首页 正泰双电源开关使用说明及接线图



正泰双电源开关使用说明及接线图正泰双电源开关使用说明及接线图 NZ7系列双电源说明书 1、适用范围 NZ7系列自动转换开关电器适 用于交流工频50Hz,额定工作 电压AC400V,额定工作电流至 630A的三相四线双路供电电网中,自动将一个或几个负载电路从一个电源接至另一个电源,以保证负载电路的正常供电。 本产品适用于工业、商业、高层和民用住宅等较为重要的场所。 执行标准:GB/T 14048.11。 2、型号及含义 3、正常工作条件 3.1 周围空气温度 周围空气温度上限为+40?,下限为-5?,且24h内平均温度不...

正泰双电源开关使用说明及接线图 NZ7系列双电源说明 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 1、适用范围 NZ7系列自动转换开关电器适 用于交流工频50Hz,额定工作 电压AC400V,额定工作电流至 630A的三相四线双路供电电网中,自动将一个或几个负载电路从一个电源接至另一个电源,以保证负载电路的正常供电。 本产品适用于工业、商业、高层和民用住宅等较为重要的场所。 执行 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 :GB/T 14048.11。 2、型号及含义 3、正常工作条件 3.1 周围空气温度 周围空气温度上限为+40?,下限为-5?,且24h内平均温度不超过+35?; 3.2 海拔 安装地点的海拔不超过2000m;3.3 大气条件 大气的相对湿度在周围最高温度+40?时不超过50%,在较低的温度下可以有较高的相对湿度,例如+20?时达到90%,对于温度变化偶尔产生的凝露,应采取特殊的措施。 3.4 污染等级 污染等级为3级。 4、技术参数及性能 5、特性及功能 NZ7系列自动转换开关电器(以下简称自动转换开关)是结合先进的数字电子控制技术的新一代CB级产品。产品具有体积小、节能、安装方便、功能先进齐全、可靠双重联锁保护等特点。 5.1 体积小 单电机传动结构,利用电机正反旋转,实现转换功能,同时使产品高度降低,减小了安装空间。 5.2 节能 驱动机构采用电动机传动方式,功耗小,噪音小。 5.3 功能先进齐全 5.4 双重联锁保护 采用机械联锁和电气联锁双重保护,防止两路电源同时接通;其中电气联锁采用直接指示自动转换开关的断路器触头位置方式,实现真正意义的电气联锁——防止 触头熔焊、断路器手柄损坏、电 路故障断路器脱扣等情况下发 生自动转换。 6、控制器 6.1 A型控制器集成一体分体模式,安装于柜内或柜体面板,可进行柜外操作。根据工作电源状态,决定是否从一个电源转换到另一个电源。 发动机组的控制 按键式手动强制转换动作 6.2 控制电压 AC230V 50Hz 6.3 操作:自动操作、手动操作 6.4 设定延时 转换延时:0180s连续可调 ~ 返回延时:0180s连续可调 ~ 6.5 显示和操作界面 LED数码管显示 a. 自动工作模式指示; b. 手动工作模式指示; c. 故障指示 当开关出现故障或负载短路引起断路器跳闸后时此指示亮; d. 常用电源电压参数显示区在工作状态时显示常用电源电压 参数及转换延时时间,在设置状态下显示设置项目符号; e. 常用电源侧电源断路器闭合、断开指示; f. 设置状态指示; g. 备用电源侧电源断路器闭合、断开指示; h. 消防联动功能启动指示; i. 常用电源侧电压、时间、频率单位; j. A、B、C相位; k. 备用电源侧电压、时间、频率单位; l. 备用电源电压参数显示区 在工作状态时显示备用电源电压参数及转换延时时间,在设 置状态下显示设置项目参数 m. 发动机启动信号指示 n. 自动、手动转换方式选择按钮 在正常使用时用作自动、手动转换方式选择,在设置状态下为 保存并退出功能。 o. 常用电源投切按钮 在手动控制方式下如果常用电源正常时按下此按钮开关可强制 切换到备用电源;在设置状态时此键为设置项目下翻按纽; p. 备用电源投切按钮 在手动控制方式下如果备用电源正常时按下此按钮开关可强制 切换到备用电源;在设置状态时此键为设置项目下翻按钮; q. 分闸按钮 在手动控制方式下如果两路电源有任意一路正常时按下此按钮开 关切换到分闸位置;在设置状态时此键为设置参数减按钮; r. 故障查询按钮 当开关出现故障显示屏上的故障灯亮灯以后,通过按下此键可以 查询开关详细的故障代码;在设置状态时此键为设置参数加按钮; s. 设置按钮 按下此键即可进入控制器的参数整定菜单。 6.6 A型控制器参数设置 7、NZ7外部接线图 注: a. QN 常用侧执行断路器 b. QR 备用侧执行断路器 8、进线方式 8.2 安装方式:垂直安装和水平安装 9、外形及安装尺寸 10、订货须知 用户在订货时应注明产品的型号、电流规格、极数等信息。 如:订自动转换开关电器,壳架电流100A,额定电流100A,分断能力H型,4极,A型控制器, 即写为:NZ7-100H/4100YAX 正泰双电源自动转换组合开关NZ1BR 品牌:chint/正泰 型号:NZ1BR 绝缘电压:==(V) 额定电压:=400V(V) 额定电流:63(A) 极数:3P/4P 产品认证:CCC 开关面板尺寸:==(mm) 正泰NZQ2双电源中英文对比 NZQ2双电源切换装置 NZQ2 SWITCHING DEVICE OF DOUBLE POWER SOURCE 1 概述 NZQ2双电源切换装置是以微处理器为核心,可精确地检测两路 三相电压,对出现的电压异常(过压、欠压、缺相)做出准确的判断并 输出无源控制开关量,该装置具有可编程、自动化测量、LCD 显示、 数字通讯等多种功能。 它集数字化、智能化、网络化于一身,使测 量过程及控制过程实现自动化, 减少人为操作失误。其结构紧凑、 电路先进、接线简单, 可靠性高, 广泛适用于消防、邮电、石油、 煤炭、冶金、铁道、市政、 高层建筑等不允许断电的具有两路供电 电源的重要场所。 执行标准:GB/T14048.1-2000. 1 Introduction NZQ2 switching device of double power source takes micro-processor as it’s core, which can be used to detect three-phase voltage from two sides, judging precisely voltage abnormality (over-voltage, under-voltage and short of phase) and output reactive control switching quantity. The device has the functions of programming,intellectuality and network, realizing automation during measuring and control process, reducing mal-operation by person. It is close in structure, advanced in electrical circuit, simple in wiring and high in reliability. It can be used extensively in the important places such as, fire control, post andcommunication, coal mining, metallurgy, railway, municipal administration and high rise buildings, which has power source from two sides. Application standards: GB/T14048.1-2000. 2 型号及其含义 3 使用环境 3.1 海拔高度不超过2000米; 3.2 没有粉尘、腐蚀性气体或雨水侵袭的户内, 在污染等级3环境中使用; 3.3 空气温度:-5?~+40?,且24小时内的平均温度不超过+35?; 3.4 湿度:在最高温度+40?