首页 适合多人玩的小游戏



适合多人玩的小游戏适合多人玩的小游戏 一(默契大考验(对对碰) 参赛人数:4至8人,男女人数相等。 游戏道具:眼罩及红线若干。 游戏规则:参赛队员任意搭配。所有参赛男队员在台下戴上眼罩,准备就绪,女队员站在台上随意 排列。由主持人带领男队员们上台。男队员通过触摸台上女队员的双手,来判断对方是 否为自己的搭档,并把手中的红线系在对方手腕上。每完成一位男队员,女生排列顺序 打乱一次,直至所有男队员完成。 奖惩措施:若男队员成功找到搭档的女队员,则男队员可对女队员提出一个合理的要求,作为奖励, 并获得奖品一份。若男队员未能成功找...

适合多人玩的小游戏 一(默契大考验(对对碰) 参赛人数:4至8人,男女人数相等。 游戏道具:眼罩及红线若干。 游戏规则:参赛队员任意搭配。所有参赛男队员在台下戴上眼罩,准备就绪,女队员站在台上随意 排列。由主持人带领男队员们上台。男队员通过触摸台上女队员的双手,来判断对方是 否为自己的搭档,并把手中的红线系在对方手腕上。每完成一位男队员,女生排列顺序 打乱一次,直至所有男队员完成。 奖惩 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 :若男队员成功找到搭档的女队员,则男队员可对女队员提出一个合理的要求,作为奖励, 并获得奖品一份。若男队员未能成功找到搭档的女队员,则要接受女队员以及举办方惩罚 二(挤汽球(心心相印) 参赛人数:12人,男女人数不限。 游戏道具:气球及红线若干 游戏规则:参赛队员随意搭配,分成两队,每队六人三组成接力赛。参赛人员必须背靠背夹着气球, 从A点到达B点,必须从红线下穿过且不能碰到红线,到达B点时挤破气球(整个游 戏过程中气球不能破,违反规则则从A点重新开始),第一组挤破气球后,第二组再从 A点开始,游戏规则与第一组相同,以此类推。最短时间完成的队获胜。 奖惩措施:赢的一队可对输的一对提出任意的合理要求,如:唱歌、跳舞、表演等。 三(击鼓传花 参赛人数:全班同学 游戏道具:纸花 游戏规则:主持人将花放在任意一同学的桌前,音乐响起开始传递,音乐停时将花留在手中的同学 接受惩罚(惩罚为在主持人准备好的纸盒里抽取一纸条,然后按纸条上提示相应完成)。 四(分工合作(齐心协力) 参赛人数:6至12人,男女不限。 游戏道具:六张纸签,上面分别写:嘴巴,手(两张),屁股,脚(两张)。 游戏规则:首先由主持人组织每组的参赛队员抽签,然后抽到“嘴巴”的人必须借助抽到“手”的 两人帮助来把汽球给吹起(抽到嘴巴的人不能用手自己吹起汽球);最后两个抽到“脚” 的人抬起抽到“屁股”的人把汽球给坐破。用时短的一组获胜。 奖惩措施:赢的一队可对输的一对提出任意的合理要求,如:唱歌、跳舞、表演等。 take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season 1 蒙眼作画 所有学员用眼罩将眼睛蒙上,然后分发纸和笔,每人一份。要求蒙着眼睛将他们的家或者其他指定东西画在纸上。完成后,让学员摘下眼罩欣赏自己的大作。 让每个人在戴上眼罩前将他们的名字写在纸的另一面。在他们完成图画后,将所有的图片挂到墙上,让学员从中挑选出他们自己画的那幅。 教员用语言描述某一样东西,让学员蒙着眼睛画下他们所听到的,然后比较他们所画的图并思考,为何每个人听到是同样的描述,而画出的东西却是不同的,在工作时呢,(教具:眼罩,纸,笔 ) 2 猜五官 1、两人面对面 2、先随机由一人先开始,指着自己的五官任何一处,问对方:“这是哪里,” 3、对方必须在很短的时间内来回答提问方的问题,例如如果对方指着自己的鼻子问这是哪里的话,同伴就必须说:这是鼻子。同时同伴的手必须指着自己鼻子以外的任何其它五官。 晚会互动游戏 扮时钟 游戏规则: 1、在白板或墙壁上画一个大的时钟模型,分别将时钟的刻度标识出来; 2、找三个人分别扮演时钟的秒针、分针和时针,手上拿着三种长度不一的棍子或其他道具(代表时钟的指针)在时钟前面站成一纵列(注意是背向白板或墙壁,扮演者看不到时钟模型); 3、主持人任意说出一个时刻,比如现在是3小时45分15秒,要三个分别扮演的人迅速的将代表指针的道具指向正确的位置,指示错误或指示慢的人受罚 4、可重复玩多次,亦可有一人同时扮演时钟的分针和时针,训练表演者的判断力和反应能力。 点评: 1、该游戏非常适合在晚会上或培训课程的休息时间进行,可以活跃气氛。 2、亦可在《时间管理》课程上引用这个游戏,同时可以训练人的反应能力。 猜五官 游戏说明: 1、两人面对面 2、先随机由一人先开始,指着自己的五官任何一处,问对方:“这是哪里,” 3、对方必须在很短的时间内来回答提问方的问题,例如如果对方指着自己的鼻子问这是哪里的话,同伴就必须说:这是鼻子。同时同伴的手必须指着自己鼻子以外的任何其它五官。 arts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to thecording to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded pbe achole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should visions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of thehe prolations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with tring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the reguhe poult seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before t, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphabond length is not less than 200mm take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,ing to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy seasonrt, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffold5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transpo-sulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal in methodcrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing teel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring conset s ons, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual sete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positioncretrarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Cn of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hiedesig2 4、如果过程中有任意一方出错,就要受罚;3个问题之后,双方互换; 酒令游戏知多少 游戏1、循环相克令 用具:无 人数:两人 方法:令词为“猎人、狗熊、枪”,两人同时说令词,在说最后一个字的同时做出一个动作——猎人的动作是双手叉腰;狗熊的动作是双手搭在胸前;枪的动作是双手举起呈手枪状。