首页 思茅区教育局2015年度教育目标管理考核表 思教发〔2015〕91号附件1

思茅区教育局2015年度教育目标管理考核表 思教发〔2015〕91号附件1


思茅区教育局2015年度教育目标管理考核表 思教发〔2015〕91号附件1思茅区教育局2015年度教育目标管理考核表 思教发〔2015〕91号附件1 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight th...

思茅区教育局2015年度教育目标管理考核表  思教发〔2015〕91号附件1
思茅区教育局2015年度教育目标管理考核表 思教发〔2015〕91号附件1 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 思茅区教育局2015年度教育目标管理考核表 自考分 应 实自 考 考评 得分评 评 考核目标要求 责任人 得 得评 评 项目 率 说说值 分 分 分 分 明 明 负责领导: 潘祯勇 王祖德 1、全面贯彻党的教育方针~深入学习贯彻党的十八大、袁 杨 思想 十八届三中、四中全会、全市教育工作会议精神~有内容~张寒春 2 和 有 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。,1分, 高金波 思路 2、认真开展党的群众路线教育实践活动~扎实推进“三李艳芬 建设 严三实”~工作有方案、有计划、有记录、有总结。,1分, 具体负责: 各股、室、 所 3、?按时准确上报初中、高中学生学业水平考试数据~ 无迟报、漏报、错报。,0.5分, 责任领导: 改 ?按时将初中、高中学生的各项评价评语分学期录入学袁 杨 革 籍管理系统。,0.5分, 李艳芬 类 ?认真组织好学校考查科目的考试工作~做到有卷可查~具体负责: 工 并将成绩及时录入学籍管理系统。,0.5分, 李 帆 5 作 ?积极推进高中阶段学校招生录取改革工作~完成各项陈 勤 目 招生指标。,0.5分, 王文德 标 4、加强学校规范化管理,0.5分,,充分利用网络化学籍李葵环 管理系统~录入系统的学生信息要完整、准确~及时做好学 生的学籍变更~按时上报学籍变更报表。,0.5分, Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 5、认真贯彻落实《云南省国家通用语言文字条例》和《云 南省贯彻<国家中长期语言文字事业改革和发展规划纲要 ,2012-2020年,的实施意见>》~加强语言文字法律法规、方 针政策的学习~有学习资料、图片,0.2分,,加强校园语言 文字环境建设~创设浓郁的文化育人氛围。校园用语用字规 范得体~汉语拼音使用规范,查看校园宣传栏、 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 、作业 本等,,0.2分,,以传统节日、兴趣小组、课外实践活动等为 载体~广泛开展中华经典诵写讲和规范汉字书写等活动~师 生参与面广~有活动图片~活动小结,0.4分,,依据,思教 发„2015?41号,文件要求~完善二类城市语言文字评估工改 作档案,0.2分,。 革 6、认真开展全国推普周宣传活动~有活动方案、总结、类 图片~并按时上交,0.5分,,有语言文字工作年度计划、总工 结,并于10月底前交,~各校根据各自实际积极创建语言文作 字规范化示范校。,0.5分, 目 标 7、义务教育阶段各中小学按规定接收外来务工人员子女 责任领导: 就近接受义务教育~年终有总结,考核城区中小学,,1分,,李艳芬 2 农村义务教育阶段各中小学制定关爱农村留守儿童工作方具体负责: 案~年终有总结,考核农村中小学,。,1分, 王文德 责任领导: 高金波 8、进一步健全和完善教育目标管理考核基础性奖励分配具体负责: 5 方案~做到分配无上访件。,5分, 袁 珊 彭 艳 白丽红 e rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match,dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to thaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cle-e substitution, shall not be an area of highreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification beforfinished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, ag-ural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300rear can batch making, processing good of steel semiified hed design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualreview, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reacigure making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design f, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing gineerifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising enin this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architectcomes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specSteel urement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. ance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procrformcertificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process pe s, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal,de: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grade2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which inclu -esistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1r-akehe relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthqustructure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet t 2010 concrete-2002 4 50204scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 used-2002 3 50203-approval standard GB 502022001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality - 2 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 9、按时、按质、真实、准确上报教育事业统计报表,按责任领导: 时、按要求上报“全国义务教育阶段中小学学生学籍信息系潘祯勇 具体负责: 统,实名制营养餐系统,”~并做到与教育事业统计报表数据 一致。,1分, 娄 红 10、按时上报营养餐月报表,按要求及时上报“学生信息李冬梅 采集系统”数据~并做到与教育事业统计报表数据一致。,1分, 俞竹贤 3 宁翠芬 11、农村学校建立健全勤工俭学管理机构~有专人负责 勤工俭学管理工作~结合营养改善计划~利用学校现有条件赵丽虹 建设学校勤工俭学基地~改善学生生活,按规定使用好勤工李艺璟 俭学基地建设资金~按时上报勤工俭学报表。,1分, 普 凌 发 陈妍吉 12、进一步推进“六五”年度普法工作~将法制教育列展 责任领导: 入年度教学计划~在中小学开展形式多样的法制宣传教育活性 潘祯勇 动,1分,。有计划、有教案、有开展活动记录~有图片~否工 张寒春 则不得分。 