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看电影学英语--Theroaringtwenties看电影学英语--Theroaringtwenties The roaring twenties ‎‎ Today, while the earth shakes beneath the heels of marching troops... 今天,当行军的铁蹄震动地球, ... while a great portion of the world trembles... 当大片的世界… ... before the threats of acquisitive, power-mad men... 在这些贪得...

看电影学英语--Theroaringtwenties The roaring twenties ‎‎ Today, while the earth shakes beneath the heels of marching troops... 今天,当行军的铁蹄震动地球, ... while a great portion of the world trembles... 当大片的世界… ... before the threats of acquisitive, power-mad men... 在这些贪得无厌,热衷权势的人们面前瑟瑟发抖 ... we of America have little time to remember... 我们美国人几乎没有时间来纪念… ... an astounding era in our own recent history... 我们自己近代史上一个发人聩聋的时代, ... an era which will grow more and more incredible with each passing generation... 一个在一代又一代的传承中变得 越来越难以令人置信的时代, ... until someday people will say it never could've happened at all. 直到最后人们不再认为它曾经发生过。 April, 1918. 1918年 四月 Almost a million American young men are engaged in a struggle... 几乎上百万的年轻美国人卷入了一场战争, ... which they have been told will make the world safe for democracy. 一场据说是为了实现民主 而让这个世界变得更安全的战争。 You always come into a rathole like that? - What do you want me to do, knock? 你总是这样窜到坑里来的吗, - 你还想要我怎么样,敲门么, Cost me the last cigarette I had. 把我最后一支烟都给废掉了。 Well, can I offer you a nice Turkish prettiest? Number-nine cork tip. 好吧,我赔你一支上等土耳其香烟,怎么样, 九号过滤嘴香烟。 Yeah. 好啊。 Hey. Hey, where'd you get those? 嗨,你在哪儿搞到这种货色的, A friend of mine in Mineola sends me a fresh batch every week. 我在米里奥拉的一个朋友每周给我寄一包。 Look at that. 你看这。 Them cooties is getting desperate. They're feeding off tobacco. 这些虱子都发疯了。它们开始靠吃香烟来活命了。 How much can a cootie smoke? 一只虱子能抽多少烟, Got a light? 有火吗, There's 10,000 shell holes around here, and everybody's gotta come diving into this one. 这附近有上万个弹坑,大家还就是爱往这里跳。 No privacy in this war anymore. 这场仗打得一点隐私都没了。 Sorry. I didn't know anyone was in here. 对不起,我不知道有人在这里。 Ought to put up a sign: ""No hunting, shooting or trespassing."" 必须立个牌子: 谢绝打猎,开枪或横穿本地。 There goes me prettiest number-nine cork tips. Where are they? 我的上等九号过滤嘴没了。到哪去了, What's the matter, kid? - Nothing. 怎么啦,小毛孩, - 没什么。 You scared? 你怕了, Yes, I am. 是有一点。 No heart, huh? - I'm beginning to think so. 没胆子了,啊, - 我也开始这样想了。 At least I haven't any heart for this. 至少我没胆敢这个。 I hoped this business would be over with before I got here. 我真希望这场仗在我到之前就结束了。 What are you, a college kid? - I just finished law school. 你干什么的,大学生, - 我刚念完法学院。 A lawyer, huh? Can you think of anything that can get us out of this hole? 律师,呃, 想得到什么办法把我们从这个洞里弄出去吗, He wouldn't if he could. 即使他能也不会做的。 He's the type that cheers back home. When they get here... 他是那种多在家里快活的人。等他们上到这里… and things get tough, they fold. - Shut up. …情况变得糟糕起来,他们就受不了了。 - 别胡说。 I'm talking to him. - And I'm talking to you. 我说他呢。 - 我说的就是你。 I don't like heroes or bigmouths. 我不喜欢大英雄啊大嘴巴啊什么的。 We're all scared. And why shouldn't we be? 我们都害怕。再说了,我们为什么不害怕, What do you think we use in war, water pistols? 你以为我们用什么打仗,水枪, You're all right, kid. 你没事的,小伙子。 I like guys who are honest with themselves. Stay that way. 我喜欢心地坦荡的人。保持这个本色。 Come on. Looks like it's quieted down. 走吧,看来没事了。 Mailman, boys! Come and get it! Goodies from home! 邮递员来了,小伙子们! 过来领信! 家乡来的好东西! Rothmore. - Here, right here. 罗斯摩尔。 - 这儿,在这儿呢。 Fletcher. - Here I am. 弗莱彻。 - 我在这边。 Tilton. - Here. 提尔顿。 - 这。 Aloysius Toohey. - Here. 阿罗依斯?图海。 - 这。 Bartlett. 巴利特。 Right, buddy. 对了,伙计。 Here's mine. Here you are, big and good-looking. Try your luck on those. 这是我的。这是你的,庞大光鲜。 你试试这些。 Thanks. - That's for you. 谢了。 - 这些归你。 Yeah, that's all I've been getting. 对啊,我就得这些个东西。 Anything good, I'll split it with you. 有什么好东西,我会跟你对分的。 Oh, now, look at that. 噢,看看这个。 Thousands of dames writing us letters that are supposed to pep us up. 成千上万的淑女们给我们写信打气。 Get a load of that kisser. 这种人都有一大堆了。 Hey, somebody must've sent him some dough. 嗨,一定是有人给他送钱来了。 Hey, now, that's more like it. 嗨,这会儿八成是这样。 Very pretty. - Yeah. 非常漂亮。 - 是啊。 A million guys in the Army, a babe like her has gotta pick out a mug like him. 军队里上百万的人,这样的一个漂亮宝贝 还就是挑了他这样一个土匪。 Who she ain't met. - When you write, ask if she has a friend. 还是素昧平生的土匪。 - 你回信的时候,问问她有没有朋友。 Put in, ""Having a wonderful time. Wish we was in Mineola."" 这样写, “祝你心情愉快。但愿我们在米里奥拉。” What do you mean, ""we""? 你说“我们”是什么意思, Bugle too vulgar for you guys? Maybe you need a harp to call you out. 军号对你们太通俗了吗, 或许得用竖琴把你们叫出去。 Come on! Move out! 快点! 都给我出去! What's the matter? You hard of hearing? 怎么回事, 你听不见吗, I'm coming, I'm coming. Keep your shirt on. 来了来了。穿好你的汗衫。 When you get an order in the Army, buddy, you jump. 哥们,在军队里要是听到命令,你要立即行动。 Like you did when you worked for my dad, and he caught you stealing nickels? 就象你给我爸打工那会儿, 我爸逮到你偷硬币时你的反应。 I ain't working for him. I ain't working for you. 我不再为他工作,也不为你工作了。 Yeah, well, you might be. 对啊, 不过, 还说不定呢。 I'm gonna give you a break. 我给你想好了一个好差事。 I'll let you stand behind the bar with your medals on... 我会让你佩戴勋章站在酒台后面… and tell the drunks how you won the war. …你可以跟那些酒鬼们大谈你 怎么赢了这场战争。 Fall in! 集合! I said, fall in! - Where's the sergeant? 听到没有,集合! - 上士哪去了, Come on. Shake it up! Shake it up! 快点。振作点! 振作点! Someday I'll catch that ape without those stripes on and kick his teeth out. 总有一天我会在这个猴子不穿军装的 时候逮着他,打得它满地找牙。 Fall in. 集合。 Come on, move along! 快点, 动起来! You must be quite a guy back home. 你在老家一定是个人物。 I do all right. 我挺好的。 What is this armistice they've been talking about the past four days? 他们这四天来谈论的停战到底是怎么回事, It's just another rumor. This brawl's gonna go on forever. 这是又一个谣言而已。这场仗结束不了的。 I ever get back, I'll have a swell law office in the Woolworth Building. 我要是回去了, 我要在伍尔沃夫大楼里找个顶级办公室。 Have it all picked out on the 28th floor. 我已经在28楼找好了。 You can see the whole city, the bay, Brooklyn. 你可以看到整个城市,海湾,布鲁克林区。 What do you wanna look at Brooklyn for? 你干吗要看布鲁克林, What are you going to do, George? - Just a minute. 你回去干什么,乔治, - 等一下。 That sucker jumped 3 feet in the air and come down stiff as a board. 那个蠢驴跳起三尺,然后像块木板似的掉了下去。 Me? I'll still be in the saloon business. 我, 我会继续经营沙龙生意。 Prohibition law goes in next year. 下一年禁酒法就生效了。 It's one thing to pass a law, another to make it work. 通过法律是一回事,执行法律又是一回事。 There'll always be guys wanting to drink. - They'll enforce that law. 总是有人想要喝酒的。 - 他们会强制执行禁酒法的。 No, they haven't got a chance. 不,他们一点成功的机会都没有。 How about you, Eddie? 你会干啥,艾迪, I'm gonna get my old job back in that garage. 我会到那家车铺继续修车去。 Save my money, someday have a shop of my own. 存点钱,有朝一日我自己也开一家。 It's my idea of heaven, boys. 那就是我的天堂了,伙计们。 A grease bucket, a wrench and a cracked cylinder. 一个黄油桶,一把扳手,一个裂坏的气缸。 You wanna make a living the hard way. 你想过苦日子。 All I know is, I don't want any more trouble. I've had some. 我所知道的是,我不再想要任何麻烦了。 我已经受够了。 What's the matter, Harvard? Lose the Heinie? 怎么啦, 哈佛高材生, 没盯住那个德国佬, No, but he looks like a kid about 15 years old. 不试,他看起来像个15岁左右的孩子。 He won't be 16. 他活不到16岁了。 Hey, it's all over, boys, cease firing! The armistice has been signed! 嗨,战争结束了,停火! 停战 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 已经签订了! Woolworth Building, here I come! 伍尔沃夫大楼, 我来了! It's gonna be good to look into a motor again. 能再检查发动机真是太好了。 You know, I like this. I think I'll take it with me. 你们知道吗,我喜欢这个。我想我会把这把枪带回去。 1919. The war is over, and the people of New York... 1919年。战争结束了, 纽约的人们 ... are tiring of the constant triumphal procession of returning troops. 开始厌倦不停地欢迎凯旋而归的战士, And still not all of them are back. 而他们,还有很多在排队归来。 There is alarming news that women's skirts are going to become shorter... 有新闻报道说,女士们的裙子会越来越短, ... already they are 6 inches above the ankle. 而它们已经是在脚踝之上6英寸了。 Bobbed hair is introduced, but very timidly. 香菇头已经出现,尽管还不是很普遍。 A young upstart named Jack Dempsey will meet Jess Willard... 一个叫杰克?登普西的年轻人一夜成名, 将要挑战杰西?威拉德, ... for the heavyweight championship of the world. 争夺世界重量级拳王 People are talking about the high cost of living. Everything is going up: 人们开始谈论生活的昂贵费用。 所有的东西都在涨价: Food, rent, clothing, taxes. 食品,房租,衣服,税收。 The Prohibition amendment is ratified by the necessary 36 states... 禁酒修正案已经为36个州批准, ... and becomes the law of the land. 正式成为这片土地上的法律。 People are dancing to the strains of ""Dardanella."" 人们在随着“大登德拉”爵士乐起舞。 Finally, late in the year... 最后,这一年的年终, ... the last detachments of the American forces come back from policing the Rhine... 最后一支美国特遣队在军管莱茵河之后回归美国; ... almost forgotten by all but their relatives and friends. 除他们的亲朋好友, 几乎没有人还记得他们了。 It's Eddie Bartlett! 你是艾迪?巴利特! You ain't dead? - Lf I am, they forgot to bury me. 你还活着, - 我要是死了的话,那一定是他们忘记把我埋了。 Well, when you didn't come back with the others, we thought you was dead. 是啊, 你没有跟其他人一起回来, 我们都以为你已经死了呢。 They kept me in Germany to straighten things out. 他们把我留在德国料理一些事呢。 Danny Green still live here? - Sure. 丹尼?格林还住这里吗, - 当然了。 But if you're thinking of moving in again, the rent's higher than it used to be. 不过如果你要住进来的话,房租可得比以前高些。 Oh, yeah? How much? - Four dollars from each of you every week. 噢,是吗, 多少, - 你们俩每人每周4块钱。 That's fair enough. 挺公道的嘛。 I won't have it anyway. 反正我是没有钱的。 Here's your coffee, Danny. 丹尼,你的咖啡。 Oh, thanks. 噢,谢谢。 Tired? - Yeah. 累了吗, - 是啊。 I drove some goofer all over Times Square... 我开车载着个傻瓜在时代广场上到处乱转… Eddie! 艾迪! How are you? - Hello, Danny. 你好吗 你好,丹尼。 , - I'm glad to see you. - Glad to see you. 见到你真高兴。 - 我也很高兴。 Well, I thought that... - Yeah, I know. You thought I was dead. 我听说… - 我知道,你以为我死了。 Yeah. 是啊。 Gee, kid, I'm glad to see you. 伙计,见到你没事真高兴。 Yeah, l... I thought you was bumped off. 是啊,我…我以为你被打死了呢。 Why didn't you tell me you was coming? I'd have went down to the boat to meet you. 你为什么不告诉我你要回来了呢, 我会好接你的船的。 Well, you could've wrote to me if you'd have tried hard. 不管怎样,你要是努了力的话你会给我写封信的。 Who's gonna read it to you? - I got friends. 谁来给你读信呢, - 我有朋友的。 Well, the same cheesy old joint, huh? - Yeah. 呃,房子还是老样子,是吧, - 是啊。 You look healthy. - Oh, I feel fine now that the war's over. 你看起来很健康嘛。 - 噢,既然战争结束了,我感觉当然好多了。 Eddie, you never saw a sicker guy in your life the day I was... 艾迪, 当征兵体检结果出来之后… When I got my number for the draft. 你这一辈子就没见过比我毛病还多的人了。 Flat feet, peepers all gone. I even had a touch of the palsy. 平足,视力不良,甚至还有点中风症状。 No bad heart? - Well, I was working up to that. 心脏还好吧, - 呃,我在努力弄点儿出来呢。 Same old Danny. How's hacking? - Oh, bad. 还是老丹尼。工作怎么样, - 噢,不大好。 Yeah? - Things ain't good in the taxi business. 是吗, - 出租车生意不大好了。 Everybody's walking where they wanna go. 每个人出门的时候都选择步行。 Hey, how's things in France? 嗨,法国那边怎么样, Oh, I'm glad you reminded me. Brought you a souvenir. 噢,还好你提醒了我。我给你带了个纪念品。 You needn't have done that. I didn't expect anything. What is it? 你不必这样客气的。我没有想着要什么的。 是什么东西啊, German trench helmet. Hope it fits. 德国战壕头盔。希望大小合适。 I had an awful time finding a Heinie with your head size. 我费了老大力气才找到个 脑袋跟你差不多的德国佬。 Say, that's swell. 这真是太棒了。 It just doesn't fit. It's a little too small. 还是不合适。有点儿小了。 I can send it to the cleaners and get it stretched. 我可以送到清洗店去把它弄大点。 How do I look? - You're just the girl to wear it. 威不威风, - 你戴上正合适了。 Oh, boy, I'm gonna give this to my kids. You know, if I ever have any. 噢,伙计,我要把它传给我的孩子。 当然,如果我能有些的话。 Tell them how I captured it. 跟他们讲我是怎么俘获这个头盔的。 Charging the enemy! 向敌人冲啊! I gotta hide this so no one will cop it. Where will I put it? 我必须把它藏好,不能让人给偷了。 放哪儿好呢, Here's the place. 这里不错。 She never sweeps under here. 她从不扫这里。 Can you see it? 你看得到吗, Oh, yeah. 噢,对。 You hungry, Eddie? Come on out, we'll eat. 饿了吗,艾迪, 我们出去弄点吃的吧。 I got a meal ticket. We'll shoot it full of holes. 我有张饭票。我们要把它打出很多洞来。 I'll make it look like a sieve. - Come on. 我会把它变成筛子的。 - 走吧。 Wait, I gotta go over to the garage, get my old job back. Run me over? 等等,我得出车铺看一看, 把我的 老工作搞定。载我过去吗, Sure, in the cab. 当然了,坐我的出租车去。 Hey, Eddie. 嗨, 艾迪。 Did you learn to parlez-vous? 你学会了法语吗, Just enough. 还行吧。 Hey, bud, where's Fletcher? - In the office. 嗨,伙计, 弗莱彻在哪, - 办公室里。 Oh, thanks. 噢,谢谢。 That guy thinks he'll get my job just because he's got a uniform on. He used to work here. 那家伙以为穿上军装就可以得到工作了。 他以前在这里干过的。 