时不超过50%,在较低温度时容许有较高的相对湿度,如温度为+20?时,相对湿度允许为90%,但要考虑到由于温度变化,有可能会偶然产生适度的凝露; 3.5 储存过程的温度可在 -25?~+55?范围内,在短时间内 (不超过24小时)温度可达+70?。 3.6 当使用条件与以上 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的内容不相符合时, 应作为“特殊 条件”来处理,用户在订货时应向制造厂提出,并协商解决。 3 Application Conditions 3.1 Height above sea level, not more than 2000m; 3.2 Used in places of polluting degree 3, indoor, no dust, corrosive gas or raining; 3.3 Temperature: -5?--+40?, average temperature not more than +35? within 24 hours; 3.4 Humidity: Not more than 50% in Max. temperature +40?, allowable relative humidity in lower temperature, such as relative temperature can be 90% as temperature is +20?, however, considering the change of temperature, condense may occur occasionally; 3.5 The temperature in storing can be in the range from-25? --+55?, the temperature can reach +70? within short time (not more than 24 hours); 3.6 It shall be treated as “special condition” when application condition is not the same with above mentioned contents, customer can consult with manufacturer in ordering and puts forward the conditions 4 技术性能 4.1 主回路电气技术参数: 4.1.1 主回路额定绝缘电压Ui:660V 4.1.2 主回路额定工作电压AC:400V 4.1.3 额定频率:50Hz 4.1.4 额定电流(A):1、2、3、4、6、10、16、20、32、40、50、 63、80、100、125、160、180、200、225、250、315、400、500、 630。 4.2 主回路结构技术参数: 4.2.1 采用两台NA1、NM1断路器或 NB1小型断路器为主开关; 4.2.2 采用一套独创的机械联锁机构, 实现两台断路器间电气机 械联锁的双重保护,以确保两台断路器不能同时合闸。 4. Technical Characteristics 4.1 Electric technical parameter of main circuit: 4.1.1 Rated insulating voltage Ui in main circuit: 660V 4.1.2 Rated working voltage of main circuit: 400V 4.1.3 Rated frequency: 50Hz 4.1.4Rated current(A): 1,2,3,4,6,10,16,20,32,40,50,63,80,100,125,160,180,200,225,250,315,400,500,630……6300. 4.2 Technical parameter of main circuit in construction: 4.2.1 Adopting two sets of NA1, NM1 circuit breaker or NB1 small scale circuit breaker as main switch; 4.2.2 Adopting a set of special mechanical interlocking mechanism to realize double protection of electric mechanical interlocking between two circuit breakers, in order to guarantee no closing synchronously for two circuit breakers. 5 各控制类型装置的主要功能 5.1微断型:手动自动转换、自投自复、失压转换。 适用于电网 -电网转换,额定电流1~63A。 5.2 标准型:手动自动转换、 自投自复、 失压转换、欠压转换、 延时控制、缺相转换、指令(消防)复位。适用于电网-电网、电网-发 电机转换、额定电流16~630A。 5.3 智能型: 5.3.1 能准确显示两路三相电压、电流、功率、频率和开关状态 量。 5.3.2 允许用户在现场或监控中心对其工作状态“自动/手动”、 “一二路优先供电”、“通讯”、“转换延时”等参数进行设定和更改; 5.3.3 具有RS232C/485通讯口; 5.3.4 具有可编程输出口,继电器输出容量达10A; 5.3.5 采用LCD液晶屏幕中文显示(能显示10X2字); 5.3.6 能循环记忆40组参数,设置的参数在断电后十年不会丢 失; 5.3.7 具有“遥控、遥测、遥信”等“三遥”功能; 5.3.8 具有极强的抗干扰能力, 适用在强电磁干扰的复杂环境中 使用; 5.3.9 额定电流16~630A。 5.4 网络型:具有智能型所有的功能,额定电流可达6300A。 5 Main Functions of Each Control Type Devices 5.1 Micro cut type: automatic manual switching, self switching and self restoration, under voltage switching. They are used in the switching between electric power—power net, rated current 1---63A. 5.2 Standard type: automatic manual switching, self-switching and self restoration, lost voltage switching, under-voltage switching, time-delay control, short of phase switching, indication (fire control) restoration. They can be used in the switching from electric power net --- power net and power net ---generator, rated current is 16---630A. 5.3 Intellectual type: 5.3.1 It can display precisely three-phase voltage, current, power, frequency and switch status quantity; 5.3.2 The parameters, such as, the working condition “automatic/manual”, “power supply priority for two lines”, “communication”, “time-delay switching” can be set and changed by monitoring center when customer is allowed to be in the field. 