作 具体负责: 13、抓好教育宣传~在《思茅教研网站》、《普洱日报》、目 黄 霞 《普洱教育信息》等媒体开展宣传~为思茅教育改革和发展6 标 王 倩 营造良好的舆论氛围。每校,园,完成10篇~计3分~完不 杨 伦 成1篇扣0.3分。 杨 烁 14、区属各校,园,要认真贯彻教育部《全面推进依法 治校实施纲要》~开展依法治校示范校创建活动~10月底向区王 东 教育局安全股报送总结材料。,2分, 15、小学适龄儿童入学率达100%~残疾儿童入学率在90%责任领导: 以上,初中阶段学龄人口入学率达96%以上~残疾少年入学率 张寒春 在90%以上。,1分, 李艳芬 16、各中小学落实好《国务院关于深入推进义务教育均具体负责: 8 衡发展的意见》~按时完成有关义务教育均衡发展的各种数据王文德 采集、表册填写、材料撰写上报工作。,1分, 王 东 17、各乡镇学前三年毛入园率在去年基础上提高5个百李冬梅 分点。,1分, demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation ofn and truction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies applicatioonstruction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and constion site". promotion, application cfree, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construc-n the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accidentcharacter guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, o-aration, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of sep ucingll advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, redfamiliarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overa estlyoriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earn-1.2.1 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments servicey. 1.labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the compan occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers,y, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industr-of materials; 5 construction yof construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supplspeed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary -high, and , reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering qualityction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization constructiononstruor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering ccontent and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labbout documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to a ion as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tenderConstruction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentat 3 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 18、普洱二中完成高中扩招任务~思茅一中、普洱二中 特色化、多样化工作初见成效~普通高中新课程改革工作成 效明显。,1分, 19、义务教育学校完成义务教育基本均衡督导评估工作~ 按《云南省县域义务教育均衡发展督导评估实施办法,试行,》 开展自评工作。,1,县域义务教育学校办学基本 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 达标情 况:按《云南省义务教育学校办学基本标准达标评估指标及 发 标准,修订稿,》对学校办学条件进行自评,2,县域内义务 展 教育校际间均衡状况:做好学校教学及辅助用房面积、体育 性 运动场馆面积、教学仪器设备值、教学用计算机台数、图书工 册数、教师学生人数、教师学历、中级及以上专业技术职务作 教师数8项指标的采集工作。,3,县级人民政府推进义务教目 育均衡发展工作情况:提交和学校有关的备检材料。,4,公标 众对本县义务教育均衡发展满意度调查:学校做好对校长、 教师、学生、家长及其他群众的义务教育均衡发展知识的宣 传工作。,每项0.5分~共2分, 20、全面开展现代教育学校督导评估工作~完成2013年 现代教育学校督导评估工作任务。,2分, 21、乡镇学校完成3.6万人次的农村劳动力实用技术培责任领导: 袁 杨 训任务。,1分, 李艳芬 要根据各乡镇产业结构调整情况~对农村劳动力实用技 具体负责: 1 术进行培训~各学校要有培训名册~名册上要有培训时间、白文玲 地点、内容、教师、培训 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 ~缺一项扣0.2分。 方双培 e rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match,dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to thaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cle-e substitution, shall not be an area of highreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification beforfinished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, ag-scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 usedrear can batch making, processing good of steel semiified hed design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualreview, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reacigure making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design f, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing gineerifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising encomes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specSteel urement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. ance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procrformcertificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process