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社团会员大会 策划书模板


社团会员大会 策划书模板社团会员大会 策划书模板 辩论与口才交流协会 会员大会 西南大学育才学院辩论与口才交流协会组织部 2011年10月7日 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the jun...

社团会员大会 策划书模板
社团会员大会 策划书模板 辩论与口才交流协会 会员大会 西南大学育才学院辩论与口才交流协会组织部 2011年10月7日 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 西南大学育才学院辩论与口才交流协会 会员大会策划书 1.前言 ??????1 2.社团简介 ??????1 3.活动背景 ??????2 4.活动主题 ??????2 5.活动目的 ??????2 6.活动意义 ??????3 7.活动时间 ??????3 8.活动地点 ??????3 9.活动对象 ??????3 10.活动准备 ??????5 11.活动 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 ??????6 12.活动人员名单 ??????7 13.资源设备 ??????7 14.活动经费 ??????7 15.晚会及主持人注意事项 ??????7 16.游戏补充说明 ??????8 17.晚会结束工作 ??????9 18.附1:游戏活动及规则 ??????10 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 西南大学育才学院辩论与口才交流协会 前言: 辩论与社交口才协会,一方属于你的舞台。 旋转脚尖,就是一个世界。 辩论与社交口才协会,一处属于你的宝藏。 辛勤挖掘,便可寻获无限未来。 辩论与社交口才协会,一个属于你的家。 温暖如你我,牵起手,就是一家人。 社团简介: 西南大学育才学院辩论与社交口才协会是位于重庆西北部合川区的独立学院西南大学育才学院的学生社团。简称西南大学育才学院辩才社。辩才社本着为同学们服务,培养同学们良好的素质和能力,加强大学生之间的沟通与交流的目的,积极开展以辩论、演讲、朗诵、社交礼仪培养,口才和普通话培训为主的集体活动,为着建立一个真正的服务型社团,和不断开拓进取,走向重庆乃至全国争取为大学生交流提供完美舞台并做出自己的贡献而努力。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 一、活动背景: 伴随着大一新生的到来,我社迎来了新一轮的招新。但是比以往不同的是,这一次的招新规模更大,人数更多,范围更广。其中最为突出的是对会员扩招,总人数已经达到五六百人。 对于这些大一新生来说,对我们社团还不是很了解,不知道我们社团到底是做什么的,所以迫切的需要了解我们社团。 与此同时,新生已经开始觉得大学的生活很乏味,急切需要指点迷津,找到方向,以丰富大学生活。 二、活动主题: 联系新老会员,使会员之间有所了解,并对我们社团也有所了解,向新会员们展示我们社团的风采,让新会员们更多更好的了解我们社团的历史与性质。 三、活动目的: 新学期的开始,更多会员的加入,又给我们社团注入了新的活力,而且又进行了紧张的招新活动,能更好的为社团寻找了出谋划策的人。希望通过动员大会可以让会员及更多的人了解我们社团。 1、总结辩才过去一年取得的佳绩,增进成员间的友谊,使我们辩才大家庭成为一个更温暖的大家庭。 2、总结招新情况,激发新干事,新会员的工作热情和参与积极性,增强其协会的归属感和责任感;为社团开展活动打下基础。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 四、活动意义: 通过此次动员大会,可以让我们会员充分了解我们社团,扩大我们社团在我院的知名度,为我社以后举办大型的活动打下坚定的基础。 同时,为新生提供一个自我展示的平台,让他们畅谈自己对大学生活的认识,合理规划自己在今后的三年或者四年的时间里面的生活。 大会还将请来我院非常优秀的学长学姐,为我们讲述他们在大学里面精彩的生活和宝贵的经验,避免在大学生活中多走弯路,尽快融入精彩的大学生活~ 五、活动时间:待定 六、活动地点:待定 七、活动对象: 西南大学育才学院辩论与口才交流协会全体会员 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 八、活动准备: 部门分工: 办公室:1、负责起草通知文件;通知出席会议的相关人员; 2、负责新闻稿件的写作; 3、负责会议场地申请; 4、社长助理负责发出邀请函; 5、负责大会的 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 和现场拍摄工作 文娱部: ?负责大会期间节目演出人员安排,演出节目顺序的安排。(表演时,文娱部要注意灯光的控制) ?表演音乐要事先准备好,提前放到大会现场的电脑上。