首页 郭氏家谱之郭氏家谱字辈汇编



郭氏家谱之郭氏家谱字辈汇编郭氏家谱之郭氏家谱字辈汇编 郭氏家谱之 郭氏家谱字辈汇编 山东诸城郭河套郭氏字辈(7--17世):“养,淮(单字),志,纯(绞丝旁单字),廷,均(土字旁单字),士,梅(木字旁单 字),燕,焕,增;(18世开始新编)金福义禄爱,仁孝贤忠伟;信富吉礼旺,寿禧庆德培。祥和家道永,善慧广智卫;瑞洪贵良恩,尊文玉立玮。 山东胶州郭氏字辈:“元肇维人方振承绪玉胜佳年”。 山东日照郭氏字辈:“奎绍郭源公建长章和敬其相惟衍仁德家道隆昌”。 山东枣庄郭氏字辈:“明学振万方依允”。 山东泰安 君.. - 熙 - 洪 - 云...

郭氏家谱之郭氏家谱字辈汇编 郭氏家谱之 郭氏家谱字辈汇编 山东诸城郭河套郭氏字辈(7--17世):“养,淮(单字),志,纯(绞丝旁单字),廷,均(土字旁单字),士,梅(木字旁单 字),燕,焕,增;(18世开始新编)金福义禄爱,仁孝贤忠伟;信富吉礼旺,寿禧庆德培。祥和家道永,善慧广智卫;瑞洪贵良恩,尊文玉立玮。 山东胶州郭氏字辈:“元肇维人方振承绪玉胜佳年”。 山东日照郭氏字辈:“奎绍郭源公建长章和敬其相惟衍仁德家道隆昌”。 山东枣庄郭氏字辈:“明学振万方依允”。 山东泰安 君.. - 熙 - 洪 - 云 - 修 -守 - 忠 - 正 - 恩 - 会 - 庆 - 本 - 昌 ..... 山东东平遂城:长思庆启瑞,锡恩崇肇祥。忠承云怀毓,广家继宗章。 山东德州}青、基、本、世、永,连、登、传、光、明 山东滨州 思、文、学、庆、丰 山东临沂莒南}兴、喜、克、德、洪、凤、明、呈、祥 山东临沂莒南 长 连 彦 修 春 子(建) 山东即墨 廷,玉,振,克,宗 山东临沂平邑 星,继,永,凤 山东汶上 廷、永、振(克)、延、宗、金 【君】【奉】【新】【春】【红,辅】【喜 specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 山东威海 永】【元】【曾 东东平郭氏字辈:“长荣克延忠”。 湖北浠水郭氏字辈:“立本习能迪强”。 湖北黄梅郭氏字辈:“惟学承在善新明德”。 湖北襄阳郭氏字辈:“必定长久天开景运”。 湖北孝感满族郭氏字辈:“功崇业广本立德明家安国正世永天平吉祥仁寿忠义礼文继述有志瑞启长春”。 湖北安陆郭氏字辈:“永世文应尚显万中正诒泽定远永治先型敦崇原本子名世守封显万德全隆首高取大士品皇堂正发惟显名扬志有文章书万载庆德贤?儒子益光”。 福建晋江郭氏字辈:“祖肇汾阳支分自漳奇立主应赓奕文章高齐育庆亶席亨康膏童豪颜交序亭庠雍廉意度玄衮褒唐京赢广庇帝座方襄膺庸庶享言永音商”。 福建南安蓬岛郭氏字辈: 字行:“元世人卿相治朝重正方令公家谱远颍守系声长孝悌伦滋笃诗书业益张祖来基泽厚贻燕万年光”。 名行:“姬箓渊源永云礽钻绪宏先民隆矩矱后世懔遵行植品宜敦本修身在致诚汾阳余庆衍三岛踵簪缨”。 福建南安官桥郭氏字辈:“显成世述一国荣叔元世人卿相治朝钟正方令公家谱远颖守系声长孝悌伦滋笃诗书业益张祖来基泽厚贻燕万年功姬箓渊源永云礽钻绪宏先民明矩矱后世怀遵行植品宜敦本修身在致诚汾阳余庆衍三岛踵簪缨”。 福建安溪回民郭氏字辈:“孟居资允本世仲志一懋尔颜伯克绍贻谋景福介思延及子孙永年保”。 湖南炎陵郭氏字辈:“文学尊孔孟英俊垂名远惠兰延清香世代表忠良”。 湖南嘉禾郭氏字辈:“筠应天生凤新汉柱万君班聂小念四代八九千万愿文思启绍常祖宗富贵显相忠聪明成智慧朝廷有高风国泰永昌良家雅礼仪通贤能先达士福德振祥功”。 湖南上湘郭氏字辈:“启秀端正存真葆良诗书济美孝友聊芳英俊绳立家声代扬祖功宗德上锡恩光”。 江西万载郭氏字辈: 岳公房支派:“大端方桂棠华发定荣昌贤俊儒中瑞文明兆吉祥”; 合族通派:“凤权汝子孟元城山海从长秀绍金台士为师世有恩锡盛朝堂功勋在显扬谦和傅祖德家国统生光”。 江西定南郭氏字辈:“传仁义礼家学召人文立志光先德贤名佰代欣”。 河南开封刘店郭氏字辈:“世田好三云书中先有文道德全家宝万代永乐祥”。 安徽涡阳郭氏字辈:“希文尚允兴传学”。 江苏江宁郭氏字辈:“高才立志良”。 四川成都郭氏字辈:“应永存先德子”。 河北正定郭氏字辈:“旺怀朝廷风立树青”。 东北黑水郭氏字辈:“克大基业嗣炳宏谟贻谋燕翼绳武缉熙昌时名世翊运宣猷家珍兆远奕叶重光”。 郭氏溶公支派字辈:“仕可原崇本廷世德贤良宏龄起昭穆光彩焕文章凤诏宗纶锡鸿勋振羽翔储材培杞梓历运蔚琳琅济用商家楫农明晋国庄图书圶璧映谟烈鼎铉彰”。 