Those monkeys are gonna find out what a picnic they had... 我们在这里工作,这些猴子们却拿着… on Uncle Sam's dough while we worked. …山姆大叔的钱花天酒地。 Hello, Mr. Fletcher. - Hi. 你好,弗莱彻先生。 - 嗨。 When did you blow in? - Just now. 你什么时候回来的, - 刚到。 Sure good to be back. - I'll bet. 回来了就好。 - 那是。 What are you gonna do? - Rest a few days, see the boys. 你准备做些什么, - 休息几天,看看朋友。 Then I'll be ready to work. - Fine. 然后就可以工作了。 - 好啊。 What are you gonna do? Where you gonna work? 你要做些什么, 你上哪上班, What do you mean, ""Where am I gonna work?"" 我到哪上班, 是什么意思, I was gonna come back here. - Sorry, Eddie. I haven't anything for you. 我准备回这儿来上班的。 - 对不起,艾迪。我没有事给你干。 What? 什么, Well, wait a minute. Maybe I'm in the wrong garage. 等一等,我好像站在一个错误的车铺里。 What was that line about my job always waiting for me? 那句我的工作总是给我留着的话是什么意思, Times have changed. That boy over there has been working almost two years. 时代变了。那边那个男孩已经工作了近两年了。 What do you want me to do? Can him just because you came back? 你让我怎么做, 就因为你回来了,所以要解雇他, No. 不。 No, I couldn't ask you to do that, could I? 不好,我不能要求你这样做,对吧, All right. Thanks. 好吧。谢谢。 Left, I had a good job And I left, left 离开时,我有个好工作。我离开了,离开了… Don't tell me you won't be with us. 别跟我说你不跟我们一起干了。 If you brought a band and a gun, you might've got the job. 你要是带支乐队和一支枪来,你可能 已经拿到这份工作了。 I don't need any gun, you... 我不需要任何枪,你… Two for one. 二对一。 Back in this country, the boys who had returned from overseas... 在这个国家里,那些从海外归来的小伙子们… ... begin to find out that the world has moved on during the time they spent in France. 开始发现这个世界在他们在法国 浴血奋战的时候渐渐地变了 Sorry, buddy. Nothing doing. 对不起,伙计,没事做。 Everywhere things have changed, but particularly in New York. 到处都在发生变化,而纽约尤甚。 The old Broadway is only a memory, gone are many of the famous landmarks. 过去的百老汇已然成为记忆, 众多的名胜古迹也悄然消失。 For already, America is feeling the effects of Prohibition. 美国已经感受到禁酒令的影响了。 There's a concentrated effort at readjustment to normal peacetime activity... 大家都在努力调整以回到和平时期的正常状态, ... but unemployment, coming in the wake of the wartime boom... 但是在战时出现的失业潮, ... is beginning to grip the country. 已经开始蔓延全国。 The soldiers find they've returned to face, on a different front, the same old struggle: 士兵们发现他们得面对一个不同的前线, 然而相同的挣扎: The struggle to survive. 为生存而挣扎。 Yes, sir, where to? 你好,先生,去哪, Where to? 去哪, How about a flat rate back to France? - Oh, hi, Eddie. 来个回法国的统一价怎么样, - 噢,嗨,艾迪。 How are you? 你好吗, You didn't land yourself no job, huh? - Somebody must've told you. 你没有找到工作,呃, - 一定是有人先告诉你了。 No. I figured that all out by myself. 不是。我看你的脸色就猜出来了。 You know, on account of your face. You look kind of tired. 你知道吗,看你的脸色,你很疲倦。 I am tired, Danny. Tired of being pushed around. 我是疲倦了,丹尼。厌烦了被推来推去。 Tired of having doors slammed in my face. Tired of being another guy back from France. 厌烦了不断地吃闭门羹。 厌烦了“又一个从法国回来的家伙”。 Take it easy, Eddie. Take it easy. 别难过,艾迪。别难过。 I can't, Danny. I can't. 我做不到,丹尼。我做不到。 I can't go around shadowboxing anymore. I gotta find something to do. 我再也不愿意画饼充饥了。我一定要找点事做。 I've gotta. - Wait a minute. 我一定要找点事做。 - 等一等。 Don't... Don't break that. The landlady will charge us for it. 别…别弄破了那个。房东会罚钱的。 If you gotta break something, smack me on the chin. It's cheaper. 如果你一定要弄破点东西,打我的脸吧。 它更便宜点。 Look, Eddie. I only use my cab 12 hours a day. 听我说,艾迪。我一天只开12个小时的出租车。 The rest of the time, it's laying in the garage. Why don't you hustle it the other 12? 剩下的时间,它就干躺在车库里。 为什么不让你开其他的12个小时呢, We'll split the gas and the oil, and you got yourself a job. 我们平分汽油和机油钱, 而你就有了一份工作。 It may work out, Danny. It may work out. 看起来行得通,丹尼。行得通。 I gotta do something. 我一定要做点事情。 Who's there? - Mrs. Gray. 谁呀, - 格雷太太。 We ain't home! 我们不在家! Here's a letter for you, Eddie. Forward all the way from France. 艾迪,你有一封信。大老远的从法国倒过来的。 There's three cents' postage due. - Put it on the bill. 要付3分钱邮费。 - 算到账单里吧。 Don't think I won't. - And don't you think I think you won't. 别指望我不会算进去。 - 也别指望我会认为你不会算进去。 Well, who's that from? 谁寄来的, Oh, say, she's pretty. 噢,是不是很漂亮, One of them French peasants, huh? - No, it's an American gal. 一个法国农民,对吧, - 不是,是个美国女孩。 Lives in Mineola, Long Island. 住在米里奥拉, 长岛。 Well, I won't hold that against her. - Danny... 我不会反感她的。 - 丹尼… how far is it to Mineola? - Depends upon if you know the way. …到米里奥拉有多远, - 就看你知不知道怎么走了。 For a wise guy, it's 15 miles. For a gilpin, it's 30 miles. 对一个聪明人来说,也就15英里。 要是个傻蛋,那得30英里。 Pal, you're driving to Mineola. I think a change of scenery will do me good. 老兄,你得开车去米里奥拉了。 我认为换换空气对我有好处。 This kind of scenery never did anybody any harm. 这种空气对谁都没坏处。 Got enough gas? - Gas? 汽油够不够, - 汽油, Old Bridget can make Mineola on her reputation. 平老布里奇特的名声是可以捱到米里奥拉的。 Let's go. 我们走吧。 Wait here, my man. - Hey... 在这等着,儿郎们。 - 嗨… where do you get that ""my man"" stuff? - I'm trying to make an impression, you dope. …哪来的“儿郎们”之类的, - 你这个笨蛋,我想充点门面。 Hello. Does Jean Sherman live here? 您好。琼?谢尔曼住在这里吗, Yes. What is it you want? I'm her mother. - I'm... I'm Eddie Bartlett. 对啊。你有什么事, 我是她妈妈。 - 我…我叫艾迪?巴利特。 Eddie Bart... 艾迪?巴特… Oh, come in. 噢,进来吧。 Eddie Bartlett, her dream soldier. - Her what? 艾迪?巴利特, 她的梦幻战士。 - 她的什么, That's her name for you. She'll be thrilled to death to see you when she gets home. 这是她给你取的名字。她回家时看到你 肯定会高兴得要死的。 She's not here? - She'll be back any minute. 她不再这吗, - 她很快就会回来。 Won't you come in? - That's nice, Mrs. Sherman. 你不进来吗, - 太好了,谢尔曼夫人。 This is my buddy, Danny Green. He drove me down here. 这是我的好朋友,丹尼?格林。 他开车载我来的。 Pleased to meet you. - Likewise. 很高兴见到你。 - 我也一样。 Come on in. - Thanks. 进来吧。 - 谢谢。 You see? 你明白了吧, Jean and I often used to talk about you.琼和我常常谈到你。 And at night we'd pray for you. We felt almost as though you were family. 而且有个晚上我们还为你祷告过。 我们感觉你就像我们的家人一样。 Sometimes Jean would play the piano. She's very talented. 有时候琼弹弹钢琴。她非常有天分。 We'd sing hymns. She got her voice from me. 我们一起唱赞美诗。她的嗓子得到我的遗传。 I'll get you some more. - No, thanks. This is quite enough, really. 我给你再加点。 - 不用了,谢谢。这已经够了,真的。 Don't be bashful. I'll be right back. 别害羞。我马上回来。 If I drink another glass of lemonade, it's gonna run out of my ears. 我要是再喝上一杯柠檬汁, 它们就要从我的耳朵里流出来了。 Why didn't she think to offer us a sandwich? 她为什么不给我们吃上一块三明治呢, She's probably building up to that. 她可能正在做呢。 I'm beginning to wonder if this trip was worthwhile. 我开始怀疑这次旅行是不是值得了。 Let me be the judge of that. 让我来下结论吧。 Find out right away if she's got a friend. If she has, give me the great big buildup. 立即弄清楚她有没有男朋友。 如果她有,给我找个强壮的家伙。 One thing at a time. Now, look... 事情得一件一件来。现在呢… when this gal gets here, watch what you say and do. …等那姑娘来了,小心说话,别乱动。 Way I figure it, she's got plenty of class. 我估计她很有些品味。 You hear what her mother said? She goes to school, sings and dances. 你听到她妈说吗, 她上学,唱歌,跳舞。 Look, that means she's no mug. 这就是说她绝对不是女太岁。 Now, that kind of material needs plenty of delicate handling. 现在,这种状况需要小心应付。 As a matter of fact, the more I think about this... 事实上,我越想… the more I think you should take a long walk. …越觉得你应该出去散散步。 Hey, wait a minute. 嗨,等一等。 Hey, Ma, I got an A in algebra! 嗨,妈,我代数拿了个A! Hello. 你们好。 Hello. - Hello. - 你好。 你好。 Well, are you waiting for somebody? - Yeah, waiting for your big sister. 你们在等人吗, - 对,等你的大姐。 My big sister? Why, I haven't got any big sister. 我的大姐, 怎么回呢, 我没有什么大姐。 No big sister? - Wait a minute. 没有大姐, - 等等。 Don't tell me you're Eddie? Eddie Bartlett? - Yeah. 你不会是艾迪吧, 艾迪?巴利特, - 是啊。 My dream soldier. 我的梦幻战士。 Oh, I wondered if I was ever gonna get to see you. 噢,我怀疑我见不到你呢。 Oh, Mr. Bartlett, you look just like I pictured you. 噢,巴利特先生,你看起来跟我想象的一模一样。 Brave, strong, romantic and handsome. 勇敢,坚强,浪漫又英俊。 Speaking of looks, how about this? 既然说到相貌,这是怎么回事, That was taken when I was in our high-school play. 那时我在高中一次戏剧 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演中照的。 It was The Fortune Teller by Victor Herbert. 剧目是维克多?赫伯特的“算命者”。 But you said that you sang and danced. - I do. 但是你说你唱了歌跳了舞的呀。 - 是呀。 Where? 在哪呢, I sing in the choir every Sunday, and I had the lead in our high-school play. 我每个礼拜日在诗班唱歌, 在学校的戏剧表演里也是主角。 Once in a while, I sing and dance for the Elks Club. Everybody says I'm good. 有段时间我还为麋鹿俱乐部唱歌跳舞。 大家都说我不错。 Would you like to hear me? - Oh, no, no. No, thanks. 你要听我唱吗, - 噢,不,不用了。谢谢。 I have absolutely no ear for music. 我绝对不是音乐迷。 Well, it was nice to see you. - You aren't really leaving, are you? 不管怎样,很高兴见到你。 - 你不是就要走吧, We gotta get back to town, important meeting with the general. 我们得赶回城里去, 跟将军有个重要会议。 Aren't you gonna tell me about the war and how you suffered? 你不跟我讲讲战争和你经受的苦难吗, Honey... 宝贝… you'll never know how I've suffered. …你不会理解我受过什么苦的。 So long. 再见。 Well, will I see you again? 那,我还能见到你吗, I'll call you. - When? 我会给你打电话的。 - 什么时候, In two or three years, when you get to be a great big girl. 俩到三年吧, 等你长成个大姑娘的时候。 So long. - Bye. 再见了。 - 再见。 You should've stayed and helped her with her homework. 你应该留下来帮她做做功课。 1920. For the first two weeks of the year... 1920年。在这一年的第一个星期里, ... men can still get a drink more or less publicly... 人们多少还可以从公共场所获得些酒喝, ... because although the 18th Amendment is in effect, the law has no teeth. 因为即使第18修正案生效了, 这个法案没有什么效力。 But on the 16th of January, the Volstead Act takes effect... 但是在一月16号,伏尔斯蒂德法生效了。 ... and traffic in liquor goes completely undercover... 酒类的流通完全转入了地下, ... to stay there for many long years. 就这样运转了很多年。 The word ""speakeasy"" begins to appear in our language. 地下酒吧”这个词开始出现。 And the forces of the underworld, who best know how to operate outside the law... 而知道怎么在法律之外最佳运作的地下组织, ... are moving in on a new source of revenue, the magnitude of which no man dare guess. 发掘出了一种新的收入之源,其规模之大令人咋舌。 Sixty cents. 60分。 Say, will you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗, Take these into Henderson's and collect 12 bucks. Ask for Panama Smith. 把这些送到亨德孙,收12块钱。 找巴娜玛?史密斯。 What's her name? - Panama Smith. 什么名字, - 巴娜玛?史密斯。 I'm taking these across the street. - Okay. 我把它们带到街对面去。 - 好的。 Meet you back here at the cab. - Yeah. 我在这边出租车里等你。 - 好。 Hey, Panama, how about something to go with this ginger ale? 嗨,巴娜玛,给这杯姜汁汽水添点什么, On the way. 正在送过来呢。 You Panama Smith? - That's me, brother. 你是巴娜玛?史密斯, - 就是我,哥们。 Package for you. Twelve bucks. 你的包裹,12块。 Oh, yes. The meat. 噢,对了。我订的肉。 Come on. 拿着吧。 Hey, what are you trying to do? Get us both tossed in the cooler? 嗨,你想干什么, 把我们俩凉在一边, There's a law against that dry goods. 法律禁止这些干货。 I don't know what's in here, and I don't care. Twelve bucks. 我不知道什么东西在里面,我也不管。12块。 Just a minute. Just a minute. 等一等。等一等。 You bootleggers are gonna learn the law is being enforced. 你们这些走私的应该接受些法律的教训。 What are you talking about? 你们在说什么呀, You're under arrest for violating the Volstead Act. 你因为违反伏尔斯蒂德法被逮捕了。 I don't know anything about it. 我听都没有听说过伏尔斯蒂德法。 We know. You came in with a load of soda water, and on the way it distilled into gin. 我们知道。你进来的时候拿着一瓶汽水, 走着走这就变成了琴酒。 And you were delivering it for a friend. 而你呢,只是给一个朋友送东西而已。 That's right. - You can tell it to the judge. 是这样呀。 - 你跟法官说去吧。 Come on. You too, Panama. 走吧。你也一样,巴娜玛。 What for, snooper? - For handling this laughing soup. 凭什么呀,探子, - 凭你参与私酒买卖。 This means a padlock for you. - But I'm not handling it. He had it. 也就是说你要进班房了。 - 但是我没有参与买卖呀。酒开始在他手里, And now he has it. Besides, I didn't know anything about it. Did I, buster? 现在还在他手里。另外,我什么都不知道。 你说我知道吗,坏小子, That's the way it was. 事情是这样的。 I drive a guy in my cab, he asked me to deliver that to a customer in here. 我开出租车载着一个家伙, 他让我把这个送给这里的一个客户。 I forget his name. I asked if she knows him. 我忘了他的名字,所以问她认不认识他。 You got me crying for both of you. Now, come on. 你要把我逗哭了。走吧。 I delivered for a guy who's waiting outside. 我是给一个正等在外面的人代送的。 This guy's on the up and up. He's no bootlegger. 这个家伙是个上等人,他不是走私犯。 I never saw him before. - You see him this time. That's enough. 我以前从没见过他。 - 你这一次见过了。这就够了。 Now, get out of here. 现在出去吧。 Hey, buster, who do you know? 嗨,坏小子,你认识什么人吗, I know a lawyer. - It'd be better if you knew a judge. 我认识一个律师。 - 你要认识一个法官就更好。 Panama Smith, in view of the evidence... 巴娜玛?史密斯,根据你的同犯… presented in your behalf by your codefendant... …所出具的证词… and because the arresting officers failed to detect... …并因为执捕警官不能证明… you actually selling intoxicating liquors, I find you not guilty. …你确实买卖烈性酒,我宣布你无罪释放。 