双方以此动作判定输赢,猎人赢枪、枪赢狗熊、狗熊赢猎人,动作相同则重新开始。 兴奋点:这个游戏的乐趣在于双方的动作大,非常滑稽 缺点:只是两个人的游戏 游戏2、幸运大白鲨 用具:幸运大白鲨 人数:两人 方法:幸运大白鲨的构造非常简单,但玩起来却趣味无穷。方式是将大白鲨的嘴掰开,然后按下它的下排牙齿,这些牙齿中只有一颗会牵动鲨鱼嘴,使其合上,如果你按到这一颗,鲨鱼嘴会突然合上,咬住你的手指。当然,鲨鱼牙是软塑料做的,不会咬痛您的。 你可以在酒桌上把它作为赌运气的酒具,几个人轮流按动,如果被鲨鱼咬到罚酒。 兴奋点:适合男孩女孩一起玩,对于胆小的女孩子来说比较惊险。 缺点:首先你要先去买一个“大白鲨”,虽然价钱不贵 游戏3、官兵捉贼 用具:分别写着“官、兵、捉、贼”字样的四张小纸 人数:4个人 方法:将四张纸折叠起来,参加游戏的四个人分别抽出一张,抽到“捉”字的人要根据其他三个人的面部表情或其他细节来猜出谁拿的是“贼”字,猜错的要罚,有猜到“官”字的人决定如何惩罚,由抽到“兵”字的人执行。 兴奋点:简单易行,不受时间地点场合的限制 缺点:人数不易过多。 游戏4、拍七令 用具:无 人数:无限制 方法:多人参加,从1-99报数,但有人数到含有“7”的数字或“7”的倍数时,不许报数,要拍下一个人的后脑勺,下一个人继续报数。如果有人报错数或拍错人则罚酒。 兴奋点:没有人会不出错,虽然是很简单的算术。 缺点:无 游戏5、心脏病 用具:无 oups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface,ial grnstruction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificg process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and copourindded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete ess than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embeis l ecifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviationand, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material sp voids sphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there areuld be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring aobond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing sh take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,nstruction. (2) in rainy season0) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete comixing truck haul; 1 5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete-ide, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3the s rical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung inhe winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electin t concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and damarm preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long 3 人数:越多越好 方法:将一副扑克牌给酒桌上的每个人平均分发,但是不能看自己和他人手里的牌。然后以酒桌上的人为序,按照人数排列。例如,酒桌上有5个人,可编为1-5的序号。如果该人出的牌和自己的序号相同,那大家的手就是拍向那张牌,可以手叠手的拍,最后拍上去的人是输家。 兴奋点:非常刺激,经常是大家的手红的一塌糊涂。 缺点,对桌子不利 游戏6、开火车 用具:无 人数:两人以上,多多益善 方法:在开始之前,每个人说出一个地名,代表自己。但是地点不能重复。游戏开始后,假设你来自北京,而另一个人来自上海,你就要说:“开呀开呀开火车,北京的火车就要开。”大家一起问:“往哪开,”你说:“上海开”。那代表上海的那个人就要马上反应接着说:“上海的火车就要开。”然后大家一起问:“往哪开,”再由这个人选择另外的游戏对象,说:“往某某地方开。”如果对方稍有迟疑,没有反应过来就输了。 兴奋点:可以增进人与人的感情,而且可以利用让他或她“开火车”的机会传情达意、眉目传情。 缺点:无 衔纸杯传水 目的:增进亲近感,考验成员配合、协作能力。 要求:人员选八名一组,男女交替配合。共选十六名员工,分二组同时进行比赛。另有二名人员辅助组第一名人员倒水至衔至的纸杯内,再一个个传递至下一个人的纸杯内,最后一人的纸杯内的水倒入一个小缸内,最后在限定的五分钟内,看谁的缸内的水最多,谁就获胜。 瞎子背瘸子 目的:沟通配合能力,活跃气氛 游戏规则:当场选六名员工,三男三女,男生背女生,男生当“瞎子”,用纱巾蒙住眼睛,女生扮“瘸子”,为“瞎子”指引路,绕过路障,达到终点,最早到达者,为赢。其中路障设置可摆放椅子,须绕行;汽球,须踩破;鲜花,须拾起,递给女生。 