pe s, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal,de: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grade2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which inclu-esistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1r-akehe relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthqustructure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet t 2010 concrete-2002 4 50204-2002 3 50203-approval standard GB 502022001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality -ural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architect 4 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 22、教师教育,7分, ,1,小学教师中专学历要求达到100%,初中教师专科学 历要求达到100%,高中教师本科学历要求达到100%。,1分, ,2,小学教师专科学历要求提高到80%,初中教师本科学 历要求提高到65%,高中教师研究生学历要求提高到5%。,1 分, 责任领导: ,3,全面落实中小学、幼儿园教师全员继续教育培训工李艳芬 作~保证生均公用经费5%用于教师培训。,2分, 具体负责: ,4,认真扎实有效地开展好结对帮扶工作~有计划、有王砚炽 总结。,2分, 李兴县 发 ,5,积极参加“国家”“省级”“市级”“区级”组织的中施政名 展 层以上的干部培训。,1分, 周祖琼 性 23、电教、教仪,6分, 姚 宏 工 ,1,开展对教师的计算机、多媒体、电子白板使用等信李加明 35 作 息化教学~校本培训或专题教研活动,查计划、活动记录、龚 灵 目 总结,,1分,,将多媒体教学列入对教师的绩效考核,查相关王入进 标 规定、使用记录及考核情况,,1分,, 黄怡梅 ,2,积极筹措资金~添臵信息化软硬件设备,每年要有黎子红 一定的更新,~,查添臵软硬件设备的发票,,0.5分,,有管理刘庆国 制度、保障措施和一定的经费投入~保障设备的正常运行,查罗 坤 维修或购买配件的发票,,0.5分,, 阮光辉 ,3,按照《云南省中小学教育技术装备标准》建好实验李志平 室~配足实验员~开足、开齐理、化、生、小学科学实验课 程,1分,, ,4,管好用好实验设备、仪器~做好《云南省中小学教 育技术装备标准》的13个表册~规范管理,0.5分,, ,5,音、体、美设备做好总账和借用记录~规范管理~ 设备入柜架,0.5分,, demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation ofn and truction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies applicatioonstruction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and constion site". promotion, application cfree, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construc-n the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accidentcharacter guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, o-aration, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of sep ucingll advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, redfamiliarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overa estlyoriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earn-1.2.1 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments servicey. 1.labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the compan occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers,y, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industr-of materials; 5 construction yof construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supplspeed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary -high, and , reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering qualityction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization constructiononstruor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering ccontent and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labbout documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to a ion as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tenderConstruction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentat 5 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of ,6,图书管理规范~做好借阅记录~每年新增图书不少 于1万元,1分,。 24、中小学教学科研,22分, ,1,认真实施好小学、初中、高中学业水平考试和学生 综合素质评价制度。,1分, ,2,加强教学研究~有省、市级教育科研课题。,3分, 发 ,3,无违规征订教材和教辅行为。,1分, 展 性 ,4,加强教学常规管理~严格按云南省课程设臵方案开工 齐课程、开足课时。,3分, 作 ,5,完成区教育局下达的教育教学质量考核指标。完不目 成任务的按比例扣分。,10分, 标 ,6,学习贯彻落实《普洱市中小学教师教学常规基本要 求》、《普洱市中小学教学常规管理基本要求》、《普洱市教育 局加强中小学规范化管理的实施意见》和《普洱市关于进一 步加强普通高中教育教学管理努力提高普通高中教育质量的 工作意见》。有领导小组、有学习记录、有学习贯彻落实措施。 ,4分, 25、认真做好人事的各种统计报表工作~不弄虚作假~责任领导: 高金波 并按时上报。,2分,不按时上报一次扣0.2分~弄虚作假为 具体负责: 零分。 袁 珊 4 26、及时办理教师转正定级、退休手续、职称评审、工张牧云 资晋级等工作。,2分,不及时办理一次扣0.5分~扣完为止。 