5.3.3 With RS232C/485 communication interface; 5.3.4 With programming output, output value of relay is 10A; 5.3.5 Adopting Chinese displaying in LCD liquid crystal screen (the characters covering range is 10Χ2; 5.3.6 40 groups of parameter can be learned in memory, the parameter set can not lost in 10 years if blackout occurs; 5.3.7 With functions of “remote control, remote measuring, remote communication”; 5.3.8 With strong capacity of interference rejection, used suitable for the surrounding of strong electro-magnetic interference; 5.3.9 Rated current 16—630A; 5.4 Network type:With all the functions of intellectual type, rated current can reach 6300A. 6 操作方法 NZQ2双电源切换控制器外形及安装尺寸(见图1)。 6.1 装置开关机操作: 在关机状态下,“手动”LED灯有间歇的一闪一灭,表示一路或二路有电压,或有外接电源,此时装置不检测输入电压的变化,装置的输出继电器全部处于常开状态,只响应“ 功能 ”按键。 开机:保持按“ 功能 ”按键超过3秒钟,装置将开机,LCD 显示屏背光灯亮,同时LCD显示 “欢迎使用”,随后装置进入开机状态。 关机:在开机状态下,保持按“ 功能 ”按钮超过5 秒钟,装置将关机,处于关机状态。 注:开关机一经设定,不因电源有无而改变。 6.2 故障解除操作: 同时按下“?”“?”键。 当开关过流脱扣或合、分闸失败时,装置自动转入手动状态,必须首先进行故障解除操作后方能重新设置回“自动”状态。 6.3 显示切换操作: 按“?”或“?”键进行显示屏幕间的切换。 6.4 功能设置操作: 6.4.1 手动自动功能设置操作: 按“?”键翻屏到如下屏幕: 自动手动状态设置 设置: 按“功能”键进入设置屏幕,(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 自动手动状态设置: <自动>/<手动> 按“?”“?”键进行选择后按“功能”键确认。 6.4.2 主用供电选择操作: 按“?”键翻屏到如下屏幕: 主用供电选择 设置: 按“功能”键进入设置屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 自动手动状态设置 1#主用 2#主用 无主用 按“?”“?”键进行选择后按“功能”键确认。 6.4.3 油机试机操作:(该功能只适用于一路市电、一台油机切换的控制) 按“?”键翻屏到如下屏幕: 油机试机操作 进入, 按“功能”键进入提示屏幕:(该屏幕只显示3s时间) 油机试机操作 仅适用于一市一机 显示3S后自动进入下一屏幕: 试机方式选择 不试机 不带载 带载 按“?”“?”键进行选择后按“功能”键确认后进入如下屏幕:(如果选择试机) V1 (V) 油机(不)带载试机 此时“二路主用”指示灯一直在闪烁状态直到试机结束。 6.4.4 结束试机操作: 按“?”键翻屏到如下屏幕: 油机试机操作 进入, 按“功能”键进入提示屏幕:(该屏幕只显示3s时间) 油机试机操作 仅适用于一市一机 显示3S后自动进入下一屏幕: 试机方式选择 不试机 不带载 带载 选择“不试机”后按“功能”键确认后结束试机。 6.4.5 参数设置操作: 按“?”键翻屏到如下屏幕: 参数设置 编辑, 按“功能”键进入提示屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 输入口令 0000 用户口令:1234 (出厂默认值,用户可俢改) 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?” 键位的值由0-9-0 可依次循环。 口令通过后可进行如下参数的设置:(屏幕依次显示如下) 注意:本装置参数设置口令分为两级,用户口令可进行如下参数 的设置;厂家口令除可进行如下参数的设置外,还可进行显示数据的校核等设置内容。 电压正常延时整定 电压正常延时整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 电压正常延时整定 0999 (5--999)秒 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?” 键位的值由 0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入电压异常延时整定。 电压异常延时整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 电压正常延时整定 0005 (5--999)秒 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?” 键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入转换间隔延时整定。 转换间隔延时整定 转换间隔延时整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 转换间隔延时整定 0010 (1--200)秒 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?” 键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入油机启动延时整定。 油机启动延时整定 油机启动延时整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 油机启动延时整定 0060 (1--9999)秒 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按 “?”“?” 键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入油机停机延时整定 油机停机延时整定 油机停机延时整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 油机停机延时整定 0120 (1--9999)秒 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按 “?”“?” 键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入油机启动条件设置。 油机启动条件设置 油机启动条件设置 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 油机启动条件设置 0000 (0--2) 注:0:为1路电压异常时启动油机 1:为2路电压异常时启动油机 2:为1、2路电压均异常时启动油机。 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按 “?”“?” 键位的值由 0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入过电压整定。 过电压整定 过电压整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 过电压整定 0264 (201--270) 注:过电压为两路三相电压中单相最高电压 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?” 