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电气专业技术工作总结电气专业技术工作总结 技术工作总结 于一九八八年七月参加工作。主要从事:高、低压成套开关设备和控制设备、高压断路器等产品的企业标准制订、新产品开发和产品认证;项目的成本核算、标书制作、设计、安装、调试及技术管理等工作。在思想方面,遵守国家各项法律法规、社会公德、职业道德和企业的各项规章制度,工作踏实,积极肯干、爱岗敬业,组织纪律性和集体荣誉感强。工作十几年来积极参加公司组织的各项学习,具有强烈的组织归属感,曾多次被评为“个人先进分子”。在学习方面,在做好本职工作的同时,通过业务学习、岗位培训和专业知识教育等手段...

电气专业技术工作总结 技术工作总结 于一九八八年七月参加工作。主要从事:高、低压成套开关设备和控制设备、高压断路器等产品的企业 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 制订、新产品开发和产品认证;项目的成本核算、标书制作、 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 、安装、调试及技术管理等工作。在思想方面,遵守国家各项法律法规、社会公德、职业道德和企业的各项规章制度,工作踏实,积极肯干、爱岗敬业,组织纪律性和集体荣誉感强。工作十几年来积极参加公司组织的各项学习,具有强烈的组织归属感,曾多次被评为“个人先进分子”。在学习方面,在做好本职工作的同时,通过业务学习、岗位培训和专业知识教育等手段不断地充实自我,提高自己的工作能力。坚持把学习作为自我完善和提高的重要途径,既积极参加所在单位和支部组织的各种学习,又广泛地开展自学。学习内容除政治理论和党的各项方针、政策外,还涉及计算机应用以及各项业务知识。学习既讲究方式方法,又注重实际效果。通过多年来自己的实际体会和认识,现就产品设计过程中及企业内的标准体系建立过程总结的一些潜在要求进行分析。 一、产品变电站工程设计、生产的一些潜在要求分析 随着公司的发展,项目从用户工程慢慢做到变电站、电厂等要求比较高的场所。那么在导线的选择、工艺要求、原理接线方面如何能满足要求呢,例如福清溪头变电站工程,就存在接线号牌交、直流没有区分、导线大小选择不符合验收要求等。经过分析,主要是这类场所用电要求高、电力公司还对用户设备提出许多 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,如闽电生产[2008]480号关于印发《福建省电力有限公司户内交流金属封闭高压开关柜订货规范》的 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 ,并提出了十八项防措要求。本人经过长期从事电气设计总结如下: 1、导线的选择 a)、带电显示器三相用的导线应采用屏蔽线,防止电压感应指示不准确。接地用的导线采用截面不小于4mm2多股铜绞线(黄绿双色线),当带电显示器配用专用线时应用专用线且布线时应单束布置。 b)、电流互感器、电压互感器计量回路(0.2S级)导线选择:电流互感器二次导线采用BV-4mm2,电流互感器极性端至试验接线盒之间的二次回路A、B、C各相导线应分别采用黄、绿、红色线;非极性端至试验接线盒之间的二次回路A、B、C各相导线应分别采用黄黑、绿黑、红黑双色线;接地线应采用BVR-4mm2deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 黄绿双色线,电流互感器的B相不能在本身短接,应引至端子后短接。电压互感器二次导线A、B、C、N各相导线可分别采用BV-2.5mm2黄、绿、红、黑。 c)、电流互感器、电压互感器其余回路导线选择:电流回路BVR-4mm2,电压回路BVR-2.5mm2,颜色为黑色。 d)、电压互感器回路导线N不能直接短接,全部引至端子。 2、所有保护测控装置、操作回路及断路器操作机构控制回路的直流电源应分开并设独立的保护直流开关,在开关上应有功能说明,如“储能电源开关”。盘面二次元器件、仪器仪表及柜内二次回路标识应正确、完整、清晰、牢固。 3、接地的要求 a)、电流互感器、电压互感器0.2S级二次侧接地:?、计量引至端子的从端子引至仪表室二次专用接地排接地;?、计量引至接线盒的从互感器本身引至仪表室二次专用接地排接地。 b)、电流互感器、电压互感器其余绕组二次侧接地要求从端子排引至仪表室二次专用接地排接地。 c)、固定柜电流互感器外壳接地应引至一次接地排接地。 )、所有二次元器件有外壳接地符号的也应接地。 d e)、所有的接地线用BVR-4mm2黄绿双色线,所有线应带号牌,以便查出属于哪个元件接地,号牌用元件端号编制,如电流互感器为18/2S2,接地处号牌为18/2S2,互感器端号牌为“ ” 。 f)、二次专用接地排不能直接与外壳接触,必须用绝缘子支撑,贯穿后接地。 