彭 艳 白丽红 e rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match,dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to thaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cle-e substitution, shall not be an area of highreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification beforfinished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, ag- rear can batch making, processing good of steel semiified hed design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualreview, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reacigure making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design f, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing gineerifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising enscope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 usedcomes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specSteel urement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. ance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procrformcertificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process pe s, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal,de: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grade2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which inclu-esistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1r-akehe relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthqustructure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet t 2010 concrete-2002 4 50204-2002 3 50203-approval standard GB 502022001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality -ural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architect 6 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 27、各中小学要围绕立德树人的根本任务~将社会主义核 心价值观融入学校教育全过程~不断健全、完善学校、家庭、 社会相配合的德育工作网络~进一步提高育人质量。,1分, 28、各中小学要积极探索各学科渗透德育工作的途径~不 断推进“学科德育”工作,0.5分,,继续抓好文明学校创建综 和管理工作、从而不断推进教风、学风、服务作风“三位一合 责任领导: 体”的优良校风建设,1.5,。,共2分, 管 潘祯勇 29、各中小学要积极强化实践育人环节~组织师生参与社理 王祖德 6 工 区各种公益活动~开展“日行一善”活动有活动记录、有图片。具体负责: 作 王文德 ,1分,,各校要开设健康教育课~中心小学以上的学校要建立 目 李葵环 心理健康咨询室活动有记录,0.5分,。,共1.5分, 标 30、思茅一中要抓好青少年校外活动中心日常工作~有乡 村学校少年宫的学校要认真开展工作~其他学校抓好团队建 设~做到有计划、有活动、有图片资料、有总结。,1分, 31、继续抓好“三生教育”工作~组织学生开展百项体验 活动。,0.5分, 32、有校舍安全工程任务的学校要积极工作~确保完成 综 2015年度校舍建设任务,1.5分~实施中不按时报送项目材责任领导: 合 料一次扣0.5分,。全区校舍档案资料齐全、规范,1分,。有潘祯勇 管 工程项目安全建设专项资料,1分,~,共计3.5分,。 高金波 33、实施好农村义务教育薄弱学校改造计划~完成省、市、具体负责: 理 6 工 区下达年度校舍改造类和设备配臵类等目标任务。,1.5分~谢仕伦 作 实施中不按时报送项目材料记录在册一次扣0.5分。, 刀红丽 目 34、按时、按质上报有关建设工作的各类材料和各类报鲁文波 标 表。,1分~不报一次扣0.5分, demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation ofn and truction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies applicatioonstruction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and constion site". promotion, application cfree, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construc-n the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accidentcharacter guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, obout -aration, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of sep ucingll advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, redfamiliarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overa estlydocuments to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to aoriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earn-1.2.1 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments servicey. 1.labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the compan occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers,y, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industr- of materials; 5 construction yof construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supplspeed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary -high, and , reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering qualityction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization constructiononstruion as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tenderor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering ccontent and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labConstruction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentat 7 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 35、全面实施农村义务教育学生营养改善计划,2分,。