键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入欠电压整定。欠电压整定 欠电压整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 欠电压整定 0160 (160--200) 注:欠电压为两路三相电压中单相最低电压 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按 “?”“?” 键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按 “功能”键确认后自动进入电流互感器变比设置。 电流互感器变比设置 电流互感器变比 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 电流互感器变比 0400 (50--9999):5 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?”键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入过电流整定。 过电流整定 过电流整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 过电流整定 0120 (50--150)% 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?”键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入过频整定。 .4.5.11 过频整定 过频整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 过频整定 0055 (51--60)Hz 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?”键位的值由0-9-0 可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入欠频整定。 欠频整定 欠频整定 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 欠频整定 0045 (40--50)Hz 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?”键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入报警输出延时设置。 报警输出延时设置 报警输出延时 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 报警输出延时 0060 (1--999)秒 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?”键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入设备编号设置。 设备编号设置 设备编号(通信用) 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 设备编号 0001 (1--255) 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?”键位的值由0-9-0可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入通讯参数设置。 通讯参数设置 通讯参数设置 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 通讯参数设置 0003 (0--4) 注:0:对应波特率为 1200bps 1:对应波特率为 2400bps 2:对应波特率为 4800bps 3:对应波特率为 9600bps 4:对应波特率为 19200bps 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?”键位的值由 0-9-0 可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入可编程输出口设置。 注:0:对应波特率为 1200bps 1:对应波特率为 2400bps 2:对应波特率为 4800bps 3:对应波特率为 9600bps 4:对应波特率为 19200bps 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?”键位的值由 0-9-0 可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入可编程输出口设置。 可编程输出口设置 可编程输出口设置 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 可编程输出口设置 0311 (0--1515) 注:前两位代表输出口 1编程状态,后两位代表输出口 2编程 状态(?为出厂默认设定值)(见表1) 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按 “?”“?” 键位的值由0-9-0 可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后自动进入修改口令设置。 修改口令设置 修改口令 设置, 按“功能”键进入如下屏幕(按“?”键进入下一项设置): 修改口令 1234 按“功能”键进行位的右移,按“?”“?” 键位的值由0-9-0 可依次循环。 设定后按“功能”键确认后参数设置结束,出现如下屏幕: 退出<是/否> 按“?”“?”键进行选择后按“功能” 键确认是否退出设置。 如果选择“是”,则进入下一屏幕: 保存<是/否> 按“?”“?”键进行选择后按“功能” 键确认是否保存设置, 然后回到显示第一屏。 如果选择“否”,则进行重新设置。 6 Operation Methods Outline and assembling dimensions for NZQ2 double power source switching controller (referring to Fig.1) CHNT NZQ2智能双电源切换控制器 CHNT NZQ2 Intellectual Double Power Source Switching Controller 正泰集团成套设备制造有限公司 CHNT Group Complete Set Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 图 1 Fig.1 6.1 Operation of switch turning on or off “Manual” LED light flashes in interval during in turning off condition, indicating one route or two routes with voltage, or with external power source, the device doesn’t detect the change of input voltage, the output relay of device all locates in open condition, only responding to the button of “function”. To turn on operation: To press “function” key more than 3s to start operation, the back light of LCD displaying screen is on, meanwhile LCD indicating “Welcome Using”, then the device is in turning-on condition. To turn off operation: To press “function” button more than 5s in turning on condition, the device will be turned off, which is in turning off condition. Note: Once turning on or off is set, it will not change with or without power. 