首页 湖南省二级计算机VB



湖南省二级计算机VB湖南省二级计算机VB [a] 安装Windows98所需CPU的最低要求是( )。 [B] 486DX,66MHZ以上 [a 安装Windows98所需内存最低要求是( )。 [B] 16M [a] 安装Windows98所需有内存最低要求是( )。 [B] 16M [a] 按通信距离划分,计算机网络可分为局域网、广域网和城域网。下列网络中属于局域网的是( )。 [C] Novell [a 按网络的分类来说,因特网应该属于( )。 [A] 广域网 [b] ( )不属于Word97的文档打开方式。[A] 读...

湖南省二级计算机VB [a] 安装Windows98所需CPU的最低要求是( )。 [B] 486DX,66MHZ以上 [a 安装Windows98所需内存最低要求是( )。 [B] 16M [a] 安装Windows98所需有内存最低要求是( )。 [B] 16M [a] 按通信距离划分,计算机网络可分为局域网、广域网和城域网。下列网络中属于局域网的是( )。 [C] Novell [a 按网络的分类来说,因特网应该属于( )。 [A] 广域网 [b] ( )不属于Word97的文档打开方式。[A] 读写方式 [b] “奔腾”微型计算机采用的微处理器的型号是( )[D] 80586 [b] BASIC解释程序的作用是( )。[B] 将程序命令逐条翻译成机器指令代码并执行 [b] BH到9ABH的一段内存共有( )(十进制)个字节。[B] 1025 [b 把Windows98的窗口和对话框作一比较,窗口可以移动和改变大小,而对话框( )。 [B] 仅可以移动,不能改变大小 [b] 把高级语言编制的源程序变为目标程序,要经过( )。 [A] 汇编 [b] 把高级语言程序翻译成目标程序用( )。 [A] 编译程序 [b] 把同种或异种类型的网络相互连接起来称为( )。 [D] 互联网 [b] 被称作“裸机”的计算机是指( )。 [B] 没安装任何软件的计算机 [b] 编译程序的作用是( )。 [C] 将高级语言编制的程序翻译成机器指令代码 [b] 编译程序和解释程序都是( )。 [D] 机器语言处理程序 [b] 编译程序与解释程序的区别,描述错误的是( )。 [A] 编译程序和解释程序将源代码全部翻译成机器指令序列 [b] 编译方式是使用编译程序把源程序编译成机器代码的目标程序,并形成( )保留。 [B] 目标程序文件 [b] 表格最快的排版方式可以利用菜单( )来实现。 [C] 表格—自动套用格式 [b] 表示8种状态需要的二进制位数是( )。 [B] 3 [b] 不能调整段落左右边界的操作是( )。 [D] 拖动段落中文字的左边和右边 [b] 不能用Word打开并查看的文件类型扩展名是( )。 [D] EXE [b] 不是输入设备的是( )。 [D] 绘图仪 [b 不易感染上病毒的文件是( )。 [C] TXT [b] 不属于存储设备的是( ) [C] 打印机 [b] 不属于计算机的常用技术指标的是( )。 [C] 体积 [b] 不属于计算机在人工智能方面应用的是( )。 [C] 自动翻译 [b] 不属于数据处理的应用是( )。 [C] 实时控制 [b] 裁剪图片最简单的方法是按住( )键,同时用鼠标拖动图片四周控制点。 [B] Shift [c] 采用16×16点阵,4个汉字的字形码占存储器的字节数是( )。 [D] 128 [c] 采用CSMA/CD通信 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的网称为( )。 [A] 以太网 [c 彩色CRT是将三色点精确地会聚在一点上,形成:三色点组:,三种颜色用二进制代码表示,可组成不同的颜色( )。 [D] 红、绿、蓝 [c] 操作Windows98( ) [D] 既可用鼠标,也可用键盘 [c] 操作Windows98有以下特点________。 [B] 首先选择操作项,再选择操作对象 [c] 操作系统的( )管理部分负责对进程进行调度。 [D] 处理机 [c] 操作系统的作用是( )。 [D] 控制和管理系统资源的使用 [c] 操作系统负责管理计算机系统的( )。 [A] 程序 [c] 操作系统是( )。 [C] 系统软件 [c] 操作系统是( )的接口。 [C] 用户和计算机 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional [c 操作系统是对( )进行管理的系统 [C] 计算机资源 [c] 操作系统是对计算机系统的全部资源进行控制与管理的系统软件。系统资源指的是( ) [B] 处理机、存储器、输入/输出设备、信息 [c] 操作系统是对计算机系统的资源进行( )的一组程序和数据 [C] 管理和控制 [c] 操作系统是计算机系统不可缺少的组成部分,是为提高计算机的( )和方便用户使用计算 [c] CAM的含义是( )。[B] 计算机辅助制造 [c] CD-ROM光盘具有( )等特点。[B] 大容量 [c] CD—ROM是一种( )外存储器。[D] 只能读出,不能写入 [c] CPU不能直接访问的存储器是( )。 [D] CD-ROM [c] CPU称为( )。 [C] 中央处理器 [c] CPU的中文名称是( )。 [D] 中央处理器 [c] CPU的主频是指( )。 [C] 时钟信号的频率 [c] CPU是计算机硬件系统的核心,它是由什么组成的?( ) [C] 运算器和控制器 [c] CPU是指( )。 [C] 运算器和控制器 [c] (窗口)不是文件。 [c] ( )菜单中含有设置字体的命令。 [A] 格式 [c] ( )操作可以确保打开一个很久以前,又记不清用何种程序建立的文档。 [C] 用“开始”菜单中的“文档”命令打开 [c] CPU由( )组成。[C] 控制器和运算器 [c] CPU中控制器的功能是( )。[D] 分析指令并发出相应的控制信号 [c] C语言编译系统是( )。[B] 系统软件 [c] 操作系统是一种系统软件,它的作用是( )。 [A] 对计算机资源的控制和管理 [c] 操作系统中对数据进行管理的部分叫作( )。 [B] 文件系统 系统 [c] 操作系统主要是对计算机系统的全部( )进行管理。 [C] 系统资源 c] 插入分节符或分页符可通过菜单( )。 [D] 插入—分隔符 [c] 常规内存是指( )组成的。 [D] RAM c] 常用的网络拓扑结构是( )。 [A] 总线型、星形和环形 [c] 常用的有线通信介质包括双绞线、同轴电缆和( )。 [C] 光缆 [c] 超文本的含义是( )。 [D] 该文本中有链接到其它文本的链接点 [c 撤消最后一个动作,除了用菜单命令和工具栏按钮之外,还可以用快捷键________。 [参考答案D] [D] Ctrl+Z [c] 程序计数器实质上也是一种寄存器,它是用来( )。 [C] 保存下一条指令的地址 [c] 程序设计语言分为低级语言和高级语言两大类,与高级语言相比,用低级语言开发的程序( )。 [C] 运行效率高,开发效率低。 [c] 程序只有装入( )才能运行。 [A] 内存 [c 传输速率的单位是bps,其含义是( )。 [C] Bits Per Second [c] 窗口“最大化”将使窗口( )。 [B] 充满整个屏幕 [c] 磁盘、磁带和光盘是计算机系统中最常用的( )。 [B] 外存储器 [c] 磁盘的磁面有很多半径不同的同心圆,这些同心圆称为( )。 [B] 磁道 [c] 磁盘缓冲区是( )。 [A] 磁盘上存放暂存数据的存储空间 [c 磁盘清理程序的功能是( )。 [A] 推荐可删除的文件 c 磁盘驱动器是一种辅助存储器设备,软盘驱动器在寻找数据时( )。 [C] 盘片及磁头都动 [c] 磁盘扫描程序是子菜单中的一个选项,可对磁盘压缩并进行管理和维护( )。 [B] 系统工personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 具 [c] 磁盘上的磁道是( )。 [A] 记录密度不同的同心圆 [c] 磁盘是直接存取设备,因此( )。 [C] 既能顺序存取,又能直接存取 [c] 从www.uste.edu.cn可以看出,它是中国的一个( )站点 [D] 教育部门 [c] 从第一代计算机到第四代计算机的体系结构都是相同的。这种体系结构称为( )体系结构。 [D] 冯.诺依曼 [c] 从第一台计算机诞生到现在,按计算机采用的电子器件来划分,计算机的发展经历了( )个阶段。 [A] 4 [c 从接收服务器取回来的新邮件都保存在( )。 [A] 收件箱 [c 从全屏幕显示方式返回到视图显示,可按( )键。 [C] Esc [c] 从室外进来的电话线应当和( )连接。 [C] 调制解调器上标有Phone的接口 [c] 从以下叙述中选出正确的叙述( )。 [A] 把系统软件中经常用到的部分固化后能够提高计算机系统的效率 [c 存储介质一般是( )。 [B] 磁介质 d] 打开Word文档是指( )。 [B] 把文档的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 从磁盘读入内存并显示出来 [d] 打印机在与主机连接时,应将信号线插在( )。 [B] 并行接口上 [d] 大规模和超大规模集成电路芯片组成的微型计算机属于现代计算机阶段的( )。 [D] 第四代产品 [d] 大小写字母转换的键是( ) [D] B、C都对 [d] 当Windows98启动后,桌面上会显示“我的电脑”、“网上邻居”和( )等几个主要图标。 [A] 回收站 [d] 当WORD97主窗口最大化显示时,它的右上角可以同时显示的按钮是( )。 [C] 最小化、还原和关闭 [d] 当窗口最大化后,单击“复原”按钮将使窗口( )。 [B] 恢复到原来的大小 [d 当个人计算机以拨号方式接入Internet网时,必须使用的设备为( )。 [D] 调制解调器 [d 当关闭一个文档窗口后,若将该文档长久保存,该文档将( )。 [C] 保存在外存中 [d] 当计算机连入网络后,将会增加的功能为( )。 [D] 前面都正确 [d] 当将两个表格之间的文字或回车符删除后,两个表会( )。 [B] 合成一个表 d] 当前活动窗口是文档d1.doc的窗口,单击该窗口的"最小化"按扭后( )。 [D] 关闭了d1.doc文档但该窗口并未关闭 [d] 当数字信号在模拟传输系统中传送时,在发送端和接收端分别需要( )。 [A] 调制器和解调器 d] 当系统显示如下错误信息:Badcommandorfilename时,应从两个方面进行检查( )。 [B] 磁盘是否贴有写保护,命令字拼写及格式是否正确 d4] 当选定文件或文件夹后,不将文件或文件夹放到"回收站"中,而直接删除的操作是( )。 [C] 按Shift,Delete(Del)键 d] 当选择好文件夹后,下列操作中( )不能删除文件夹。 [C] 用鼠标左键双击该文件夹 d] 当一个段落首行的起始位置在段落左边界的右侧时,这称为( ) [B] 首行缩进 d] 当一个应用程序窗口被最小化后,该应用程序将( )。 [D] 转入后台执行 d] 当用鼠标移动文本时,移动鼠标光标到选取文本上,当鼠标光标变为( )_状态时,按住鼠标左键拖动鼠标移动,此时鼠标光标也随之移动。 [B] 箭头形 d] 当用文字或图形填满一页时,( )可以自动插入。 [A] 分页符 d] 地址总线是传送地址信息的一组线,以下说法中( )是错误的。 [B] 控制CPU读/写内存信息 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional d] 地址总线是传送地址信息的一组线,总线还有数据总线和总线( )。 [B] 控制 d] 第三代计算机的逻辑器件是( )。 [C] 中、小规模集成电路 d] 第三代计算机语言是指( )。 [C] 高级语言 d] 第一代计算机主要使用( )。 [A] 机器语言 d] 第一台电子计算机使用的逻辑部件是( )。 [D] 电子管 d] 电子计算机的算术、逻辑单元、控制单元合称( )。 [C] CPU d 电子计算机的运算器、控制器及内存统称( )。 [D] 主机 d8] 电子计算机能够自动地按照人们的意图进行工作的最基本思想是( ),这个思想是冯.诺依曼提出来的。 [C] 程序存储 [289] 电子信函(电子邮件)的特点之一是( )。 [C] 要用存储-转发方式在网络上逐步传递信息,不象电话那样直接、即时,但费用低 d] 电子邮件的格式是由邮件头和邮件体组成。其中邮件头包括电子邮件地址、发信人电子邮件地址和( )部分。 [A] 主题 [C] 采用存储——转发方式传递信息,没电话那样直接、即时,但费用低 d] 电子邮件与普通邮件相比,具有( )的特点。 [B] 快速 d3] 电子邮件中,在用户名和主机之间用( )符号隔开。 [D] @ [294] 调整图片大小可以用鼠标拖动图片四周任一控制点,但只有拖动( )控制点才能使图片等比例缩放。 [D] 四角 [d] DRAM存储器是( )。[B] 动态随机存储器 [d] ( )的功能是将计算机外部的信息送入计算机。 [A] 输入设备 [d] ( )的主要功能是使用户的计算机与远程主机相连,从而成为远程主机的终端。[C] Telnet d] 段落的标记是在输入什么之后产生的,( )。 [B] Enter键 d] 断电会使存储数据丢失的存储器是( )。 [A] RAM d 对3.5英寸软盘,移动滑块挡住写保护小孔( )。 [C] 能够存取信息 d] 对Windows98对话框的描述,正确的是( )。 [D] 对话框中没有状态栏 d1] 对待计算机软件正确的态度是( )。 [C] 受法律保护的计算机软件不能随便复制 d] 对话框中的选择按钮分为( )。 [C] 单选按钮和复选按钮 d] 对文件A.DOC进行修改后,退出时,Word会提问:“是否保存对A.DOC所做的修改”,如果希望保留原文件,将修改后的文件存为另一文件,应当选择( )。 [C] 取消 d] 对于存有重要数据的3.5英寸软盘,防止感染计算机病毒的有效方法是( )。 [C] 对软盘进行写保护 [D] 单击要选择的文件 d] 对于以80386、80486、Pentium为CPU的各种微型机内的时间,以下正确的是( )。 [D] 由于主机内装有高能电池,关机后系统时钟能行走 d] 对运行“磁盘碎片整理”程序后的结果,下列说法中正确的是( )。 [B] 可提高磁盘读写速度 d 多媒体信息不包括( )。 [D] 声卡、光盘 e] 二进制数1[309] 二进制数1011011对应的十进制数是( )。 [B] 91 1000000对应的十进制数是( )。 [C] 192 e] 二进制数1110111.11转换成十进制数是( )。 [B] 119.75 e] 二进制数1111.1对应的八进制数是( ) [C] 17.4 e 二进制数1111.1对应的十进制数是( )。 [B] 15.5 [e] EDI的中文名称是( )。[D] 电子数据交换 [e] Excel是一种( )。 [A] 表处理软件 [f] FTP在计算机网络中的含义是( )。[B] 文件传输 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional f6] 互联设备中的Hub称为( )。 [D] 集线器 f] 互联网络基本含义是( )。 [C] 计算机网络与计算机网络互联 f] 发送电子邮件和接收电子邮件的服务器( )。 [B] 可以是同一主机 f] 发送和接收电子邮件时,需要SMTP和( )邮件服务器。 [C] POP f] 发现计算机软盘有病毒后,比较彻底的清除方式是( )。 [D] 格式化磁盘 f] 防病毒卡是( )病毒的一种较好措施。 [D] 预防、检测、消除 f] 防止计算机传染病毒的方法是( )。 [A] 不使用有病毒的盘片 f] 防止软盘感染病毒的方法是( )。 [B] 软盘写保护 f0] 冯 诺依曼计算机工作原理是( )。 [B] 存储程序和程序控制 f] 辅助存储器又称为( ) [D] 外存 g] 高级语言编写出来的程序,一般应翻译成( )。 [D] 目标程序 j] 经过编译程序编译后,才能被CPU执行 g] 高级语言编制的一段程序,可以( )。 [A] 在各种计算机系统中执行 g] 个人和Internet连接需要一台计算机、调制解调器、电话线和( )。 [C] 通信软件 g] 个人计算机简称PC机。这种计算机属于( )。 [A] 微型计算机 g] 个人计算机申请了帐号并采用PPP拨号方式接入Internet网后,该机( )。 [B] 拥有自己的唯一但不固定的IP地址 g9] 个人计算机属于( )。 [D] 微型计算机 g0] 根据打印机的原理及印字技术,打印机可分为哪两类?( ) [A] 击打式打印机和非击打式打印机 g 根据汉字结构输入汉字的方法是( )。 [D] 五笔字型 g] 根据计算机网络覆盖地理范围的大小,网络可分为广域网和( )。 [A] 局域网 g] 根据计算机网络覆盖地理范围的大小,网络可分为局域网和( ) [A] WAN g 工厂利用计算机系统实现温度调节、阀门开关,该应用属于( )。 [A] 过程控制 g] 构成计算机的电子和机械的物理实体称为( )。 [B] 计算机硬件系统 g 构成计算机物理实体的部件被称为( )。 [B] 计算机硬件 g] 关闭Word的文档后,该文档存放在( )。[B] 外存中 g] 关闭文档窗口,可以使用快捷键( )。 [D] Ctrl,F4 g] 关闭一个应用程序窗口后,该应用程序将( )。 [B] 被终止执行 g] 关闭应用程序,可以使用快捷键( )。 [D] Alt,F4 g] 关机状态下启动微型计算机,叫做( )。 [B] 冷启动 g] 关于Windows98,以下四项描述中,不正确的描述是( )。 [B] 在“控制面板”中双击“鼠标”图标,在弹出的“属性”对话框中可以设置鼠标单击的速度 g] 关于Word的页眉和页脚,说法正确的是( )。 [D] 页码是页眉页脚的一部分 g] 关于Word中的页面设置说法,不正确的是( )。 [B] 默认值是不可改变的 g] 关于编译程序与解释程序的区别,描述错误的是( )。 [A] 编译程序和解释程序将源代码全部翻译成机器指令序列 g] 关于编译程序与解释程序的区别,下面描述错误的是( )。 [A] 编译程序和解释程序将源代码全部翻译成机器指令序列。 g] 关于磁盘格式化的叙述,正确的是( )。 [B] 新盘必须格式化后才能使用,对旧盘做格式化将抹去盘上原有的内容 g] 关于计算机病毒的传播途径,不正确的说法是( )。 [C] 把软盘存放在一起 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional g] 关于计算机上使用的光盘,以下说法错误的是( )。 [D] 光盘是一种外存储器,它完全依靠盘表面的磁性物质来记录数据 g] 关于微机系统时间,以下正确的是( )。 [D] 由于主机内装有高能电池,关机后系统时钟能计时 g] 关于系统软件的叙述中,正确的是( )。 [A] 系统软件与具体应用领域无关 g] 关于页眉/页脚中,( )不可能出现 [D] 文档最后一页的页眉/页脚与其它页不同 g 关于硬件和软件的关系,下列说法正确的是( )。[B] 要使计算机充分发挥作用,除了要有良好的硬件,还要有软件 g] 广域网和局域网的英文简写分别是( )。 [A] WAN 和LAN g] 广域网中广泛使用的交换技术是( )。 [C] 分组交换 g] 国际互联网采用的协议是( ) [C] TCP/IP g] 国际互联网就是( )。 [B] Internet g] 汉字国标码在汉字处理系统中作为( )。 [B] 机内码 g 画图编辑文件的缺省类型是( ) [D] .BMP g 汇编语言编制的一段程序,可以( )。 [B] 在特定的计算机系统中执行 g 汇编语言是( )。 [B] 面向机器的语言 g 汇编语言是一种( )。 [A] 低级程序设计语言 g 汇编语言源程序需经过( )翻译成目标程序 [B] 汇编程序 h] 汉字字形码的使用是在( )。 [C] 输出时 [360h h] 和广域网相比,局域网( )。 [C] 有效性好可靠性也高 h] 和十进制数225相等的二进制数是( )。 [D] 11100001 h] 和通信网络相比,计算机网络最本质的功能是( )。 [B] 资源共享 h 衡量网络上数据传输速率的单位是bps,其含义是( ) [C] 每秒传送多少个二进制位 h] 衡量网络上数据传输速率的单位是每秒传送多少个二进制位,记为( )。 [A] bps [h] (恒温)不是微型计算机必须的工作环境。 [h] “画图”程序是WINDOWS98的一个附件程序,能进行简单的图形处理,产生的文件为位图文件,扩展名为( )。[A] .BMP [57] HTML的正式名称是( )。[B] 超文本标识语言 [h] http是一种( )。 [C] 超文本传输协议 [h] HTTP是因特网上( )应用采用的协议。 [A] WWW [i] I/O设备的含义是( )。[C] 输入输出设备 [i] Internet采用( )技术。 [D] 分组交换 [i] Internet采用的通信协议是( )。[C] TCP/IP [i] Internet起源于( )。 [A] 美国国防部 [i Internet上的计算机地址可以写成( )格式或域名格式。 [C] IP地址 [i] Internet上许多不同的复杂网络和许多不同类型的计算机互相通信的基础是( )。[B] TCP/IP [i] Internet是( ) [C] 因特网 [i] Internet是由( )组成的。[C] 各种网络 [i Internet提供的服务方式分为基本服务方式和扩展服务方式,下列属于基本服务方式的是( )。 [A] 远程登录 [i] Internet网的通信协议是( ) [C] TCP/IP [i] Internet网的通信协议是( )。[C] TCP/IP [i] Internet网属于( )。 [A] 广域网 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional [i] Internet为( )。 [A] 广域网 [i] Internet中以下主机在地理位置上属于中国的是( ) [C] BtA、cn [i] Internet属于( )。 [A] 广域网 [i] Interne采用的协议是( ) [C] TCP/IP [i] IP地址193.98.4.1属于( )地址。[C] C类 [i] IP地址由四组( )的二进制数组成。[B] 8位 [i] IP协议是对每个信息包都赋予一个地址,在Internet上的电脑( )发送。[B] 根据线路闲忙, 选择不同的路径】 [i] ISO/OSI参考模型七层协议中第一层是( )。 [A] 物理层 j] 机器语言编制的一段程序,可以( ) [B] 特定的计算机系统中执行 j 机器语言程序在机器内部是以( )编码形式表示的。 [D] 二进制码 j 机器语言是( ) [A] 计算机不需要任何翻译的就可以执行的语言。 j 机器指令是由二进制代码表示的,它能被计算机( )。 [A] 直接执行 j] 激光打印机属于( )。 [A] 非击打式打打印机 j] 激活查找替换对话框的快捷操作是( )。 [C] 双击状态栏中间位置 j 计算机病毒的检测方式有人工检测和( )检测。 [B] 自动 j 计算机病毒的特点是具有隐蔽性、潜伏性、传播性、激发性和( ) [C] 破坏性 j] 计算机病毒的主要特征是( )。 [D] 传染性、隐蔽性、破坏性和潜伏性 j 计算机病毒对于操作计算机的人( )。 [C] 不会感染 j 计算机病毒会造成( )。 [C] 程序和数据的破坏 j 计算机病毒具有( )。 [A] 传播性、潜伏性、破坏性 j] 计算机病毒可以使整个计算机瘫痪,危害极大。计算机病毒是( )。 [B] 一段程序 j] 计算机病毒是可以造成机器故障的( [D] 一种计算机程序 j] 计算机病毒是一种( )。 [D] 特制的程序 j] 计算机病毒是指( )。 [B] 一段程序 j 计算机病毒通常分为引导型、复合型和( )。 [B] 文件型 j 计算机病毒通常是( ) [A] 一段程序 j] 计算机病毒造成的损坏主要是( )。 [D] 程序和数据 j 计算机存储单元存放的内容为( )。 [B] 数据或指令 j] 计算机存储器容量的基本单位是字节,在表示存储容量时,M的准确含义是( )。 [B] 1024 字节 j 计算机的存储器是一种( )。 [D] 记忆部件 j] 计算机的存储系统通常包括( ) [B] 内存储器和外存储器 j] 计算机的存储系统一般指主存储器和( )。 [C] 辅助存储器 j 计算机的发展阶段通常是按计算机所采用的( )来划分的。 [B] 电子器件 j] 计算机的工作过程本质上就是( )的过程。 [A] 读指令、解释、执行指令 j] 计算机的机器语言是用( )编码形式表示的 [D] 二进制代码 j 计算机的内存储器比外存储器( )。 [B] 存取速度快 j 计算机的内存储器可与CPU( )交换信息。 [B] 直接 j计算机的内存储器是由( )构成的。 [B] 随机存储器和只读存储器 j] 计算机的内存容量通常是指( )。 [A] RAM的容量 j 计算机的性能主要取决于( )。 [C] 字长、运算速度、内存容量 j 计算机的指令格式,通常是由( )两部分组成。 [D] 操作码与地址码 j 计算机的主存储器比辅助存储器( )。 [C] 存取速度快 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional j 计算机发生“死机”故障时,重新启动机器的最适当的方法是( )。 [B] 按复位按钮启动 j 计算机犯罪是一个( )问题。 [B] 法律范畴的问题 j] 计算机辅助教学CAI是( ) [B] 应用软件 j] 计算机和人下棋,该应用属于( )。 [D] 人工智能 j] 计算机局域网与广域网最显著的区别是( ) [C] 前者传输范围相对较小 j] 计算机可直接执行的指令一般包含( )两个部分。 [B] 操作码和操作数 j] 计算机联网的主要目的是( )。 [D] 数据通讯、资源共享 j5] 计算机内存中的只读存储器简称为( )。 [D] ROM j] 计算机能够自动地按照人们的意图进行工作的最基本思想是程序存储,这个思想是由( )提出来的。 [C] 冯.诺依曼 j] 计算机能够自动工作,主要是因为采用了( )。 [C] 存储程序控制 j] 计算机能识别并执行的语言是( )。 [D] 机器语言 j] 计算机能直接识别的程序是( )。 [C] 机器语言程序 j] 计算机能直接识别和执行的语言是( )。 [A] 机器语言 j1] 计算机能直接执行的程序是( )。 [C] 机器语言程序 j] 计算机能直接执行的语言是( )。 [C] 机器语言 j] 计算机能直接执行的指令采用( )表示。 [C] 二进制代码 j] 计算机软件分为两大类,它们是( )。 [A] 系统软件和应用软件 j] 计算机软件通常分为( )。 [A] 系统软件和应用软件 j] 计算机软件系统包括( )。 [B] 系统软件和应用软件 j] 计算机通信的质量有两个最主要的指标( )。 [A] 数据传输速率和误码率 j] 计算机外设的工作是靠一组驱动程序来完成的,这组程序代码保存在主板的一个特殊内存芯片中,这个芯片称为( )。 [D] BIOS j] 计算机网络按照( )进行划分,可分为局域网、广域网和城域网。 [A] 覆盖面积 j] 计算机网络的主要功能是( )。 [D] 实现资源共享 j] 计算机网络的资源共享功能包括( )。 [D] 硬件资源、软件资源和数据资源共享 j] 计算机网络分类为LAN、MAN和( ) [B] WAN j] 计算机网络分为( )、城域网和广域网。 [A] LAN j4] 计算机网络分为局域网与广域网,其划分的依据是( )。 [D] 通信的距离 j] 计算机网络使用的通信介质包括( )。 [B] 有线介质和无线介质 j] 计算机网络是( )。 [C] 按协议相互通信,以共享资源为目标的多机物理互联 j] 计算机网络是( )相联。 [C] 计算机与计算机通过网络设备 j] 计算机网络是计算机技术与( )技术紧密结合的产物。 [A] 通信 j] 计算机网络所使用Modem的功能是( )。 [D] 实现模拟信号与数字信号之间的相互转换 j] 计算机网络中,( )主要用来将不同类型的网络连接起来。 [B] 网关 j] 计算机网络中,LAN是指( )。 [A] 局域网 j] 计算机网络最突出的优点是( )。 [D] 资源共享 [j] 《计算机软件条例》中所称的计算机软件(简称软件)是指( )。[D] 计算机程序及其有关文档 j机而配的基本软件。 [B] 利用率 j] 计算机系统的组成包括( )。 [C] 硬件系统和软件系统 j 计算机系统软件中的汇编程序是一种( )。 [C] 翻译程序 j] 计算机系统硬件一般由( )组成。 [B] 输入/输出设备、存储器、运算器、控制器组成 j 计算机一般按进行分类( )。 [B] 字长 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional j] 计算机一次存取、加工和传送的二进制数据的单位称为 [C] word j] 计算机一次存取、加工和传送的二进制数据的单位称为( )。 [C] 字 j 计算机一旦断电后,哪个设备中的信息会丢失?( [C] RAM [k] KILL软件是用于计算机的( )。 [A] 病毒检查和消除 [k] “开始”菜单中,注销命令将( )。[C] 关闭所有打开的程序 [l] LAN是指( )。[B] 局域网 [ m] MIPS常用来描述计算机的运算速度,其含义是( )。[C] 每秒执行百万条指令 [m] MIPS来衡量的计算机性能指标是( ) [[B] 运算速度 [m] MIPS来衡量的计算机性能指标是( )。[B] 运算速度】 [m] Modem的功能是实现( )。 [A] 模拟信号与数字信号的转换 [n] NOVELLNETWARE是( )。[A] 网络操作系统 n] Novell网采用的网络操作系统是([D] Netware [n] Novell网采用的网络操作系统是( )。 [A] NetWare [n] Novell网使用的网络操作系统是( )。[C] Netware [o] Office97是( )。[B] 应用软件 [p] PASCAL编译系统属于( )。[B] 系统软件 [p] PC属于( )。[C] 微型计算机 p] Pentium?/500微型计算机,其中Pentium?是指( )。[B] CPU [p] Pentium?/500微型计算机CPU的时钟频率是( )。 [B] 500MHZ [r] RAM是一种( )。[B] 随机存取存储器 [r] RAM在计算机中指的是( )。[C] 内存储器 [r] ROM的中文名称是( )。 [A] 只读存储器 [r] ROM是( )。[B] 只读存储器 [r] 如果想关闭WORD97,可在主窗口中,单击WORD97的”文件”菜单,然后单击该下拉菜单中的( )命令。[B] 退出 [S] 数据111H的最左边的1相当于2的(8)次方。 [s] ( )视图方式可对文档不进行分页处理。[B] 联机版式 [s] ( )是控制和管理计算机硬件和软件资源,合理地组织计算机工作 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 以及方便用户的程序集合。[C] 操作系统 [s] ( )是微型计算机的外存。[C] 磁盘 [s] ( )是用来存储程序及数据的装置。[B] 存储器 [s] SRAM是( )。 [A] 静态随机存储器 [t] TCP/IP是一组( )。[D] 支持异种计算机(网络)互联的通信协议\ t] 调制解调器(Modem)的功能是( )。 [C] 兼有A)与B)的功能 [t] TCP/IP协议束中的UDP协议是( )协议。[B] 无连接的协议 t] 调制解调器用于完成计算机数字信号与( )之间的转换 [D] 电话线上的模音频信号 [u] UNIX操作系统是一种通用的、交互作用的( )。[B] 分时系统 [u] UPS是( )。[C] 不间断电源 [u] UPS是指( )。 [B] 不间断电源 [v] VisualC++是一种( )。[B] 高级语言处理程序 [v] VisualFoxPro是一种( )。[C] 数据库管理系统 [w] WAN是( )。 [A] 广域网 [w] WINDOWS98"开始"菜单的叙述中,错误的是( )。 [C] 开始菜单的位置不能改变 [w] Windows98“画图”程序缺省文件类型的扩展名是( )。 [A] BMP personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional [w] Windows98菜单中,带有下一级菜单的选项是指( )。[B] 选项后面带有三角符号标记的 [w] Windows98菜单中的复选项是指( )。