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王力宏经典歌曲歌词全集王力宏经典歌曲歌词全集 王力宏经典歌曲歌词全集,完整版, 你不知道的事: 蝴蝶擦几次眼睛 再学会飞行 夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地 我飞行 但你坠落之际 很靠近 还听见呼吸 对不起 我却没捉紧你 你不知道我为什么离开你 我坚持不能说放任你哭泣 你的泪滴像倾盆大雨 碎落满地 在心里清晰 你不知道我为什么狠下心 盘旋在你看不见那高空里 多的是 你不知道的事 蝴蝶擦几次眼睛 再学会飞行 夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地 我飞行 但你坠落之际 很靠近 还听见呼吸 对不起 我却没捉紧你 你不知道我为什么...

王力宏经典歌曲歌词全集 王力宏经典歌曲歌词全集,完整版, 你不知道的事: 蝴蝶擦几次眼睛 再学会飞行 夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地 我飞行 但你坠落之际 很靠近 还听见呼吸 对不起 我却没捉紧你 你不知道我为什么离开你 我坚持不能说放任你哭泣 你的泪滴像倾盆大雨 碎落满地 在心里清晰 你不知道我为什么狠下心 盘旋在你看不见那高空里 多的是 你不知道的事 蝴蝶擦几次眼睛 再学会飞行 夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地 我飞行 但你坠落之际 很靠近 还听见呼吸 对不起 我却没捉紧你 你不知道我为什么离开你 我坚持不能说放任你哭泣 你的泪滴像倾盆大雨 碎落满地 在心里清晰 你不知道我为什么狠下心 盘旋在你看不见那高空里 多的是 你不知道的事 我飞行 但你坠落之际 ho~oh~~ 你不知道我为什么离开你 我坚持不能说放任你哭泣 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 你的泪滴像倾盆大雨 碎落满地 在心里清晰 你不知道我为什么狠下心 盘旋在你看不见那高空里 多的是 你不知道的事 脚本: 你爱得好有趣 就像一个编剧 你的一举一动都谱写着未来 世界也太乏味 更需要编的很美 像第一次见面的场景 从来不曾怀疑 牵你渡过了瓶颈 多希望创造一个美好的结局 用最真的感觉 慢慢一页一页写 我只期待你陪我演完 我们的脚本 要写的好认真 我已经看过太多的悲剧 能给一点点笑 就算是笑中带泪 我也无所谓 无所谓... 你的一颦一言都谱写着未来 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 思念也太乏味 更需要编的很美 像第一次分手的场景 我也无所谓 看完这个脚本 陷得好深好深 要我如何演好爱你的人 故事里男主角 剧终时泪中带笑 而他知道 这最好 需要人陪: 打开窗户让孤单透气 这一间屋子 如此密闭 欢呼声仍飘在空气里 像空无一人一样华丽 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 我 渐渐失去知觉 就当做是种自我逃避 你 飞到天的边缘 我也不猜落在何地 一个我 需要梦想 需要方向 需要眼泪 更需要 一个人来 点亮天的黑 我已经 无能为力 无法抗拒 无路可退 这无声的夜 现在的我 需要人陪 闭上眼睛 就看不清 这双人床 欠缺的 温馨 谁能 陪我 直到天明 穿透这片 迷蒙寂静 我 渐渐失去知觉 就当做是种自我逃避 你 飞到天的边缘 我已不猜落在何地 一个我 需要梦想 需要方向 需要眼泪 更需要 一个人来 点亮天的黑 我已经 无能为力 无法抗拒 无路可退 这无声的夜 现在的我 需要人陪 一个我 需要梦想 需要方向 需要眼泪 更需要 一个人来 点亮天的黑 我已经 无能为力 无法抗拒 无路可退 这无声的夜 现在的我 需要人陪 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 我们的歌: 已经听了一百遍 怎么听都不会倦 从白天唱到黑夜 你一直在身边(一直在身边) 如果世界太危险 只有音乐最安全 带着我进梦里面 让各自都实现 无论是开心还是难过 我的爱一直不变 不论是HIPHOP还是摇滚 我的爱一直不变 所有美好回忆记录在里面 这张FOREVER LOVE那么深 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 我们的歌那么真 不过界 跨时代 再不会叫KISSGOODBEY 有没有一句能够动人心弦 YE YE 情人总分分合合 可是我们却越爱越深 认识你让我的幸福 如此悦耳 能不能不要记得 继续唱我们的歌 让感动一辈子都记得 王力宏-我们的歌 已经听了一百遍 怎么听都不会倦 从白天唱到黑夜 你一直在身边(一直在身边) 如果世界太危险 只有音乐最安全 带着我进梦里面 让各自都实现 无论是开心还是难过 我的爱一直不变 不论是HIPHOP还是摇滚 我的爱一直不变 所有美好回忆记录在里面 这张FOREVER