Edward Bartlett, I find you guilty of violation of the Volstead Act. 爱德华?巴利特, 我宣布你犯有违反 伏尔斯蒂德法之罪。 I fine you $ 100 or 60 days in jail. 我处以你100美元罚金或监禁60天。 Order. And I give you warning that another offense won't be treated so lightly. 秩序。我并且警告你,若是再犯,决不轻饶。 Court is adjourned. 休庭。 Thanks, buster. Thanks a lot. 谢谢你,坏小子。多谢了。 I'll do the same for you someday. 总有一天我会报答你的。 Well, how do you like that dame? 你认为这位夫人怎么样, Thanks, she says. 她说了声“谢谢”。 I help her beat the rap, and she never even asked if I got enough dough for the fine. 我帮她躲过了这一难, 她都不问一问我有没有钱交罚金。 What a first-class gilpin I turned out to be. 我怎么成了这么个一级废物。 A hundred bucks. 100块。 That judge might as well have said 10,000. 那个法官还不如说一万块呢。 I'd hock the cab, Eddie, only it's already in hock. 我要典当出租车,艾迪, 只是它已经典当过一次了。 I guess I'm not a very good lawyer. 我猜我不是一个好律师。 Oh, you're all right, kid. 哦,没你的事,小伙子。 You just went to bat for the wrong guy, that's all. 你只是给一个不可救药的客户做了辩护,没什么。 Next time, make sure your client really committed a crime. 下一次,确定你的客户真正犯了罪。 Whole lot easier getting him off. - All right, what's it gonna be? 为他辩护会很容易。 - 好吧,怎么办, Well, I haven't got any dough. - This way. 怎么办, 我一分钱都没有。 - 走这边。 Say, do you give any credit around here? - Sure we do. 在这里可以借我点信用吗, - 当然可以。 You get 60 days to pay. This way. Come on. 你可以在60天内付钱。走这边,走吧。 Well... 好吧… So long, Eddie. I'll see you in September. 再见,艾迪。我们九月见。 Shut up! - That won't help. 住嘴! - 没有用的。 I tried it. 我试过了。 This ain't no jail, it's a madhouse. 这不是监狱,这是个疯人院。 Have you been a soldier? - Yeah. 你当过兵吗, - 当过。 How do you know? - I been one too. 你怎么知道的, - 我也当过。 We all got the stamp on us. We can't sit still. 我们有着相同的印记。我们没办法安静地坐着。 We've seen too much action, too much blood. 我们经历了太多的战斗,太多的血。 They think after that we can just sit and twiddle our thumbs. We can't. 他们认为经历了那些之后我们可以坐下来 把玩手指头。根本不可能。 What are you in for? - Stickup with a gun. 你怎么进来的, - 持枪抢劫。 Things got too tough. 生活太难了。 If they'd just give me back that gun, I'd use it... 他们要是把枪还给我,我就… on myself. …把它用在我自己身上。 Come on, grab yourself some sense. Don't talk that way. 别这样,理智点。别这样说。 Hey, Bartlett. - Yeah? 嗨,巴利特。 - 怎么啦, Step out. 出来。 Your friend here paid your fine. - Danny boy, glad to see you. 你的朋友为你交了罚金。 - 丹尼我的哥们,很高兴见到你。 Glad to see you. - So long, buddy. 见到你很高兴。 - 再见了,伙计。 And get rid of those silly notions. 不要有那些愚蠢的想法了。 So long. 再见。 It's good to get out of that rathole. Haven't slept in three nights. 能离开那个老鼠洞真好。有三个晚上没睡好了。 Where'd you get the dough? - I didn't. 你从哪儿弄到的钱, - 我没有。 Hello, buster. 你好,坏小子。 Just the gal I wanted to see. 是这位女士要见你。 Got a few things I want to say to you. Of all the double-crossing... 我还有些话要跟你说呢。在所有的骗子里… She paid the fine. - I didn't walk out. 她付了罚金。 - 我没有甩了你不管。 I just had to rustle up the dough. 我只是想尽快弄到钱而已。 You'll get it back, if I have to give it in nickels and dimes. 我会还你的,哪怕是一分一毛的还。 I can wait. 我可以等的。 What's your angle, sister? 你有什么主意吗,大姐, What bank do you want me to rob? Who do you want killed? 你建议我去抢劫哪一家银行, 或者杀哪个家伙, Which do you want first? 先做哪一项, First, let's have a drink.首先,我们去喝一杯。 Hop in the cab. I'll drive you. 上车。我载你们去。 Taxi. - Just a minute. Business before pleasure. 出租车。 - 等一下,生意优先。 See you later, Eddie. - Get that room rent. 呆会见,艾迪。 - 记得弄些房租。 Where to, mister? - Any Turkish bath. 上哪,先生, - 任何土耳其浴场。 Right. Get in there. 好。上车吧。 Going to do a little painting? 要做些粉刷吗, Yeah, sort of. A little interior decoration. 对,差不多。一些内部装修之类的。 How are you, Panama? - Hello, Charlie. 你好,巴娜玛。 - 你好,查里。 This is Eddie Bartlett. - How are you? 这是艾迪?巴利特。 - 你好。 What'll it be, Panama? - Gin Buck. 要点什么,巴娜玛, - 琴巴克。 What's yours? 你要点什么, Glass of milk. 一杯牛奶。 You always order milk when you go to a speakeasy? 你上地下酒吧的时候总是要杯牛奶吗, I don't go into speakeasies. 我不去地下酒吧。 Well, some people like spinach. 怎么说呢,有些人喜欢菠菜。 Say, you've got something on your mind. What's the gag? 你心里有事。到底什么阴谋, There's no gag. 没有什么阴谋。 I think you're a pretty decent guy. 我觉得你是个挺有风度的男人。 I like to talk to decent guys. 我喜欢跟有风度的男人聊天。 They're hard to find. 他们可是稀世珍宝了。 All right, let's talk. 好吧。我们聊天。 Things have been tough, haven't they? - They could be tougher. 世道艰难了,是吧, - 我还算好的。 A guy in the cell with me wanted to bump himself off. 跟我同牢的哥们还想要了结自己呢。 Till I get around to that, I'm doing all right. 在走到这一步之前,我都算过得好的。 Milk. That's all I got. 牛奶。就剩这些了。 Here we go again. 又来了。 I hope he thinks to sample what's in my glass. 我希望他想要化验我这杯子里的东西。 Hey, who owns the car with the Vermont license on it? 喂,谁是挂了佛蒙特车牌的车子的主人, I do. 是我。 Don't you know you're breaking the law parking your car in front of a fire hydrant? 你不知道把车泊在救火水龙头前是违法的吗, Where do you think you are, in a little hick town? 你以为这是哪里,乡下小镇, If you weren't from out of town, I'd give you a ticket. 你要是不是从城里来的,我非给你一张罚款不可。 Get out there and move it. - Sorry, officer. I'll move it right away. 出去移车。 - 对不起,警官。我马上就去移车。 Hey, Joe. 嗨,乔。 Come on, let's sit down. 走,我们过去坐吧。 See, buster, it's easy. All you gotta do is pay off. 看见了吗,坏小子,很容易。你只要付账就行。 With what? - Sucker money. 拿什么付, - 便宜钱啊。 Ever since Prohibition, it's been floating around, waiting to get picked up. 自从禁酒之后,这些便宜钱就满地都是,等着人去捡呢。 Now, a bright guy like you... - Look, will you stop conning me? 而你这样的聪明蛋… - 你别玩我了好不好, Tell me what goes on. Right now. 告诉我你到底想干什么。现在就说。 You've been nice. You took a rap I couldn't afford. It would've put me out of business. 你对我有恩。你承担了我无法承受的处罚, 那可是会让我身败名裂的。 I'd hate to see someone like you banging his head against a stone wall. 我不喜欢看到你这样的一个男人四处碰壁。 The liquor business is gonna grow big, and it's gonna grow fast. 这个酒水生意会越来越大,而且会迅速成长。 So get in line, buster. Hack drivers are a dime a dozen. 所以要尽快赶上趟,坏小子。开出租车没有前途。 But you gotta know people. - I know people. 但是你得认识人啊。 - 我认识人。 It takes money. - I can get it, if you start small. 也要花钱。 - 如果你从小生意做起,我可以搞到钱。 Tell me. 告诉我。 What's in this for you? What's your take? 你有什么好处, 你要得到什么, Nothing. 什么都不要。 That story about the guy in the cell was a sad one. 牢里那个家伙的故事很让人难过。 I'd hate to have somebody tell me that about you. 我不希望你也有相似的故事发生。 Why? 为什么, I once knew a soldier like you who went to France. 我曾经认识一个你这样去过法国的士兵。 He never came back. 他没有能回来。 I never got over it. 我无法从那次事件中恢复过来。 That's why. 这就是为什么。 Is that all of it? 就这个, If you don't like that story, I'll try to think of another one. 如果你不喜欢这个故事,我可以试着另找一个。 It'll do for now. 先将就吧。 And so the Eddie of this story joins the thousands and thousands... 这样本故事中的艾迪就这样加入了成千上万的… ... of other Eddies throughout America. 美国各地的其他艾迪之中。 He becomes a part of a criminal army, an army that was born of a marriage... 他成为一支犯罪大军的一员,一支发源于… ... between an unpopular law and an unwilling public. 一部不受欢迎的法律对民意的强奸。 Liquor is the password in this army. 酒就是这支军队的口令。 And it's a magic password that spells the dollar sign as it spreads from city to city... 这是个有魔力的口令,伴随着的是滚滚而来的金钱, 从一个城市蔓延到另一个城市, ... from state to state. 从一个州蔓延到另一个州。 The public is beginning to look upon the bootlegger as an adventuresome hero... 公众开始视私酒走私者为充满冒险色彩的英雄, ... a modern crusader who deals in bottles instead of battles. 一些在酒瓶重而不是硝烟中征战的英雄。 And so, because of the grotesque situation... 所以,因为这种可笑的情形 ... this new kind of army grows and grows... 这种新型的军队迅速发展起来, ... always gaining new recruits who care nothing about tomorrow... 亡命之徒招之即来, ... just so long as money is easy today. 就像这种便宜钱一样容易。 I'll take two dozen of those. 我要两打。 Got a little bad news for you, Eddie. - Yeah? What? 艾迪,有些坏消息。 - 是吗, 什么消息, Little price hike. It's up a dollar a bottle from here in. 要涨点价。从现在开始每瓶涨价一元。 Oh, you don't say. No kidding. 哦,住嘴。别闹了。 Well, you're not gonna make a sucker out of me. 你别把我当白痴了。 I can make this tiger-sweat myself. I've got a bathtub too. 我自己就可以做这种东西了。我家里也有的是浴缸呢。 Come on, Danny. 走吧,丹尼。 So long, fellas. 再见了,伙计们。 This is the real stuff. They can't fool me. 这是真货。他们骗不了了我。 1922 1922年 By now, the Prohibition law is firmly a part of American life... 到现在,禁酒法已经成为美国人生活的一部分, ... but so is the evasion of that law. 违反此法也同时成为美国人生活的一部分。 College students, male and female... 大学生,无论男女, ... and even high-school boys and girls who never drank before... 甚至从未喝过酒的正上高中的男女孩子 ... find themselves willing and able to buy hard liquor with the greatest of ease. 也愿意而且能够轻易地买到酒了。 The hip flask becomes an integral part of the national scene... 这种方型贴片酒壶已经成为全国流行的一大景观 ... at football games, in automobiles. 在橄榄球赛上,车子里,到处可见。 In the meanwhile, the supply of good alcohol... 同时,优质酒水的供应 ... fails to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for liquor. 已经跟不上不断增长的需求。 But in the undercover liquor industry, crude stills make their appearance. 但是在地下酒工业里,粗制滥造的酒料开始登场。 Wood alcohol is recooked, and the product of this loose and ineffective process... 甲醇被重新蒸一次, 而经过这种松散而低效的处理之后的产品 ... is put on the market in a constantly swelling flood. 直接进入不断夸大的市场需求中去。 Hi, Danny. - Hi, Danny boy. 嗨,丹尼。 - 嗨,丹尼。 Hi, Lloyd. 嗨,洛伊德。 Holy smoke, Eddie, another one? 哇赛,艾迪,又一辆, Yeah, sure. We'll get more as fast as Lloyd can pick them up. 那当然了。我们会买入更多的车子, 只要洛伊德处理得过来。 Soon we'll have so many cabs, we'll have to pick up passengers again. 很快我们就会有太多的出租车,然后就得 寻找更多的客源了。 That might not be a bad idea. 主意不错。 Which one is Bartlett? - Me. Why? 谁是巴利特, - 我是。什么事, Hally told us to come here and see you. 哈里让我们到这里来找你。 Oh, yeah. When did you get out? 啊对了。你们什么时候出来的, Yesterday. 昨天。 What were you up for? - Stickup. 你们怎么进去的 - 抢劫。 You drive? - Why not? 你开车吗, - 当然会, What about you? - I worked in a bank. 你呢, - 我曾经给银行干过。 Oh, I see. 哦,我知道了。 Took a few samples, huh? 拿了一些样品,是吧, Sort of. 差不多。 Can use you in the office. 你可以在办公室帮忙。 What was your rap? - They didn't have a thing on me. 你又是怎么回事, - 他们莫须有。 I was framed. 我是被陷害的。 Sorry. Can't use you. 对不起,没事给你做。 Say, now... - Beat it. 比如说,现在… - 算了吧。 Look, I don't care what you did before, or if you've got a record a mile long. 听着,我不管你们以前干过什么, 即使你们的不良 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 有一里路长, But remember this. When you're working for me, you keep your nose clean. 记住这个:跟我干的时候,别惹是生非。 You hear? - Sure. 你们听清楚了吗, - 听清楚了。 All right. This is Danny Green. 那就好。这是丹尼?格林。 Danny, show them the layout. - Glad to meet you, fellas. 丹尼,领他们参观一下厂子。 - 很高兴见到你们,伙计们。 Some of my best friends are in jail. - All right, Danny. All right. 我的一些好朋友在牢子里。 - 好的,丹尼,好的。 Lloyd, let's go in the office. 洛伊德,我们到办公室去。 Do you have a prejudice against hiring honest citizens? 你是不是歧视诚实公民,不雇佣他们, In this booze business, you can't hire any geraniums. 在这个烈酒生意里,你绝对不能雇那些老实人。 A couple of years in the stir seems to ripen them for the job. Come on. 几年的摸爬滚打可能会磨练好他们。走吧。 I tell you, he's on his way over there right now. ,他现在正在走过来。 我告诉你 Hello. Two cases, yeah. 喂,两箱。对。 Send it right up. - How you doing? 直接送过来。 - 你好吗, They lap it up faster than we can deliver. - That means you gotta deliver it faster. 他们喝得比我们送得还快。 - 这表示你必须加快你的送货速度。 Here you are, big and good-looking. Buy yourself a new set of law books. 给你,大个子帅哥。给自己买套新的法律 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 。 Wait a minute, Eddie. This is too much for what I did. 等等,艾迪。这报酬给得太多了。 Buying a couple of taxicabs doesn't rate this. 买几辆出租车不该花这么多钱的。 You saved me dough. Take it. It's a beginner. Hang on to my shirttails... 你给我省了钱。收下吧。 这只是开始。跟我好好干… you'll be using that for wallpaper. - Listen, Eddie... …你就会钱多的要用钱来当墙纸了。 - 听我说,艾迪… you should use those cabs as cabs. You're on the wrong track. …你要把那些出租车当出租车用。你这样做不大对。 This dough says I'm not. 这些钱说我做得对。 While the gravy's flowing, I'm gonna be there with my kisser under the faucet. 只要这种钱还有的赚,我就会当仁不让。 This isn't my kind of law. 这不是我喜欢的那种法律事务。 I started out to be a corporation lawyer. 我开始做的是公司法律顾问。 This is a corporation. It's making money. - Yeah. 这是个公司。它也在赚钱。 - 也是。 Eddie, for you. 艾迪,你的电话。 Yeah? Yeah? 是我,什么事, Oh, no. No, no. Sorry. No, can't use it. 哦,不,不,不。抱歉了。不,没法用。 Don't be a sap. You want to chase ambulances for the next 10 years? 别犯傻了。你难道想要以后十年 都追着救护车找钱赚吗, Take what you can get while you can get it. Nobody's gonna drop it in your lap. 在你还能赚的时候别客气。 别人可不会送钱给你。 