具体为:领导小组设立情况、规章制度建立情况,0.4分,,学生营养餐实施方案和配餐指南的制定情况,0.4分,,营养餐台账的记录管理情况,0.4分,,按时报送营养改善计划月报 责任领导: 表情况,0.4分,,学校食堂退出经营承包~按相关财务规定 潘祯勇 建立食堂账务、资金使用规范。,0.4分, 36、严格执行《会计法》~遵守国家的财政财务法规。无综 李艳芬 违规使用经费情况。,1分, 合 具体负责: 37、全面实施农村义务教育寄宿生生活补助、普通高中助管 娄 红 学金、学前教育家庭经济困难儿童资助政策~确保补助金按理 李冬梅 9 时、足额发放到学生手中,加强痕迹档案的管理工作。,2分, 工 俞竹贤 38、按要求粘贴营养餐公示牌、教育收费公示牌,对享受作 宁翠芬 补助的学生名单、学校经费使用情况、国家给予的各项惠民目 赵丽虹 政策及时进行公示。,1分, 标 李艺璟 39、按时上交款项~在收到缴款通知后一周内办理完毕。 普 凌 ,1分, 40、每月按时报账~确实加强固定资产管理~按年度上账~陈妍吉 做到账实相符。按规定配齐财务人员,做好学校食堂账务核算工作。,1分, 41、按时、按质报送有关财务基建工作的相关材料和各类报表~数据口径以学校教育事业统计报表为准。,1分, 42、严肃考风考纪~杜绝泄密和舞弊事件发生。,1分, 综 43、,1,健全和完善保密制度~无招生考试信息泄漏。 责任领导: 合 ,1.5分, 袁 杨 管 ,2,按时上报各项招考信息~确保信息准确无误。 具体负责: 理 ,0.5分, 李 帆 5 44、思茅一中要加大“国家教育考试标准化考点”的应工 陈 勤 用~完成 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~对标准化考点的各种设备进行定期维护~作 保证不影响各项考试的进行。,1分, 目 45、按时足额上缴各项招生考试报名费~不截留、挤占、标 挪用。,1分, e rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match,dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to thaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cle-e substitution, shall not be an area of highreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification beforfinished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, ag-rear can batch making, processing good of steel semiified hed design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualreview, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reacigure making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design f, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing gineerifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising encomes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specSteel urement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. ance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procrformcertificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process pe s, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal,de: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grade2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which inclu-esistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1r-akehe relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthqustructure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet t 2010 concrete-2002 4 50204-2002 3 50203-approval standard GB 502022001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality -ural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architect scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 used 8 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 46、学校体育、卫生、艺术、国防、健康教育有年度工 作计划、总结、检查记录。,2分, ?按《中小学健康教育指导纲要》开设健康教育课~做到有课时、有教师、有教材、有教案、有效果评定。,1分, ?建立规范完整、齐全的学校健康教育档案。,1分, 47、配足配齐音、体、美课程任课教师和教学设备~完成农村学校艺术教育实验学校工作。,1分, 48、做好学生体质健康标准数据的测试上报。,1分, 49、各校每天必须有一节活动课~开展音、体、美等课外兴趣小组活动。,1分, 50、确保少先队活动的时间~少先队活动要作为国家规定的必修课~小学1年级至初中2年级每周安排1课时。,1综 责任领导: 分, 合 张寒春 51、建立健全学校安全日常管理机制~做到组织机构健 管 李艳芬 全、职责分工明确~制度落实到位。,1分, 理 具体负责: 52、定期组织开展学校安全隐患大排查、大整治行动~19 工 配合有关部门开展校园及周边社会治安综合治理工作~及时王文德 排查并整治化解影响校园安全、稳定的各种隐患及矛盾纠纷~作 李葵环 排查有记录、有整改~按时上报开展各类安全工作情况报告。目 黄 霞 ,2分, 标 杨 烁 53、创新学校安全教育新思路~总结学校安全教育工作经验、教训~将好的做法和经验形成典型材料上报~每年不少于1篇,切实加强教育系统公共安全应急体系建设~不断完善各种安全制度和应急预案,加强“人防、物防、技防”安全防控体系建设~不断增加安保经费投入,将安全知识和应急知识纳入安全教育的教学内容~认真组织开展应急预案演练~每学期不少于2次~并有计划、总结、图片资料。,3分, 54、开展“平安校园”创建工作。年内创建省、市级“平安校园”4所,思茅三中、逸夫中学、思茅三小、五小。其中思茅四中创建省级平安校园~全区学校,园,创“无邪教校园”、“无烟单位”。