6.2 Fault removing 0peration To press down “?”, “?”button at the same time. The device turns into manual condition when over-current trip or closing, opening fails, the device turns into manual condition automatically, it is set back to “automation” condition after clearing operation firstly. 6.3 Displaying switching condition The switching of displaying screen is done by pressing “?”, “?” button. 6.4 Operation for the setting of function: 6.4.1 Operation of manual automatic function: Turning page to the following page by pressing “?” 6.4.1 Operation of manual automatic function: Turning page to the following page by pressing “?” Automatic or manual condition setting Setting? Pressing “function” key into setting screen(press “?” button into next setting): Automatic or manual condition setting [automatic]/[manual] Press “?”, “?”button for selection, then press “function” key for confirmation. 6.4.2 Selective operation of main power supply selection. Press “?”key for turning to next page; Selection of main power supply Setting? Press “function” key into screen setting ( press “?”key for next setting); Automatic or manual condition setting 1# for main supply, 2# for main supply without main supply Press “?”, “?” key for selection, then press “function” key for confirmation. 6.4.3 Trial operation of oil machine (this function is only used for the control of one route electricity, one set oil machine switching): Press “?”key for turning page to next page: Oil machine trial operation Turning into? Press “function” key into prompting screen (the screen only display 3s): Oil machine trial operation Only for one machine one route electricity After 3s, into next screen automatically: Selection of trial machine No trial operation No with load With load Press “function” key for confirmation into the following screen after pressing “?”, “?” key for selection (if trial operation is selected): V1 ??? ??? ???(V) Oil machine (without) load for trial operation At this time, “one route” indicating light flashes all the time until it ends. 6.4.4 Ending of trial operation Press “?” key for next screen: Trial operation of oil machine Turning into? Press “function” key for next screen (the screen displays only for 3s) Trial operation of oil machine Only for one route electricity one machine It turns into next screen automatically after 3s: Selection way of trial operation No trial machine Without load With load Press “Function” key for confirmation after adopting “No trial operation” to finish trial operation. 6.4.5 Operation of parameter setting Press “?” key for next screen: Parameter setting Editing? Press “function” key into prompting screen (press “?” key into next setting): Input orders 0000 Customer order: 1234 (tacit value before leaving works, customer can change) Note: The setting order of device can be divided into two groups, customer order can make the following setting on parameter; the order of manufacturing works can make the check of displaying parameter, besides the following setting of parameter. Normal time delay fixing of voltage Normal time delay fixing of voltage Setting? Press “function” key into next screen (press “?” key into next setting): Normal