LOVE那么深 我们的歌那么真 不过界 跨时代 再不会叫KISSGOODBEY 有没有一句能够动人心弦 YE YE 情人总分分合合 可是我们却越爱越深 认识你让我的幸福 如此悦耳 能不能不要记得 继续唱我们的歌 让感动一辈子都记得 专辑:改变自己 王力宏-我们的歌 情人总分分合合 可是我们却越爱越深 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 认识你让我的幸福 如此悦耳 能不能不要记得 继续唱我们的歌 让感动一辈子都记得 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 好心分手: (女):是否很惊讶讲不出说话 没错我是说你想分手吗 曾给你驯服到就像绵羊 何解会反咬你一下你知吗 (男):也许该反省不应再说话 被放弃的我应有此报吗 如果我曾是个坏牧羊人能否再让我 试一下抱一下 (女):回头望伴你走从来未曾幸福过 (男):恨太多没结果往事重提是折磨 (女):下半生陪住你怀疑快乐也不多 (男):被我伤让你痛 (女):好心一早放开我 从头努力也坎坷统统不要好过 (男):为何唱着这首歌 为怨恨而分手问你是否原谅我 (女):若注定有一点苦楚 不如自己亲手割破 (男):回头吧不要走 不要这样离开我 恨太多没结果往事重提是折磨 (女):下半生陪住你怀疑快乐也不多 没有心别再拖 好心一早放开我 从头努力也坎坷 统统不要好过 (男):为何唱着这首歌 为怨恨而分手问你是否原谅我 (女):若勉强也分到不多不如什么也摔破 (男):好心分手每天播 (女):可知歌者也奈何 (女):难行就无谓再拖 好心一早放开我从头努力也坎坷 统统不要好过 (男):为何唱着这首歌 为怨恨而分手问你是否原谅我 (女):若注定有一点苦楚 不如自己亲手割破 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 唯一: 我的天空多么的清晰 透明的全都是过去的空气 牵着我的手是你 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 拌你的笑容 却看不清 是否一颗星星变了心 从前的愿望 你全都给抛弃 最近我无法呼吸 连自己的影子 都想逃避 oh baby 你就是我的唯一 两个世界都变形 回去谈和容易 确定你就是我的唯一 独自对着电话说我爱你 我真的爱你 baby 我已不能爱你多一些 是否一颗星星变了心 从前的愿望 你全都给抛弃 最近我无法呼吸 连自己的影子 都想逃避 oh baby 你就是我的唯一 两个世界都变形 回去谈和容易 确定你就是我的唯一 独自对着电话说我爱你 我真的爱你 baby 我已不能爱你多一些 其实早已超过了爱的界限 oh baby 你就是我的唯一 两个世界都变形 回去谈和容易 确定你就是我的唯一 独自对着电话说我爱你 我真的爱你 baby 我已不能爱你多一些 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 心跳: 想跟我吵架 我没那么无聊 不懂得道歉 我没那么聪明 好想要回到我们的原点 你又在哭泣 我给不了安慰 我又在摇头 有那么点后悔 爱情的发展已难以回头 却无法往前走 但身不由己出现在胸口 两颗心能塞几个问号 爱让我们流多少眼泪 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳 你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳 逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒 等着哪一天你也想起 那悬在记忆中的美好 想跟我吵架 我没那么无聊 不懂得道歉 我没那么聪明 好想要回到我们的原点 但身不由己出现在胸口 两颗心能塞几个问号 爱让我们流多少眼泪 你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳 你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳 逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒 等着哪一天你也想起 那悬在记忆中的美好 你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳 你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳 逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒 等着哪一天你也想起 那悬在记忆中的美好 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 另一个天堂: L:你取代 这一秒我生命的空白 问题忽然找到答案 不用解释也明白 Z:你的微笑是一个暗号 我们绝度那段美好 梦想不到 想永远停留在这一秒 L:你为我的世界 