Chuck, here's a grand from Moore. 查克,摩尔那收来的一千块。 How'd you make out? - Okay. 钱收得怎么样, - 还行。 Did you get that dough from Masters? - Can't collect from a guy you can't catch. 从“大师团”那收到了钱吗, - 连人都找不着,怎么收, Anybody who can put on a $ 100,000 musical comedy can afford to pay me. 谁要是能在音乐剧上化上10万块, 他也付得起我的钱。 I'll get it. 我亲自去收。 I'll see you later. 我们以后再谈。 Don't think everything's all wrong because you're not starving to death, you hear? 别因为你还没到饿死的地步就以为 什么都是不对的。听到吗, Yeah? Sure. Sure, it's good stuff. 喂, 当然,当然, 质量好着呢。 We just got it off the boat. - This is bonded stuff, 12 years old. 我们刚从船上运下来。 - 这可是密封了的,有12年的历史呢。 Masters here? - Who wants to see him? “大师团”就这里吗, - 谁要找老板, Me. - Just a minute. You can't go in there. 我。 - 等一等。你不能进去。 Take it easy. Take it easy. It's a hot night. Here. Buy yourself a couple of suds. 悠着点,悠着点。今天天气热, 拿着,买两瓶苏打水。 Hello, Masters. - Hello. 你好,大老板。 - 你好。 You've seen this before. How about paying attention to me? 这个你已经看过了,何不听我说几句, Eddie, I don't need any liquor right now. I got plenty. 艾迪,我现在不想买酒。 我已经有了足够的酒了。 I know, you haven't paid for it. Seven hundred bucks. 我知道,你还没付钱呢。700块。 I'm not taking any runaround. 我可不会接受任何借口。 You know I'm always good for it. I'll send you a check tomorrow. 你知道我从不赖帐的。明天我给写张支票。 Oh, no. I'll take the cash right now. 哦,不行。我现在就要钱,现金。 Well, wait till this number's over. 好吧,等这一场结束。 That's a pretty cute bundle you got on the end of the line there. 那边有个很漂亮的妞嘛。 Maybe I could wrap it up for you. 也许我可以给你牵牵线。 I think I can wrap that up myself. 我觉得我自己也可以。 Hi, Mineola. 嗨, 米里奥拉。 Remember me? Bartlett, your dream soldier? 记得我吗, 我是巴利特,你的梦幻战士。 Oh, yes, I remember. 哦,对了,我记起来了。 You haven't changed. - You have. 你没怎么变。 - 你变了很多。 Three years make a big difference. 女大十八变啊。 My character has changed, hasn't it? - It's filled out. 我的个性有了变化,对吧, - 更成熟了。 I have to change. 我要换衣服。 Will I see you after the show? 我可以在表演之后见见你吗, I have an engagement. - How about tomorrow night? 我有事。 - 明天晚上怎么样, I'm busy. - Then Thursday or Friday. 我忙。 - 那就星期四或星期五。 I'm busy then too. - Busy all week? 那个时候我仍然忙。 - 这个礼拜都忙, Yes. - Do you mind if I drive by and blow my horn? 对。 - 你介意我开车路过鸣个笛吗, You do that, I won't hear it. Good night, Mr. Bartlett. 你随便吧,反正我听不到。晚安,巴利特先生。 Masters, I'll be back tomorrow night to pick up that check. 大老板,我明天晚上来去支票。 I'll bet you thought I'd never show up. 我敢肯定你一定以为我不会再露面了。 I'm sorry. My date'll meet me on the corner. 对不起。我的约会在街角等我。 I'll walk down there with you. Lot of fresh guys out. Something might happen to you. 我陪你走过去。街上也男人多,弄不好会出事的。 Oh, really, I'm catching a 12:00 train to Mineola. 哦,真的吗, 我要坐12点的火车回米里奥拉。 I know you're big now, but don't forget, I knew you when you danced for the Elks. 我知道你是个大明星了,不过别忘了, 我可是在你给“麋鹿”跳舞的时候就认识你了。 I'm a pretty nice guy. Just let me prove it. 我是个很好的男人。给我个机会证明一下。 In fact... I might even help you with your algebra. 实际上…我有可能可以帮你学代数。 That's what I wanna see. 这就是我想试试看的地方。 Look, I still have to catch that 12:00 train because the next one isn't until 3:30. 听我说,我仍然需要赶12点的火车, 因为下一趟得等到3点半。 Mind if I walk down to the station, sort of wave goodbye? 我可以陪你去车站,就算是一个告别吗, I can do that, can't I? 我可以吗, Sing that again. I'm a sucker for that. Go ahead. 再唱一次。我很喜欢听这个。唱吧。 I'm liable to wake him up. - Who, him? 吵醒了他,这都得怪我。 - 谁,他, If he's been drinking the kind of booze I make, it'll take more than a song. 他要是喝的是我制造的酒,一首歌可吵不醒他。 Come on, sing it again. 来,再唱一次吧。 Not now, it's too sad. And I feel too good. 现在不合适,太悲伤了,而我现在很快乐。 Did you enjoy yourself? - Oh, I've never had a better time. 你觉得快乐吗, - 噢,我从来没有这样快乐过。 You know, tonight was the first time I've ever been in a speakeasy. 你知道吗,今天是我第一次上地下酒吧。 What're you doing, singing in baby shoes? 你在做什么,穿着儿童鞋唱歌, What? 什么, No, no. Never mind. I was just talking to myself. 没什么。算我没说。我只是在自言自语。 A habit I picked up in France during the war. 我在法国打仗时养成的习惯。 I suppose you like to spend your spare time baking a cake... 我猜,你闲下来的时候喜欢烤个蛋糕… or fooling around in the garden or sewing a dress. …整理花园,或者缝缝衣服什么的。 Did you make that hat? It's very pretty. Very pretty. 你自己做的吗, 非常漂亮,非常漂亮。 I wish I did have time to do all those things. But I don't. 我希望我确实有时间做这些事情,不过很遗憾。 I spend my spare time studying. 我用业余时间来学习。 Someday I'll be a musical-comedy star. - Oh, I see. I see. 总有一天我会成为一个音乐喜剧明星。 - 噢,我明白了,明白了。 And you're dancing in the chorus to get money for lessons. 你在合唱团跳舞赚钱好上学。 You'd rather not, but a girl has to live somehow, doesn't she? 最好不用这样做。 不过一个女孩子总得想个法子谋生,是吧, You sound as if you don't believe me. 听起来你好像不相信我。 I do, I certainly do. Why wouldn't I? 我相信,当然相信。我干吗不信, Mineola. Mineola. 米里奥拉。米里奥拉。 I'm so tired I can hardly get up. 我太累了,几乎站不起来了。 I suppose you're very sleepy and wanna go right to bed... 我猜你非常困了,很想立即上床休息… because you've got a lesson in the morning. …因为你明天早上还有课要上。 That's right, I do. - I see. - 我明白了。 是这样,我确实有课。 Well, here we are. 好,我们到了。 Yeah. 太好了。 Here we are. 我们到了。 You're kind of old to play with dolls, aren't you? 你已经大了,不适合再玩布娃娃了吧, No, not too old if they're cute. 不老,只要它们可爱就不老。 Well, good night. I've had a wonderful time. 好吧,晚安。我过得很愉快。 Hey, it's kind of a quick brushoff, ain't it? - What do you mean? 嗨,你把我涮掉得也太快了吧, - 你什么意思, It's a long trip to Mineola, and I like to relax between trains. 我跑老远来到米里奥拉, 希望回去之前好好休息一下。 It's 4:00 in the morning. 现在已经是凌晨4点了。 You certainly have learned all the answers. 你确实学到了所有的答案。 Well, you seem to know all the questions. 你呢,你看起来也会所有的问题。 Well, if you really want to stay, we could sit here on the porch for a while. 好吧,如果你真的想呆下来, 我们可以在走廊上坐一会。 The night air doesn't agree with me. I take cold kind of easy. 夜里的空气可不温暖。我很容易感冒的。 I'm strictly an indoor man myself. 我是个严格意义上的室内男子。 Well, all right, we can go in, then. - That's a whole lot better. 好吧,那我们就进去吧。 - 这就好多了。 We got to be careful not to disturb your mother. 我们一定得小心点别打搅了你妈妈。 What's the matter? 怎么啦, Of course, you had no way of knowing, but Mother passed away over a year ago. 这也不怪你,你没法知道的。 我妈一年前就去世了。 Oh, I'm sorry, kid. 噢,对不起,孩子。 You live here all by yourself? 你一个人住这里吗, Well, I have to until I can sell the house or get a break. 在我能卖掉房子或休假之前只好这样了。 You mean get a break singing? 你是说从歌舞团休假, How long you been with the show? - Three weeks. 你跟他们干已经多久了, - 三个礼拜。 It's closing the end of next week. 下个礼拜就结束了。 Then what? - Then I'll just have to look for another job. 然后怎么办, - 然后我就要另找一份工作了。 Won't you come in? - Oh, no, thanks. No. 你不进来吗, - 噢,不了。谢谢,不进去了。 As you said, it is getting late. And I'll call you. 你说得对,太晚了。我会给你打电话的。 In another three years? - No, no. 再过上三年, - 不,不回的。 Most likely another three hours. 很可能在过个三个小时。 You want this, don't you? - Oh, yes. Thanks. 你要这个吗, - 噢,当然。谢谢。 I think I'm gonna like this doll. 我认为你会喜欢这个布娃娃的。 I know I am. 我知道我喜欢。 Good night. - Good night. 晚安。 - 晚安。 Well, when did you two sneak in? 咦,你们什么时候溜进来的, What are you doing here? 你在这里干什么, Rachmaninoff and I are going to audition a dream, one of the better kind. 拉赫曼尼诺夫和我要面试一个未来之星, 一个上等角色。 Now, there's not a thing to worry about, kid. 现在什么都不用担心,孩子。 You just wait right here. 你只需在这里等一会。 Hi, Panama. Hi, Henderson. 你好,巴娜玛。你好,亨德森。 Okay, buster, what are you selling, and what's her name? 好,坏小子。你要推荐什么人,叫什么名字, I've got a gal here with class, which is something this joint needs. 我找到一个有品味的女孩子, 正合我们客户的口味。 Disregard the guy's insinuations. 别听这家伙胡说八道。 No kidding, lot of stuff on the ball. Sounds just like Nora Bayes. 不开玩笑,真得很不错。 听起来就像诺拉?贝叶斯。 All right, Ziegfeld, let's see the prize package. 苗子吧。 好吧,齐格菲, 我们看看这棵好 Jean. 珍。 This is Panama Smith. 这是巴娜玛?史密斯。 And the man here with the worried look is Pete Henderson. 这边这个看起来一脸苦相的是彼得?亨德森。 Jean Sherman. 珍?谢尔曼。 I hope Eddie hasn't built me up too much. - So do I. 我希望艾迪没有乱夸我。 - 我也希望是这样。 All right, Jean. Come on, honey. 好了,珍。来吧,宝贝。 Show them how a song should be sung. 给他们表演一下歌是怎么唱的。 What are you gonna sing? 你要唱什么, What key do you want it in? And how do you want it played? 你要什么调, 你希望怎么弹奏, Melancholy Baby in the key of G. 忧郁宝贝 G调。 And not too fast, please. - Gotcha. 请不要弹太快。 - 好嘞。 You're among friends, now. Don't tighten up. 大家都是朋友,不要紧张。 Sit down, Eddie. Let's get a chump's-eye view of her. 坐下,艾迪。让我们好好观赏一下。 Thanks. - Nice going, kid. 谢谢。 - 唱的不错,孩子。 You really did it, baby. You really did it. Sounded like a trio. 你真的唱得不错,真的。听起来像个三重唱。 Thanks for listening, Miss Smith, and you too, Mr. Henderson. 谢谢你的观赏,史密斯小姐,还有你,亨德森先生。 You wait outside for me, honey. 你在外边等我,宝贝。 I'll handle this for you. 我会帮你搞定。 Well, great, wasn't she? - I've heard worse. 怎么样,很不错吧, - 不算最差了。 I don't know one note from another. - You heard all the good ones that time. 我不懂乐谱。 - 这一次你可是听到所有做好的了。 Eddie, I ain't got room for any more singers. - You're wrong. You'll make room. 艾迪,我没法安置更多的歌手了。 - 你错了。你可以腾出位子来的。 When does she start? 她什么时候开始, Well, I can only pay her 35 bucks a week. 好吧,我一周只能付她35块钱。 Wrong again. You'll pay her 100. - A hundred? Say, I don't pay myself 100. 有错了。你要付她100块钱。 - 100块, 你可是站着说话不腰疼, 我自己还付不起自己100块呢。 You can't sing. Don't worry, Petty Larceny, I'll make up the difference. 你不会唱歌。不用担心,小事,我付差价。 Only she's not supposed to know. - I don't care, as long as I don't pay it. 不过不能让她知道。 - 我不管,只要别让我付那么多就行。 Now you can stop crying. When do you want her to begin? 现在你不用叫穷了。你希望她什么时候开始, Let's say a week from tonight, Galahad. 就下周吧,好心人。 Maybe you'll be over it by then. 也许那时你就换了主意了。 I doubt it. 我不这么认为。 Well, I'll see you around. 好吧,我们常聚聚。 Especially next week. So long, presh. 特别是下个礼拜。再见了。 She seems like a nice kid. I hope she can outtalk him. 她看起来是个好孩子。我希望她能说服他。 I hope she can outrun him. 我希望她能摆脱他。 Sure. Eddie imports all of his wines. 当然了。艾迪所有的酒都是进口的。 I'll send it right over. 我马上送过来。 Hello. 你好。 It's on its way. - Hi, big and good-looking. 正在送过来。 - 嗨,大个子帅哥。 Hello, Eddie. - This is Lloyd Hart, our legal brain. 你好,艾迪。 - 这是洛伊德?哈特, 我们的法律顾问。 If you want to sue anybody, see him. 你要是想告谁,找他。 Jean Sherman. - How do you do? 珍?谢尔曼。 - 你好。 Hello. 你好。 Oh, Eddie, I can pick up five more cabs for you, but it'll take straight cash. 噢,艾迪, 我可以给你再买5辆出租车,但是要现金。 What do we use? Cigar-store coupons? Get them. 糖店赠券吗, 拿现金去。 我们用什么, This is where we take orders for the booze. I'll show you where we make it. 这是我们接收酒饮订单的地方。 我带你去看看我们造酒的地方。 Goodbye. - Goodbye. 再见。 - 再见。 This is a still. 这是个蒸馏器。 Some of the alcohol we get around here is not so good, so we recook it. 我们得到的酒精有事不太好,所以我们需要重新蒸一次。 Jiggers here is making Scotch. 齐格斯在这里制作苏格兰威士忌。 A little alcohol, a little water, a little color, a little flavor. 一点酒精,一点水,一点颜料,一点调味料。 Tonight we deliver it at six bucks a quart. Costs half a buck. 今天晚上我们卖6块一夸脱。成本半块钱。 Louie here's an artist. 路易是个艺术家。 He gives it that saltwater smell. You know, right off the boat? 他给它弄上点盐水的味道。你知道的,刚下船嘛。 Smell it up good, Louie. - Right. 闻起来不错,路易。 - 是啊。 Hi, Danny. - Hello, Eddie. 嗨, 丹尼。 - 你好,艾迪。 Hello, Mineola. - Hello. 你好,米里奥拉。 - 你好。 Where's your manners? - Hello, Miss Mineola. 你怎么这样没礼貌, - 你好,米里奥拉小姐。 No. The dicer. The skimmer. 不是这个。是帽子。你这个粗人。 Excuse me. 对不起。 Hello. 你好。 This is the deluxe department. The boy here is making champagne. 这是高档品部门。这个男孩在制作香槟酒。 Tonight, it will be delivered at the best circles. Fifteen bucks a quart. 今天晚上,它们会被送到最好的娱乐场所。 15块一夸脱。 Is it real champagne? - No, it's diluted New Jersey applejack. 是真的香槟吗, - 不事,这是稀释了的新泽西苹果白兰地。 The chumps will think it's vintage stuff off the boat, bottled in France. 那些傻瓜们会以为这是法国罐装的新到岸的高档酒。 It's kind of cheating, isn't it? 这是种欺诈,是吗, Cheating? Yes, if you get caught. But you don't get caught if you... 欺诈, 对,如果你被逮住的话。不过你不会被逮住… take care of the right people. And this is big business. Very big business. 如果你打点好关系。这可是个大买卖。很大的买卖。 Hello, Eddie. How about a drink? 你好,艾迪。喝一杯, Not during office hours. 上班时间不喝。 How are you? 你好吗, Hello, Ed. How are you? - Hello, Eddie. 你好,艾迪。 你怎么样, - 你好,艾迪。 What's the...? Hi. - When you're told to do something... 怎么回事…, 嗨。 - 当你被告知去做一件事情的时候… why don't you do it? Instead of sitting around drinking rotgut you're to sell. …你为什么不去做呢, 还坐在这里喝你应该去卖的东西。 I did it, Eddie. I got the joint jammed with professional applauders. 我做了,艾迪。我给酒厅找来了满座的宾客。 