踩汽球 目的:活跃气氛,增进协调性和协作能力。 要求:人数为十名,男女各半,一男一女组成一组,共五组。 步骤:当场选出十名员工,男女各半,一男一女搭配,左右脚捆绑三至四个汽球,在活动开始后,互相踩对方的汽球,并保持自已的汽球不破,或破得最少,则胜出。 踏板运水接力(共48人) 1、队员:每队男女各6人共计12人,分三个小组进行接力,每小组须配置2男2女; rarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Cn of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hiedesig arts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to thecording to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded pbe achole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should visions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of thehe prolations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with tring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the reguhe poult seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before t, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphabond length is not less than 200mm take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,ing to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy seasonrt, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffold5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transpo-sulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal in methodcrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing teel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring conset s ons, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual sete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positioncret4 2、比赛 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 : 1)预备:每组第一位队员踏板一对放第一小组队员右侧;每组4位协作队员各端水一盆; 2)裁判宣布”开始”,各队第一组队员迅速将双脚分别伸入踏板脚套中,右手端协作队员递过来的水盆,左手搭前一位队员的左肩(最前面一位队员除外)前行; 3)到达终点,将水盆中的水倒入本队的水桶后,按原方式原路返回; 4)返回起点,队员双脚离开踏板,水盆交协作队员打水; 5)下一组开始; 6)最后十秒,裁判开始读秒:十、九、八。。。。。。。。一、停(鸣锣)~ 3、规则: 1)比赛时间10分钟,以运送水的多少决出名次; 2)打水可以由协作队员进行,但协作队员必须是队员,非队员不能提供任何协助; 3)终点倒水除本人或本小组其它队员协助外,其它人员不能提供任何协助; 4)倒水时可以双脚离开踏板; 5)终点踏板掉头时,可以用手协助掉头,但位置应与掉头前大体相当; 6)2男2女一组,男女队员前后踏板位置不作限制; 7)中途倒地可以重新套上踏板端起水继续前进; 8)某队如果第三组完成后仍有时间,可由12个队员中的任意四位队员(仍需2男2女)继续,直至10分钟时间结束裁判鸣锣收兵; 4、奖励:奖励第一名,其它队获鼓励奖 5、道具:踏板4副;大塑料桶9个(其中4个空桶放终点,4个装满水的放起点,1个装满水的在起点处备用);小塑料盆16个;中塑料桶一个(加水备用);秒表一个,鼓一个;锣一面; 挑水接力(共16人) 1、队员:每队男女各2人共计4人; 2、比赛流程: 1)预备:扁担一根放置第一位队员身旁;二位协作队员各提起一桶水(此时不能挂上扁担);一位协作队员拿红绸一根准备; 2)裁判宣布”开始”,各队拿红绸的协作队员迅速将红绸绕在第一位队员的腰上并扎紧后(要求挑水队员原地转若干圈将红绸绕到尽头后扎紧),拿起扁担挑起水出发; 3)过桥;; 4)到达终点,将水倒入本队的水桶中后,按原方式原路返回(返回时可以不上桥,但需挑起水桶); 5)返回起点,解开捆在腰上的红绸后,交下一位队员继续,直至第四位队员; 6)最后十秒,裁判开始读秒:十、九、八。。。。。。。。一、停(鸣锣)~ 3、规则: 1)时间10分钟,以运送水的多少决出名次; 2)队员顺序为:第一位队员男性,第二位队员女性,第三位队员男性,第四位队员女性,如第一轮完成后仍有时间,须按第一轮的男女顺序继续接力,直至10分钟时间结束裁判鸣锣收兵; preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long oups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface,ial grnstruction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificg process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and copourindded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete ess than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embeis l ecifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviationand, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material