合唱:重新彩绘 O~~~ the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) Z:是你带我找到另一个天堂 远比想象中的美 L:我们怀抱里的这一个天堂 另一个梦想 有无限的快乐 合唱:相信你是我的另一个天堂 给的爱多么纯粹 因为你而存在这一个天堂 爱是直达的路线 L:因为你而存在这一个天堂 Z:只想陪在你身边 L:我等待 下一刻再相遇的精彩 踢开每天越来越爱 多急就这么简单 Z:生命转到同一个频道 因为我的幸福坐标 我多渺小 能爱着你才最重要 合唱:O~~想把你的明天仔细翻阅O~ Z:是你带我找到另一个天堂 远比想象中更美 L:我们怀抱里的这一个天堂 另一个梦想 有无限的快乐 合唱:相信你是我的另一个天堂 给的爱多么纯粹 因为你而存在这一个天堂 爱是直达的路线 合唱:O~~ Z:是你带我找到另一个天堂 远比想象中更美 L:我们怀抱里的这一个天堂 Z:另一个梦想 合唱: 有无限的快乐 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 相信你是我的另一个天堂 给的爱多么纯粹 因为你而存在这一个天堂 爱是直达的路线 L:因为你而存在这一个天堂 大城小爱: 乌黑的发围盘成一个圈 缠绕所有对你的眷恋 搁着半透明的脸 嘴里说的语言完全没有欺骗 屋顶灰色瓦片安静的画面 灯火是你美丽那张脸 终于找到所有流浪的终点 你的微笑就输了疲倦 千万不要说天长地久 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 免的你觉的我不切实际 想多么简单就多么简单 是妈妈告诉我的哲理 脑袋都是你心里都是你 小小的爱在那城里好甜蜜 念的都是你全部都是你 小小的爱在那城里只为你倾心 让我大声的对你说 i'm thinking of you 那回城的票根你留做纪念 不必害怕面对离别 剪掉一丝头发让我放在胸前 走到那里都有你陪 相随 oh~~念的都是你全部都是你 拉拉拉拉拉~~~~~拉拉拉拉拉 那一种寸步不离的感觉 我知道就叫做缘 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 你是我心内的一首歌: 王:你是我心内的一首歌 王:心间开启花一朵 s:你是我生命的一首歌 s:想念汇成一条河 王:点在我心内的一首歌 王:不要只是个过客 s:在我生命留下一首歌 s:不论结局会如何 合:好想问你 合:对我到底有没有动心 合:沉默太久 s:只会让我不小心犯错 王:不小心犯错 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) s:点在我心内的一首歌 s:不要只是个过客 王:在我生命留下一首歌 王:不论结局会如何 合:你是我心内的一首歌 合:心间开启花一朵 合:你是我生命的一首歌 s:想念汇成一条河 王:想念汇成一条河 s:好想问你王:好想问你 s:对我到底有没有动心 王:对我到底有没有动心 s:沉默太久王:沉默太久 s:只会让我不小心犯错 王:不小心犯错 合:点在我心内的一首歌 合:不要只是个过客 合:在我生命留下一首歌 合:不论结局会如何 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 伯牙绝弦: 知人知面 知己知彼 又知心 古人说 这就是所谓知音 相知相惜 相亲相爱 也相忆 朋友你 会不会常把我想起 何年何月 何日何时 再相聚 何时能 把酒言欢畅回忆 很多很多 很深很深 的回忆 很多歌 我只想要为你唱起 春秋时期 远近知名伯牙琴艺 沈鱼也出水 马儿仰秣聆听 聆听 寂寞 的声音 举世知名 不如 一个知音 直到子期 闻琴解开伯牙心境 高山流水 风景似有灵悉 高山青 流水静 如镜 无言却胜过有言的天地 听 宫商角征羽 那歌词未写上的是那份 弦外的延长音 斟一杯酒 一抱拳 一句关心 在千年之后 再延续 不变的旋律 当 春雪融夏景 秋风为我捎封信 冬 冬锣隆冬墙 冬冬锣隆隆冬墙墙 又是思念的四季 知人知面 知己知彼 又知心 古人说 这就是所谓知音 相知相惜 相亲相爱 也相忆 朋友你 会不会常把我想起 何年何月 何日何时 再相聚 何时能 把酒言欢畅回忆 很多很多 很深很深 的回忆 很多歌 我只想要为你唱起 某年某月 某天伯牙再访子期 风景依旧绿 子期却已归西 触景 触琴 即伤情 伯牙绝弦 只因再无知音 千年过去 当我再度拨弄琴韵 更多冷箭 更多冷言冷语 请你听 请轻轻 倾听 唱给我永远不离弃的知音 听 宫商角征羽 那歌词未写上的是那份 弦外的延长音 斟一杯酒 一抱拳 一句关心 在千年之后 再延续不变的旋律 当 春雪融夏景 秋风为我捎封信 冬 冬锣隆冬墙 冬冬锣隆隆冬墙墙 又是思念的四季 知人知面 知己知彼 又知心 古人说 这就是所谓知音 相知相惜 相亲相爱 也相忆 朋友你 会不会常把我想起 何年何月 何日何时 再相聚 何时能 把酒言欢畅回忆 很多很多 很深很深 的回忆 很多歌 我只想要为你唱起 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 