Two bucks a head and drinks. 两块钱一个人,有酒饮。 One of the guys even brought a dishpan to pound on. 有个家伙甚至带了一个菜盘子来敲打。 Throw him out. We need to keep this thing smart. 把它扔出去。我们这儿可不能出乱子。 Tell these monkeys if they sit on their hands, I'll chop them off. 告诉这些傻瓜,如果他们胡作非为的话, 我不会给他们好果子吃的。 You hear? Now, go on, get moving. 你听到了吗, 快去做事。 For the last time, I'm telling you, ginger ale is cheaper than liquor. 我最后一次告诉你,姜啤可比酒精便宜。 Mix them accordingly. 把它们按比例混合好。 Is this kid a draw or isn't she? You haven't had such a crowd since you opened. 这孩子很能吸引顾客吧, 你开业以来 还没有过这么多客人呢。 Why shouldn't it be full? Most of them are here on rain checks. 为什么不会人满为患, 他们大多数是冲着减价招待来的。 Getting paid, ain't you? 付了你薪水,对吧, I don't expect to get a sucker like you every night. 我不希望每天晚上看到你这样一个混蛋。 Don't you ever say that to me again, do you hear? Never. 不要再这样对我说话,听到吗, 没有下一次。 You having a good time? - Swell. 你过得好吗, - 太好了。 Shouldn't have told me that, chump. That'll be 10 bucks extra on your check. 十块钱了。 你不应该告诉我的,傻瓜。你账单上要多收 She's just kidding. 她是开玩笑的。 Well, she goes on in a couple of minutes. 她两分钟之内会继续表演。 Oh, yeah. 噢,对。 What's eating you, Eddie? - Nothing. Why? 你怎么啦,艾迪, - 没什么。 怎么啦, I've never seen you like this before. 我以前从来没看到你这样过。 You act like a kid who's going to try on his first pair of long pants. 你看起来像个第一次试穿长裤的孩子。 Panama, I'll let you in on something. 巴娜玛, 我告诉你一些秘密。 Here. Throw a lamp on that. 这儿。 好好看一看。 What a load of ice. 好大一颗钻石啊。 So, what's this kid got on you? 这孩子什么地方让你着迷啊, I don't know. Whatever it takes to get a guy like me, she's got. 我不知道。不管什么东西会让我着迷, 反正她都具备了。 She know about this? 她知道这个吗, No. I'm gonna tell her after the show. 不知道。我会在表演之后告诉她。 You might be moving too fast. 你可能进展得太快了。 Sometimes you get over these things, and you're sorry. 有时候事情一过去,你就后悔了。 I don't think I'll ever get over this. - You're batting out of your league. 我不认为我会在这件事情上后悔的。 - 你在跳出你的小圈子。 You're used to traveling around with dames like me. 你平常是跟我这样的女子呆一块的。 You sure got it bad. 你显然已经决定了。 Suppose she turns you down? 要是她拒绝你呢, Turn me down? 拒绝我, Why should she turn me down? 她为什么要拒绝我, Suppose you tell me about that later. 也许过一会你就会告诉我了。 Okay, Roy! 好了,罗伊! All right, now that we got quiet, get your hands out of your pockets. You'll need them. 既然我们安静了,把手从你们的口袋里拿出来。 你们会用得上的。 Tonight we're gonna do a Christopher Columbus. 今天我们要做个克里斯多佛?哥伦布。 We're bringing you a little gal that's new to nightclubs and almost everything else. 今天我们给你们带来了一个从未在 夜总会和其他地方出现过的女孩。。 And she's gonna sing. And if anybody makes any noise... 她过会要唱歌。谁要是发出什么噪音的话… the waiters have been told to slip them a mickey. …服务员就会给他一巴掌。 Here she is, folks. Her name is Jean Sherman. The song is ""I'm Wild About Harry."" 她来了,朋友们。她的名字叫珍?谢尔曼, 献上的歌是“我爱哈里爱得发狂” And when she finishes, you'll be wild about Jean. 她唱完之后,你们要表现的狂热一些。 So come on out, honey. 出来吧,宝贝。 What's going on here, anyway? 怎么啦,怎么啦, Applaud, you stewbum! 鼓掌,你这个酒鬼! Oh, I see. 噢,知道了。 Oh, Eddie. It's beautiful. 噢,艾迪。唱得太好了。 That ain't what I wanna hear. 这不是我想要听到的。 They seemed to like me, didn't they? - You're stalling me, Jeanie. 他们看起来喜欢我,是吧, - 你在叉开话题,珍尼。 You've been awfully good to me. - I improve with age. 你对我太好了。 - 越老越成熟嘛。 If you want the Brooklyn Bridge, just ask for it. If I can't buy it, I'll steal it. 你要是想要布鲁克林大桥,你尽管开口。 我要是买不起,就是偷也要给你偷来。 Well? 怎么样, Eddie, I don't know. 艾迪,我不知道。 What do you mean, you don't know? 你不知道, 这是什么意思, I haven't had time to think about it. 我没有好好想过这个问题。 You've had plenty of time. I didn't have to say how I felt about you. 你有的是时间。 我没有跟你说过我对你的感情怎么样。 You must've seen it a million ways. 你从方方面面都可以看得出来。 I have. - Well? 我看出来了。 - 怎么样, I don't know, Eddie. I just don't know. 我不知道,艾迪。我真的不知道。 You ought to know how you feel about me, whether you like me or not. 你一定知道你对我是什么感觉的, 不管你喜不喜欢我。 I do like you, but... 我确实喜欢你,不过… But what? 不过什么, I just can't tell you. 我就是说不出口。 I know what's bothering you. 我知道什么东西让你为难。 Maybe Panama was right. 也许巴娜玛是对的。 Baby, you and me don't play in the same league. 宝贝,我们俩不是一个圈子里的人。 Yeah, that's it. You don't like the racket I'm in, the people I know, the things I do. 对,是这样。你不喜欢我从事的职业, 我交往的人,还有我做的事。 It's not me, it's what I stand for. Am I right? 这都不是我呀,这只是我所代表的东西。不对吗, Why, l... - Yeah, I am right. 为什么, 我… - 啊,我说对了。 I'm not letting that stand between you and me. 我不会让这些东西阻碍我们俩的。 Not the way I feel about you. I'll get out. 我对你的感情胜过一切。我会退出。 A few more years, I'll have enough dough so we can settle down and forget all this. 在过几年,我们就会有更多的钱, 然后我们就可以安定下来,忘掉这些不好的过去。 How does that sound to you? 这样可以吗, Why, it sounds all right. 听起来不错呀。 Yeah. Well, you hang on to that ring. 好了。你收下这个戒指。 You'll use it a whole lot sooner than you expected. 你马上就会用得上的。 Get that yard of clothesline out of your kisser and try to pay some attention for a minute. 把那些晒衣绳从你的嘴巴里拿出来, 认真听我说件事。 Look, Brown, here it is. The stuff I sell has a very limited market. 布朗,是这样。我卖的那些东西市场很小。 People with dough don't wanna buy the poison I make. 有钱人不愿意卖我制造的那些毒水。 Now, I want to get in on that good market. 我现在想进入这个好市场。 I know you're head of a syndicate... 我知道你是行业的头儿… that's running the high-class merchandise sold in this country. …你们这一行控制着这个国家里销售的高端产品。 All I want you to do is sell me some. 我想要的也就是卖我一些产品。 Well, what do you say? 你怎么看, No. - Why not? 不行。 - 为什么不行, I don't sell to penny-ante guys. I got distribution of my own. 我不卖东西给零售商。我自己有销售网。 Well, don't forget, this penny-ante guy asked you in a nice way. 好吧,你可别后悔, 我这个零售商可是好声好气的跟你商量。 I'll try and remember. 我会记得的。 You're supposed to be Coast Guard men. Try to act it till you get onboard. 你们扮的是海岸警卫队。在上船之前别露出破绽。 When you do get on, get that booze off fast. 上船之后,立即动手把那些东西搬下来。 And don't use your guns. - Unless it's a tie. 记住不要开枪。 - 除非局面僵住了。 Unless it's a... 除非… Now, remember what you've been told. 记住我的话。 Boat coming up two points off port bow. 左舷两点出有船。 That must be Nick's boys. 那一定是尼克的人。 Cut it down to half speed. 减到半速。 Hey, that ain't none of our mob. 嗨,那不是我们的人。 Looks like a Coast Guard. 看起来像海岸警卫队。 Ahoy, freighter! 喂,开船的! You'd better stop. They can't do nothing. We're more than 12 miles out, right? 你最好停下来。他们不会怎么样的。 我们离岸超过12海里,对吧, We're in the clear. 我们在公海区。 Get that line over. 把绳子挂过去。 Stand by! We're coming aboard! 停好! 我们要过船来了。 You can't touch us! We're outside the 12-mile limit! 你不能动我们! 我们在领海范围之外! Go home and rescue a swimmer! 回家歇着吧! Come on, boys, rip into it. 快点,伙计们, 动手搬东西。 Get those hatches open. 打开船窗。 You can't get away with this. We're on the outside. 你们不能搬东西。我们在公海航行。 I wouldn't care if we were in the Suez Canal. 我才不管我们是在哪里呢。 Get off of this boat, or we'll throw you off. 下船去,否则我会把你扔下去的。 Hey, get them up there! 嗨,带他们上来! Come on, get them up! 快点,带他们上来! This guy ain't no fed. 这家伙不是联邦政府的人。 Hey, what outfit is this? 嗨,这是什么帮伙, Come on, men, move that stuff. 快点,伙计们,搬东西。 Who's taking us? - I am. 谁在打劫我们, - 我。 Well, you can't get away... 好,你别想轻易得手… Hello, George. - Eddie. 你好,乔治。 - 艾迪。 Hey, I thought you was running a garage. - Kept me indoors too much. 嗨,我以为你在开车铺呢。 - 在房子里呆得太久了。 Doc decided I needed a sea trip. - I got the same doctor. 医生认为我需要一次海上游。 - 我也看了同样的医生。 I don't know why, but I'm glad to see you. 我不知道为什么,不过我很高兴见到你。 So am I. 我也是。 you go through with this, we'd better talk. You're heading for trouble. Before 在你动手之前,我们最好谈一谈。 你在给自己惹麻烦。 This is Nick Brown's boat. 这是尼克?布朗的船。 Ernie, keep that stuff moving fast. We gotta get it all off before daylight. 恩尼,搬得快一点。我们必须在天亮之前搬完。 It's moving. 在搬着呢。 Let's you and me have a little drink. 我们上去喝一杯。 It's real stuff, Danny? - Maybe not... 这是真的酒吗,丹尼, - 也许不是… but it'll get into a lot better homes than we ever will. …但是它们会进入更多的上等家庭。 What'll you have? 你要喝点什么, Oh, nothing for me. 噢,什么都不喝。 You don't have to be afraid of this stuff. This is the McCoy. I drink it. 你不用担心这个。这是麦可意酒。我自己喝这个。 I still don't like it. 我仍然不喜欢。 You like it enough to knock over this boat for $ 100,000 worth of it. 你不喜欢会跑这来抢劫这价值10万美元的酒, A dress salesman doesn't have to wear dresses, does he? 一个卖西服的不一定要穿西服吧, Sorry I have to clip you, George. 乔治,很抱歉我要抢劫你。 You ain't clipping me, you're clipping Nick Brown, the guy I work for. 你没有抢劫我,你是在抢劫尼克?布朗,他是我的老板。 He's gonna be awful sore at you, Eddie. 他会对你怀恨在心的,艾迪。 I'm in too much of a hurry to worry about that. 我太忙了,那顾得上他。 He's a mean guy. - I'll take my chances. 他是个卑鄙的家伙。 - 我碰碰运气吧。 You know... 你知道… I think I'd like to take mine with you. …我想我愿意跟你合作。 Between us, we ought to do all right together. 我们会合作得非常愉快的。 I'm doing all right now. 我自己干得就不错。 Look here, Eddie. It won't be so easy the next time. 听我说,艾迪。下一次就没这么容易了。 Brown ain't gonna stand for you hijacking his boat. Next time he'll be ready for you. 布朗不会任凭你抢劫他的船的。 下一次他会打你一个埋伏的。 One fine night, a 5-inch shell is gonna blow the top of your head off. 只要一个晚上,一个5寸的蛋壳就可以嘣调你的脑袋。 You can't spend your profits in the bottom of the ocean. 躺在海底下你总花不了你赚的钱吧。 Go on. - Well, it's like this. 接着说。 - 是这样。 I got the organization to bring the stuff in, and I know where to get it. 我有走私这些东西的组织,也知道到哪去弄这些东西。 You've got the organization to peddle it. 你又把这些东西卖出去的组织。 You mean you want to double-cross Brown. 你是说你想骗布朗。 It's been done before, you know. 这种事以前也发生过,这个你也知道的。 What do you say? 你怎么说, I don't trust you, George. 我不信任你,乔治。 You could stand a little watching yourself. 你可以先做做看看。 That sounds like a pretty good basis for a partnership. 听起来我们的合作有了很好的基础。 You're on, it's a deal. 行,成交。 Right. 好。 1924. By now, America is well launched into an era of amazing madness. 1924年。到今天美国已经进入了一个疯狂的年代。 Bootlegging has grown from small, individual effort... 走私已经从小规模的,单个人的行为, ... to big business, embodying huge coalitions and combines. 变成一个巨大的充满团伙勾结的生意。 The chase after huge profits is followed closely by their inevitable partners... 对巨大利润的追逐伴随而来的是: ... corruption, violence and murder. 腐败,暴力,和谋杀。 A new and powerful tool appears, the Tommy... 一种新颖而强大的工具诞生了。汤姆卡宾枪, ... a light, deadly, wasp-like machine gun... 一种轻盈,致命,蜂锥般的机枪, ... and murder henceforth is parceled out in wholesale lots. 和谋杀一起充斥了批发市场。 What's the matter? Are you nuts? 什么事, 你是傻子吗, You want the other guard, don't you? 你想要引来另一个卫兵,是不是, You got those keys? Open up for Danny. 你拿了钥匙吗, 给丹尼开门。 Take good care of those guys. 把这些家伙处理一下。 All right, boys. Come on. Get moving, and fast. 好了,伙计们。快点,行动起来,要快。 Uncle Sam working for us. - The government takes it from Nick Brown. 山姆大叔在给我们打工呢。 - 政府从尼克?布朗那缴获来的。 We take it from the government. Pretty neat. 我们又从政府这里取走。真方便。 Danny, you go outside and watch. There may be some trouble around. 丹尼,你到外面看着点。里面说不定会有麻烦。 I don't want you here. - I ain't afraid. 我不希望你在这里。 - 我不怕。 I don't care. You're not cut out for this. 我不管。你不适合干这个。 Now, go on, do as you're told. Get outside. 去吧。听我的没错,到外面去吧。 I'd say there's about 4000 cases. - Eddie, the relief watchman just came up. 我觉得这里有4000箱。 - 艾迪,有个救援卫兵来了。 Now, look. Get those trucks moving and stay with them. 听着,带这些卡车出去。 All right, boys, wash it up. 好了,伙计们,风紧,扯乎。 Get in the trucks. Get ready to move. 上卡车,准备撤退。 Well... 啊… if it ain't my old sergeant. …要是不是我的老上士就好了。 Come on, chop him again. Let's get out of here. 快点,打晕他,我们撤退。 It's Sergeant Leather Lungs, our old pal. 是勒瑟?龙斯上士,我们的老朋友。 I told you we'd meet sometime when you had no stripes on your sleeve, and here we are. 我告诉过你等你脱下你的官服之后我们 总会有机会见面的。现在又见面了不是, You didn't have to do that. - He had it coming to him. 你没必要这样做的。 - 他活该。 Get in back with the boys. 跟伙计们一块上车。 Someday that heater of yours will blast you into the hot seat. 终有一天你的坏性子会给你惹来麻烦的。 Well, if it does, you'll be sitting right in my lap. 真要有这么一天,你也好不到哪去。 Nice, isn't she? 她很不错吧, She sings well. 她唱得很好。 See quite a lot of her lately, don't you? 最近你常来看她,对不对, I can't help seeing her. I have to be here quite a bit. 我忍不住要来看她。我不得不常往这边跑。 It's all right. You don't have to get sore. 这没有什么不对呀。你没有什么好难过的呀。 Why shouldn't you see her? 你为什么不可以来看她呢, She's your kind of kid. 她跟你很般配。 You both like the same things, talk the same language. 你们喜欢同样的东西,话语又投缘。 Just like me and Eddie. 就像我和艾迪。 All right, chumps. You've had your entertainment. 好了,傻瓜们。你们已经欣赏够了。 