首页 社会主义改造情景短剧剧本



社会主义改造情景短剧剧本社会主义改造情景短剧剧本 社会主义改造情景短剧剧本(草) 社会主义改造是指建国初期,中国共产党在全国范围内组织的对于农业、手工业和资本主义工商业的社会主义改造。其中,对于资本主义工商业的社会主义改造是三大改造的重点。 演员:董事长、经理、政府驻厂代表、工人各一名 场景一 董事长办公室 董事长坐在办公室办公,经理上 经理:不好了、不好了,董事长,政府要对我们下手了。 董事长:(收起手中的报表)慌什么慌,有什么大不了的 经理:听说政府要没收我们的工厂 董事长:(突然站起身来)什么,什么,再说一遍, 经...

社会主义改造情景短剧剧本 社会主义改造情景短剧剧本(草) 社会主义改造是指建国初期,中国共产党在全国范围内组织的对于农业、手工业和资本主义工商业的社会主义改造。其中,对于资本主义工商业的社会主义改造是三大改造的重点。 演员:董事长、经理、政府驻厂代表、工人各一名 场景一 董事长办公室 董事长坐在办公室办公,经理上 经理:不好了、不好了,董事长,政府要对我们下手了。 董事长:(收起手中的报表)慌什么慌,有什么大不了的 经理:听说政府要没收我们的工厂 董事长:(突然站起身来)什么,什么,再说一遍, 经理:我听说政府要没收我们的工厂 董事长:快给我说到底是怎么回事, 经理:董事长,错不了,我向驻厂代表问过了,他说要进行社会主义改造,所有的农业、手工业和资本主Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 义工商业都要进行社会主义改造 董事长:(跌坐回座位)我的娘啊,这该怎么办, 经理:(走过去安慰)董事长不要伤心,我相信会有办法的,我再去找政府驻厂代表问一问,肯定有办法的。 董事长:唉,去吧。 场景二 驻厂代表宿舍 政府驻厂代表正在看文件,经理(敲门)上 经理:张代表在吗, 政府驻厂代表:哪位, 经理:我是棉纺厂的孙经理 政府驻厂代表:哦,孙经理呀,快请进,快请进 经理上 政府驻厂代表:孙经理有什么事吗, 经理:(把礼品袋往边上一放)就是你上次跟我说的那件事 政府驻厂代表:哦,是关于资本主义工商业的社会主义改造的事情吧~ 经理:嗯 政府驻厂代表:怎么,孙经理还有什么不明白的吗, 经理:政府不会是真的要没收我们的工厂吧! Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 政府驻厂代表:哈哈,孙经理你真会开玩笑,政府怎么会没收你们的工厂呢 经理:政府不是要进行资本主义工商业的社会主义改造吗, 政府驻厂代表:哦,我想你是误会我的意思了,政府并不是要没收你们的工厂,来,你看看这份材料,你就知道了(拿本材料给经理) 经理:(看后松了口气)哦,吓死我了,我还以为…… 政府驻厂代表:你下你可以放心了吧~诶,对了,我这里还有一份关于这几年减免税收政策的材料,你拿去看看,有什么不明白的,打电话给我 经理:谢谢张代表,谢谢张代表(正要出门) 政府驻厂代表:诶,你的包别忘了 经理:这是我们董事长的一点意思,以后还要请你多多关照 政府驻厂代表:你这是什么意思,你可知道贿赂政府人员是一件多么恶劣的事吗,赶快给我拿走 场景三 董事长办公室 董事长正按着脑门叹气,经理敲门 董事长:进来 Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 经理:董事长,天大的喜事,天大的喜事 董事长:什么喜事呀,快说 经理:我们的工厂不会被没收了,还有更好的喜事等着我们呢, 董事长:还有什么好事, 经理:政府这几年不会收我们工厂的税收呢~ 董事长:太好了,真太好了 经理:董事长可有什么打算, 董事长:让工人们加班,多生产,我要联系另几家棉纺厂,让大家积压货物,提高价钱。这样我们就可以大赚一笔了,哈哈哈哈 经理:董事长这样做好吗,会不会有事, 董事长:你尽管照我说的去办,大不了赚一笔钱跑路,有了钱我们可以东山再起,怕什么 经理:董事长我这就去办 董事长:去吧 场景四 政府驻厂代表宿舍 敲门声,外面传来:张代表在吗, 政府驻厂代表:哪位, 工人:我,小李啊 Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 政府驻厂代表:小李啊,有什么事吗, 工人:张代表,你知道,最近厂里面让我们工人加班加点赶工,还不给加班费 政府驻厂代表:哦,我知道,最近市场上缺少纺织布料,为了增加产量,维护社会主义建设,你们工人们就多辛苦点。 工人:我们厂里积压有好多布料,怎么会缺布料呢, 政府驻厂代表:什么,你说厂里有好多布料, 工人:是啊,有好多呢 政府驻厂代表:好,你去吧,事情我会解决 场景五 董事长办公室 政府驻厂代表进 政府驻厂代表:吴董事长, 董事长:张代表,有什么事, 政府驻厂代表:厂里囤积有那么多布料,为什么还要让工人们没日没夜地加班,市场上那么缺布料,你为什么不向市场投放布料,你有什么企图, 董事长:我这不都为厂里吗,厂里都快没资金了,都无法运作了 政府驻厂代表:我不管,你这个投机倒把的行为,是会有报应的,你还是尽快把布料投放到市场吧。 Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 场景六,董事长办公室 董事长正在打电话,经理(急匆匆)上 经理:董事长不好了,我们工厂要倒闭了 董事长:什么, 经理:我们工厂要倒闭了,政府从全国各地,调来大量的布料投放到市场,今天布料的价格剧跌呀 董事长(手捂胸口,瘫坐在椅子上) 经理:董事长你没事吧 董事长:这回全完了 (全剧终) Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
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