time delay fixing of voltage 0999 (5---999) s Press “function” key to shift towards left side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into changeover compartment for time delay fixing. Time delay fixing of changeover compartment Time delay fixing of changeover compartment Setting? Press “function” key into next screen (press “?” key into next setting): Time delay fixing of changeover compartment 0010 (1—200) s Press “function” key to shift towards left side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into oil machine automatically to start time delay fixing. Time delay fixing of oil machine starting Time delay fixing of oil machine starting Setting? Press “function” key into next screen (press “?” key into next setting): Time delay fixing of oil machine starting 0060 (1—9999) s Press “function” key to shift towards right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Time delay fixing of oil machine halt Time delay fixing of oil machine halt Setting? Press “function” key into next screen (press “?” key into next setting): Time delay fixing of oil machine halt 0120 (1—9999) s Press “function” key to shift towards right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into oil machine automatically to start conditions setting. Conditions setting of oil machine starting Conditions setting of oil machine starting Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): Conditions setting of oil machine starting 0000 (0—2) Note: 0: oil machine is started when one route voltage is abnormal; 1: oil machine is started when two routes voltage is abnormal; 2: oil machine is started when one and two routes voltage are abnormal. Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the fixing of over-voltage fixing automatically. The fixing of over-voltage The fixing of over-voltage Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): The fixing of over-voltage 0264 (201—270) Note: over-voltage is the highest voltage of single phase among three-phase voltage of two-route. Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the fixing of under-voltage automatically. The fixing of under-voltage The fixing of under-voltage Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): The fixing of under-voltage 0160 (160—200) Note: under-voltage is the lowest voltage of single phase among three-phase voltage of two-route. Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the change ratio setting of current transformer automatically. Change ratio setting of current transformer Change ratio setting of current transformer Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): Change ratio setting of current transformer 0400 (50—9999): 5 Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the fixing of over-current automatically. The fixing of over-current The fixing of over-current Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): The fixing of over-current 0120 (50—150)% Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the fixing of over frequency automatically. The fixing of over frequency The fixing of over frequency Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): The fixing of over frequency 0055 (51—60) Hz Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the fixing of under frequency automatically. The fixing of under frequency The fixing of under frequency Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): The fixing of under frequency 0045 (40—50) Hz Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the