改变自己: 今早起床了 看镜子里的我 忽然发现我发型睡的有点kuso 一点点改变有很大的差别 你我的力量也能改变世界 最近比较烦 最近情绪很d 每天看新闻都很想大声尖叫 但脏话没有 大家只会轻松 我改变自己发现大有不同 新一代的朋友 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 我们好好的加油 大家一起大声的说no no no no no 我可以改变世界 改变自己 改变鼓膜,改变小气 要一直努力努力永不放弃 才可以改变世界 come on 改变自己 今早起床了 觉得头有点痛 可能是二氧化炭太多氧气不足 一点点改变 有很大的差别 你我的热情也能改变世界 只要代表自己 没有政治立场 其实这世界让我看的十分紧张 要调整自己 没想到一点就能画龙点睛 新一代的朋友 我们好好的加油 大家一起大声的说no no no no no 我可以改变世界 改变自己 改变鼓膜改变小气 要一直努力努力永不放弃 才可以改变世界 come on 改变自己 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) can you feel my world: 打印预览 你只喜欢我微笑 你决定我的需要 我要怎么说才好 我不是为你制造 关心像是泥沼 拉住我往下掉 还是漂亮口号 诱惑你的视角 你把我的喜欢好随便删掉 变成你要的调调 你为我好我知道我都知道 我的烦恼我的骄傲你却不明了 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 怎样爱你才好 毕竟黑豹需要自由奔跑 不能满足于拥抱 can you feel my world 真实的我没办法伪造 can you take my hand 真诚你会感觉到 can you feel my world 真实的我没办法伪造 并不想讨好 你才觉得我重要 你只要我有礼貌 其它假装看不到 我要怎么说才好 当我的情绪低潮 关心像是泥沼 拉住我往下掉 还是漂亮口号 诱惑你的视角 你把我的喜欢好随便删掉 变成你要的调调 你为我好我知道我都知道 我的烦恼我的骄傲你却不明了 怎样爱你才好 毕竟黑豹需要自由奔跑 i keep coming back for more rap: 日日夜夜我闭着双眼祈祷 为什么只有我的音乐能够让我依靠 我知道我的世界已经变得越来越小 跑不掉逃不了 怎么面带着微笑 怎么面对着你才好 怎么眼泪都在掉 怎么嘴嘟著好严肃这不是哭著就好 什么旋律在我的脑袋一直转一直绕 意志力一直撑著我再一次祷告 帮助我 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 爱的就是你: 在爱的幸福国度 你就是我唯一 我唯一的爱的就是你 我真的爱的就是你 失去才会懂得珍惜 但我珍惜你 伤越痛就是爱越深 我不相信 你和我同时停止呼吸 每一次我们靠近 你让我忘了困惑 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 忘了所有烦心 我把你紧紧拥入怀褃 捧你在我手心 谁叫我真的爱的就是你 在爱的纯净世界你就是唯一 永远永远不要怀疑 我把你当作我的空气 如此形影不离我大声我爱的就是你 在爱的幸福国度 你就是我唯一 我唯一爱的就是你 我真的爱的就是你 就是你……唯一爱的就是你!!! 爱!!!!~~~~的????就****是(((你))) the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 十八般武艺: 是 我是不是 又 站上了舞台 是不是 我又在 让情绪更 high 带动全场 的观众朋友, 是 是不是 还在不断 学习 无论 什麼 民族 或什麼 阶级 继续 让我 灵感 源源不绝, 是 唱 最动听的旋律给你 让你 所有的烦恼 所有的单调 往你 的 背后 扔掉 是 这是 chinked-out 交响乐 送到全世界 又更新一遍 什麼时候歇 到你精疲力竭 嘿 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 送你的十八般武艺 就是 无二独一 世人都在 注意 看傻的十八般武艺 多麼不可思议 其实都是为你 看傻 为你 得来多麼不易的十八般武艺 期盼你能 点头 来肯定我的努力 是 我是不是 又 站上了舞台 是不是 我又在 让情绪更 high 带动全场 的观众朋友, 是 是不是 还在不断 学习 无论 什麼 民族 或什麼 阶级 继续 让我 灵感 源源不绝, 是 唱 最动听的旋律给你 让你 所有的烦恼 所有的单调 往你 的 背后 扔掉 是 这是 chinked-out 交响乐 送到全世界 又更新一遍 什麼时候歇 到你精疲力竭 嘿 送你的十八般武艺 就是 无二独一 世人都在 注意 看傻的十八般武艺 多麼不可思议 其实都是为你 看傻 为你 得来多麼不易的十八般武艺 期盼你能 点头 来肯定我的努力 送你的十八般武艺 就是 无二独一 世人都在 注意 看傻的十八般武艺 多麼不可思议 其实都是为你 送你的十八般武艺 就是 无二独一 世人都在 注意 