Now you can dance. Because when you dance, you get hot. 现在你们可以跳舞了。因为你们一跳舞, 你们就会全身发热。 When you get hot, you get thirsty, and that's the way we want you. 你们一发热,就会觉得渴。 这正是我所要的效果。 So come on! Dance and drink, folks. Come on, dance and drink. 大家动起来! 跳舞,喝酒,朋友们。 来,跳啊,喝啊。 Packing them in, huh? - Oh, so-so. 哄的客人团团转,哈, - 噢,一般般啦。 He can't be happy. He ain't got no tables on the ceiling. 他不会快乐的。他还遗憾没有在天花板 上摆上几张桌子呢。 Too bad, because we got new stuff for you. 太糟了,因为我们给你弄了些新东西。 Cut a pint into two quarts. - We're sending you 100 cases. 把一品脱兑成两夸脱。 - 我们给你送100箱来。 I don't need 100 cases. - You'll take them. 我不需要100箱。 - 你会用得上的。 You don't want to hurt our feelings, do you? 你不想伤害我们的感情,对吧, business is just so-and-so? Can you imagine that guy, saying 你能想象那个家伙居然说生意只是一般般, That guy'd beef if he won a sweepstake. 那家伙即使中了大奖都会牢骚满腹的。 Hello, kiddies. - Hello, boys. 你们好,孩子们。 - 你们好,小子们。 Hi, Panama. - Hello, George. 你好,巴娜玛。 - 你好,乔治。 Hi, Danny. - Hi. 你好,丹尼。 - 你好。 Eddie, I've been trying to locate you for hours. 艾迪,我找了你好几个小时。 There's several important matters we should discuss tonight. 我们今天晚上有好几件大事要商量。 They can wait. 很紧急的。 Wouldn't be a bad idea to pay more attention to our business instead of them cabs. 把心思放在我们的生意上 比放在那些出租车上要好得多吧。 We're doing okay. What are you beefing about? 我们干的不错啊。你有什么牢骚好发的, I wanna buy 10,000 cabs, I'll buy them. Besides, they're a good front. 我想要10000辆出租车, 我会买齐的。 再说了,他们可以充个好门面。 Maybe something to fall back on in my old age. 也许等我老了我还得靠它们呢。 In this business you shouldn't worry about old age. 在这个生意里,你不用担心老了没饭吃。 More cabs, huh? - Yeah. 更多的出租车,呃, - 对。 Yeah, that brings it up to 2000. - Piker. 是啊,快到2000辆了。 - 胆小鬼。 Excuse me. I'll see if I can grab a dance. - That'll be a break for some dame. 告退。我想看看能不能找个舞跳跳。 - 哪位女士可以好好乐一乐了。 Mr. Hart, you're wanted on the telephone. - Thank you. 哈特先生,有电话找你。 - 谢谢。 Excuse me. - Stick around, Lloyd. 告退一下。 - 别走了,洛伊德。 She's coming on again soon. 她很快又要上台表演了。 He's a good kid. 他是个好孩子。 You hope so. - What do you mean? 你做梦呢。 - 你什么意思啊, Far be it from me to start any trouble, but I'll lay you 8-to-5 right now... 我不是想要挑起什么麻烦, 不过我可以跟你打个8对5的赌… that kid's going to move in on your gal. …那个小伙子要追你的马子了。 I hope you know what you're talking about. - Sure I do. 我希望你明白你在说什么。 - 我当然明白。 Listen, Eddie. I'm trying to steer you right. 听着,艾迪。我在试图让你走正路。 Listen, gals like her go for guys like that. You know, with all that Joe College stuff. 她那样的女孩子喜欢他那样的那孩子。 你知道,上过大学受过教育之类的。 He'll take her to football games, fraternity dances. 他会带她去看橄榄球赛,大学生联谊会。 All that rah-rah stuff. 所有那一类的玩意儿。 A kid like him can't miss. 他那样的小伙子不会失手的。 Calm down, Eddie. 别冲动,艾迪。 Maybe George is right. 也许乔治是对的。 If he is, there's nothing you can do about it. 他要是对了的话,你也只好徒呼奈何了。 Shut up. 闭嘴。 I trust my friends. 我信任我的朋友。 You know, he's a sucker. 你知道,他是个傻瓜。 I don't trust mine. 我不信任我的朋友。 It's mutual, chump. 这是相互的,傻瓜。 They don't trust you, either. 他们也不信任你。 Tonight, I'll tell you a story. What shall it be? 今天晚上,我要给你们讲个故事。什么故事呢, Little Freddie. - But you've heard all about Little Freddie. 小小弗莱德。 - 不过你们已经听过小小弗莱德所有的故事了。 Come in. 近来。 It was sweet of you to send me this radio. - Does it work? 你真好,送我这个无线电。 - 有用吗, Sure. I can hear every word as clear as if the man was in the room. 当然了。我能听清楚每一个字, 就好像这个人就在这个房间里一样。 Are you able to get a lot of gab? 你收得到很多的瞎扯蛋吗, my last number, I had a band from Brooklyn. Well, before 上个频道,我收听到布鲁克林的一个乐队。 Yeah, that's science. 是啊,这可是科学啊。 Guy has to invent radio so you can pick up a broken-down outfit in Brooklyn. 男人们不得不发明这些无线电, 这样就可以呼叫警车把布鲁克林逮住的坏蛋带走了。 How are...? How are your singing lessons coming along? 你…, 你的演唱课进行的怎么样, All right, but I don't think you ought to waste your money on me. 还好啊,不过我认为你不应该在我身上浪费钱。 It's my money. Besides, I ain't wasting it. 那时我的钱。再说了,我没有浪费。 Say, you know where we're going Saturday? - Where? 你知道我们星期六上哪去吗, - 哪, New Haven. Going to see that football game. 纽海文。去看橄榄球赛。 Football? I didn't know you liked football. 橄榄球, 我知道你不喜欢橄榄球的啊。 I don't. But you can get to like anything if you stick at it long enough, can't you? 我是不喜欢。不过你可以喜欢上的,如果你 坚持得久一点的话,对吧, Yes, I suppose you can. 是啊,我认为是这样。 Come in. 进来吧。 Pardon me, but Panama told me I'd find Eddie here. 打扰一下,不过巴娜玛告诉我说我可以 在这里找到艾迪。 What do you want? 什么事, You forgot to sign the checks for the new cabs. I'll need them in the morning. 你忘了签这些买出租车的支票了。 我明天早上需要它们。 I thought you gave a great show tonight. 我认为你今天的表演非常棒。 Thank you. - I see you have a new crystal set. 谢谢。 - 我看你又有了一套新的水晶项链。 How's the reception? - Ought to be good. Paid a lot for it. 招待怎么样, - 一定很好。付了很多钱的。 I guess that makes it good. 我猜那会把它弄好。 That makes anything good. 那会把任何东西弄好。 Goodbye. - Listen, I've got the news broadcast. 再见。 - 听,我收到了新闻联播。 You boys listen to it. 你们男人应该听一听。 A whole lot easier reading the papers. - Your news broadcaster is on the air. 看报纸更简单些。 - 现在是新闻联播时间。 Here's a late news dispatch that just came in. 刚刚发来的最新消息。 United States government warehouse number 7 in New York was hijacked tonight. 美国政府位于纽约的7号仓库今天晚上被抢劫。 A quarter million dollars worth of liquor was removed... 价值25万美元的酒被偷走。 ... after two watchmen were shot down. 两个看门人被打倒。 One of the watchmen, Pete Jones, 42, was already dead of bullet wounds when found. 他们其中的一个,彼德?琼斯,42岁, 已经死于枪杀。 Jones was a World War veteran. 琼斯是个世界大战归来的老兵。 What did he say the watchman's name was? - I didn't get it. 他说那个看门人的名字叫什么来着, - 我没听清楚。 It sounded like Pete Jones. 好像是彼德?琼斯。 That was the name of our loudmouthed sergeant, remember? 那是我们那个大嘴上士,记得吗, There are a lot of Joneses, ain't there? 很多人叫琼斯的,对吧, Eddie... 艾迪… where were you and George tonight? …你今天晚上跟乔治到哪去了, With you. 跟你在一起呀。 Or maybe I don't remember. Ain't that always the correct answer? 或者我记不得了。这不是永远正确的答案吗, Hey, Eddie. I just got tipped off. Nick Brown's on his way over. 嗨,艾迪。我刚收到消息,尼克?布朗正在赶来。 What'll I do? - I'll handle him. 我怎么办, - 我来对付他。 See you later. 再见了。 You seem to be in an awful hurry. 你看起来很忙。 I have a lot of work tomorrow. 我明天有很多事要办。 I go on again in a few minutes. 我国几分钟又要上场了。 It'd be nice if you'd stay and keep me company till then. 你要是能留下来陪陪我就好了。 I haven't seen so much of you lately. 我最近没怎么见到你。 You're doing all right without any help from me. 没有我帮忙你就赶得很好了。 Don't say that, Lloyd. 别这样说,洛伊德。 You're afraid of the truth? 你害怕真相吗, I've told you time and time again I can't hurt him. 我已经一次又一次地告诉你了,我不能伤害他。 He's been so good to me. 他对我太好了。 You'll get yourself in so deep, you'll never be able to get out. 你已经卷入太深了,你会脱不了身的。 Well, what do you want me to do? - Tell him the truth. 你要我怎么办, - 跟他说实话。 Tell him that you don't love him, that you... 告诉他你不爱她,你… That I what, Lloyd? 我怎么样,洛伊德, Just tell him that you don't love him. 就告诉她你不爱他。 Lloyd, you're gonna stay and see the show, aren't you? 洛伊德, 你会留下来看我的表演,对不对, Yeah. - Oh, there's my cue. 对。 - 噢,我该上场了。 I'll see you out there. 我们外面见。 Here he comes. 他来了。 You two guys think you're pretty cute. 你们两个家伙觉得自己很牛,是吧, Shut up. The girl is singing. - Now, you listen to me. 闭嘴。女孩子在唱歌呢。 - 你听清楚了。 You tipped off the feds I was running in a load last night, and they took it from me. 你们昨天晚上联向邦政府告密, 他们收缴了我的东西。 He makes noise when he eats spaghetti too. 他吃通心面都有噪音。 And you lifted it from them. - Quit talking through your hat. 然后你们又从他们那里偷了来。 - 别在这胡说八道。 The watchman you knocked off didn't die right away. 你们打晕的看门来没有马上死掉。 He talked. - He was off his nut. 他说了话。 - 他疯了。 You're cute, but not cute enough. 你们很狡猾,不过还不够狡猾。 Hey, wait a minute, folks! 嗨, 等一等,朋友们! You're not gonna go home just because some of the boys have a friendly argument! 你们不会因为一些小伙子发生一场 友好的争论就回家吧, Come on, stick around. We're gonna give away more loot. 行行好,别走啊。我们会送上更多的大利是。 What's your hurry? - Man, get your boss. 你们急什么呀, - 伙计,搬走你们的老板。 Come on. Get this guy out of here. 快点,把这家伙弄出去。 Throw him out in the street. 把他仍到街上去。 Put your hat on. You'll catch cold. 戴上帽子, 你会感冒的。 I hope. 我希望。 Wait a minute. 等一等。 Put these in water for me... 帮我把这些放到水里… tramp. …垃圾。 Don't be frightened. It's all over. - You all right? 别怕,已经结束了。 - 你没问题吧, Yes, but there were innocent people there. 没问题,不过那边的人是无辜的呀。 I didn't have time to think of them. Get to your dressing room, rest up. 我没有时间考虑他们。去你得更衣室,休息一下。 Take it easy. Go ahead. Go on. 别紧张,去吧,去。 You can't come in my club and make a shooting gallery out of it. 你不能把我的夜总会搞成打斗场。 I'll bet there's over $5000 of damage. 我肯定造成了至少5000块的损失。 Oh, crying again, huh? I'll tell you what I'll do. You make a price... 好啦,又哭穷啦,啊, 我们这么办。你开个价… on this rattrap and I'll buy it. - You'll buy it? …我买下来。 - 你买下来, Yeah. I think a big boy like me should have his own playground. 对。 我觉得我这样的大人物应该有自己的场子了。 You two get together, draw up a contract. - I'm not drawing up... 你们俩聚一聚,起草一份协议。 - 我不会在给你起草… any more contracts for you. …任何协议了。 What's the matter? The shooting give you the jitters too? Go on, beat it. 怎么啦, 你也被这场打斗下怕啦, 去吧,走吧。 Eddie, you stuck up that warehouse tonight, didn't you? 艾迪, 你今天晚上抢劫了仓库,对不对, You have good ears. - You killed the watchman. 你听得很清楚嘛。 - 你杀了那个看门人。 I wasn't anywhere near him. - You were responsible. 我根本不在他附近。 - 你有责任。 It couldn't be helped. 那也没什么用。 You're getting excited over nothing. Let's talk it over. 你在大惊小怪。我们好好谈一谈。 No, Eddie, it won't work. This is where I draw the line. 不了,艾迪。没有用的。我有我的底线。 I said I'm through, and I mean it. 我说我不干了,我是认真的。 Don't you wish it was that easy? - Get out of my way. 你以为就这么简单, - 别挡我的道。 Put that gun away. - When I get good and ready. 把枪收起来。 - 当我有钱了, Friendship don't mean a thing to me. This guy's got enough on us to... 友谊对我不顶屁用。这家伙知道我们太多的事情了… He won't talk. - He'd better not. 他不会乱说的。 - 他最好别乱说。 Listen, you came into this racket with your eyes open. 听着,你进入这个圈子时可是眼睛睁得大大的。 You learned a lot and know a lot. 你学了很多东西,也知道了很多东西。 If any of it gets out, you'll go out with your eyes open, only with pennies on them. 如果任何东西泄漏出去,你会死得很惨。 Now, scram. Get out of here. Go on home and chase ambulances. 你这个叛徒,现在给我滚出去。 回家去追救护车混饭吃吧。 Where do you think you're going? - To look for excitement. 你知道你是上哪去吗, - 去找乐子呀。 There's a lull in the joint. 场子里安静下来了。 Now, look. Now that we got things fixed with the right people in office... 听我说。既然我们已经跟官面上的人搞好了关系… we got to sort of arrange things among ourselves, you hear? …我们就最好把自己的事情办好,你明白吗, Which means that instead of shooting things out, we gotta talk things out. 这就是能谈判解决的,就不要开枪来解决。 We got to get a setup where we work together. 我们必须有个能够一起合作的基础。 Where's Nick Brown? - I sent Danny after him. 尼克?布朗哪去了, - 我让丹尼找他去了。 I figured he might have forgot. 我想他可能把这事给忘了。 There's no sense in going on without him. He's gotta be in on this. 他要是不在我们也商量不出啥来。 他必须参加。 Look, you guys go out to the bar, get yourselves a drink on the house. 听着,你们大伙出去上酒吧去, 喝杯酒,公司付钱。 Good idea. - I'd enjoy a good drink. 好主意。 - 我要好好喝一杯。 You must have been reading about Napoleon. 你一定在读拿破仑的故事。 What's bothering you? 你怎么啦, First, you used to ask me about things, then you told me, now you ignore me. 首先,你以前咨询我的意见的, 后来你告诉我你的决定,现在呢,你都忽视我了。 My feelings is getting hurt. 我觉得很不好受。 Oh, my poor, delicate, little rosebud. 噢,我可怜的,敏感的,脆弱的花朵儿。 Ain't that a shame? 这不很令人遗憾吗, Just as long as your bankroll ain't hurt, you got nothing to squawk about. 只要你的银行账号还能收到钱, 你就没有什么好抱怨的。 When Brown comes, you can call me. I'll be out in the club. 等布朗来了,给我打电话,我在外面夜总会里。 Lefty, how do you like being a stooge? 左撇子, 做个配角好受吗, Oh, chief, I don't care. 噢,老大,我不在意。 Well, I do. 我在意。 I think maybe I'll have to do something about it. 我觉得我该做点什么了。 I'm going in with you. - Please, Lloyd, I want to tell him. 我跟你一块进去。 - 求求你,洛伊德, 我是想告诉他的。 All right, but tell him. 好吧,那就告诉他。 I'm getting tired of sneaking around back alleys in order to see you. 我已经厌烦了在后巷里偷偷摸摸的见你。 If you don't tell him tonight, I will. 你要是今晚不跟他说实话,我会的。 I'll tell him. Tonight. 我会的。今晚。 Bye, darling. 再见,亲爱的。 I'll meet you here after the show. - Okay. 我会在表演之后见你。 - 好的。 Good evening, Miss Sherman. - Good evening. 晚上好,谢尔曼小姐。 - 晚上好。 Eddie! Eddie! - What's the matter? 艾迪! 艾迪! - 怎么啦, Danny! 丹尼! Go on inside. 进去。 Bartlett, is this one of your boys? 巴利特,这是你的一个手下吗, Yeah. 是。 He was. 曾经是的。 Well, Danny... 