4、端子排要求 a)、交直流回路用的端子应分开排列不能靠在一起。 b)、交流回路用黄色号牌管,直流回路用白色号牌管。 c)、交、直流回路导线应分开布置。 d)、端子应有标识,且带标记端子。 e)、端子和航空插头座都只能连接一根导线。 5、二次布线工艺要求 所有导线都必须用冷压端接头连接,能用OT连接的不能用UT连接,电流互感器及电压互感器0.2S级的导线打圈后搪锡,应顺时针打圈。 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 6、其它 a)、计量及负控观察窗要开大一点,有计量接线盒的接线盒要铅封。 b)、有带电显示器的柜上应预留验电器位置。 c)、柜上计数器看不到的应改进,所有柜应开测温孔,固定柜机构应有定位及限位,防止倒送电。 d)、所有剩余的辅助接点引至端子预留。 e)、母线桥的搭接用软连接搭接,以减少售后。 f)、应预微机五防锁的位置。 7、电气设计人员设计时的一些注意事项 a)、应注意电流互感器相序有没有反相。采取措施:在一次系统图上注明哪几台需反相,电气设计时按图设计。 b)、应注意电流互感器的极性。采取措施:在一次系统图上注明互感器的安装方式及电流流向,电气设计时按图设计。 c)、应注意导线截面大小是否符合要求。采取措施:签定技术协议时应与用户充分沟通,电气设计时按技术协议设计。 d)、元件的选型应明确、参数应齐全,需要时附订货表。开孔应正确,要注意说明书中的尺寸是否已考虑喷塑的厚度,有特殊要求的应注明。接线端号应与实物一致。 e)、应注意原理图中的接点是常开还是常闭,原理图设计时应注意保护的配合。 f)、接线图设计时端子排应与设计院一致。 二、企业标准体系的建立 如何制订好严于国家标准、电力行业标准的产品企业标准呢,又如何编制支撑着企业管理整个命脉的企业标准呢,企业标准体系是企业内的标准按其内在的联系形成的科学的有机整体。企业标准化工作用技术标准、管理标准和工作标准覆盖了企业所有管理工作。其中,技术标准(technical standard)是对标准化领域中需要协调统一的技术事项所制定的标准。对企业而言,企业技术标准包括生产对象、生产条件、生产方法以及包装贮运等技术要求。企业技术标准的存在形式可以是标准、规范、规程、守则、操作卡、作业指导书等。企业技术标准的表现形式可以是纸张、电子文档、光盘或其他电子媒体、照片、标准样品或它们deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 的组合。标准体系包括现有的标准和预计应发展的标准。现有标准体系反映出当前的生产、科技水平,生产社会化、专业化和现代化程度,经济效益,产业和产品结构,经济政策,市场需求;资源条件等;标准体系中也展示出规划应制定标准的发展蓝图。企业标准体系的建立和实施必须紧密围绕实现企业的总方针总目标的要求,特别是国家有关标准化的法律法规和国家、行业、地方的有关企业生产、经营、管理和服务的强制性标准的规定。因此,企业标准体系内的所有标准都要在本企业方针、目标和有关标准化法律法规的指导下形成,包括企业贯彻、采用的上级标准和本企业制定的标准。 我总结了下几种企业标准的制订心得: 1、产品企业标准起草前应熟悉相应国家标准的要求,还要考虑行业标准要求的不同处,如温升试验电力行业标准为1.1倍的额定电流,而国家标准只要求1倍。 2、产品企业标准起草时应按GB/T 1.1-2009标准的要求,养成书写格式、章节标 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 等要求都按标准规定编写,采用专用术语表达。如第二章应该为“规范性引用文件”,不能写成“引用的标准”,并且字号和字体都应按标准要求。 3、产品企业标准的制订一般是严于国家标准的,所以在企业标准的编制时应在标准中哪些严于国家标准的地方描述出来,比如说GGD的电气间隙为20mm,就比国家标准要求的12.5mm要求严。并且要注意将产品的结构形式、结构特点写入设计与结构的章节中。 4、企业内管理体系的企业标准编制应分出层次,逐层编制。首先企业的方针、目标应明确可指导企业管理。其次程序文件除应覆盖到国家标准要求的要素外,主要按实际的操作流程来编制,这样可以务实,使得企业的绩效考核公平、公正。再者就是持续改进了,要根据企业组织机构的调整及管理上的变化不断的修订企业标准。 综上所述,是本人对产品电气设计过程及企业标准制订过程的一些总结,希望对用户和同行设计人员有所借鉴作用。以上仅代表个人观点,由于水平有限,如有不妥之处,敬请批评指正。 福州天一同益电气有限公司 李燕清 二0一一年五月十日 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction,
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