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港口城市_宁波 上海科技翻译 S hang ha i J ou rna l of T ransla tors f or S cience and T echnology 2004 N o. 1 [收稿日期 ] 2003209217 [译者简介 ] 郭建中 (1938- ) , 男, 浙江大学外国语学院教授, 浙江省翻译工作者协会会长。 ·汉译英原文· 港口城市——宁波   宁波是中国对外开放的 14 个沿海港口城市和国家计划单列城市之一, 不仅是闻名中外的港口城市, 而 且是一座历史悠久的文化名城。宁波历史, 源远流长①...

上海科技翻译 S hang ha i J ou rna l of T ransla tors f or S cience and T echnology 2004 N o. 1 [收稿日期 ] 2003209217 [译者简介 ] 郭建中 (1938- ) , 男, 浙江大学外国语学院教授, 浙江省翻译工作者协会会长。 ·汉译英原文· 港口城市——宁波   宁波是中国对外开放的 14 个沿海港口城市和国家 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 单列城市之一, 不仅是闻名中外的港口城市, 而 且是一座历史悠久的文化名城。宁波历史, 源远流长①。1973 年发现了河姆渡遗址。河姆渡遗址不但以稻作 和耜耕农业、黑陶和干栏式建筑成为它独特的文化个性, 而且以它距今 7000 年的时间, 证明这里是中华民族 发祥的源头之一②。宁波自唐开元二十六年 (738 年)设置明州, 迄今已有 1170 多年历史。今日宁波中心区的 城市骨架与布局, 基本定型于南宋 (1127—1279 年) ③。 宁波从唐代 (61—907 年)起就成为中国著名的国际贸易港。作为越窑青瓷的主要产地, 宁波曾是海上陶 瓷之路的东方起点, 与日本、朝鲜和东南亚、阿拉伯各国友好往来, 关系密切。第一次鸦片战争后 (1842 年) , 宁波为当时五口通商口岸之一。现仍保存着众多的古海运码头、海关等史迹。 作为全国历史文化名城, 宁波境内文物古迹众多。目前全市共有文物保护单位 215 处, 其中全国重点文 物保护单位 5 处, 省级文物保护单位 20 处; 省级历史文化名城 1 个 (余姚市) , 省级历史文化保护区 5 个。宁 波文人荟萃, 历史上曾有较高层次的具有地方特色的著述和学派, 如四明学派、阳明学派、浙东学派, 出现了 虞世南、高则诚、王守仁、朱舜水、黄宗羲、万斯同、全祖望、张煌言等一批文化名人。宁波的藏书文化深厚, 涌 现过一大批藏书数万卷的藏书名楼。天一阁是国内现存最古老的藏书楼, 已有 400 多年的历史, 它是中国藏 书文化的代表之作。 在深厚的文化积淀中孕育而成的宁波传统工艺诸如骨木嵌镶、宁式家具、朱金木雕、金银彩绣等, 用材讲 究, 手艺精绝, 风格独特④。宁波汤团⑤、奉化水蜜桃、余姚与慈溪的杨梅⑥、奉帮裁缝等已成为宁波饮食业、服 装业的拳头产品, 深受各地游客的青睐⑦。 N ingbo——A Po rt C ity Tran sla ted by Guo J ianzhong   N ingbo is one of the 14 coasta l cit ies open to the ou tside w o rld in Ch ina, and also one of the cit ies spe2 cia lly designated in the sta te p lan w ith quasi2p rovincia l sta tu s in the econom ic m anagem en t righ ts. N o t on2 ly is it know n as a po rt city bo th at hom e and ab road, bu t a lso as a cu ltu ra l city w ith a long h isto ry. T he H em udu Site d iscovered in Yuyao C ity in 1973 has been iden t if ied as 7000 years o ld. T he H em udu Cu ltu re w as characterized by rice cu lt iva t ion, farm ing w ith spade2shaped too ls, b lack po t tery and beam less and dw ellings bu ilt on st ilt s. T he H em udu Site is now genera lly acknow ledged as one of the cradles of the Ch i2 nese nat ion. N ingbo has a h isto ry of 1170 years since it w as first estab lished as M ingzhou in 738 ( in the 26th year of the Kaiyuan Period of the T ang D ynasty). T he u rban dist ricts w ith in the city cen ter of N ingbo today took shape in the Sou thern Song D ynasty (1127—1279). Since the T ang D ynasty (6182907) , N ingbo has been know n as an in ternat ional t rade po rt. A s a m ajo r p roducer of celadon w are o rig inat ing from the Yue Yao, a famou s k iln in nearby Yuyao C ity du ring the T ang D ynasty (6182907) , F ive D ynast ies Period (9072 960) and early Song D ynasty (96021279) , N ingbo becam e the p lace w here the ancien t“Ceram ics Rou te to the Sea”began, link ing Ch ina w ith Japan, Ko rea, Sou theast A sian coun tries, and A rab ian coun tries in t rade and friendsh ip. A fter the F irst Op ium W ar (1842) , N ingbo becam e one of the five open po rts fo r t rade. T he h isto rica l rem ain s of dock s and the cu stom hou se of the past can st ill be seen today. A s a nat ional h isto rica l and cu ltu ra l city, N ingbo is a lso rich in cu ltu ra l relics and p laces of h isto rica l ·06· in terest. T here are now 215 un its of cu ltu ra l relics under p ro tect ion, among w h ich 5 un its under sta te p ro2 tect ion, and 20 under p rovincia l p ro tect ion, one h isto rica l and cu ltu ra l city a t the p rovincia l level2Yuyao C ity and five h isto rica l and cu ltu ra l reservat ion s. N ingbo has also p