看傻的十八般武艺 多麼不可思议 其实都是为你 看傻 为你 得来多麼不易的十八般武艺 期盼你能 点头 来肯定我的努力 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 龙的传人: 遥远的东方有一条江它的名字就叫长江 遥远的东方有一条河它的名字就叫黄河 古老的东方有一条龙它的名字就叫中国 古老的东方有一群人他们全都是龙的传人 巨龙脚底下我成长长成以后是龙的传人 黑眼睛黑头发黄皮肤永永远远是龙的传人 遥远的东方有一条江它的名字就叫长江 遥远的东方有一条河它的名字就叫黄河 它的名字就叫黄河 虽不曾看见长江美梦里常神游长江水 虽不曾听见黄河壮澎湃汹涌在梦里 古老的东方有一条龙它的名字就叫中国 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 古老的东方有一群人他们全都是龙的传人 他们全都是龙的传人他们全都是龙的传人 (rap) 多年前宁静的一个夜我们全家人到纽约 野火呀烧不尽在心间每夜每天对家的思念 每夜每天对家的思念 别人土地上我成长长成以后是龙的传人 巨龙巨龙你擦亮眼永永远远的擦亮眼 巨龙巨龙你擦亮眼永永远远的擦亮眼 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 心 中的日月: 你是我心中的日月光芒 手中握着格桑花呀 美的让我忘了摘下 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 你的真 带着香 你的香 会说话 你的话 好像只 对我说 我的专长叫做流浪 你注定要为我绽放 我的心 寻找家 我的家 没有花 我的花却在这山谷等着我 若一开始 没有上帝 暗中偷偷的怂恿 我们怎知选择相逢 你是心中的日月 落在这里 旅程的前后多余 只为遇到你 多么想幻化成为你脚下的泥 此刻的无人山谷 仿佛听见说爱你 你是我心中的日月光芒 我的漂泊不懂泥巴 你的美丽不堪动荡 你单纯 我迷惘 你恋家 我流浪 山谷中 这一切 带不走 你爱抬头拥抱阳光 我得眺望下个前往 我走开 你留下 我回忆 你升华 至少我们会仰望同一片天空 若一开始 没有上帝 暗中偷偷的怂恿 我们怎知选择相逢~喔 你是心中的日月 落在这里 旅程的前后多余 只为遇到你 多么想幻化成为你脚下的泥 那天的无人山谷(那一天)仿佛听见说爱你 置身在 传说中 人间天堂 你是我 心中的 日月光芒 带领我 找到你 的芬芳 放不下 你是心中的日月 落在这里 旅程的前后多余 只为遇到你 多么想幻化成为你脚下的泥 那天的无人山谷 仿佛听见说爱你 那天听见说爱你 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 春雨里洗过的太阳: 分开之后另一年的春天 记忆也像下雪一样溶解 那些有你在身边的影片 呼的一声飞得老远老远 爱在夏天过完之后 锁在秋天 当爱过多年之后的我 好了一些 雨后的天上 彩虹出现 衬出一片蓝天 我在淋过一场大雨之后的晴朗 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 然后忽然看懂云的形状 If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 每个呼吸都是新的芬芳 分开之后另一年的春天 记忆也像下雪一样溶解 那些有你在身边的影片 呼的一声飞得老远老远 爱在夏天过完之后 锁在秋天 当爱过多年之后的我 好了一些 雨后的天上 彩虹出现 衬出一片蓝天 我在淋过一场大雨之后的晴朗 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 然后忽然看懂云的形状 If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 每个呼吸都是新的芬芳 流下的眼泪 留下了智慧 爱情会天亮 也一定会黑 世界会等我 它问我冬天过去没 我在淋过一场大雨之后的晴朗 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 然后忽然看懂云的形状 If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 (春雨你的太阳) 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 (伤得多深) 每个呼吸都是你的芬芳 春雨里洗过的太阳 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 花田错: 夜好深了 纸窗里怎么亮着 那不是 彻夜等候 你为我点的烛火 不过是 一次邂逅(注:台湾人都念此字为gou四音) 红楼那一场梦 我的山水 全部退色 像被大雨洗过 杯中景色鬼魅 我忘了我是谁 心情就像夜凉如水 手里握着蝴蝶杯 单飞 不归不醉 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 花田里犯了错 说好 破晓前忘掉 花田里犯了错 拥抱 变成了煎熬 花田里犯了错 犯错... 