丹尼… I told you this wasn't your racket. …我跟你说过这不是你的行当。 Get back there, now. Get back. Come on. Get back there. 搬过来,搬过来。快点,搬过来。 What was all the screaming about? 什么事大呼小叫的, Brown just delivered Danny's body. 布朗刚刚把丹尼的尸体送过来了。 Get the boys together. We're on our way. - Where? 召集一下兄弟们,我们过去。 - 去哪, Brown's. - Not me. You're the big shot around here. 布朗的地方。 - 我不去。在这里你是老大。 I'm only the office boy. 我只是个办公室打杂的。 All right, little man. 好吧,小男人。 Polish up the cuspidors. When you get through with your work, go home early. 把痰盂擦干净。做完事之后早点回家。 He'll be home early, feet first. 他会很早回家的,不过是脚先进来。 Hello. Hello. Get me Orchard-8591. 喂,喂,请接果树园8591号。 You know, I hate to do this to Eddie. Him and me have been such good pals. 你知道吗,我不是很愿意这样对付艾迪。 他跟我一直合作的这么好。 Hello, Nick Brown? - Yeah. Yeah, this is Brown. 喂,尼克?布朗, - 对,对,我是布朗。 Who is this? - It's your Aunt Sadie from Jersey City. 你是谁, - 我是你在泽西城的姑姑萨蒂。 Listen, Eddie Bartlett's on his way over to pay you a call. 听着,艾迪?巴利特正往你那边赶过去。 Yeah. Okay. 是吗,好啊。 I always say when you got a job to do, get somebody else to do it. 我总是告诉你们,当你有事要做的时候, 让别人来为你做。 Dinner's over. Get out. 晚饭吃完了,出去。 Just a minute. - I said, get out. 等一会。 - 我说过了,出去。 The check is on me. I hope you enjoyed it. 我给你付钱,希望你吃得愉快。 Come on. We're closing up the place. 快点。我们要打烊。 But we haven't eaten yet. - We've run out of food. Get out of here. 不过我们还没有吃啊。 - 我们没有吃的了。出去吧。 Go on. Beat it. Scram, sisters, spaghetti ain't good for you. 出去。姐妹们,通心粉不好吃。 Puts fat on the wrong places. Get rid of these people. 会在错误的地方长肥肉的。把这些人弄出去。 What's wrong? You try to ruin my business? 什么事, 你要毁掉我的生意吗, That ain't all that's gonna be ruined. 也不是所有的生意都会被毁掉。 Hey, wait a minute. You stay. 嗨,等一等。你们留下来。 It's all right. We've finished. - No. You're wrong. You're hungry. 没事的。我们吃完了。 - 不,你错了。你还饿。 Bring these people another order of spaghetti. 给这些人再来份通心粉。 But I've eaten all the spaghetti that I can take. 但是我已经吃饱了呀。 You'll eat more spaghetti and like it. Now, shut up and sit down. 你会吃下更多的通心粉而且喜欢上它的。 给我闭嘴坐下。 Luigi, keep that electric piano going. 路易齐,继续弹奏那个电钢琴。 Boys, Bartlett's on his way over. 伙计们,巴利特正在赶过来。 Now, you know what to do. 现在你们知道该做什么了吧。 Charlie, in the kitchen. 查里,守在厨房。 Manny, under the counter. Rocco, the phone booth, but keep low. 曼尼,柜台下面。洛克,电话亭,伏低点。 Joey, you take the cloakroom. 乔伊,守住衣帽间。 That's it. You stand around with that towel as if nothing was going on. 好了。你拿着毛巾若无其事地站在这里。 Now, eat as if you enjoyed it. 现在,津津有味地吃你们的东西。 When Bartlett arrives, give him the courtesy of the place. 等巴利特来了,对他客气点。 Show him that old Southern hospitality. 给他看看南方人的热情传统。 Where's Brown? - Brown? 布朗在哪, - 布朗, Oh, yes. He go out one hour ago, but he's coming back. 噢,他呀。 他一个小时前出去了,不过他在赶回来。 We can wait. 我们可以等一等。 Take it easy, boys. Make yourselves comfortable. 别紧张,伙计们。大伙随便点。 What are you sweating about? 你出什么汗, Nothing. 没什么。 It's hot here. 这里太热了。 What's the matter, Mama? - We want to get out of here. 什么问题,大妈, - 我们想出去。 We want to get out of here! 我们想出去! We have a special news bulletin. 特别报道。 Gang violence flared up again in New York tonight... 今天晚上纽约又发生了一起黑帮火并。 ... when three men died in a spaghetti restaurant on the East Side. 三个男子死在东区的一个通心粉饭店里。 All were the victims of a gang battle which transpired... 他们全部都是一个黑帮火并的牺牲品。 ... when one mob was trapped in the restaurant by another faction. 一个黑帮在饭店里伏击另一个黑帮。 are Nick Brown, powerful East Side gang leader... Among those who met their deaths 死者包括尼克?布朗,东区黑帮的大头目… ... also Rocco, Brown's lieutenant, and Manny Eckert. 还有洛克,布朗的副手,以及曼尼?艾科尔特。 We return you now to the marine room of the Edgecomb Hotel... 我们现在回到艾齐克姆饭店的水族馆… ... for music by Don McNeil and his orchestra. 欣赏唐?麦克尼尔和他的乐团的音乐。 That's right, George, you didn't get me. Take your hand off that heater, Lefty. 对了,乔治,你没有害到我。别摸枪,左撇子。 The only thing saving your neck is I can't prove you dealt me a second. 饶你今天不死是因为我找不到你害我的证据。 If I ever find out, I got one in here with your name on it. 我要是找到了,我会亲手把你做了。 Remember that. 记住。 Well, good night, folks, and come again. 好吧,晚安,朋友们,记得再来。 Don't forget, next Friday night we're gonna give away a Shetland pony. 别忘了,下周五晚上我们要赠送一只谢德兰马驹。 Good night, folks. 晚安,朋友们。 I paid off for Danny. - Yeah, I know. I heard it on the radio. 我给丹尼报了仇。 - 是啊,我知道了。刚刚听了新闻。 Sit down. 坐吧。 You know, I think I'll take Jean home. 我要带珍回家。 Jean's gone. 珍走了。 She said she'd wait here for me. 她说过她会在这里等我的。 Eddie, I'll tell you something you won't like. 爱低,我得告诉你一些你不爱听的事。 Jean's quit the club. Gave her notice. 珍退出了夜总会。留了个条。 Quit? What for? 退出, 为什么, Do I have to draw you a diagram? 要我给你画个图吗, Now, look, if you're trying to say something, get it off your chest and say it. 好吧,你要想说什么,尽管都说出来吧。 Jean's in love. 珍恋爱了。 Now you're being full of news. Sure she is. With me. 你现在才知道。 她当然在恋爱。跟我。 Eddie, this is gonna be kind of hard to take... 爱低,这可能很难接受… and I don't want you to get mad. 我不想你气得发狂。 Jean was never in love with you. 珍从来没有爱过你。 She went hook, line and sinker for that Lloyd guy the minute she saw him. 她从头到尾都只爱那个洛伊德,他们一见面就开始了。 And she's been seeing him every time your back was turned. 而且每一次你看不到的时候,她都跟他在约会。 I tried to give you the steer, but I guess I didn't get it over. 我是过给你一些暗示,我想我没有传达清楚。 Everybody knew it but you. 除了你谁都知道了。 Look, Eddie, as far as Jean is concerned, you've been... 听我说,埃迪。就珍而言,你已经… Shut up! 闭嘴! Okay. 好吧。 Lloyd, did you hear about Danny? - Yes, I did. 洛伊德,你听说了丹尼吗, - 我听说了。 All the more reason you should leave that club. 你更有理由离开那个夜总会。 I quit. - Did you see Eddie? 我退出了。 - 你见过艾迪了吗, He didn't show up. 他没有露面。 We'll go back and wait for him. 我们回去等他。 Cab, Mr. Bartlett? - Yeah, please. 坐车吗,巴利特先生, - 对,谢谢。 Never mind. 不了。 I'll walk. 我走路。 Beat it. 走开。 Beat it. 走开。 Eddie, listen to me... - What are you trying to prove? 艾迪,听我说… - 你要证明什么, Nothing, kid. 没什么,孩子。 Nothing. 没什么。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 Sorry. 对不起。 Does Eddie know that Jean walked out? 艾迪知道珍退出了吗, I don't think so. Suppose you tell him. 我觉得不知道。应该你告诉他的。 Here he is. - Hey, look... 他来了。 - 嗨… how's that booze I've been peddling? Any good? …我做的酒怎么样, 有什么好处吗, Better than most. - All right, let's sample a bottle. 比大多数的好。 - 好啊,我们喝一瓶试试看。 No, make it two. One for you and one for me. 不,要两瓶吧。我一瓶你一瓶。 Who can tell? I might like it. 谁知道呢,, 说不定我会喜欢呢。 Hey. Come here. 嗨,过来。 1929. As the dizzy decade nears its end... 1929年。这个混乱的年代已近尾声… ... the country is stock-market crazy. 整个国家狂炒股票。 The great and the humble, the rich man and the working man... 从大人物到小老百姓,从大富翁到小工人… ... the housewife and the shopgirl all take their daily flier in the market... 从家庭主妇到商店女侍,人人都投机于股市之中。 ... and no one seems to lose. 看起来人人都在赚钱。 Then, like a bombshell, comes that never-to-be-forgotten... 然后,就像一片弹壳来无踪影, ... Black Tuesday, October 29th. 10月29号,这个令人刻骨铭心的黑色星期二来了。 Confusion spreads through the canyons of New York City's financial district. 混乱迅速遍布纽约金融的方方面面, And men stare wild-eyed at the spectacle of complete ruin. 人们都被这个完完全全的大崩溃震惊了。 More than 16.5 million shares change hands in a single day of frenzied selling. 在疯狂抛售的一天里就有超过一千六百五十万份股票易手。 The paper fortunes built up over the past few years... 在过去短短几年中疯涨起来的财富 ... crumble into nothing before this disaster... 在这场灾难面前化为乌有。 ... which is to touch every man, woman and child in America. 美国每个男人、女人和孩子都深受其害。 Hey, boys! 嗨,伙计们! Now what do you want? - I need 200,000 to cover your account. 你又要什么, - 我需要20万来维持你的账号。 I gave you 200 grand. - I need it again. I'll give you an hour. 我给了你20万。 - 我又需要了。我给你一个小时。 Lf you don't have it, I'll have to sell you out. - All right, I'll get it. 如果你弄不到的话,我就得把你平仓。 - 好吧,我弄去。 There you are. That's five more. 又进了。又五块钱。 You must be sneaking lessons on the side. 你一定在偷偷地学。 What, are you still around? - George, I've got no time to waste. 怎么,你还在这里, - 乔治,我没有时间了。 I need 200 grand. 我需要20万。 Yeah? What am I supposed to do about it? 是吗, 我能为你做点什么, Will you put away that thing? 你能不能把那个东西放下, Look, I'll sell you 40 percent of my cab company for 200,000. 听着,我可以作价20万卖给你 我的出租车公司的百分之四十。 I don't want 40 percent of anything. 我不要百分之四十。 That's a lot of cabs, chief. - Over 6000. 那是很多出租车啊,老大。 - 超过6000辆。 I'll tell you what. I'll give you 250 grand for the whole company. 让我来告诉你。我给你25万买你全部的出租车。 Are you nuts? Those guys from Chicago offered me two million three months ago. 你疯了, 那些芝加哥来的家伙三个月前还报价200万呢。 Okay, then. Sell it to them. 好啊,那你就卖给他们吧。 But I can't get to them. I need the money now. 但是我联系他们不上。我现在就需要钱。 You heard my offer: 250 grand. Take it or leave it. 我已经报了价了,25万,不接受就请吧。 I'll take it. 我接受了。 Okay, it's a deal. 好,成交。 I'll tell you what I'm gonna do for you, Eddie. 我来告诉你我要为你做点什么,艾迪。 I ain't gonna take all your cabs away. 我不会拿走你所有的出租车的。 What's the hitch? 卖什么关子, I'm gonna leave you one, just one... 我会给你留一辆的,只留一辆… because you're going to need it, pal. …因为你会用得上的,老朋友。 First to feel the effects of the economic disaster which sweeps the country... 在这场横扫全国的灾难中首当其冲的 ... are the nightclubs, the speakeasies, and the bootleggers who serve them. 是夜总会, 地下酒吧,和为他们服务的走私者。 With the falling off of profits in the illegal liquor industry... 随着这个非法造酒工业的利润迅速跌落, ... the mobsters have difficulty in paying protection. 黑帮们也付不起保护费了。 And the number of raids, arrests and convictions double and quadruple. 突击,逮捕和判罪量迅速攀升。 Then in the depth of the economic despair that has gripped the country... 在这场深深打击了这个国家的经济绝望之中, ... Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president... 富兰克林?德拉诺?罗斯福当选总统, ... partially on the basis of his promise to end Prohibition. 这部分归功于他对终止禁酒令的 承诺 党员整改承诺书工程质量保证服务承诺书供货时间与服务承诺方案食品安全承诺书我公司的设计优势和服务承诺 。 In New York City, thousands of jubilant citizens march in a great beer parade... 在纽约市,成千上万狂欢的市民们 举行了一个盛大的啤酒游行 ... and shortly, 3.2 beer becomes legal. 很快,3.2 浓色啤酒合法了。 Finally comes the national referendum on repeal. 最后来了个全国公民投票 Tired of years of violence, corruption, and loss of personal liberty... 厌倦了多年的暴力,腐败和个人自由的损失 ... Americans go to the polls and overwhelmingly rout the dry forces. 美国人蜂拥而出去投票,大败保守势力。 After 13 years, Prohibition is dead... 13年后,禁酒令终于被废除了。 ... leaving in its wake a criminal element used to wealth and power... 留下了那些享惯财富与权势的犯罪分子 ... but unable, for the most part, to cope with the new determination... 在新的决议面前无所适从。 ... by an aroused public that law and order should once more reign. 在清醒过来的大众面前,法律与秩序 再次占据了统治地位。 Taxi. - Hey, taxi. 出租车。 - 嗨,出租车。 Where to, lady? - 331 Quigley Place, Forest Hills. 去哪里,夫人, - 奎格利331号,佛雷斯特?西尔区。 331 Quigley Place, Forest Hills. 奎格利331号,佛雷斯特?西尔区。 Eddie. 艾迪。 Yeah, I heard. 331 Quigley Place, Forest Hills. 我听见了,奎格利331号,佛雷斯特?西尔区。 Eddie, it's me, Jean. 艾迪,是我,珍。 How are you? - Fine. 你好吗, - 好。 How have you been getting along? 你过得好吗, I eat. 我还吃得下。 How's Panama? - All right. 巴娜玛怎么样, - 还行。 Where is she now? 她现在在哪里, She's around. 就在附近。 Lloyd's been doing pretty well. 洛伊德干得不错。 He's with the district attorney's office. 他在地方检察官办公室工作。 So I've been reading in the papers. He should do all right in that job. 我在报纸上看到了。他干那个工作应该没问题的。 I don't suppose you knew, but we have a baby now. 我猜你可能还不知道,我们有了一个孩子。 A boy. He's over 4. 一个男孩,已经4岁了。 We'd better hide this sleigh someplace or the kid's gonna want to go for a ride. 我们得把雪橇藏起来,以免他拿出玩。 Just put it behind the sofa. - Over here? 就放在沙发后面。 - 这里, Let me take your coat. - No, thanks. I can stay only a minute. 我给你拿大衣吧。 - 不了,谢谢。我只能呆一会。 How about some coffee? - No, I don't care for anything, honestly. 喝点咖啡, - 不了,坦白说,我不想要任何东西。 Hello, Mommy! - Hello, darling. 你好,妈妈! - 你好,亲爱的。 You been a good boy today? - I just killed three Indians. 你今天是个好孩子吗, - 我刚杀了三个印第安人。 Stick them up, mister. 举取手来,先生。 You got me, pal. You got me. 你赢了,伙计,你赢了。 Bobby, this is Mr. Bartlett, a friend of mine and your dad's. 波比,这是巴利特先生,我和你爸爸的一个朋友。 Hello. Can you shoot a gun? 你好。你会开枪吗, Yeah, I can, but I haven't done it lately. 会呀,不过我最近没开过枪。 Come over someday, and shoot Indians with me. 以后过来玩吧,跟我一起打印第安人。 It's a date. 好的。 It's Daddy! 爸爸回来了! Hello, Daddy! - Hello there, Buffalo Bill. 你好,爸爸! - 你好拿,公牛比尔。 How's my cowboy today? 我的牛仔今天怎么样啊, Fine. How about the funny papers? - Oh, sure. 很好。