,1分, demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation ofn and truction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies applicatioonstruction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and constion site". promotion, application cfree, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construc-n the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accidentcharacter guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, oion as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender-aration, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of sep ucingll advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, redfamiliarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overa estlyConstruction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentatoriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earn-1.2.1 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments servicey. 1.labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the compan occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers,y, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industr-of materials; 5 construction yof construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supplspeed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary -high, and , reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering qualityction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization constructiononstruor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering ccontent and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labbout documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to a 9 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 55、切实抓好校园消防、森林防火五个一、食品、交通、 防溺水、防自然灾害、防踩踏、传染病预防与控制、禁毒防 艾、防学校意外伤害事故等安全教育宣传防范工作~有痕迹 资料,1分,,做好安全工作痕迹资料及图片的收集保存工作 ,2分,,及时准确报送师生安全事故信息~无迟报、漏报、 瞒报、谎报安全事故信息情况,1分,,建立健全周五学生离 校、周日下午返校登记制度~加强住校生日常管理,1分,, 落实校园安全管理责任制~确保教育平安、稳定、和谐。,1 分, 56、学校的名牌规范、清晰、干净,学校的大门能灵活 开关,大门周边通畅无阻~各种小广告、学校粘贴的通知等 清理干净,各种通道应当保持平整、硬化、方便、干净、通 达,无安全隐患,有必要的标识。,2.5分~达不到一项扣0.5 分, 责任领导: 57、各种建筑物的墙面要保持干净整洁、无污渍破损,常 潘祯勇 门窗完整无缺、干净明亮,室内屋顶上无蜘蛛网及各种松动规 王祖德 的有安全隐患的水泥块。,1.5分~达不到1项扣0.5分, 管 袁 杨 理 58、校园内的各种树木及绿化地带保持整洁、干净、有张寒春 64 工 高金波 型,要清除各种杂草、枯枝,缺损的绿化要进行及时修补。,1.5作 李艳芬 分~达不到1项扣0.5分, 目 具体负责: 59、运动场地要保持平整~线条清晰,运动设施要安全、标 各股、室、规范、稳固、运动器材要安全。,1分~达不到1项扣0.5分, 所 60、学校的水电设施要规范、符合要求,水龙头没有“长 流水”现象,无裸露的电线及开关、插头、各种电话线、网 线、晾晒衣物的铁线规范有序~无安全隐患。,1.5分~达不 到1项扣0.5分, e rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match,dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to thaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cle-e substitution, shall not be an area of highreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification beforfinished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, ag-scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 usedrear can batch making, processing good of steel semiified hed design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualreview, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reacigure making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design f, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing gineerifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising encomes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specSteel urement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. ance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procrformcertificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process pe s, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal,de: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grade2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which inclu-esistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1r-akehe relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthqustructure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet t 2010 concrete-2002 4 50204-2002 3 50203-approval standard GB 502022001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality -ural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architect 10 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 61、教室做到整洁干净、课桌椅摆放整齐,各种扫把、 拖把、垃圾铲、抹布摆放整齐,教室内的粘贴物整齐、不凌 乱、前后黑板不褪色,黑板报无错别字,粉笔、黑板擦不乱 放,学生的作业本、课本整洁有序。,3分~达不到1项扣0.5 分, 62、走廊通畅,悬挂的各种设施不歪斜、陈旧、破损, 楼梯扶手干净、光滑。