像迷恋镜花水月的无聊 花田里犯了错 请 原谅我多情的打扰 醉 怎么会喝醉 美 因为你的美 爱匆匆一瞥不过点缀 飞 看大雪纷飞 却再也找不回 被白雪覆盖那些青翠 当 时空成为拥有你 唯一条件 我....又醉 琥珀色的月 结成了霜的泪 我会记得这段岁月 我的山水 全部退了色 多情的打扰 请原谅我 不是彻夜为我点的火 (在那花田 在那花田)在那花田里 我犯了错 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) Forever love: 爱你, 不是因为你的美和影 我越来越爱你, 每个眼神触动我的心 因为你让我看见forever 才了解自己, 未来这些日子 要好好珍惜 爱我 有些痛苦有些不公平 如果真的爱我 不是理所当然的决定 感到你的呼吸在我耳边 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 像微风深情 温柔的安抚, 我的不安定 所以我要 每年研究你的笑容 wo~~ 多么自然 forever love forever love 我只想用我这一辈子去爱你 从今以后, 你会是所有 幸福的理由 爱情, 是场最美最远的旅行 沿途遇经泥泞 偶尔阻碍我们的前进 感到你的体温在我怀里 像阳光和煦 巧妙的熔化 我的不安定 不可思议 证明我爱你的理由 wo 多么自然 你感动的眼睛, 我沉默的声音, 仿佛就是最好的证明 就让我再说一次 ilove you ~~ 直到永远 oh forever love forever love forever love the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 两个人不等于我们: 醒来只有我一个人 分不清黄昏或清晨 空气微冷有甚么在流失慢慢降温 一颗心往下沉 毕竟只是太短的梦 彼此终于退回陌生 我加上你两个人并不等于我们 你想我吗 会偶尔想我吗 是这样吗 飞扬的会落下 你爱我吗 如果诚实回答 可是爱也不是解答 空屋子里没有回声 但我记忆有你指纹 我加上你两个人却并不等于我们 你想我吗 会偶尔想我吗 是这样吗 飞扬的会落下 你爱我吗 如果诚实回答 可是爱也让人疲乏 你知道吗 我心快要溶化 是这样吗 压抑的会爆发 你爱我吗 爱我就懂我吗 告诉我善意的谎话 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 告诉我善意的谎话 好让我相信我不是太傻 星座: 山羊水瓶双鱼牡羊座 金牛双子巨蟹座 狮子处女天秤天蝎射手座 女人的心千变万化 如果说女人才十二种不同 爱情不会让男人那么的头痛 那么心动之前记得开口 问一问星座才能进攻 可惜感情远比星星复杂 身在其中换做谁都无法自拔 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 一肚子的疑惑谁能回答 爱情印正在星座神话 信不信心诚则灵 天空把答案都藏的好美丽 倒可以多点信心 我为了了解爱的神秘下定决心 谁中意星座话题 快告诉我哪一颗星应该怎么搞定 可惜天气阴晴不定 bala bala bala now dance 古老的发明如今疯狂流行 是否因为太多人曾为爱伤心 不期望爱只是需要幸运 宁可相信一切都是命 努力研究星座找寻线索 该怎么说该怎么做该怎么掌握 像个学生一样努力用功 下次爱情能一路顺风 就好像你捉摸不定 ok 大家会了吗 其实很简单 所有的星座从一到十二月这样子 预备山羊水瓶 没有了 what 结束了 但是 no no no 我们还有一次 come on 大家一起来唱 come on 山羊水瓶双鱼牡羊座(oh) 金牛双子巨蟹座(我不懂这些星座问题女人的话题) 金牛双子巨蟹座(金牛座是我的星座女人的心千变万化) the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 盖世英雄: ye come on come on 大家一起说一次 盖世英雄到来 力宏项羽 my homboy jin u 迫不及待看见我的未来对 什么都看开盖 世英雄真的到来盖世英雄到来 什么都期待盖 世英雄站上舞台世界是舞台 我出门儿了载四个哥儿们儿 读落轮框约四寸 今晚我的目的明确 带chinked-out到全世界 加入了京剧昆曲 hip-hop进入新的格局 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 新的突破新的曲风 才有新的盖世英雄 把收音机开最大声 听见的声音又是武生 道白的共鸣又最流行 要模仿他真的是不容易 他的唱法独一无二 这种艺术属一属二 希望帮全世界的华人 唱出大家的心声 (霸气傲中原) (王者扬烽烟) (力拔山河天) (宏威征凯旋) 世英雄真的到来盖世英雄到来 迫不及待看见我的未来盖 什么都期待盖(一位英雄要上台了) 世英雄站上舞台世界是舞台(欧阳先生在那?) yo,it`s jin and leehom it feels good to be home i got the skills to be know