sp voids sphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there areuld be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring aobond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing sh take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,nstruction. (2) in rainy season0) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete comixing truck haul; 1 5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete-ide, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3the s rical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung inhe winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electin t concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and damarm 5 3)打水及捆绸可以由协作队员进行,但协作队员必须是本队队员,非队员不能提供任何协助; 4)队员过桥时不许掉下,否则需从桥头重新上桥; 5)中途倒地,可以爬起后继续;若倒地后水已倒掉,可以返回起点盛水后重来; 4、奖励:奖励第一名,其它队获鼓励奖 5、道具:小桥一座(预先安装);扁担4根;挑水小塑料桶8个;大塑料桶9个(其中4个空桶放终点,4个装满水的放起点,1个装满水的在起点处备用);中塑料桶一个(加水备用);秒表一个,鼓一个;锣一面;红绸4根(每根长5米)。 为了让大家过一个欢快的夜晚,经小象精心策划,拟在篝火晚会安排游戏节目如下: 1、 歌词曲目大反串 用一首歌的曲调去唱另一首歌的歌词,唱得好的胜出。 2、 成语接龙 根据指定的字说一个成语,第一个成语的尾字为第二个成语的首字,一直接下去,哪个组用最少的词接回第一个成语的首字为胜。 3、 唱歌挑错 唱歌者会故意把一首歌的部分歌词改过后唱出,看谁能及时挑出错误的地方,并能唱出正确的歌词,更正次数多者胜。 4、 跳竹竿舞 四组一起轮流跳,夹到脚者淘汰,坚持到最后剩余人数多者取胜。 5、 双人顶气球接力 两人一组只能用脸部贴着气球从一头跑到另一头,中途气球掉下重来,先完成的一组取胜。 6、 用指定的表情、曲调与感情演绎指定的一首歌,唱得好者胜出。 7、 大西瓜、小西瓜,喝啤酒 同组人排成一列,从第一人开始,喊“大西瓜”的同时用手比划小西瓜,第二人喊“小西瓜”的同时比划大西瓜,如此接下去,错的人多扣的分也多,最后得分多者胜出。 8、 钻竹竿 各组列队钻过竹竿,手不能触地,身体后仰钻过竹竿,碰掉竹竿者淘汰,竹竿从高向低调整,到最后竹竿最低的一组胜出。 欢迎大家多提宝贵意见,如有精彩的节目也可向组织者踊跃推荐,我们的目的是让大家玩得开心,玩得尽兴。 rarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Cn of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hiedesig arts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to thecording to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded pbe achole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should visions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of thehe prolations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with tring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the reguhe poult seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before t, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphabond length is not less than 200mm take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,ing to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy seasonrt, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffold5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transpo-sulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal in methodcrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing teel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring conset s ons, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual sete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positioncret6 每个人准备份新年小礼物,放在大大的纸箱子里(外面贴上主题宣传纸);每人上来抽礼物,互相认识礼物的主人,拥抱献上新年的祝福.人越多效果越好--领导包好1\200元的信封掺杂其中;产生意外惊喜. 我每年都做,个人感觉氛围热烈,而且,新老同事有个亲近的机会,来年互相协调工作的时候明显的比一般人亲近. ========== 模仿电视节目里的,后面举牌,一个人解释,一个人猜,虽然简单,但是效果不错,关键是看你在后面牌子上写的是什么,往往一个好题会达到意想不到的效果哦。 