roduced large num bers of ou tstanding peop le in Ch inese h isto ry w ith m any schoo ls of though t o rig inat ing here, including the Sim ing Schoo l, the Yangm ing Schoo l and the East Zhejiang Schoo l. R ep resen ta t ives of d ist ingu ished scho lars include Yu Sh i2 nan (5582638) , ca llig rapher of the early T ang D ynasty, Gao Zecheng, p layw righ t a t the tu rn of the Yuan (1271—1368) and theM ing (1368—1644) D ynast ies, W ang Shoucheng (147221528) , ph ilo sopher and edu2 cato r of the M ing D ynasty, Zhu Shun shu i (a lso know n as Zhu Ziyu, 160021682) , scho lar a t the tu rn of the M ing and the Q ing (164421911) D ynast ies, Zhang H uangyan (162021664) , m in ister and m an of let ters of the M ing D ynasty, H uang Zongx i (161021695) , th inker and h isto rian at the tu rn of theM ing and the Q ing D ynast ies, W an Sitong (163821712) , h isto rian of the Q ing D ynasty and Q uan Zuw ang (170521755) , h isto2 rian and m an of let ters of the Q ing D ynasty, to nam e ju st a few. N ingbo is a lso know n fo r the trad it ion of book co llect ig, w ith m any famou s ancien t lib raries hou sing a co llect ion of over 10, 000 vo lum es each. A 2 mong them the best know n is T ianyige L ib rary w ith a h isto ry of 4002odd years, rep resen t ing the Ch inese trad it ion of book co llect ig. N ingbo’s rich cu ltu ra l heritage has given b irth to exqu isite t rad it ional handicrafts like w ood carvings in la id w ith ox bones, N ingbo style fu rn itu re, go ld2coated w ood carvings, and em b ro idery in go lden and sil2 very co lo r. A ll of them are m ade of quality m ateria ls w ith excellen t craftsm an sh ip and un ique style. N ing2 bo has also p roduced large num bers of m aster ta ilo rs know n as the ta ilo rs of Fenghua o rig in. N o w onder the city now has a w ell2developed garm en t indu stry. T h is po rt city is a lso famou s fo r such snack s as N ing2 bo T ang tuan , a so rt of round2shaped dump lings m ade of glu t inou s flou r w ith fillings and served in soup , as w ell as fo r its fru its, such as honey peaches from Fenghua and red bayberries from Yuyao and C ix i. 提示与注释   1) 文章开句是:“宁波是中国对外开放的 14 个沿海港 口城市⋯⋯而且是一座历史悠久的文化名城。”紧接第二句 是“宁波历史, 源远流长。”, 其中“是一座历史悠久的文化名 城”与“宁波历史, 源远流长”, 显然是重复的。故译文只用了 “a cu ltu ral city w ith a long h isto ry”就足够了。另外, 第一句 分成两句来译。这里, 译者必须做不少编辑的工作。所以, 许 多翻译家和翻译理论家都说, 好的译者也是个好的编辑。 2) 比较一下这一句原文和译文的语序。 原 文: 1973 年发现了河姆渡遗址 ① 。 河姆渡遗址不但以 稻作和 耕农业、黑陶和干栏式建筑成为它独特的文化个性 ② , 而且以它距今 7000 年的时间 ③ , 证明这里是中华民族发祥的 ④ 源头之一。” 译文: 1973 年在余姚市发现的河姆渡遗址距今 7000 年 ①+ ③ 的时间, (河姆渡文化)以稻作和 耕农业、黑陶和干栏式建 筑成为它独特的文化个性 ② , 证明这里是中华民族发祥的源头 ④ 之一。 经过这样的重写后, 译文就比较简练。 3) 这里译文按英语行文的逻辑重新分段。把“宁波自唐 开元二十六年 (738 年) 设置明州”起, 另起一段, 并与下一段 合并, 形成一段有关宁波历史的记述。 4)“用材讲究, 手艺精绝, 风格独特”这三个词组单独译 成一句: A ll of them are m ade of quality m ateria ls w ith ex2 cellen t craftsm ansh ip and un ique style. 5)“宁波汤团”的译文为:“such snack s as N ingbo tang 2 tuan, a so rt of round2shaped dump lings m ade of glu tinous flour w ith fillings and served in soup”。译文首先交代了这是 一种 snack。“汤团”用斜体拼音 tang tuan, 后面再作解释。这 是现在翻译中国特有事物名称的常用方法。再如:“饺子”, 可 译为 j iaoz i, a dump ling2like snack m ade of a flour w rapper w ith m eat stuffed inside and served w ithou t soup. 6)“奉帮裁缝”N ingbo has also p roduced large num bers of m aster ta ilo rs know n as the ta ilo rs of Fenghua o rigin. 7) 整个段落安排较乱, 逻辑性很差。在叙述完手工业品 后, 就谈了宁波的食品 (宁波汤团)和水果 (奉化水蜜桃、余姚 与慈溪的杨梅) , 接着突然冒出了个“奉帮裁缝”。因此译文作 了重新安排, 把手工业品归在一起, 把食品和水果归在一起。 为此把“奉帮裁缝”提前, 并且加了一句:“N o w onder the city now has a w ell developed garm ent industry. ”翻译了后面提 到的“服装业”。 ·16·
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