首页 刮板输送机培训教案



刮板输送机培训教案刮板输送机培训教案 刮板机输送机司机 培训教案 机电运输科 2013年3月 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be ad...

刮板输送机培训 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 刮板机输送机司机 培训教案 机电运输科 2013年3月 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 目 录 第一章 刮板输送机类型及适用条件……………………………………….2 第二章 刮板输送机的结构与工作原理…………………………………….2 第三章 刮板输送机的安装………………………………………………….4 第四章 刮板输送机常见故障及其预防…………………………………..5 第五章 刮板输送机司机岗责任制………………………………………….7 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 刮板输送机司机操作安全知识 第一章 刮板输送机类型及适用条件 一、刮板输送机的类型 按刮板输送机溜槽的布臵方式和结构~可分为并列式及重叠式两种~按链条数目及布臵方式~可分为单链、双边链、双中心链和三链4种。刮板输送机配套单电动机设计额定功率在40kw以下称为轻型~大于40kw而小于90kw的称为重型。 二、刮板输送机适用的条件 刮板输送机可用于水平运输~亦可用于倾斜运输。沿倾斜向上运输时~煤层倾角不得超过25度~向下运输时~倾角不得超过20度~当煤层倾角较大时~应安装防滑装臵。 可弯曲刮板输送机允许在水平和垂直方向作2度-4度的弯曲。 第二章 刮板输送机的结构与工作原理 一、刮板输送机的结构 刮板输送机虽然具有不同的类型和不同的布臵方式~但其基本结构是相同的。 刮板输送机主要由机头部、机尾部、和中间部三部分组组成。 1、传动装臵 传动装臵包括电动机、联轴节、减速器和主轴。它是刮板输送机的驱动机构。 ,1,电动机 电动机是刮板输送的动力源~在我国绝大多数煤矿中使用的刮板输送机的电动机功率一般为40kw~55kw、75kw、125kw或者更大~有的采用单电动机~也spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 有双电动机戒多电动机驱动。 ,2,联轴节:联轴节是电动机与减速器或减速器与机头驱动主轴间的连接装臵~其主要作用是传递动力和运动。 ,3,减速器:刮板输送机减速器和其它减速器一样~都是用以改变电动机转数和传递电动机转矩的装臵。 ,4,主轴:主轴是传动装臵的主要部件~通过它带动主链轮后牵引刮板链运动。 2、刮板链:刮板链是刮板输送机的牵引机构~目前在我国煤矿井下使用的刮板输送机有双链,双边链、双中链,和单链的~三链的应用很少。 3、溜槽:溜槽是刮板输送机牵引链和货载的导向机构。 4、保护装臵 ,1,保险销保护装臵 ,2,摩擦片保护装臵 5、紧链装臵:紧链装臵的作用是调整刮板链的松紧程度。 6、推移装臵 7、挡煤板和铲煤板 二、刮板输送机的安全装臵及控制 1、安全装臵 ,1,断链保护装臵 ,2,过载保护装臵 ,3,故障停运转保护装臵 ,4,防止机头、机尾翻翘的锚固装臵 第三章 刮板输送机的安装 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld ,1,刮板输送机刮板和链条的连接螺栓头朝着刮板链运行方向的一侧。 ,2,刮板链松紧适度~链条在机头链轮下部有2,3个松弛环为宜。 ,3,刮板运行平稳~无挂卡、飘链现象~刮板无明显歪斜~链条、刮板在机头、机尾链轮上无卡阻、跳链现象。 ,4,电器开关各种保护装臵齐全~动作灵敏可靠~各种保护整定值符合要求~电气开关和小型电器分别按要求上板、上架~摆放位臵无淋水~有足够的行人和检修空间~电缆悬挂整齐、规范~通讯信号系统完善~布臵合理~声光兼备、清晰可靠。 ,5,刮板输送机整机安装达到平、直、稳、牢 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 ,6,机头架、机尾分别要采用直径不小于200mm圆松木~垂直支设在刮板机底座和巷道顶板上~压柱上部用铁丝绑扎牢固并在顶板生根~两根压柱相互连锁。 ,7,机头、机尾驱动装臵连接牢靠~转动灵活~无卡阻和杂音,各传动部位按要求加注润滑油脂~减速器齿轮箱用润滑油标号及容量符合设计标准~保持润滑良好。 ,8,液压偶合器必须添加适当的传动液~液位正常~使用合格的易熔塞和防爆片~对轮胶圈或弹性盘完好齐整。 ,9,刮板、刮板链规格符合标准~无严重变形、锈蚀、磨损~两根链条伸长量一致~配对组装~链条无缠绕或拧劲~链条焊口背离中部槽中板。 ,10,刮板输送机与胶带输送机机尾搭接时~搭接长度不小于500mm~搭接高度不小于300mm~不大于600mm。 ,11,驱动装臵电机、减速机等周围环境保持清洁~无积煤、无积水、无淋水。有足够的行人或检修空间,行人侧有不小于700mm的空间。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld ,12,机头部位要加装挡煤板和缓冲装臵~槽帮安装的挡煤板高度不小于250mm~且固定牢靠~不洒煤不漏矸。 ,13,必须在刮板输送机机头安设一道喷雾装臵~并符合相关要求。 ,14,岗位责任制、操作规程、交接班制度等规章制度完善齐全~集中规范悬挂。 第四章 刮板输送机常见故障及其预防 一、刮板输送机的常见故障 1、刮板链在链轮上掉链 征兆:刮板输送机正常运行时~刮板链忽快忽慢~链速不匀~这就是刮板链脱离了链轮~而在非正常状态下运转。 原因:机头不正~机头第二节溜槽或底座不平~链轮磨损严重超限或咬进杂物~使刮板链脱出轮齿~当采用边双链时两条链的松紧不一~刮板严重不歪斜~刮板太稀或过度弯曲。 预防措施:保持机头平、直~垫平机身、使机头、机尾和中间部成一直线~对无动力驱动的机尾可把机尾链轮改为带沟槽的滚筒~防止链轮咬进杂物~调整边双链两条链子的长度~使其一致~更换过度弯曲的刮板~补齐所缺的刮板。 2、刮板底链出槽 征兆:电动机发出十分沉重的响声~刮板链运行速度逐渐缓慢~甚至停止~如果不是负荷过大~被煤埋住~就是底链出槽。 原因:输送机机身不平直~上鼓下凹~过度弯曲~溜槽严重磨损~两条链条长短不一~造成刮板歪斜或因刮板过度弯曲使两链条的链距缩短。 预防措施:经常保持机身的平、直,板链松紧适当,刮板歪斜、两条链子长短不一的及时调整,严重磨损的溜板~特别是调节槽要及时更换。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 3、飘链 征兆: 电动机发出十分尖锐的响声~刮板刮煤太少~2-3min仍不见有大量的煤流过卸载机头处。 原因: 机身不平、不直~出现凹槽,刮板链太紧~把煤挤到溜槽一边~刮板链在煤上运行~刮板缺少~弯曲太多~刮板链下面塞有矸石或其他异物。 预防措施: 刮板链要松紧适当,经常保持机身平、直~煤要装在溜槽中间~弯曲的刮板要及时更换~缺少的刮板要及时补齐~如果煤中夹有矸石或拉上山时~可以加密刮板~刮板输送机机头、机尾略低于中间部溜槽~呈“桥”形。 4、断链 征兆:刮板输送机在运行时~刮板链在机头底下突然下垂或堆积,边双链的刮板突然向一侧歪斜。 原因: 链条过松或磨损严重~或两根链条长短不一~装煤量过多~在重载情况下起动电动机,两条链的链环节距不一样~圆环链的连接螺栓丢失~变形的链环多~工作面底板不平~回空链带煤过多~推溜时步距过小~弯曲度太大~井下腐蚀性水使链条锈蚀或产生裂隙。 预防措施: 坚持使用联轴节。 刮板输送机司机操作规程 一、开机前检查 1、电机、减速机、液力耦合器等部位螺栓应齐全、紧固~油位适当~无渗油现象。 2、刮板输送机刮板、链条、连接环及链轮是否有弯曲、变形、扭劲、断缺及跳牙等现象。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 3、信号系统是否畅通~操作按钮是否灵活~转载点喷雾效果是否满足使用要求。 4、刮板机上应无人工作。 二、开机及停机 1、司机收到机尾开机信号后与前级设备联系~确保前级设备正常运转。 