有漫画报吗, - 噢,当然了。 Here they are. - Thank you. 给你。 - 谢谢。 Why, Eddie. 是你,艾迪。 Well, this is a surprise. 这可是个惊喜。 It's nice to see you. - Hi. 很高兴见到你。 - 你好。 Hello, dear. - Hello. 你好,亲爱的。 - 你好。 Well, you're looking great. 你看起来很不错。 Thanks. I drove Jean out from town, with her Christmas shopping. 谢谢。我开车载珍从城里回来,她在做圣诞购物。 Well, good. - It was good to see you. I guess I'll be going. 好啊。 - 很高兴见到你,我要走了。 Won't you stay for dinner? - No, I can't. I've got a date. 你不留下来吃晚饭吗, - 不了,没有办法。我还有事。 Oh, come on, Eddie. It'll be fun. We could talk over old times. 噢,留下来吧,艾迪。会好玩的, 我们可以谈谈旧日时光。 No, l... Really, I got to get back to town. 不了,我真的要赶回城里去。 Oh, that's too bad. Some other time, maybe. 噢,太不凑巧了。那就下一次把。 Yeah. We'll do it some other time. - Oh, Eddie... 好。我们下一次在聚吧。 - 噢,艾迪… If there's anything I can do... 我要时刻以为你做点什么… Oh, there's... I'm not looking for any favors from nobody. 噢,有… 我不需要任何人帮忙。 I just ran into a streak of bad luck, that's all. I'll be up there on top again. 我只是走了点坏运头,仅此而已。 我会再次发起来的。 I just got to figure a new angle. - Eddie, the days of the rackets are over. 我只是需要找到新的机会。 - 艾迪,那种职业已经过时了。 Don't you kid yourself about that. 别蒙自己了。 There will always be guys trying to get up there quick, and I'm one of them. 总会有人想要很快爬上去的,我就是其中的一个。 I know you take your job very seriously, and I'll give you some good advice. 我知道你做事很认真,我要给你一些建议。 The papers say the district attorney's office is building up... 报纸说地方检察官办公室… a case against our friend George. - It's already built up. 在立案侦查我们的朋友乔治。 - 已经立案了。 Remember what George said would happen if you talked? 还记得乔治说过如果你开口的话会发生什么吗, I remember. 我记得。 So does he. 他也记着呢。 Eddie, if I don't see you again, merry Christmas. 艾迪,如果我不再见到你的话,圣诞快乐。 Thanks. - Same here, Eddie. 谢谢。 - 艾迪,我也祝福你。 Merry Christmas to you. 你也圣诞快乐。 Oh, Eddie, I didn't pay you. Lloyd, I owe him $3.20. 噢,艾迪,我没付你钱。洛伊德,我欠他3块2毛钱。 Never mind. Buy a Christmas present for the kid. 不用了。给孩子买个圣诞礼物吧。 Hey, what time do these lawyers go to work, anyhow? 嗨,这些律师什么时候去上班呀, That's him now, ain't it? - Yeah. 那是他了,是吧, - 对。 Yeah. 是了。 Bring me back something. - All right, Bobby. 给我带点东西回来。 - 好的,波比。 Come on, honey. In you go. 来吧,宝贝。进去吧。 What do you want? - We got a message for you from George. 你想干什么, - 我们替乔治传达一句话。 He says your boyfriend should bury what the D.A.'s got on him... 他说你的男朋友应该把地方检察官要 起诉他的事情好好处理一下… because if your boyfriend don't bury it, he'll get buried instead. 因为要是你的男朋友不处理的话,他自己 就会被处理了。 That's all. 就这样。 Pardon me. Do you know a taxi driver named Eddie Bartlett? 打扰一下,你知道一个叫巴利特的出租车司机吗, He picked me up here about a week ago. - I don't. 他大约一周前在这里载过我。 - 我不认识。 Why don't you ask one of those drivers? - Well, thanks. 你为什么不问一问那些司机呢, - 好,谢谢。 Do either of you know Eddie Bartlett? - I know him. 你们有人认识艾迪?巴利特, - 我认识他。 Where can I find him? - I haven't seen him in a week. 我可以在那里找到他, - 我已经一个礼拜没有找到他了。 Last time I saw him, he shouldn't have been driving his cab. He was oiled to the gills. 上一次我看到他的时候,他就不应该 开车了。他浑身上下全是油。 Ask the boys at the Royal Hotel. They might have seen him. 闻闻皇家饭店的小伙子们吧。他们可能见过他。 Thanks. 谢谢。 I saw him a couple of days ago, and is he on that bottle. 我两天前见过他,他和的酩汀大醉。 If you want to find him, look in the saloons. 你要是想找他的话,在沙龙里找找吧。 Don't you know where he lives? - Yeah. In the saloons. 你不知道他住在那里吗, - 知道。在沙龙里。 Well, which one? - Search me, lady. 那,哪一个, - 我也不知道,夫人。 You might ask some of the boys over at Grand Central. 你可以问问中央车站的小伙子们。 Thanks. 谢谢。 Maybe he's at that dive where that off-key canary sings. 也许他在那个过气金丝雀唱歌的地方。 Yeah, that's right. Flannigan's joint on Third Avenue. 对,第三大道的弗兰尼甘酒吧。 Flannigan's joint? - Come on, I'll take you. 弗兰尼甘酒吧, - 走吧,我载你去。 Thanks. 谢谢。 All right, professor, fold it up. 好吧,教授,打起精神来。 Of all the dog-and-pony joints I've worked in, this tops them all. 在我工作过的所有低档酒吧里,这个算是最好的了。 Never mind, honey. I like you. 别放在心上,宝贝。我喜欢你。 Well, happy New Year. 好吧,新年快乐。 It's a wet one, anyway. 不管怎样,这是个郁闷的新年。 They sure had a swell kid. 他们确实又个很可爱的孩子。 Yeah, you told me. 是啊,你已经说过了。 And Jean... 还有珍… Jean looks... - Yeah, you told me about that too. 珍看起来… - 是,这个你也已经告诉我了。 Jean gets prettier all the time. 珍一直都是越长越漂亮。 I've heard the same thing day after day for the past week. 在过去的一周里我已经听了一次又一次了。 I'm sick of watching you try to put out that torch you carry for her... 我已经厌倦了看你有这种劣酒… with a lot of cheap hooch. 来麻醉你自己。 Who's the kid look like? 那孩子长的像谁, Like her. 像她。 And they got a nice house? 他们还有个很好的房子, Yeah, it's a nice house, if you like that kind of a house... 是啊,好房子, 如果你喜欢那种房子的话… but for me, I'll take a hotel anytime. …不过对我来说,还是旅馆最好。 You know that. - Me too. 你知道的。 - 我也是。 Ain't it funny how our tastes have always run the same, ever since the first time we met? 这难道不是很有趣吗, 我们俩从初次见面开始就臭味相投, I can just picture you living in the suburbs... 我可以想象你住在郊区的样子… working in a garden, raising flowers and kids. …整理花园,种花,带孩子。 Would that be a laugh. 那可是个笑话。 Yeah, wouldn't I look cute? 是吗,我不会看起来更酷一点吗, Hello, Jean. - We were just talking about you. Sit down. 你好,珍。 - 我们刚好谈到你。 坐吧。 Why are you here? - I've been looking for you all day. 你干吗在这里, - 我整整一天都在找你。 A taxi driver finally told me where you were. 一个出租车司机最终告诉了我你在这里。 I'm in trouble. - What is it? 我有麻烦了。 - 什么麻烦, You were right about George. Today two of his men came... 关于乔治你说的队。今天他的两个手下来了… Knock over Lloyd? - No, but they threatened to. 打翻了洛伊德, - 没有,但是威胁说要对付他。 You've got to help me. - What do you want me to do? 你一定要帮帮我。 - 你要我怎么做, Go to George. Talk to him. 去找乔治,跟他谈谈。 Why should I? 我为什么要去, Lloyd will be killed. 洛伊德会被杀死的。 He won't be if he does as he's told. 他要是规规矩矩就不会死的。 Oh, but he can't. It's his duty. 噢,他不会的。那时他的职责。 Yeah, sure it's his duty. And it's George's duty to stop him. 是啊,那当然是他的职责。阻止他也是乔治的职责。 I'd do the same thing in George's place. - Eddie, please. For my sake. 我要是处在乔治的地步,我也会这样做的。 - 艾迪,帮帮忙。看在我的面上。 Sit down. 坐下。 Same old story. Same old story. Anytime she wants anything, she comes to me. 老调重弹,老调重弹。每一次她想要什么, 她就来找我。 I suppose that's all I ever meant to you anyway. 我想这就是我对你的全部意义了。 No soap, no. 别玩我了。 Maybe a patsy once, but never twice. 上当一次可以,两次可不行。 I don't see how it's gonna do any harm to talk to George. 我觉得去跟乔治谈一谈也没什么坏处。 Talk? There's only one language George understands. 谈一谈, 乔治只懂得一种语言。 If you think I'm gonna walk into a bullet just because that husband of hers... 如果你认为我要挨上一颗子弹仅仅因为… doesn't know enough to keep his trap shut, you're crazy. …她的老公不知道怎么躲开他的圈套,你就是疯了。 No dice, Jean. No dice. - Now, look. 没有希望的,珍,没有希望。 - 听我说。 No. 不。 All right, Eddie. I just thought I'd ask. 好吧,艾迪。我以为我可以求你帮这个忙。 Well, go ahead and say it. 好吧,你就痛痛快快说出来吧。 You just said it all. 你已经全部都说了。 Eddie, you've got to do something for them. She's got something to look forward to. 艾迪,你一定要为她们做点什么。她还指望着你呢。 Well, so have I. - What? 我也指望过呢。 - 什么, I'll be up there again. 我会再次发起来的。 Eddie, you're kidding yourself. The race is over. 艾迪,你在蒙自己。比赛已经结束了。 We're both finished out of the money. 我们俩都已经穷的一文不名了。 Maybe for you, but not for me. - It's over for all of us... 你也许是这样,不是我。 - 我们都完了… you, me and George. …你,我,还有乔治。 Eddie, something new is happening. 艾迪,新的世界正在到来。 Something you don't understand. 我们不理解的世界。 Hey, what's going on here? 嗨,发生什么事啦, Come on, break it up. Am I paying you to sing or gab? 快点,别再说了。我付钱请你唱歌还是侃大山的啊, Now, just a minute. You remember me. I'm Eddie Bartlett. 等一等,你记得我吗, 我是艾迪?巴利特。 Used to sell you your booze. 以前卖酒给你的。 Yeah, sure I remember. 是啊,我当然记得了。 And fine poison it used to be too, at fancy prices. 而且是一种很好的毒药,还要高价。 Yeah, you used to be quite a guy in the old days, didn't you? 对了,你以前是个大人物,对吧, That's right. Practically ran this town. 对。 实际上管着这个城市。 Well, you don't now, so beat it. 看来你不明白,滚出去。 Wait a minute. 等一等。 On your way before I have you kicked out. 赶快出去,否则我就要赶人了。 Start singing. - Get yourself a phonograph, jughead. 唱歌去。 - 买台电唱机去吧,坛子头。 I'm with him. Come on, Eddie. I'll get my coat. 我跟他一边的。走吧,艾迪。我去拿大衣。 You're right, Panama. 你是对的,巴娜玛。 We have finished out of the money. 我们已经一文不名了。 You wait here for me, huh? 你在这里等等我,好吧, I'd better go with you. 我最好跟你一块去。 No, you better stay right where you are. - Eddie... 不,你最好呆在这里。 - 艾迪… be careful. …小心。 Don't worry about me, baby. 不要为我担心,宝贝。 I can take care of myself. 我能照顾自己的。 And maybe George too. 也许还能照料一下乔治。 What do you want? - I want to see George. It's important. 你要干什么, - 我要见乔治。很重要的事。 I don't know, Eddie. I don't know if he'll see you or not. 我不知道,艾迪。我不知道他是否想见你。 Sure. Take him up. Give the boss a laugh. 当然了,带他上去。让老板乐一乐。 Come on. 走吧。 How do you like that? 你觉得怎么样, He sure hit the skids. 他确实是掉到阴沟里去了。 The rags of his pants are beating him to death. 他裤子上的破布片都要把他打死了。 Well, well, well. 啊,啊,啊。 When did you get out? 你什么时候出来的, Oh, I get it. Taking advantage of my good nature on New Year's Eve, huh? 噢,我知道了。想要利用以下我在新年 前夕的好心肠,对吧, All right, I'll go for it. How much? 好吧,我给你。要多少, I don't want no money. 我不要钱。 Don't tell me you came to wish me happy New Year? 别跟我说你来这里是跟我说新年好来的。 Something like that. 差不多吧。 All right, many thanks and the same to you. 好吧,非常感谢,也祝你新年好。 Goodbye, now, Eddie. I'm busy. 再见了,艾迪。我很忙。 I came to talk to you about Lloyd. 我来找你谈一谈洛伊德的事。 There ain't nothing to talk about. - I think there is. 没有什么好说的。 - 我觉得有。 Get him out of here, Lefty. 带他出去,左撇子。 All right, Eddie, on your way. 好吧,艾迪,出去吧。 Wait a minute, George. If you get rid of Lloyd there'll always be someone to take his place. 等一等,乔治。你即使杀了洛伊德, 还会有别人做他的事的。 I'll worry about that when it happens. - But they got a kid. 到那时我在想别的办法。 - 但是他们有个孩子。 Still carrying a torch for that dame, huh? 还在暗恋着那个女人呢,哈, Suppose I am? - Then what are you beefing about? 假定我是呢, - 那你还抱怨什么呢, I'm doing you a favor by knocking him off. 我灭掉他正是帮了你一个忙。 I warned him to keep his mouth shut. - But he can't. 我警告过他闭嘴的。 - 但是他不能那样。 There's a new kind of setup you don't understand. 这是个你不明白的新的世界。 Guys don't go tearing things apart like we used to. 人们不能再像我们那样为所欲为的。 People try to build things up. That's what Lloyd's trying to do. In this new setup... 人民在建设社会。这也是洛伊德在做的。 在这个新世界里… you and me don't belong. …我们都是局外人。 Maybe you don't. I do all right, anytime, anyplace. 你也许不是的。我干得还行,任何时候,任何地方。 Well... 好吧… I guess we'll let it go at that, George. …我们不说这个了,乔治。 Where are you going, Eddie? 你要去哪里,乔治, Home. 回家。 It's late. 太晚了。 Lefty and a couple of the boys will go with you. 左撇子和几个兄弟跟你一起走。 I don't want you walking the streets alone at night. 我不想你一个人晚上在大街上逛。 Really going to take good care of me, huh? - Yeah. 真的要照料我了,呃, - 对。 You said you didn't belong in this setup, so I'm getting you out of it fast. 你说过你不属于这个世界,所以我 尽快把你清除掉。 Sorry, but this is how it adds up. You're still in love with that girl. 对不起,不过事情已经走到这一步了。 你还在爱着那个女人。 You'd do anything to help her. 为了她你什么都做得出来的。 You got more on me than any guy in this town. 你比这个城市里的其他任何人都了解我。 And I'll lay you odds that you'll go to the cops and spill everything you know. 我猜你会去自首,告诉警察一切的。 Well, I'm just gonna beat you to the finish. 所以,我只好彻底的处理掉你。 Goodbye, Eddie, and happy New Year. 再见了,艾迪,新年快乐。 Get them up, George. So you thought I'd yell copper, huh? ,乔治。你以为我会告密,呃, 举起手来 I never did that in my life and never will. 我这一生从没做过这种事,也永远不会。 If I want anything done, I do it myself. 我要是像做什么,我自己就做了。 Yeah. 是。 You always was a fair guy, Eddie. 你一直是个正直的男人,艾迪。 I'll make a deal with you. We'll be partners again. 我跟你做笔交易。我们继续合作。 I'll take the heat off Lloyd, beat the rap some other way. 我不去找洛伊德的麻烦,再想别的办法逃脱惩罚。 Eddie... Crazy... 艾迪,疯了… Eddie, don't... 艾迪,别… Eddie. - This is one rap you won't beat. 艾迪。 - 你逃不掉的。 Sounds like Eddie talked out of turn. 听起来艾迪没什么好说的了。 Get up. 起来。 Open that door. 开那扇门。 Get them up. 举起手来。 You like to laugh, do you? 你喜欢笑,对不对, See if you think this is funny. 我到要看看你觉得这好不好笑。。 Eddie! Eddie! 艾迪! 艾迪! Eddie! 艾迪! Drop it! Drop it! 放下武器! 放下武器! Eddie. 艾迪。 Eddie. 艾迪。 He's dead. 他死了。 Who is this guy? 这家伙是谁, This is Eddie Bartlett. 这是艾迪?巴利特。 How were you hooked up with him? 你跟他有什么关系, I'll never figure it out. 我自己也弄不清楚。 What was his business? 他是干什么的, He used to be a big shot. 他曾经是个大腕。
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