流行季节,一旦发现不明原因的发热、乏力、咽喉痛等症状的病人,应提高警惕。若病人出现高烧不退、剧烈头痛、喷射呕吐等,应立即送医院检查,确诊者应隔离治疗。病人污染的环境、用品等要严格消毒,以防扩散。 4.培养良好的生活方式。要按时作息,保证睡眠,经常参加一些力所能及的体育锻炼,增强体质,提高机体的抗病能力。 5.少去或不去公共场所。初春时节,尽量少去人多、空气不流通的公共场所。注意根据天气变化,随时增减衣服,避免感冒。 流脑的预防控制措施主要包括以下五项 1.加强疾病监测,做到早发现、早报告、早诊断、早隔离并及早就近住院医治病人。 2.对病人密切接触者,立即进行预防性服药。 3.若流脑流行出现在过去未实施疫苗免疫或注射疫苗较少的地方,可对15Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 岁以下未免疫的儿童应急接种疫苗。 4.一旦发生流脑流行,应劝阻大型集会、串门访友或探视病人,不带儿童去公共场所。 5.及时组织对疫点进行消毒处理,如疫情发生在学校等人群集聚场所,要做好环境卫生、个人卫生,保持通风。 水痘的预防: 水痘是由水痘——带状疱疹病毒引起的常见的急性传染病。水痘一年四季都可发病,其中以冬春季为多。水痘传染性极强,病人是唯一的传染源,主要通过唾液飞沫传染,亦可因接触水痘病毒污染的衣服、玩具、用具等而得病。患者以婴幼儿多见,集体儿童亦为易感人群,托儿所、幼儿园、 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 校等容易发生局部暴发流行。 水痘的平均潜伏期14—21天,多为15一17天。易感者接触病人后约90,会传染发病,病初症状较轻,可出现微热,全身不适。发热的同时或1—2日后,躯干皮肤、粘膜分批出现和迅速发展为斑疹、丘疹、疱疹与结痂。水痘病毒可波及多脏器,还可并发皮肤感染、肺炎、脑炎等。本病一般预后良好,极少数人出现严重并发症。部分病人恢复后体内可潜伏病毒,成年后某些诱因可引起复发成为带状疱疹。 主要预防措施: 1(加强水痘防病宣传,教育和培养学生良好卫生习惯,做到勤洗手,以免传染病交叉感染。 2(冬春季节学校的教室要经常开窗通风,保持环境整洁,空气流通。 3(学校每天晨检,发现水痘患者应及时报告,隔离传染源,患病学生必须在家隔离治疗,待结痂干燥后方能复学(自发病起21天左右)。 4(对易感儿童接种水痘疫苗,接种疫苗后15天产生抗体,30天时抗体水平达到高峰,抗体阳转率95,左右,免疫力持久,接种水痘疫苗是预防和控制水痘的有效手段。 麻疹、风疹的预防 : 麻疹(以6个月至5岁小孩为主要发病群),麻疹俗称“疹子”、“痧子”,是由麻疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,多发于冬春两季,麻疹传染性非常强,病毒随飞沫排出直接感染,间接传播很少。但患过麻疹后可获得免疫力。 发病症状:麻疹潜伏期为10—14天,发病时主要表现为上呼吸道炎症,急起发热,咳嗽、流涕、畏光流泪、眼睑浮肿。出疹期:于第4病日左右开始出疹,持续3—5天。从耳后发际,渐及前额、面颈、躯干与四肢,此时全身中毒症状加重,体温高达40?,精神萎靡、嗜睡;恢复期:皮疹出齐后,中毒症状明显缓Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 解,体温下降,约1—2日降至正常。皮疹1—2周退净。若治疗不及时可引起肺炎、喉炎、心肌炎、脑炎等并发症。 风疹(此病多见于1—5岁儿童),风疹是由风疹病毒引起的一种常见的急性呼吸道传染病。冬春两季是多发季节,其传染性强,在幼儿园及小学可成批儿童患病。病毒一般通过空气飞沫传播,或由患者的口、鼻、眼的分泌物直接传染。 发病症状:风疹从接触感染到症状出现,要经过14—21天。症状有低热或中度发热,轻微咳嗽、乏力、胃口不好和眼发红等上呼吸道症状。通常在发热1—2天后出现皮疹,24小时蔓延全身。出疹第二天开始,面部及四肢皮疹可变成针尖样红点,皮疹一般在3天内迅速消退,留下较浅色素沉着。在出疹期体温不再上升,患者饮食如常。风疹并发症很少,一旦发生支气管炎、肺炎、中耳炎或脑膜脑炎等并发症时,应及时治疗。 防治措施:因两种病都有很强的传染性,一旦发病,应及时隔离防止传播。 ,以减少感染和传播机会。 麻、风疹流行期间尽量少去公共场所(尤其是医院) 腮腺炎的预防: 流行性腮腺炎是由腮腺炎病毒引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病。一年四季均可发生,冬春季节发病率最高,对两至十五岁的儿童威胁严重,常在幼儿园和学校中流行。 腮腺炎可因说话、咳嗽、打喷嚏而通过唾液进行传播,少数也可以通过被患者污染的物品(食物、食具和玩具)间接传播,起病较急。该病潜伏期一般为十六至十八天,主要症状为一侧或双侧腮腺(耳前和耳下部)肿大,以耳垂为中心,向前、后、下扩展,充塞于下颌骨和乳突之间,边缘不清,触之有弹性,并有轻度触痛,局部皮肤肿胀发亮,表面发热,但不发红,不会化脓,张嘴、吞咽和吃东西时疼痛,吃酸性食物时局部更疼。一般是一侧腮腺先肿,一至四天后另一侧相继肿胀,颌下腺、舌下腺、颈淋巴结因受累而肿大。严重的还可见到下颌部、颈部甚至胸部前肿胀,这是由于舌下腺、颌下腺也受累的缘故。患儿常有畏寒、发热、头痛、咽喉疼痛、食欲不振、全身不适,严重者伴有发冷、恶心、呕吐、嗜睡、颈部发硬、昏迷或抽筋等。肿胀在三至四天可达高峰,再持续四至五天后逐渐消退,六至七天后体温逐渐下降,经治疗,症状十天左右即可消失,并获得终身免疫。 腮腺炎为自限性疾病,目前尚无特效疗法,近年来发现应用潘生丁、病毒唑,疗效显著。中药可用紫金锭醋调局部外敷。 一旦发现孩子得了腮腺炎,应立即隔离,其生活用品、玩具、文具等煮沸或暴晒消毒,居室要注意通风换气,病人要注意卧床休息。给予流质饮食,不给过硬、过酸、过甜的刺激性食物,要多喝水,以利于毒素排出,要注意口腔卫生,防止Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 继发性感染。如体温过高,可给予适量退热药,如出现并发症可用抗菌素和磺胺类药物对症治疗。 预防腮腺炎和并发症的发生,要在冬春季节注意孩子的营养、保暖,加强耐寒锻炼。注射腮腺炎减毒活疫苗也能起到预防作用。丙种球蛋白或胎盘球蛋白对流行性腮腺炎没有预防效果,应加以留意。发病后可口服板兰根冲剂,并常用淡盐水漱口、冲鼻。腮腺炎流行期间,不要去人群集中的公共场所,避免接触传染源。 Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to
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