新加坡郭氏字辈:“长仕谏怀云雨百里瑞天定朝清廉启国家廷献文明行笃必有克specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 诚用垂式宜尔子孙以介景福”。 郭氏一支字辈:“毓人光祖成士绍宗怀仁恩义道大德鸿实行宪法民心咸悦安乐富强永保华国”。 天津 思 朝 振 有 玉 之 万 金銮 殿 江西星子 亿 光 钱 烈 文 章 山 斗 周 江西万安 同志修仁理,士弦定光钟,继续传家宝,扬名立显功,登朝能致敬,辅治在怀忠 江西吉水 长~发~其~祥 安徽和县 宏、大、文、元、广,雍(应)、熙(思)、泰、平、昌 (山西== 太原 )朝- 玉-, 仕-, 廷-, 木-, 万- 永- 定 - 家 -, 兴,- 举, - 步- 登, -云, -贵, -光 (未 知)家 - 道 - 长 - 乐 - 永 -康 - 仁 -本 - 孝 - 为- 先 元、宗、思、天、有、明、登、万 益阳 凤\\诏\\宗\\纶\\锡\\鸿\\勋\\振\\羽\\翔 广西河池 ...顺、忠、词 河南开封 德善福广,永可吉兴 河南洛阳 国 振 天 兴 顺 官 清 民 自 安 湖北省枣阳市 远世汝希光裕长,其必敬之家乃昌,和平中正继先志,履端肇庆永发祥 湖南岳阳}【志】【在】【观】【光】【文】【明 安徽阜阳 《文》《启》 《兴》 《长》 辽宁东港:向、来、凤、朝、阳、单、贵、盛、庆、家 湖南岳阳 志在观光,文明鼎盛 重庆市武隆 国、正、天、兴、顺、朝、忠、盛、文、光、高、明、显、世、坤、仁、治、礼、仪、长 安徽亳州 伟,丙,邵,祖,红 正大光明柏金奉为有 沈阳 庆,殿,春 河南省周口市 玉 良 才 立德 文 明 广 郑州中牟 万全培广显,绪宁永崇宗,同福林冬治,正龙庆丰祥 specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 志 - 承 - 家 -学 - 显 - 名 - 受 - 克 - 恩 - 振 - 万 - 时 兆- 广- 吉- 广 -积 -诗 元- 秀 -天- 廷 -顺 -仲 -子- 世- 正 -宗 -启- 芝 -定- 德 -远- 承- 继 -永- 如 -松 国- 恩 -嘉- 庆 -菊 温- 全 -家 -开- 保 -传 依- 志 -承- 家- 学- 显 -名- 受- 克- 恩 世 -保 -云 -建 (山西)景、秀、绪、加、伦,希、丙、延、成、瑞,旦、成、一、进、功 高 宗 先 得 祥 开 金 国 秀 富?占?金?玉- 仲元延平洪,修文必重武,治世登隆古,祖德汾阳风,美邦寿朝普,南正安钦蒂,东山绍周 鲁,仁孝全忠信,万载遵和穆 四川米易}登、后(厚)、玉、成、正、大、光、明 四川南溪 文,希,元,象,道,赞,时,平,才,成,正,士,德,济,朝,廷。 江苏淮安 元-朝-长-广-和-成-爱-祥 家,先,慎,德 台湾 德 文 卫 政 依-念-家-训 诸-子-永-昌 四川 (显)(祖)(诗)(韶)(学) 汾阳}德仲清可秀魁炳海中金自起建世策永远古少新 汾阳}高 宗 先 得 祥 开 金 国 秀 河南泌阳 迎、都、震、龙 安陆}光大是正 贻泽定远 永志先行 敦崇源本 江西赣州}朝、德、泽、传、家、先 江西赣州会昌}远大家声振,文明绍先列 specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 江西赣州 志 -承- 家- 学- 显 -名- 受- 克- 恩 河北沧州 忠子占耀堂,文景立德昌 先?烈?欲?远?荣? 太?原?传?祖?训 湖北黄冈 天,地,元,昌,大,光,昭,道,德,宣,家 湖北 长,明,显,耀,荣,华,地 江西九江 富贵传佳远 广西桂林 先?烈?欲?远?荣? 太?原?传?祖?训 湖北天门 }字仁胜义和 四川宜宾 逢.太.真 河南 开封}绍 玉 秀 天 海 贵州石阡}文秀天庭顺。仲志士正忠,启子定德远,长毓万代兴 贵州安顺}永 文 光 家 国 大 发 起 中 羊 龙 凤 朝 天 子 世 界 吕 贵州清镇}吾、皇、启、大、朝;元、宗、思、天、有;明、登、万、世、荣 安徽蚌埠}战 名 先 泽 茂 树 (山西太原)穆,?, 秦, 民, 秀, 良, 德, 贻, 穆, 启, 帝, 成 (注:排名不分前后,顺序仅供参详 ) 郭氏辈分录已经不全,欢迎各位郭家兄弟姐妹,积极行动起来,参与郭氏辈分表的收集及发 扬,前为郭氏家族,后为万代子孙做份贡献~ specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code
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