联欢晚会互动游戏: www.writeeasy.net/article/2/200605/20060509003.html 晚会趣味即兴游戏 www.writeeasy.net/article/2/200605/2006051210873.html 春节联欢集体互动搞笑游戏 www.writeeasy.net/article/2/200605/2006051210913.html 趣味互动小游戏: www.writeeasy.net/article/2/200605/2006051210912.html 合力吹汽球 目的:沟通配合能力,借着分工合作来完成任务 人数:每组限六人 场地:不限 道具:主持人准备每组各六张签,上写:嘴巴;手(二张);屁股;脚(二张) 汽球(每组一个) 适合:全部的人 游戏方法: 1. 分两组,但每组必须要有六人。 2. 主持人请每组每人抽签。 3. 首先,抽到嘴巴的必须借着抽到手的两人帮助来把汽球给吹起(抽到嘴巴的人 不能用手自已吹起汽球);然后二个抽到脚的人抬起抽到屁股的人去把汽球给坐 破 报纸拔河 概要:在报纸上挖两个洞来进行拔河的游戏 道具:旧报纸 方法: 1、在报纸上挖两个人头大小的洞; 2、2人对坐各自把报纸套上进行拔河(站着拔亦可); 3、报纸破裂离开脖子的一方输。 注意事项:不可以用手去拉。 ial grnstruction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificg process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and copourindded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete ess than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embeis l ecifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviationand, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material sp voids sphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there areuld be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring aobond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing sh take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,nstruction. (2) in rainy season0) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete comixing truck haul; 1 5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete-ide, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3the s rical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung inhe winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electin t concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and damarm preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long oups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface,7 b、“二人手”:可以由三对人同时参加,男女双方各拿一个筷子,同时夹取乒乓 球,在规定时间内,夹球数量最多者为获胜者。 最好是男女搭配的任务 比如双方各派一对学生:一男一女哦 站在一张报纸上 石头剪子布 输的则要折叠脚下的报纸 再设法站上去 呵呵 空间越来越小 两人越来越近 一定气氛活跃 一些多人聚会时候适合玩的游戏 1、传牙签 参与游戏者每人抽一张扑克牌,然后相继按扑克牌的顺序坐好,持最小(或最大)的那张扑克牌的人为先头,用嘴衔住那根牙签,依次传到下一个人的嘴里,不许掉哦,注意不能借用手或任何工具帮忙,如果掉了,那自然要受到惩罚喽,传完一圈后,游戏未完。将牙签撅一半,继续抽扑克牌,按新的顺序坐好,接着下一轮的传递„„继续撅一半„„再撅„„越来越刺激 2、国王游戏 先是每个人分张数字.然后,抽出一人做国王,国王可以命令任何做事情,比如,1号和3号接吻.有时,是两个男的吻哈 接龙,第一个人说 你好的好啊,第二个人说,你好的好啊,好漂亮的亮的亮阿,第三个人说你好的好啊,好漂亮的亮的亮啊,亮晶晶的晶阿 3、我爱你VS不要脸 听上去有些“暧昧”,实际上是个练反应的好游戏。 规则:众人围坐成一圈,规定只能对自己左边的人说“我爱你”,对右边的人说“不要脸”。两人之间只能连续对话3次。一旦有人说错,即受罚。 亮点:当游戏达到一定速度时,反应跟不上的人,往往会出现“我„„不要脸”或“不„„我爱你” arts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to thecording to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded pbe achole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should visions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of thehe prolations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with tring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the reguhe poult seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before t, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphabond length is not less than 200mm take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,ing to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy seasonrt, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffold5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transpo-sulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal in methodcrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing teel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring conset s ons, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual sete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positioncretrarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Cn of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hiedesig8 之类的经典“自白”。 4、箩卜蹲 将参与者分成四堆以上,每堆人手牵着手围成一圈,给每堆人以颜色或数字命名,任意指定一堆萝卜开始统一下蹲,同时还要念词,再指定别的萝卜堆做同样动作,目标要一致,依此类推但不能马上回指。 以一实例加以说明。有红、白、黄、紫四堆萝卜,白萝卜先蹲,蹲的时候念“白萝卜蹲,白萝卜蹲,白萝卜蹲完红萝卜蹲。”念完后所有白萝卜手指一致指向红萝卜堆。红萝卜们马上要开始蹲且口中一样要念念有词,之后他们可以再指定下一个但不能是白萝卜。 5、两只小蜜蜂 念词:两只小蜜蜂呀,飞在花丛中呀,飞呀„„ 动作:两人面对面,1.两手作兰花指状展开双臂上下飞舞;2. 两手换掌状于胸前交*飞舞;3.出手锤子剪刀布;4.赢者伸掌作摔巴掌状,口念"啪啪";输者和声"啊啊";不输不赢则同时努嘴作"咋咋"亲嘴状。 胜负:看反应速度,负者罚一节目。 6、一只青蛙 参与者围成一圈,面朝中央。主持人念“一”,顺时针下一位念“只”,再“青”再“蛙”再“跳”再“进”再“水”再“中”再“扑通”;接着“两只青蛙跳进水中扑通扑通”„„依此类推,跟不上节奏或出错者罚节目。 7、大瞎话 由一人蒙上眼睛扮"瞎子",坐在"瞎子"左侧的人开始不断的指在座的每一个人。当他指向其中的人和 pourindded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete ess than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embeis l ecifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviationand, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material sp voids sphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there areuld be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring aobond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing sh take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,nstruction. (2) in rainy season0) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete comixing truck haul; 1 5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete-ide, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3the s rical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung inhe winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electin t concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and damarm preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long oups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface,ial grnstruction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificg process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and co9 一个人,就问"瞎子","这个行不行,"。"瞎子"如果说不行,就继续指下一个人。知道"瞎子"同意的时候,被指的那个人就是被游戏选中的人。"瞎子"摘下眼罩,根据每个人的表情来猜测谁被选中了,而参与的人不能告诉瞎子。当然,被选中的也可能是"瞎子"自己。瞎子要出一个题目或者说指定一个节目,要被选定的人去完成。和大冒险一样,节目越荒唐越刺激越好。 下一轮,由上一轮被选定人来做瞎子。 8、官兵捉贼 用具:分别写着"官、兵、捉、贼"字样的四张小纸 这个游戏最好是四个人来玩。将四张纸折叠起来,参加游戏的四个人分别抽出一张。抽到"捉"字的人要根据其他三个人的面部表情或其他细节来猜出谁拿的是"贼"字,猜错的要罚,有猜到"官"字的人决定如何惩罚,由抽到"兵"字的人执行。 9、数7 这么古老的游戏~不过,既然旧瓶能装新酒,老游戏也能翻出新花样~ 回顾一下老游戏的规则:首先人要多一点,5人以上。任意一人开始数数,1、2、3„„那样数下去,逢到7的倍数(7、14、21„„)和含有7的数字(17、27„„)必须以敲桌子代替。如果有谁逢7却数出来了,就输,有谁没逢7就敲桌子的,也输。奉劝没有数字观念的人不要玩这个,很容易输的。 再看一下新花样:开头是一样的,但是,数到逢7的数字后,要倒回去数~比如,原来是顺时针数的,轮到甲是7,他敲一下桌子,照理坐在他左边的乙应该接下来数8,不是~现在要变成逆时针,由坐在他右边的丙数8~这样转来转去,我向你保证,转不了三次方向大伙儿就迷糊啦~ 还有一点要说明:只有第一回是从1开始数的。