so i`m a chill on my throne yes ,i keeps it blazing n from shanghai out to beijing stop in taiwan back to hong kong where they stay don`t they thing this something special my coach is so contagious they wanna kown about us we been around for ageas a couple thousand years a bunch of pioneers just artists and scholars making noise it was loud and clear hey yo,the future`s here the revolution`s near jin got the solution for pullution in your ear 不用问你得同意做英雄是不容易 you'll got see from me just listen close to 李老师 let's go 盖世英雄到来… the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 世界是舞台 yo 世英雄站上舞台 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 在那遥远的地方: 你是否和我一样 去了很多地方 住了很多旅馆 为工作为理想为了她 心爱的人 却始终不在身边 脚步越走越远 行李塞满了思念 说真心相爱 就不怕距离遥远 在北京那个晚上 一张陌生额床 你是否和我一样 看着同一个月亮 我记得你说的话 你说你不会害怕 但心里总是牵挂 他孤单送你回家 dance with me dance with me come on dance me 分手的节奏已播放在电话里 start with me start with me come on start with me 跟我一起唱就拉近了距离 say: 在那遥远的地方 有位好姑娘 人们走过她的帐篷 都要回头留恋的张望 她那粉红的小脸 好象红太阳 她那活泼动人的眼睛 好象晚上明媚的月亮 ye在那遥远的地方,没有半夜 纽约的美丽的夜色 显得那么的苦涩 空无一人的电车 就像你陪我坐着 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 我哼着你爱的歌 突然觉得快乐 知道你一直等着 我的心里忽然变得温热 不知名的码头 心里有一点痛 东方吹来一阵风 有你的梦 说过的我不会忘 距离只是想象 世界让我们忙 但爱能跨过海洋 right it's my story . dance with me dance with me start with me start with me come on 竹林深处: 把黑与白舞成一幅泼墨 哀与愁在幽篁里寻找解脱 把光与影布置成你与我 情由我定夺 下笔浓淡在我 Oh oh 哪里还有地方 Oh oh 能够自在飞翔 Oh oh 疑有乐音悠扬 Oh oh 心灵自有天堂 多么美丽的竹林深处 在这里我会等 诗情画意的竹林深处 在这里我爱上你 多么自然的竹林深处 在这里我会 (Come on) 世外桃源的竹林深处 找回原始的我和你 ※ 这凡间有太多因果 任凭岁月洗去对错 时空轮回惟独有我 把情感写下清晰轮廓 Oh oh 哪里还有地方 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) Oh oh 能够自在飞翔 Oh oh 疑有乐音悠扬 Oh oh 心灵自有天堂 多么美丽的竹林深处 在这里我会等 诗情画意的竹林深处 在这里我爱上你 多么自然的竹林深处 在这里我会 .e on) 世外桃源的竹林深处 找回原始的我和你 隐士墨客 用一节一枝一梢一叶一笔一画 挥毫将高风亮节人生态度全都写下 提耐之间已作了文人雅士沉默的表达 千年之后依旧等待明月的回答 弹一曲小调吟唱忘掉所有的奢华 飘泊落幕以后哪里才是最后的家 只有在竹林深处里能够找到解答 多么美丽的竹林深处 在这里我会一直等你 诗情画意的竹林深处 在这里我爱上你 多么自然的竹林深处 在这里我会 (Come on) 世外桃源的竹林深处 找回原始的我和你 Zing Zing ... Zing Zing ... Zing Zing ... 