[D] 可以同时选用的几个功能项,选定时左侧出现?标记 [w] Windows98操作系统的“开始”按钮包括了Windows98的( )。[D] 全部功能 [w] Windows98操作系统的“桌面”是指( )。[D] 整个屏幕 [w] Windows98操作系统能动态管理的内存空间最大为( )。 [B] 4GB w] Windows98操作系统区别于DOS和Windows3.X的最显著的特点是它( )。[D] 是真正32位的操作系统 w] Windows98操作系统是一个( )。 [A] 单用户多任务操作系统 w Windows98操作系统中的“任务栏”上存放的是( )。[B] 系统正在运行的所有程序 [w] Windows98操作系统中的工作区是指( )。 [A] 窗口内的所有空间 [w] Windows98的( )功能是专门用来查看网络资源的。[D] 网上邻居 [w] Windows98的“附件”中不包括( )功能。 [A] 文件检索 [w] Windows98的“恢复”按钮仅仅适应于( )。[C] 最大化的窗口 [w] Windows98的“开始”菜单包括了windows98系统的( )。[B] 全部功能 [w] Windows98的窗口分为( )两种。[D] 应用程序窗口和文档窗口 [w Windows98的文件夹按照( )结构来组织。[C] 树形结构 [w] Windows98的文件名( )。[B] 不区分大小写 [w] Windows98的文件名长度必须在( )字符以内。 [D] 255个 [w] Windows98的文件属性不包括下列的哪种属性( )。[C] 应用 [D] 桌面 [w] WINDOWS98的整个显示屏幕称为( )。 [w] WINDOWS98环境下的MS-DOS方式,设根目录下有WINDOWS子目录,当前工作在C盘。此时,屏幕显示命令提示符为( )。[B] C: WINDOWS> [w] WINDOWS98环境下运行MS-D0S方式,有两种方法( )。[D] 全屏幕和窗口 [w] WINDOWS98具有"复制软盘"功能,复制软盘要求( )。 [A] 源盘和目的盘必须规格相同 [w] Windows98控制面板中的( )图标,可以用来设置屏幕保护程序。 [C] 显示器 [w] Windows98利用( )进行输入法程序的安装和删除。[D] 控制面板 [w] Windows98内部的中文输入法提供了许多软键盘,例如有 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 PC键盘、日文平假名键盘和( )等 [A] 图形符号键盘 [w] Windows98是一种( )的操作系统。[C] 单用户多任务 [w] Windows98是由( )公司推出的一种基于图形界面的操作系统。[B] Microsoft [w] Windows98是真正的( )。 [A] 32位操作系统 [w] Windows98提供的文件系统格式是( )。[B] FAT32 [w] Windows98文件名可以有( )符号。 [A] 空格 [w] WINDOWS98系统安装并启动后,由系统安排在桌面上的图标是( )。[B] 回收站 [w] Windows98下的鼠标拖动操作是指( )。[C] 将鼠标指针指向一个对象后,按下左键不放,并移动鼠标指针到要去的地方,再松开左键 [w] Windows98与DOS的一个不同之处是改进了原有的文件系统,其中最突出的是它( )。 [A] 支持长文件名,又支持8、3规则的短文件名 [w] WINDOWS98与DOS相比,性能优越除了易学易用、多任务处理机制等之外,很重要的一条差别是因为WINDOWS98是( )。[C] 图形用户界面 [143] Windows98中"开始"菜单中的"运行"项( )。[C] 可以运行DOS的外部命令和可执行文件 [144] Windows98中,"任务栏"的作用是( )。[D] 实现窗口之间的切换 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional [145] Windows98中,( )不是窗口内的组成部分。[D] 公文包 [146] Windows98中,不能对任务栏进行的操作是( )。[C] 删除 [147] WINDOWS98中,不能在"任务栏"内进行的操作是( )。[B] 排列桌面图标 [148] Windows98中,打开"资源管理器"窗口后,要改变文件或文件夹的显示方式,应选用[C] 查看菜单 [149] Windows98中,若已选定某文件,不能将该文件复制到同一文件夹下的操作是( )。 [参[C] 用鼠标左键将该文件拖动到同一文件夹下 [150] WINDOWS98中,有两个对系统资源进行管理的程序组,它们是"资源管理器"和( )。 [C] 我的电脑 [151] Windows98中的"剪贴板"是( )。 [D] 内存中的一块区域 [152] Windows98中的“任务栏”上显示的是( )。 [A] 系统正在运行的所有程序 [153] Windows98最重要的特点是( )。 [D] Windows98是真正32位的操作系统 [C] 层叠和平铺 [155] Windows的程序使用( )键作为“退出”命令的快捷方式。 [B] Alt+F4 [156] Windows资源管理器在窗口左边显示( )的内容。 [A] 所有文件夹的树结构 [157] Word“编辑”菜单下的“查找”功能不能找到( )。 [D] 文档统计信息 [158] Word97除通过剪贴方式插入图片外,还可以通过( )菜单中的执行“图片”命令直接将图片文件插入到文档中 [D] 插入 [159] WORD97的"文件"命令菜单底部显示的文件名所对应的文件是( )。 [C] 最近被操作过的文件 [160] WORD97的编辑状态,单击“文件”下的“打开”选项按钮后可以( )。 [A] 将指定的文档打开 [161] WORD97的编辑状态,进行"替换"操作时,应当使用( )。 [D] 编辑菜单中的命令 [162] Word97关闭当前正在编辑的文档,在( )情况下,不会弹出一个提示窗来询问是否在关闭文档前进行保存。 [D] 不作任何改变 [163] Word97允许载入多个文档进行处理,但只有一个文档是活动的,为了使其它文档变为活动的,可以从( )菜单中进行选择文档。 [D] 窗口 [164] WORD97中"打开"文档的作用是( )。 [C] 将指定的文档从外存中读入,并显示出来 [165] Word97中,删除一个段落标记,该段落标记之前的文本就为下一个段落的一部分,( )。 [A] 并维持原有的段落格式不变 [166] Word97中,文字环绕的缺省方式是( )。 [C] 上下型环绕 [167] word97中,要将一些文本内容设置为斜体,则先要选择这些文字,然后再单击格式菜单中的( )命令 [A] 字体 [168] Word97中的文档不能以( )格式保存。 [C] 图形文件 [169] Word97中能显示页眉和页脚的方式是( )。 [B] 页面视图 [170] Word97中文版缺省的英文字体是( )。 [D] Times New Roman [171] Word97中文版缺省的中文字体是( )。 [A] 宋体 [172] word97中要进行页面设置,在( )菜单下执行“页面设置”命令。 [A] 文件 [173] WORD97主窗口的标题栏右边显示的按钮是( )。[C] 关闭按钮 [174] WORD97字处理软件属于( )。 [D] 系统软件 [175] Word创建一个新文档后,该文档( )。 [D] 自动命名为“文档1”、“文档2”等 [176] Word具有分栏功能,下列关于分栏的说法中正确的是( )。 [C] 各栏的宽度可以不同 [177] Word可将一段文字转换成表格,对这段文字的要求是( )。 [D] 每行的几个部分之间必须用统一符号分割 [D] 不可任意加空格、回车键 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional [179] WORD软件是属于( )。 [B] 应用软件 [180] Word是一种( )。 [D] 文字处理软件 [182] Word文档文件的缺省扩展名是( )。 [B] .DOC [183] Word文档中,每个段落都有自已的段落标记,段落标记的位置在( )。 [B] 段落的结尾处 [184] Word文档中不能加入( )。 [D] 二进制指令程序 [185] Word允许用户自己设置段落对齐方式,其中设置段落右对齐应按( )键。 [C] Ctrl,R [186] Word中的标尺分为( )。 [B] 水平标尺和垂直标尺 [187] Word中联机版式视图方式能查看到( )。 [A] 图形 [188] WWW的中文名称为( )。 [B] 万维网 [189] WWW服务基于( )协议 [C] HTTP [w] Windows98中改变窗口的大小时,应操作( )。[A] 窗口的四角或四边 w] 在Windows98操作系统中,对话框的大小是( )。[D] 与不同的操作有关的 [w] “文件”下拉菜单底部所显示的文件名是( )。[D] 最近被Word处理过的文档 [190] WWW是( )。 [C] 万维网的简称 [x] 下列各进制数中最大的数是(789D [x 下列不是微机总线的是( )。[C] 信息总线 [y] “溢出”一般是指计算机在运算过程中产生的( )。[C] 数超过了机器的位所表示的范围 [D] 对磁盘进行清洗 [y] 预防计算机病毒的手段,错误的是( )。 [3] “32位微型计算机”中的32指的是( )。[D] 机器字长 [10] 10BaseF的含义是( )。[C] 10Mbps的基带光纤网络 [10] 10在微机中,主机由微处理器与( )组成。 [D] 内存储器 [1] 1MB的存储容量相当于( )。[C] 2的20次方个字节 [1 1nternet的分层结构是由( )这个四层组成。[D] 网络接口层、网络层、传输层和应用层 [3] 3.5英寸软磁盘上的方型小孔和滑块是用于( )。 [参考答案B] [B] 写保护 [3] 3.5英寸软盘存储容量为字节( )。[D] 1.44M [3] 3.5英寸软盘的写保护窗口被可移动滑块挡住,此时( )。[C] 既能读盘,又能写盘 [3] 3.5英寸软盘片的一个角上有一个滑动块,如果移动该滑动块露出一个小孔,则该盘( )][C] 只能读不能写 [3] 32位网卡一般插接在主板插口上( )。[B] PCI [3] 32位微机是指该计算机所用的CPU( )。[B] 同时能处理32位二进制数据 [5] 586微机的字长是( )。[C] 32位 [8] 800个24×24点阵汉字字形码占存储单元的字节数为( )。[D] 56.25KB personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional
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