fixing of alarm output time delay automatically. The fixing of alarm output time delay The fixing of alarm output time delay Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): The fixing of alarm output time delay 0060 (1—999) s Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the fixing of equipment numbering automatically. The fixing of equipment numbering Equipment numbering (for communication) Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): Equipment numbering 0001 (1-255) Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the fixing of communication parameters automatically. The fixing of communication parameters The fixing of communication parameters Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): The fixing of communication parameters 0003 (0—4) Note: 0: Corresponding baud ratio is 1200 bps 1: Corresponding baud ratio is 2400bps 2: Corresponding baud ratio is 4800bps 3: Corresponding baud ratio is 9600bps 4: Corresponding baud ratio is 19200bps Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the setting of programming output automatically. The setting of programming output The setting of programming output Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): The setting of programming output 0311 (0-1515) Note: The former two represent programming condition of output 1, the latter two represent programming condition of output 2 (?is tacit value before leaving manufacturing works) (referring to table 1). Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. Press “function” key for confirmation after setting, turning into the setting of changing order automatically. The setting of changing order The setting of changing order Setting? Press “function” key into the following screen (press “?” key into next setting): Changing order 1234 Press “function” key to shift right side, press “?” “?” key, which can make circular cycling from 0-9-0. After setting, press “function” key for confirmation to finish the setting of parameter, the following screen is as below: Back< yes/no> Press “?” “?” key for selection, then touch “function” key for confirmation whether retreat the position. If adopting “yes”, then into next screen. Restore (yes/no) Press “?” “?” key for selection, then touch “function” key for confirmation whether restore the setting, then return to the first screen. If adopting “No”, then a new setting is needed. 7 安装与接线 7.1 NZQ2双电源切换控制器以其完善的设计思路, 保证每个测 量量的准确性, 其接线方式如下, 适用于两路三相四线制400V供 电系统的测量与切换控制(见图2)。 7.2 初次安装时应作好以下工作,以保证维护尽可能方便。 7.2.1 应提供一个CT盒,这样使NZQ2 双电源切换控制器的电流输入不连接时, 不会使 C T开路,短路盒接线应使保护继电 器的功能不受影响。 7.2.2 NZQ2 必须牢固安装,以防止震动导致电气安全事故。 7.3 NZQ2双电源切换装置外部接线图(见图3)。 注意: 1、接线时,电压输入回路 (包括电源) 必须在每条线路上串联适的保险。 2、电流输入回路的阻抗尽量小。在CT方式下,主回路处于工作带电状态时,绝对禁止将CT二次侧 (即电流输入回路)开路。 3、必须严格按下面接线图示要求接线,否则将有可能导致装置损坏,甚至造成人身安全,由此引发的质量问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,不在保修范围内。 4、在进行手动分合操作前,必须将控制器设定在手动状态下。 7.1 The perfect design of NZQ2 switching controller of double power source ensures the correctness to each measuring. The wiring way is as follow, which is suitable for the measuring and switching control of three-phase four-line system of 400V power supply system (referring Fig.). Fig.2 图2 Wiring Diagram of NZQ2 Switching Controller of Double Power Source NZQ2双电源切换控制器接线图 1#合闸状态输入 Input of 1# closing condition 1#报警状态输入 Input of 1# alarm condition 2#合闸状态输入 Input of 2# closing condition 2#报警状态输入 Input of 2# alarm condition 备用1(开关量) Back-up 1( switch quantity) 地 Earth 1路三相电压输入 Three-phase voltage input of one route 2路三相电压输入 Three-phase voltage input of two routes 负荷三相电流 Three-phase current of load 电源输入 Input of power source 1# 合闸 1# closing 2# 合闸 2# closing 控制电源 Control power source 可编程输出口1 Programming output 1 可编程输出口2 Programming output 2 数据通讯 Data communication 注:开关量输入为接地有效 Note: Input of switch quantity is effective to earth 7.2 The following works shall be made to the first installation to ensure its convenience in maintaining. 