,1.5分~达不到其中1项扣0.5分, 63、校园内的各种宣传栏、厨窗、通知栏、评比栏、计 分栏、黑板报等书写规范,无擦痕、污渍、无破损~内容要 与学校的工作进展相一致。,1分~达不到1项扣0.5分, 64、教师办公室整洁、卫生~不随意堆放东西,桌面摆常 放规整有序、没有与教学无关的东西,电脑、服务器、室内规 的花草叶面、茶几的上下两层面做到干净无尘,有醒目的禁 烟标志。,2分~达不到1项扣0.5分, 管 65、学生食堂干净整洁、无乱摆碗筷、乱倒剩饭菜现象,理 工作人员穿戴工作服、工作帽~不留长指甲,食堂有防蝇罩、工 砧板分生、熟使用,每餐有留样备查~卫生许可证、健康证、作 营业执照摆放在便于检查的地方,储藏室要离地离墙,购进目 食物要有索证索票登记。,3分~达不到1项扣0.5分, 66、学生宿舍无安全隐患~墙面无乱贴乱画的文字、图标 案,通风透气条件良好,学生勤洗衣服、勤晒被褥、毛巾~ 寝室卫生良好、没有异味,牙具、碗筷、鞋子、毛巾摆放整 齐~扫把、垃圾铲摆放整齐,学生穿着整齐、男生没有留长 发现象。,2.5分~达不到1项扣0.5分, 67、厕所定期清除尿渍、污垢,厕所墙面上无乱写、乱 贴、乱画的文字、图案,定期灭杀苍蝇、蛆虫、屋顶无蜘蛛 网。,1.5分~达不到1项扣0.5分, 68、图书室、阅览室的图书资料分类登记摆放、且有近 几年的借阅记录,循环使用的免费教科书分科目保管。,1分~ 达不到1项扣0.5分, 69、实验室及各种功能室按相关的规定、规范管理、使 用和操作~确保通电、通水、通风,在恰当的位臵张贴管理 demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation ofn and truction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies applicatioonstruction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and constion site". promotion, application cfree, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construc-n the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accidentcharacter guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, o -aration, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of sep ucingll advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, redfamiliarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overa estlyion as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tenderoriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earn-1.2.1 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments servicey. 1.labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the compan occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers,y, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industr-Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentatof materials; 5 construction yof construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supplspeed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary -high, and , reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering qualityction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization constructiononstruor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering ccontent and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labbout documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to a 11 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 使用相关规程、规范,做好使用记录~使用记录摆放在规定 的位臵。,1.5分~达不到1项扣0.5分, 70、会议室要整齐、干净。,0.5分,, 71、教师住宿区内公共部分无猪、鸡圈~无放养家禽。,0.5 分, 72、师生礼仪良好~教师要打招呼、学生要敬队礼、问好。 ,0.5分, 73、学校的垃圾坑经常清理、焚烧~无被风吹乱~污染环 境等现象,各学校要有准确的辍学学生花名册~知道学生的流 向~做工作的情况有记录。,1分, 74、学校有完整的晨检记录。,0.5分, 75、按要求在规定的时间内上报教育局要求上报的各种材常 料、表册、工作计划、总结。,1分~不按要求上报一次扣0.2 分, 规 76、学校有规划图。,1分, 管 77、义务教育基础档案完备。包括:,1,文化户口册,,2,理 0—18周岁人口册,,3,0—15周岁残疾儿童少年名册,,4,工 经批准缓学适龄儿童少年登记册,,5,在校学生名册,,6,残作 疾儿童少年在校学生名册,,7,毕业学生名册,,8,发放义务目 教育证书名册,,9,正常流动学生名册,,10,流失学生名册, ,11,借读学生名册,,12,教师情况一览表,,13,小学校舍标 设备情况统计表,,14,初中校舍设备情况统计表,,15,入学 通知书,转入转出证明,,16,外出借读学生证明,,17,义务 教育证书存根,,18,残疾儿童,,19,青壮年文化状况综合统 计表,,20,青壮年文盲名册,,21,扫盲班学员名册,,22, 脱盲人员名册,,23,剩余文盲名册,,24,复盲人员名册,,25, 巩固提高班学员名册,,26,新生文盲,15周岁,人员名册, ,27,丧失学习能力人员名册,,28,巩固提高班学员名册,,29, 农民文化技术学校学员档案表,,30,迁入人员名册,,31,迁 出人员名册,,32,当年脱盲考试卷,,33,当年扫盲工作计划、 总结,,34,举办巩固提高班和开展实用技术培训班的相关痕 迹资料。,34分~缺少1项扣1分, e rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match,dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to thaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cle-e substitution, shall not be an area of highreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification beforfinished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, ag-rear can batch making, processing good of steel semiified hed design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualreview, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reacigure making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design f, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing gineerifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising encomes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specSteel urement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. ance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procrformcertificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process pe s, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal,de: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grade2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which inclu-esistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1r-akehe relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthqustructure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet t 2010 concrete-2002 4 50204-2002 3 50203-approval standard GB 502022001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality -ural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architect scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 used 12 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 78、认真、及时办理区教育局交办的各项督查督办工作任务。 ,1分, 79、健全完善信访工作制度~认真落实信访工作责任制~切 实做好群众来信来访办理、接待工作及区教育局交办的信访事 项。加强研判~有效防止越级上访、群体性和非正常上访事件发生, 及时、妥当处理越级上访、群体性上访和非正常上访事件。,5分, 80、严格执行收费政策~坚持教育收费公示制度~有公示牌。责任领导: 各年级无收费补课~在职公办教师无收费做家教等行为。,3分, 潘祯勇 81、强化师德、师风建设~严格执行思教发„2013?151号王祖德 监察 “控酒规定”、思教发„2013?21号“禁赌通知”、思教„2013?袁 杨 121号“廉政建设十不准”、思教发„2010?11号“严禁校园摆督导 张寒春 赌”等系列规定~杜绝教职工违纪。,6分, 和 高金波 82、以“三个突出”为指导~加强校班子队伍建设。突出班40 领导 子听课~特别是校长。班子成员有听课记录、评课记录~能按市李艳芬 教育局“两要求两意见”规定完成听课、评课节数。,5分~少作风 具体负责: 一节扣1分,突出班子发现问题、解决问题。班子成员要深入基王 倩 工作 层、深入师生~及时发现学校常规管理~师生生活、工作中存在目标 林学明 的不足和问题~并能结合实际情况有效解决问题、化解矛盾~不杨 伦 断提高班子决策和管理能力。,5分~无痕迹档案的不得分~发王 东 现问题、解决问题不及时的酌情扣分。,突出质量。班子能结合陶彦百 学校实际~科学定位学校发展目标和办学前景~完成上级下达的 各项教学指标。,5分,,此项需形成专题汇报材料~无汇报材料 的不得分, 83、以群众路线教育实践要求和“三严三实”为指导~开展 学校校长、班子满意度测评。,10分,~计分方法:,校长测评满 意度×0.3+班子测评满意度×0.7,×10。 1、工作有开创性、成绩显著、办学有特色~对全区教育改革责任领导: 发展和提高教育教学工作具有积极推动作用加1-5分,有专题图片潘祯勇 和材料~同一专题不重复申报,~加分累计不超过5分。 加 王祖德 2、学校,园,获省厅级,党委、政府职能部门,及以上奖分 袁 杨 励加分~国家级6分~省级4分~地厅级2分~此项同一评比不张寒春 和 累计加分~只算最高奖。,计奖时限:上年9月1日至本年度8高金波 扣 月31日, 李艳芬 3、工作有重大失误或造成重大安全责任事故的~根据情况分 具体负责: 扣1-10分或取消当年评奖。 各股、室、所 注:不含加分减分~总分220分 demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation ofn and truction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies applicatioonstruction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and constion site". promotion, application cfree, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construc-n the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accidentcharacter guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, o-aration, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of sep ucingll advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, redfamiliarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overa estlyoriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earn-1.2.1 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments servicey. 1.labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the compan occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers,y, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industr-of materials; 5 construction yof construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supplspeed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary -high, and , reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering qualityction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization constructiononstruor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering ccontent and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labbout documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to a ion as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tenderConstruction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentat 13
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