接下来谁输了喝酒之后,由他开始数,可以不必从1开始,而是以小于10的任意数字开始。 试试看从6开始数„„ 10、用一个直径大约15厘米的玻璃杯(最好),不过如果人多的话可以用直径大一些的杯子,然后把杯子装满水,注意是几乎装满,离杯口差一到两毫米,然后每个人轮流方一个硬币入水,然后看谁放进去的时候水益出来了 ons, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual sete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positioncretrarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Cn of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hiedesig arts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to thecording to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded pbe achole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should visions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of thehe prolations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with tring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the reguhe poult seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before t, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphabond length is not less than 200mm take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,ing to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy seasonrt, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffold5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transpo-sulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal in methodcrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing teel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring conset s 10 11、凤凰飞 大家坐成一圈,圈中的每个人有一个数字号.从1 开始...左/右时针都可以....比如有12个人玩游戏.就有1号凤凰.他的左边是2号凤凰.2号凤凰的左边是3号凤凰......一直到12号凤凰的左边是1号凤凰, 这时一个人可以任意叫几号凤凰飞,比如:1号说5号凤凰飞,听到叫喊后代表5号凤凰的人"两手放在左右的人的肩上,同时伸缩头.左边的人上下摆动左手作飞的样子.右边的人上下飞动右手作飞的样子"5号在作动时一边作一边叫"5号凤凰飞,5号凤凰飞,5号凤凰飞完*号凤凰飞."这时*凤凰就开始伸缩头和叫"*号凤凰飞,*号凤凰飞,*号凤凰飞完*号凤凰飞."他左右边的人同时出左右手配合活动..没有及时接下去的就表演节目 g process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and copourindded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete ess than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embeis l ecifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviationand, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material sp voids sphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there areuld be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring aobond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing sh take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,nstruction. (2) in rainy season0) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete comixing truck haul; 1 5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete-ide, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3the s rical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung inhe winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electin t concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and damarm preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long oups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface,ial grnstruction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artific11
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