7.2.1 A CT box is supplied, so that open circuit of CT will not occur when the current of NZQ2 switching controller of double power source is not connected, the wiring of short circuit box will not impact on the function of protective relay. 7.2.2 NZQ2 must be fixed closely to avoid shocking, leading electrical accident. 7.3 External wiring diagram of NZQ2 switching device of double power source ( referring to Fig.3)。 NZQ2双电源切换装置外部接线图 External wiring diagram of NZQ2 switching device of double power source 1路输入 one route input ?路输入 two-route input 负荷 load 图3 Fig. 3 Note: 1. Proper fuse must be connected in series on each line to the input circuit of voltage when wiring is made. 2. The resistance of current input circuit is small as possible. Open circuit of secondary side (that is, current input circuit) is not allowed absolutely under the condition of CT and main circuit is in live and in working condition. 3. It must be done as the wiring diagram strictly, otherwise, the device may be damaged, or leading to an accident, which is not guaranteed. 4. The controller must be set under manual condition before manual opening and closing operation. 8 装置外形及安装尺寸 8.1 NZQ2E双电源切换装置外形及安装尺寸(见图4、表2) 8.2 NZQ2A双电源切换装置外形及安装尺寸(见图5、表3) 8.3 NZQ2B双电源切换装置外形及安装尺寸(见图6、表4) 8. The Outline and Fitting Dimensions of Device 8.1 The outline and fitting dimensions of NZQ2 switching device of double power source 图4 Fig.4 备用 Back-up 表2 Table 2 8.2 The outline and fitting dimensions of NZQ2A switching device of double power source (referring to Fig.5, Table 3) 图5 Fig.5 Table 3 8.3 The outline and fitting dimensions of NZQ2B switching device of double power source (referring to Fig.6, Table 4) Table 4 9 安装与使用维护 产品到达收货地点后,首先应当检查包装是否完整无损,发现问题应及时通知合同有关部门做好商务纪录,共同分析原因,做好签证和善后处理。对于不立即安装的产品,应根据正常使用条件或电气设备暂时保管 规程 煤矿测量规程下载煤矿测量规程下载配电网检修规程下载地籍调查规程pdf稳定性研究规程下载 要求置于适当的场所,妥善保管。 9.1 产品安装后投运前的检查与试验。 9.1.1 双电源切换装置的操作机构是否灵活,不应有卡塞或操作力过大现象。 9.1.2 装置安装是否牢固,二次插头是否有松动现象,外部接线是否准确。 9.2 使用注意事项 9.2.1 当断路器脱扣后,必须先将装置置于手动状态,并排除现 场故障, 用手动操作装置,使断路器复位后方能进行其它操作。 9.2.2 装置必须进行可靠的保护接地。 9. Fitting, Operation and Maintenance First, check whether package is full or damaged after the product arrives at the place of consignee. Inform relevant departments in time if there are problems found and study the reason, and make visa and treatment. They should be kept in proper place according to normal operation conditions and the temporary keeping stipulations of electric devices to those products that not fit instantly. 9.1 The check and test after the product is fitted and before operation 9.1.1 Check whether the mechanism of switching device is flexible or not, no stuck. 9.1.2 Check whether the device is fixed closely or not, secondary plug loosing and the correctness of external. 9.2 Notes in operation 9.2.1 The device must be made in manual condition firstly and removed the fault in the field after circuit breaker trips. Other operations are made, manual operation device is used to restore CB into position. 9.2.2 The device must be ground reliably.
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