多么美丽的竹林深处 在这里我会等 诗情画意的竹林深处 在这里我爱上你 多么自然的竹林深处 在这里我会 .e on) 世外桃源的竹林深处 找回原始的我和你 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 星期六深夜: 星期六晚上 哪都不想去 也无法入睡 看着电视机 持续在发呆 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 喝了七分醉 闭上了眼睛 试着不想你 但已来不及 忘了如何 让眼泪停止流下 还好没人看到 还好没人看见 没人会说话 星期六深夜 我想起了你 没什么特别 只是回忆 你让我自由 我很感激 星期六深夜 永远不会有任何人 能代替你 这就是遗憾的滋味 陪着我形影不离 明天我会面带微笑 但无法忘记你 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) Kiss goodbye: Baby不要再哭泣 这一幕多么熟悉 紧握着你的手彼此都舍不得分离 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 每一次想开口但不如保持安静 给我一分钟专心 好好欣赏你的美 幸福搭配悲伤 痛是在我心交叉 挫折的眼泪不能测试爱的重量 付出的爱收不回 还欠你的我不能给 别把我心也带走 去跟随 每一次和你分开 深深的被你打败 每一次放弃你的温柔 痛苦难以释怀 每一次和你分开 每一次kiss you Goodbye 爱情的滋味此刻我终于最明白 幸福搭配悲伤 痛是在我心交叉 挫折的眼泪不能测试爱的重量 付出的爱收不回 但欠你的我不能给 我才明白爱最真实的滋味 每一次和你分开 深深的被你打败 每一次放弃你的温柔 痛苦难以释怀 每一次和你分开 每一次kiss you Goodbye 爱情的滋味此刻我终于最明白 ^_^努力为您奉献无错误同步歌词^_^ 我终于明白 每一次和你分开 深深的被你打败 每一次放弃你的温柔 痛苦难以释怀 每一次和你分开 每一次kiss you Goodbye 爱情的滋味此刻我终于最明白 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 柴米油盐酱醋茶: 小时候 你想要什么 我要一台大大蓝色的飞机 带我环游世界 到地球每一个角落 在蓝天白云中穿梭 而长大以后 我想要什么 我要一台小小红色答录机 和你一起录下 喂 我们现在不在家 蓝色变成红色因为你 柴米油盐酱醋茶 一点一滴都是幸福在发芽 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 月儿弯弯爱的傻 有了你什么都 不差 小时候 你想要什么 我要一台大大蓝色的飞机 带我环游世界 去地球每一个角落 在蓝天白云中穿梭 而长大以后 我想要什么 我要一台小小红色答录机 和你一起录下 喂 我们现在不在家 蓝色变成红色因为你 柴米油盐酱醋茶 一点一滴都是幸福在发芽 月儿弯弯爱的傻 有了你什么都 不差 给你快乐无论白天黑夜 握紧双手就算刮风下雨 我就是要你 要你待在我身边 保护你直到永远 柴米油盐酱醋茶 一点一滴都是幸福在发芽 月儿弯弯爱的傻 有了你什么都 不差 月儿弯弯爱的傻 没有一个理由 活得那么复杂 有了你什么都 不差 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 爱错: 北风毫不留情 把叶子吹落 脆弱的它他选择的逃脱 叶子失去消息 风才感觉寂寞 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 整个冬天 北风的痛没人能说 我从来没想过 我会这样做 从来没爱过 所以爱错 我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落 多少不能原谅的错却不能从来过 翻开回忆角落 完美的生活 以为幸福都可以掌握 仔细回味当初那个故事背后 喔原来是我 犯下从没真的爱错 我从来没想过 我会这样做 从来没爱过所以爱错 我从那里起飞 从哪里降落 多少不能原谅的错却不能从来过... 在这伤了你的世界 喔...找不会那些感觉 其实我不想到别 那些过去 我从来没想过 我会这样做 从来没爱过(从来没有爱过那么认的) 我从那里起飞 从那里降落(降落) 多少不能原谅的错却不能从 从来没想过 我会这样做 从来没爱过(爱过) 所以爱错(所以爱错) 从那里起飞(爱错爱错爱错baby) 从那里降落 多少不能原谅的错 请你原谅我的爱错 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 不完整的旋律: 心里有个旋律 不完整的歌曲 你是否听得出来 我多了一拍 最近世界有点奇怪 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 好象缺了一块 心里那个旋律 未完成的情绪 如果你在倾听 是否打动了你 说实在我也不确定 怎样比较好听 不完整的旋律 没什么结局 却是我真实的声音 不完整的旋律 勇敢地唱给你听 填满你我不完整的感情 想写一个旋律 没修饰的痕迹 一听就立刻明白 我找到了爱 即使别人觉得奇怪 不需要再更改 不完整的旋律 没什么结局 却是我真实的声音 不完整的旋律 勇敢地唱给你听 填满你我不完整的感情 不完整的旋律 没什么结局 却是我真实的声音 不完整的旋律 勇敢地唱给你听 填满你我不完整的感情 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)
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