最好留一份备份在U盘,防止电脑上的无法播放。 ?选出两位主持人。 ?选出四位礼仪小姐 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 宣传部:宣传部负责海报、传单等的制作和宣传工作,海报要新颖力求让每个会员都知道此次动员大会的时间及地点,并能准时到场。 网络部: ?负责大会PPT制作和演示。 ?负责活动现场摄影工作以及后期照片编辑整理。 ?加入本社团的信息,把前几届我们活动拍出的照片都展示出来。 组织策划部: 1、负责起草大会策划书; 2、在整个活动过程中组织协调各部门间的分工与沟通交流; 3、准备游戏道具; 4、布置会场。 监察部: a负责大会维持现场秩序。 b负责做好大会记录。 c负责所有人员座位安排 d打印签到表及邀请函,负责签到 外联部:外联部负责拉到赞助。 生活部: 1、负责奖品安排,准备30份奖品(作为游戏奖励) 2、负责此次活动经费。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 九、活动流程: 1.社长通知各理事安排人员提前30分钟到场布置会场。会长及副会长助理协作帮助。 2.会员到场就坐后,播放社团相关幻灯片,向会员介绍辩才社,使他们对辩才社有更多的了解。 3.会员到副社长处签到。 4. 全场所有人保持安静,晚会正式开始。 5.主持人入场,介绍莅临嘉宾领导。 6.邀请嘉宾到场就坐,发表演讲。 7.会长宣布本学期 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 纲领汇报。(策划部) 8.副会长简单说明辩才规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。(网络部) 9.组织部及相关人员负责现场秩序和突发事件的处理。 10.表演节目。 11.主持人宣布大会圆满结束,嘉宾领导退场,会员退场。 12.全体部长干事留下合影留念。 13活动结束后,协会所有干部及干事负责清理会场,并及时做活动总结。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 十、活动人员名单: 西南大学育才学院辩论与口才交流协会全体会员 十二、资源设备: 话筒 音响 电脑 ??? 十三、活动经费: 1.邀请函〔10元〕 2.海报及传单的制作〔20元〕 3.会场布置饰物〔10元〕 ?????? 总计 元左右。 十四、注意事项 1.前期宣传一定要做好,务必及时。 2.赞助要拉到,保证活动的经费。 3.教室的申请要提前,不能拖。 4.会场的布置一定要果断,保证大会按时开始。 5.注意人员联系,确保按时参加大会。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 十五、晚会注意事项 1、 若晚会途中一旦出现停电的状况,网络部要马上联系 楼管,而其他部门协助监察部维持晚会秩序。 2、 以防出现麦克风出故障的情况,网络部要多准备一到 两个麦克风。 3、 倘若表演人员不能或延迟就位,网络部可播放辩才历 届活动短片或相关视频。等待问题处理。 4、 每个部门的干事在接待会员和嘉宾时,应以礼待人, 突显辩才的应有的风采。 5、 监察部应提前制定签到表(要比较正规,并分开干事 和会员签到表) 6、 晚会结束后,先安排嘉宾退场,然后是会员退场,最 后是干事。 十六、主持人注意事项: 1、 每个节目的过度要圆滑,带动晚会气氛; 2、 游戏时要主动活跃; 十七、游戏补充说明 所有上台参与游戏的参赛者都有小奖品以示奖励。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 十八、晚会结束后工作: 1、 网络摄影部: 1会议的所有设施归还; ? 2把会议的电脑记录交给秘书部以用作记录,所有部门派人留下清? 扫会场。 2、 办公室做好工作总结并记录 3、 各部长副部长留下做大会总结并交流学习 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 附1: 互动游戏及规则 A传气球 游戏规则:在游戏开始时,由主持人播放音乐,同时6个气球在观众中开始接传,当音乐结束时气球在哪几位观众手里,那这几位观众就要被请出来,接受惩罚。(玩两轮) 惩罚 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 :接受惩罚的参赛者需要表演一段自己擅长的节目或者作鬼脸照相(网络部负责) B估数字 游戏规则:由主持人在观众中选出6位观众,站在台中央,排成一排,背靠大屏幕,由屏幕打出一个数字,然后参赛者在一到一百间猜测(他们手里拿着气球),如果谁说中大屏幕上的数字,主持人马上刺穿气球。(玩两轮) 制作人: 西南大学育才学院辩论与口才交流协会组织部 副部长:易行XX 2011年10月7日 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's
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