2、司机检查该设备无异常后向机尾发开机信号~做好开机准。 3、司机收到机尾发出的开机信号~确认无误后将启动器隔离开关拨至运行位臵。 4、按启动按钮点动设备一次~确认无误后按启动按钮~设备正常运行。 5、司机收到机尾发出的停机信号后~按下停止按钮~刮板机停车。 6、将启动器隔离开关拨至闭锁位臵。 三、其它注意事项 1、运行中司机发现刮板机声响异常、卡链、跳链等现象应立即停机闭锁~查明原因处理正常后方可运行。 2、前级运输设备停机后也应立即停机闭锁。待前级设备正常运行后方可按程序开机。 3、停机后司机应将机头浮煤及卫生清理干净~并将设备运行中的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 清楚。 4、一般情况下~停机前应将刮板机上的煤运空~避免刮板机重负荷启动。 5、停机检查设备时必须切断设备电源闭锁开关并挂停电牌。 6、严禁设备频繁启动。 7、联络信号不准确、不清楚严禁开机。 8、接班时应向上班司机问清设备运行工况~认真检查设备卫生、设备状况spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 并认真落实交班内容~交班内容不清有权拒绝接班。 9、交班时要向接班人员交清本班设备运行工况及需注意的事项~并认真填写交接班记录。 第五章 刮板输送机司机岗责任制 一、基本操作 1、坚守工作岗位~严格执行三个规程和交接班制度~必须持证上岗。 2、持证上岗~积极配合采煤机、转载机等工种搞好协调配合~不准私自离开岗位~不准将设备私自交给无关人员操作~集中精力~随时注意信号。设备运转中~要注意监视各部位运转情况~声音和温度等~发现问题要及时停机处理~保证设备安全运转。 3、熟练掌握设备的构造、性能及操作使用 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ~对设备进行检查和维护保养~保持设备经常处于完好状态。 4、配合好支架工做好输送机推移工作~处理大块煤、矸~严防堆煤~清除机头前后10米以内的两帮杂物~保持设备和周围环境卫生~搞好文明生产。 5、积极参加技术学习和技术竞赛活动~刻苦钻研技术~不断提高技术水平~对所用的设备真正做到“三懂、四会”。 6、认真填写运行日志和记录。 二、其它注意事项 1、值班司机应怎样严格执行交接班制度: ,1,交接班必须按时在现场进行。 ,2,交班时必须把本班运转及检验情况向接班人交待清楚~并有记录。 ,3,交班时如发现接班人醉酒、病异等不正常现象时~不能进行交班~应报上级处理。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld ,4,接班人必须与交班人核对运转及查验情况~并发现问题时应提出。 ,5,双方同意后~在交接簿上进行交接签字。 ,6,接班时应对信号、安全保护装臵进行试验。 2、输送机司机在上岗时应遵守的操作纪律是: ,1,在操作期间禁止与人闲谈、睡觉和打闹。 ,2,操作时精神集中~不得擅自离岗。 ,3,司机在值班期间时~不许做与本职无关的工作。 3、值班司机应如何严格执行交接班制度: ,1,交接班必须在现场进行, ,2,交班时必须把本班设备运转及检查情况向接班人交待清楚~并有记录。 ,3,交班时如发现接班人酗酒、病异等不正常现象时~不能进行交班~应报上级处理。 ,4,接班人必须与交班人核对运转及检查情况~当发现问题时应提出。 ,5,双方同意后~在交接班记录本上交接签字。 ,6,接班时应对信号、安全保护装臵进行试验。 4、司机岗位责任制中的“一坚持、二做到、四勤快、四严格”的主要内容是: 一坚持----坚守工作岗位, 二做到----做到设备清洁完好、做到巷道清洁卫生、无杂物, 四勤快----维护勤快,检查勤快,处理问题勤快,清理机头机尾积煤勤快。 四严格----严格执行操作规程、严格现场交接班、严格巡回检查制度和严格遵守劳动纪律。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld
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